It's the last chapter! Enjoy!

"At last we're here!" May shouted when they saw New Bark Town from small hill. Drew walked to her.

"Yeah. And this is where we have to say byes to this little guy here", he said, petting Cyndaquil.

"Yeah", May said. "Too bad, even though he didn't really like me."

"Well he started to stand you", Drew said.

They walked down to small town and started looking for the laboratory. They found it quite fast, and May knocked. No one answered. She tried again, still nothing.

"Maybe he's not home", Drew suggested.

"Yeah…" She tried the door. It was open. "We can wait inside."

They stepped in and walked further. May recognized the lab pretty much same as professor Birch's back at Hoenn. They waited about for 20 minutes. Then they heard voices from other room. Soon a man with lab jacket appeared.

He stared them for a second. "Hello? …And who are you?"

"Uh… hi. I'm May", May stuttered.

"Drew", Drew said. "Are you professor Elm?"

"Yes, I am", the professor replied. "Oh, you brought that egg, didn't you?"

May and Drew looked each others.

"Yeah, kind of…" Drew answered.

Elm raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah… it like… hatched", May explained. Drew took the Cyndaquil from his shoulder.

"Oh, yes, I see", professor said and came closer. He reached his hands carefully towards the Cyndaquil. It cried, and climbed back to Drew's shoulder.

"Hey!" He took the pokémon into his hands and gave it to the professor. "Sorry, he's bit shy."

"Oh yes, yes", Elm said. He took them into room he just came from and put Cyndaquil on table. "Let's see, let's see…" He started to mumble something while checking little pokémon.

"Ah yes. Thank you very much for bringing it", Elm said when he finished.

"It was nothing", May smiled. "This was on our way to Mt. Silver." Drew nodded in agreement.

Suddenly, the window crashed, and big, mechanical hand dived in and grabbed Cyndaquil.

"What the…?" May and Drew rushed outside, professor Elm quick behind.

Outside there was big, yellow robot with YCT on its "forehead". From speaker they heard (almost) evil laugh.

"We got shiny Cyndaquil!"

"This robot was really good idea!"

"Yeah, must thank those R-suited guys."

May blinked. "Don't tell me…"

"Yeah… it's those weirdoes…" Drew sighed. May sighed as well.

"Okay, let's get this over with. Are you gonna return Cyndaquil in peace or do we have to kick your butts?" she asked.

"Are you crazy, now that we finally got it?" yelled The C guy.

"I guess that means that second option", Drew said and took out his pokéball. May nodded and took hers out too.




Two pokémons appeared between them and robot.

"Like you're match for us! This machine is pokémon-proof!"

"Yeah, yeah, that's what they always say! Wartortle, Ice beam!" May shouted.

The turtle pokémon blasted a beam of ice from its mouth and aimed it to the robot. It hit, but the robot threw it back.


"Told ya!"

Wartortle stood there in surprise, unable to move. Butterfree flew before it.


Green shield appeared in front of them. Wartortle thanked the butterfly.

"Thanks", May said. Drew smiled.

"Okay, Butterfree, Psybeam into that thing's hand!"

Butterfree shot a psychic beam out of its eyes and hit it to the robot's hand. It broke, and let Cyndaquil away.

"NO WAY!" All three brothers yelled.

"Let's finish this", Drew said. May nodded.

"Wartortle, Rapid Spin and Water Gun!"

"Butterfree, Gust!"

Wartortle withdrew itself into its shell, and started spin and shoot water which spun around it. Butterfree waved its wings and created a huge wind and launched Wartortle towards the robot! It smashed in to its eye and came out from back of its head.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" The robot exploded, and three brothers flew into air.

"I knew we shouldn't have trusted those R-guys!" cried The Y guy.

"How can they beat our pokémon-proof robot?" Yelled The T guy.

"Let's change the business!" Suggested The C guy.

"Good idea, bro!" Other two replied. And with that, they disappeared.

"Yaay!" May jumped up and down. Wartortle landed and she ran to hug it. "Well done, Wartortle!" She returned it to its pokéball.

"Good job, Butterfree", Drew said as he returned his pokémon. Cyndaquil ran to him. He lifted it up. "Hey, pal, you okay?"

The pokémon nodded and cried happily. Drew smiled. Professor Elm came to them.

"That was quite a show", he said.

"Thanks", Drew thanked and gave Cyndaquil to him. May walked beside him. "Should we carry on?"

"Yeah", she answered.

"So soon? We could have drank cups of tea", professor said.

"Sorry, but we have to get to Mt. Silver", May explained. She petted Cyndaquil carefully. "Well, bye then." Cyndaquil looked at her sadly.

Drew also petted him. "Bye. Hope you get a good trainer."

Cyndaquil's face went even sadder. They turned and left. It looked after them…

Cyndaquil jumped away from professor Elm's hands, and ran after them.

They turned back when they heard its voice.

"Hey, go back. You have to stay here for those starter trainers", May said. Cyndaquil shook its head and started crying. May looked at Drew, who looked back to her. Professor ran to them.

"Now Cyndaquil, come on, let's go home", he said and tried to pick it up. But Cyndaquil blasted its flames on. "Woah!"

Drew knelt down. "So, you want to come with us?" Cyndaquil stopped crying and nodded happily. Drew looked at May. She raised her shoulders. "Is it okay, professor?"

"Well…. why not. It seems it won't accept anyone else to its trained", Elm laughed.

Drew smiled. "Then", he turned back to Cyndaquil, "welcome to crew!" He took a pokéball out, and tapped Cyndaquil's head with it. It happily went inside. Drew stood up.

"Well, I got to return to lab", Elm said. "Goodbye and good luck to Grand Festival!" He left.

May rested her chin on Drew's shoulder. "You got a new friend."

He nodded and smiled. "Let's get going."

May nodded and hugged his arm. And they left towards Mt. Silver.

How did ya like? Reviews are welcome!

I will write about Grand Festival too.