Chapter 7/Final: When the Knight Decides

Ash and Zoey were back together again since their little squabble. It wasn't too long ago that Zoey complained about Ash's acceptance to Serenity's request to protect Rini and assist the Sailor Moon and the Sailor Scouts, which he did with surprisingly outstanding results: Rini was safe, Diamond, Sapphire, Emerald and Team Galactic have been disposed of, and Crystal Tokyo was peaceful once again. Serena and the scouts, with Rini and Pikachu, regrouped with the trainers, ready to thank Ash for his help...and to return the Aura Moon Sword. That sword came out of Ash's body during the three-on-three battle with Diamond, Saturn and Toxicroak. Serena and Ash shook hands, a greeting of the good times that passed. "Thanks for all your help, Ash," Serena acknowledged. "We couldn't have done the job without you." Aw, that was a nice way of putting it.

"Likewise," Ash accepted. "I don't think the Negamoon will show themselves for a while. Same with Team Galactic." Raye, Mina, Lita and Amy would agree without doubt. Zoey was interested with who everyone was...other than Ash and Pikachu, of course.

"So, you are the scouts that watch over this place, aren't you?" she guessed.

"Well, somewhat," Raye replied. "We're Sailor Scouts. I'm Sailor Mars."

"I'm Sailor Mercury," Amy informed. Next?

"I'm Sailor Jupiter," Lita named herself. Who else?

"And I'm Sailor Venus," Mina identified. Ash and Zoey shook hands with the scouts, and Zoey had a chance to see Rini. Ash had a moment to recollect on what transpired. The encounter with Zoey, the story she was in the middle of telling, Team Galactic showing up, the arrival at Crystal Tokyo, the Negamoon...everything happened so fast, it barely processed through his head.

"I can't believe we went through that big of an adventure, just tonight," he summed up. "Too bad Brock or Dawn couldn't join us." Yeah, they missed out on all the fun. Lita approached Ash, his cap on hold.

"Hey, Ash," she voiced. Ash turned to the scout in green, and the cap that was blown off during the exchange of blasts with Diamond.

"My trainer's cap. Thanks." As Lita tossed Ash his cap back, he looked over to his bare hands. His gloves were melted off by Diamond's magnified blast. "Too bad my gloves can't be recovered. My mom's gonna flip out." Well, you might wanna think about how to explain it to her.

"I bet she'll understand. It's not everyday that normal humans could assist us, let alone send the Negamoon packing." That was quite a feat. That's when Raye came up to the two, still awed by the aura that Ash displayed.

"I don't know about Ash, being a normal human," she huffed. "Since when can someone summon a sword from his/her body and still be in tip-top shape?" Ash didn't really have the look of someone in tip-top shape, and he was about to let her know.

"Actually, I'm pretty worn out," he confessed. "Diamond's eye took a chunk out of my stamina, and I thought I was gonna faint when the sword was drawn out of me." Raye and Lite believed Ash, but it wasn't the fact that Raye was pointing out.

"I mean when the sword came out. You don't have any exiting wounds." Oh, that. Ash couldn't come up with an explanation for that. Not a tear on his body. Go figure.

"I guess so." A nervous laugh echoed out of Ash, unavailable with a knowledgeable reasoning. Zoey was with Mina, Amy, Serena and Rini as Zoey was discussing what it was like in the Pokémon World. Although Rini was informed before by Ash, she listened to what Zoey had to bring up in addition. Serena watched the jubilant redhead, thinking back to her romantic times with some of her friends.

'Zoey tends to remind me of Molly, except with more spunk and will,' she pondered. She peered back at the sword. 'Ash reminds me more of Neflyte, that brave and courageous youthful version, doing what relies in his heart over his duties. Guess I won't let him go for sometime.' Maybe not. Zoey saw the nostalgic look on Serena's face, her eyes gazing at the sword.

"Hey, Sailor Moon," she called. Serena swept her head over to the redhead. What was on her mind?

"What's up, Zoey?"

"I was wondering if you were okay. You seem to be spacing out quite a bit with your sword." It wasn't Serena's sword, Zoey. Still, Serena felt the need to acknowledge Zoey about what her thoughts on Ash laid on.

"It's actually Ash's sword, and I was gonna give it back. Besides, you and Ash remind me of a good friend and a troubled enemy who had a change of heart before dying." Hey, anyone who shows focus for a brighter future would be a good person to rely on. Believing that those two that Serena named had some romance of their own, she thought back to when she had a chance to speak with Ash.

"Like I told him before this fiasco, I'd fallen for him because of that deterministic aura that he sports." And to think, that was suppose to be a play of words. Serena gazed at the sword, once more.

"He's got more than that, I'll grant him. A lot more." That's when Ash returned to the two girls, willing to get going. He got a little suspicious of what those females were talking about.

"You guys talking about me?" he wondered. Serena and Zoey nervously laughed, vainly trying to hide that topic. It was to no avail.

"Well, who else would we want to talk about," Zoey admitted. Serena held the sword with both hands under the blade, and presented it to Ash.

"You can have your sword back," she offered. Ash was befuddled with what Serena was giving away, unsure if this sword did belong to him. "It's yours. You can have it." Ash couldn't understand why Serena would give up the sword that came out of his body. Surrendering, Ash grasped the hilt of the sword, and rose it toward the sky. Suddenly, the sword started to glow...and disappeared in the glow. Then, the glow began to coat Ash's body. This surprised Zoey, not believing that the sword and Ash were parts of each other. Serena knew that, since she saw his aura in action. The glow started to dim when the blue crescent moon reemerged on Ash's forehead. That caught Serena off-guard.

"What's going on?!" An association with the moon, or something along those lines?

'Don't tell me...he's a sailor scout?' Ash, a sailor scout? Did that mean that he'd be wearing a skirt, blouse, tiara, whatever the others had on? When the glow faded, Ash opened his eyes, seeing gawking faces on the girls, while Lita, Raye, Mina, Rini with Pikachu, and Amy raced to the three.

"What?" Ash wondered. "What is it?" Everyone's trying to figure that out. Suddenly, a shot of light flashed above the group. There was a pause before everyone looked up and saw another Sailor Scout. This female had long, long green hair with a faded ruby jewel in her tiara. The purplish jeweled brooch rested on top of the black bow over her covered bust. She also had a raven-colored skirt, and knee-high high-heeled boots, and held a staff, longer than her tall profile. The silver staff's head was shaped like a heart with a purple jewel in it. Ash and the female harem that circled alongside were dumbfounded with the arrival of this new scout.

"Pluto?" Amy guessed. Pluto as in Sailor Pluto?

"Did she know about the extra service that was provided?" Mina wondered. Wonder no more. She was about to speak.

"Sailor Moon, Sailor Scouts, well done with your mission," she praised. "Don't relax too much. The clan hasn't been eliminated, yet. You've only severed the link to access Crystal Tokyo from them." Diamond, Sapphire, Emerald and Team Galactic were still alive? Dang! That's when Pluto looked over to Ash. Oh boy, was he in trouble for trespassing into Crystal Tokyo? "As for you...long lost Azure Knight." Azure Knight? Ash was befuddled with what Pluto called him. He wasn't the only one.

"Azure Knight?" Raye repeated. "This boy? Ash?" We know. It's a pretty big shock. Pikachu, once again, not responsible.

"He bares the mark of the moon, does he not? However, his moon shines blue, unlike your moons, scouts, which shone gold. In addition, the Moon Aura Sword is evidence enough that proves that he's the Azure Knight that roamed and protected the Moon Kingdom, eons ago." This became complicated. The Moon Aura Sword belonged to this Azure Knight, and protected this kingdom some long time ago.

"Excuse me, but you're saying that Ash was once this Azure Knight?" Zoey tried to replay. "Who was this Azure Knight and how is he or she related to Ash?" Pluto was willing to portray story time.

"Eons ago, Queen Serenity was protected by her husband, and the scouts that were meant to protect her from the Dark Moon. However, there was one man who roamed the kingdom, wielding a mighty blue sword. Gowned in the midnight blue armor, he fought to keep peace amongst the kingdoms, and vowed to fight with Serenity and her soldiers in a proposal for her hand in the princess's marriage. Despite the refusal of her hand, he fought anyone who plotted to assassinate the queen and her daughter. History bestowed that the Azure Knight slain thousands of demons...until the loneliness in his heart succumbed. News of the Azure Knight's death brought grief amongst the kingdoms, mostly weighing on Serenity's heart. She casted his remains into the stars, wishing to revive him and explain her grievances of his bravery." Wow! The Azure Knight proposed? But it was such a sad tale, especially how he died. That's when Amy figured out the rest of the story.

"Because of the absence of the Azure Knight, the door of opportunity was blown wide open, allowing the Dark Moon to strike, mortally wounding Queen Serenity," she theorized. "She sent us to Earth, before she died of her injuries and fatigue." Just imagine if Serenity allowed this Azure Knight to marry the daughter. Would none of this happen?

"It sounds absolutely far fetched, but the truth includes that the knight was noble, honest and heroic. Even more unbelievable, Ash demonstrated those qualities to the words they stem from." Ash seemed overwhelmed in humbleness, unsure if he should believe this tall tale.

"It sounds so surreal," he hushed as he stared at his hand. "For me to be this Azure Knight..." It was a lot to take in.

"Azure Knight Ash," Pluto called, causing Ash to look up to her. "You've proven yourself worthy of joining the Sailor Elite in protecting Earth from the villainy of the Dark Moon. The presence of the reincarnated Azure Knight will be, without a doubt, a great asset to the force and could eliminate the Dark Moon of it's treacherous grips." It was an offer to protect the Sailor Scouts and Rini. Ash smiled, as if to accept Pluto's offer.

"I appreciate your offer, but there's a place...and someone who desires my presence more...right, Zoey?" In response, Zoey clasped Ash's other hand. She was snappy fast. Ash wasn't surprised with her unique way of an answer.

"Right." Ash wanted to return to the Pokémon world and Pikachu didn't want to be left behind. Raye and Lita felt a bit denied, noting that Ash wouldn't want to be with them.

"I understand," Pluto surrendered. "I respect your decision." With those words, Serena and Rini, still holding onto Pikachu, came forward. Looked like they had some words to speak of before they parted ways.

"Ash, thanks again for everything," Serena hummed. "I believe this belongs to you, right?" Pikachu hopped from Rini's shoulder and onto Ash's.

"Hey, I'm still in a bit of shock that I'm this legendary Azure Knight," he admitted. Yeah, no one saw that coming.

"Say, Ash," Rini spoke up. "Is it all right if I visited your world, sometime?" Hey, why not? Ash, Zoey and Pikachu visited your world, so what's wrong with the vice-versa?

"Of course," Zoey replied. "Believe us, our world is just as exciting over there, too." The smile on Rini's face sparkled, liking the opportunity to see what lied in store for her. "Besides, this Azure Knight ain't living the same life, now that he's got me." The romance was well noted, considering that Zoey had yet to let go of Ash's hand, not that it bothered Ash at all. Pluto was ready to do what needed to be done. To Ash, Zoey and Pikachu, home was on the way.

"Azure Knight," she voiced. "I'm ready to send you and your friends back to your world." Ash nodded, as Serena and Rini retreated back to the other scouts.

"We're ready," he acknowledged. Pluto rose her staff to the sky, as it began to illuminate. That's when everything became bright with light...

(Pokémon World)

Back to where Ash and Zoey left from, which was Zoey's camp, Brock and Dawn returned to the path split and followed where Ash and Pikachu walked toward. Did Dawn already compete in her latest contest? They raced over, looking panicked. "Ash!" Dawn screeched. "Ash, where are you?" When Ash and Zoey departed to Crystal Tokyo, they found that portal behind the waterfall. Why don't you check there? They checked around the area, even the lake. No Ash, no Pikachu?

"Did Team Rocket make off with Ash and Pikachu?" Brock wondered. No, not even close. That's when the two spotted Zoey's campsite. "Zoey? She's here?" Yes, with a special surprise. "Let's check to see if she's seen Ash." They were going to be clued in, because Pikachu was stepping from the tent, and going to the lake.

"Pikachu?" Hearing Dawn calling it's name, Pikachu turned to the surprised man and girl.

("Morning, Dawn,") Pikachu yawned, nonchalantly. ("Morning, Brock.")

"Pikachu, where's Ash?" Brock questioned. Like, you needed to ask.

("Still sleeping.") Dawn and Brock shot looks at each other, before going to look inside. When they did...let's just say, the two that were still sleeping...not only were they in the same futon,, what a sight for Dawn and Brock to freak out on. Ash and Zoey were snuggling so close, many would question what they did last night...other than going to Crystal Tokyo, stopping Team Galactic and the Negamoon, and teaming up with a handful of Sailor Scouts. Either Zoey was naked or she was wearing a strapless bra. Her head laid against his shoulder, but Ash didn't mind it. Heck, it looked like Ash enjoyed having her head on him. So, why did Pikachu act so calm to this sight?

"Ash Ketchum, what in the world are you doing?!" Dawn screamed. That alerted Ash and Zoey awake. Those two were stunned to see Dawn and Brock, as Zoey tugged the futon to cover her bust. She was naked? Ash, you naughty boy, you.

"Dawn, Brock," he hiccuped. "Surprised to see you so soon." You're surprised? In case you haven't noticed, they're gazing at your supposedly naked body alongside Zoey.

"Don't 'surprised to see you so soon,' mister! What in the world are you two doing, sleeping under the same bag?" Dawn, there's no reason to blow a gasket over what you were seeing.

"For heaven's sakes, Dawn," Zoey cranked. "We just got to sleep about a couple hours ago." She released her grip on the futon to wipe some of the sleep from her eyes, which revealed a satin silky strapless maroon piece of lingerie. Guess she wasn't in her birthday suit, but something was amiss. What was it? Brock felt ashamed for disturbing their sudden slumber.

"Sorry for waking you up," he apologized. "You see, Gary just happened to come across us." That didn't really mean that you had to wake up the two sleepers. So?

"Okay..." Ash mumbled. "What about your contest?" Dawn looked like a child, overruled by her parents: frustrated.

"I think we need to let you rest. It sounds like you guys had an exciting night, last night." Thanks, Brock. The two walked a short distance away, which Brock decided to borrow Zoey's pots to cook breakfast as Ash and Zoey laid back down, lips connected. Never mind that, there's a flash forward. Ash and Zoey proved to be a mighty force to be reckoned with. They didn't need the Sailor Scouts to assist them. Months had passed faster, than a soccer's World Cup season.

(Months Later/Sinnoh League Tournament)

Ash and Zoey traveled together throughout the Sinnoh Region, winning Gym Badges and Contest Ribbons left and right. Zoey competed in the Sinnoh Grand Festival, winning the Contest cup, leaving room for her boyfriend, Ash, to clean up the League. That's right...hours after that rude awakening, Ash and Zoey declared themselves as a dating couple. Now, it was Ash's turn to do something, and do he did. It's the final round for Ash. The Championship Match. Ash had battled a long way to arrive to this big battle. He was preparing himself in the waiting room. By his side, of course, was Zoey. "You're battling Paul for the title," Zoey notified. Hearing his opponent for the championship, Ash was psyched.

"I can finally put him in his place, once and for all," he pumped himself. Seemed, as though, Ash and this Paul have been feuding for sometime. Pikachu acted just the way Ash behaved: psyched. They were ready to win the League. That's when a noise was heard from outside the room.

"Why can't I go visit Ash?" sounded...Rini? Shooting looks, Ash and Zoey wondered if somehow Rini found a way to get here. They ran to the hall's entrance was, where a security guard was Rini, along with a new looking Serena and...who's that handsome raven-haired man with the two girls? Serena was dressed into street clothes, with a long-sleeved pink shirt and jeans.

"I'm sorry, but I cannot allow you to pass through," the guard warned. Rini was getting antsy with seeing Ash and Zoey. That wouldn't take long.

"Excuse us, sir," Ash voiced. The guard turned to the trainer who was going to battle soon. "They wanted to talk to us. It's okay, is it?" The guard thought it was extra support for his match.

"If they're with you, then I guess it's okay." He turned back to the three who entered the scene. "Sorry for the misunderstanding. Please, make sure it's quick." Quickly nodding, the three joined the two into the waiting room. Serena and Rini hadn't seen Ash and Zoey in a while...and it showed as Rini hugged Ash.

"Easy, Rini. I missed you, too." Zoey petted her hair, which Rini didn't seem to mind. That's when Zoey saw the bigger man and studied the new looking Serena.

"I don't think I've seen you before," she pointed out. Serena was quick to react.

"This is my boyfriend, Darrien," she named. Darrien and the trainers shook hands, greeting this new friend. "And I'm Serena, Rini's cousin." Really? Serena's cousin? Darrien had a chance to composite Ash a little.

"I heard from Serena's friends that you've got a unique ability," he pointed out. Ash giggled, trying to hide the fact that his aura was a dangerous weapon.

"Believe me, the ability I have, is not a toy to mess with," he admitted. That's to say the least. "So, you guys came to see me finish off this tournament?" Duh! What did you expect, autographs?

"Yeah, I politely asked Sailor Pluto to transport Serena and her friends to watch you, too," Rini said. "She would've wanted the Sailor Scouts to come, but she said that would've been too much of a hassle." Like Ash needed extra protection. Ash smiled, thinking that it was no big deal.

"Oh, well. I do admit, I'm actually glad that you and Serena's friends could make it." Darrien was quick to intercept his comment.

"Hey, don't spoil our trip with you losing, okay?" he pointed.

"I won't." That's when Ash thought of something that would perk Rini's fun trip. "Say, Rini, how about you join me and Zoey when I'm called out for my match?" Guess what? Rini was excited to hear of this invitation.

"Can I?" she squeaked. Ash bobbed a nod, and Rini jumped for overzealous joy. Zoey, Serena and Darrien sweat dropped in disbelief, believing that Ash had already spoiled the youngster. That's when the guard came back, ready to alert Ash of his battle being time.

"Alright, everyone, you can return to the stands," he ordered. Ash's battle for the championship was about to start.

"Well, that's our cue to leave," Darrien spoke up. "Good luck, Ash."

"Thanks, Darrien, Serena," Ash replied back. Darrien and Serena departed to get into the stands in the stadium, leaving Ash with the two girls, ready to head out onto the stadium floor. "Well, Zoey, Rini, ready to make our move?"

"You know it, Ashy-love," Zoey teased, clutching Ash's hand. Rini did the same with the other hand as Pikachu hopped onto his head. They entered a tunnel, ready for Ash to be summoned out. Darrien and Serena got into the stadium stands, where Amy was sitting, reserving seats for the others.

"Darrien, Serena!" she called out. Amy was also wearing street clothes, trying to blend into the crowd. That's when she noticed that Rini wasn't with those two. "Rini?"

"She's with Ash," Serena answered. Amy felt trust with Ash since what happened those months ago, so if Rini was with him, it's cool. That's when Serena noticed other things that were nonexistent. "What about---"

"They were running a few errands, but said to be here, before the match starts. They never said what it was, but I doubt it's anything too reckless." Satisfied, Darrien and Serena sat guess who? Not Dawn. Not Brock.

"I finally get to see my son in the finals," an overeager mother screeched. The ponytail brunette mother wore a pink, single-button t-shirt with a teal skirt. Serena and Darrien didn't make out what just shot out of her "cannon," but Amy knew what the low-down was.

"I know you're ecstatic about Ash, Mrs. Ketchum." Mrs. Ketchum? Ash's mother was joining a couple of the Sailor Scouts in the stands? That made Serena jump.

"You're Ash's mom?" she gawked. Mrs. Ketchum nodded to the claim.

"This is Delia, and she told me that this is Ash's fifth tournament. Ash placed in the Top 16 in the Indigo games, won out in the Orange Tournament, and finished in the Top Eight in both the Johto and Hoenn Leagues. Ash understands the pressure that builds as he advances, and that's what rockets him further and further into each tournament." Wow! Ash was a seasoned trainer. Thanks, Amy.

"I'm just excited to see my little master perform on the biggest stage of his life," Delia stammered. "And since I heard that his girlfriend won the Grand Festival, around here, I believe that Ash is going to be just fine as soon as the battle starts." Who could blame her? This was her own flesh and blood that was about to step out with two girls.

"With the history that you've given all of us," Darrien reviewed. "It's risen our beliefs that Ash can win against Paul." There's confidence surrounding the fans. However, something was about to change for the unusual.

"Ladies and gentlemen, there has been a slight change in today's championship match," the Public Announcer echoed. "Due to a violation in Sinnoh League Tournament rules, Veilstone City's Paul has been disqualified from competing in this final match. His opponent of the semifinal match, Dewford Town's Peter will be the finalist to compete." So much for that match-up. "So, from Dewfort Island in the Hoenn Region, it's Peter!" Out of one of the tunnels, emerged a blond man with glasses over blue eyes. His tanned body had the concentration to go out and do his duty. He was from the islands.

"Well, so much for seeing that jerk that hates Ash," Delia sighed. Paul was a jerk? Was his attitude the reason he was disqualified? Never mind it now.

"And now, accompanied by his girlfriend, Sinnoh Grand Festival's champion Zoey and another girl, the Pallet Town Powerhouse from the Kanto Region, it's Ash!" Ash emerged from the other tunnel, holding hands with Zoey, carrying Rini in his arm and Pikachu on his head. The foursome met Peter in the circle, in the stadium's clay turf midfield. A referee arrived to meet the two as Ash, releasing his hand from Zoey, used it to shake Peter's hand.

"Ash Ketchum, it's an honor to battle with you," Peter acknowledged. "Shauna told me about your training skills." Ash seemed to recall that name.

"Well, how has she and Brawly been doing?" he wondered.

"Riding the matrimonial waves, much like you and Zoey are." The four enjoyed a laugh, thinking that it was funny. Delia and Serena seemed to enjoy the sight of pending good competition.

"This is better than what I was expecting," Delia praised. Well, the peace was about to be shattered. A quake rumbled the stadium. The youngsters turned to where there were mechanical sounds, and that's when they spotted...a flying muscled-like tank?! The light blue tank, which looked like a four-armed creature and included a red "R" on the chest, flew into the stadium and landed yards in front of the group. The crowd clustered sounds of fear and screamed at the behemoth machine. "A Machamp tank from Team Rocket?!" This wasn't good. Inside, there was a blue-haired man, a blood redhead woman, and a cat with a charm embedded on its forehead, all in the cockpit of this mechanical beast, which was located in the head.

"Well, we're disappointed that the angry twerp was kicked out of the tournament," the redhead showed her complaint. "But we'll take home the consolation prize. Meowth?" Which one was Meowth? The cat?

"Roger, Jessie!" the cat meowed as he hit a button. One of the four hands opened, where there was a hole in the middle of the palm. A cannon? What fired out of the hand was a bright sphere, zipping toward the group. Head's up! All dove clear as the sphere hit the turf and blew up. Peter was with Rini, Zoey held onto Pikachu and Ash quickly collected himself before realizing that Zoey was open. "Now, James! Reel in the catch!"

"You got it!" James, the blue-haired, spoke up as he toggled some sticks. Another arm zoomed toward Zoey and Pikachu, hand opened to catch them. Ash got up, not wanting Team Rocket to capture them. He got to the arm and that's when...SLASH! In a snap, Ash pulled out the Moon Aura Sword. Ash was able to summon his own sword on a whim? Nice! The arm stopped as soon as Ash drew his sword. Pretty good reason, too: the arm fell from the swift strike of Ash, severed from the rest of its chassis. Zoey saw how close the arm was to getting her and Pikachu, while Team Rocket began to freak out a little bit.

"Thanks, Ash," Zoey praised with blushing cheeks. Ash pointed the blue sword toward the vehicle, and the stunned trio.

"That's quite a sword," James stuttered. Meowth had to wonder where the sword emerged from.

"What kind of sword is that?" it feared. "Where did he draw it from?" If you knew where, you'd be gawking even worse than right now. Jessie didn't think that the sword was a big deal. She had no idea what latent abilities it bestowed.

"What are you two scared of, a simple sword?" she tried to toughen up the "men." "A sword is known for close range combat. We've got the arsenal to outwit that." While she made her point, she did it in front of a speaker...where Ash had to show a grin that would scare the Grimm Reaper straight.

"This is true, Jessie," he callously complimented. "However, this sword has a few extra traits that I wouldn't be afraid to reveal." Jessie didn't want to agree. What you don't want to do is call a bluff to someone who spoke the truth. Ash, do it.

"Oh, really? I just like to see you try!" Jessie, say good night.

"Okay." Then, as if duplicating Serena... "Moon...Aura...Sword...Strike!" Ash swung a few air slashes before doing the thrust, send the waves of slashes on its way, bulldozing into the mechanical vessel. KABOOM! The vessel was blown into a heap of fire, as the three from the vehicle were streaming through the air.

"You just had to open your big Meowth, didn't you?" Meowth complained.

"Swords...were never meant to cut like that, right?" Jessie fumbled in her thoughts.

"What's worse is that we didn't get a chance to do our motto," James whined. The three rocketed from the, in unison...

"Looks like Team Rocket's blasting off again!" they cried in pain, shame and humiliation. The crowd cheered at the heroics of Ash as Zoey came over to him, and kissed. That was earned. Rini and Peter watched, thankful to see everyone was okay...except for Team Rocket. Delia was proud of her son's actions, including protecting who was precious to him. Serena had to smile, too, believing that she did the right thing in giving the sword to Ash.

"You were the lonely Azure Knight, once before, Ash," she spoke to herself in retrospect to Ash. "Now, you're living a new life, and it's not as sad as before." Ash still needed to compete for the Sinnoh League title, but he was already a champion, anyway, to the love of his life and partners of the distant galaxy: the Sailor Scouts...and Zoey. The Azure Knight has been loved.