Next story of my Contestshipping series! This is second last from Johto, if I don't come up with more ideas. I'll try to add chapters faster that to last one.

Sun shined over Johto region and Cherrygrove City. It was warm morning, and looked like same weather was going to continue for whole day.

May woke up and blinked her eyes in light. She sat up yawning and rubbed her eyes. Then she turned her head to bed next to her, and saw that Drew was still sleeping. It was pretty rare this way, he was normally first to get up. But then again, they had been training yesterday for pretty late.

May got up, took her clothes and made their way to bathroom as silently as she could. After that she sat on her bed.

It was contest day. May needed still one ribbon, Drew had all five. May looked at the clock, and decided to take the risk and wake Drew. She stood up and walked to his bed and sat on its edge. She watched his sleeping face for a while. He looked like a little kid! And, from May's point, very cute.

"Drew, wake up", she said and stroked his cheek. He growled and opened his eyes.

"Morning", she said and smiled.

"Morning", he replied as he sat up. May gave him a small kiss on cheek and his face soften again. He pulled her into a hug and kissed her forehead.

"You ready for the contest?"

May nodded. "Always!" Drew smirked.


After May registered to contest and breakfast they went to nearby forest to give May last moment-training. They still had two hours time before the contest.

May released her Beautifly and Glaceon from their pokéballs.

"Okay, guys, let's see if you still remember what we did yesterday", she said. Two pokémons answered by their names as always.

When they finished their performance, May heard someone clapping. She turned to see if it was Drew, but he also turned around as surprised as she herself. They saw young red- and short-haired woman behind them. She wore a lab jacket and carried a back bag.

"That was very impressive", she said.

"Thanks", May said.

"Oh, I'm sorry to just pop in", woman said laughing. "I heard voices and came to see where it came from."

"It's okay", May smiled. "It's nice to hear you liked it. Since someone particular here doesn't admit it", she added looking at Drew. He just smirked and turned to the woman.

"Are you on the way to Cherrygrove?"

"Actually to New Bark, but I thought I'd stop there too", she told. "So, according to your performance, you're entering the contest?"

"I am", May said. "This would be my fifth ribbon."

The woman smiled. "That's great. I really like contests. I was planning to come see it if I arrived in time, and now that I did and even met you I could come. Oh, and by the way, I'm Naomi."

"I'm May!"


"Nice to meet you both", Naomi smiled.

The trio returned to city and made their way to Pokémon Center. Naomi dropped her bag to room and they went to the Contest Hall. Naomi told she'd go to get seats, and Drew walked May to back stage.

When they entered the room, they saw about 20 people inside. May trembled a bit, both in excitement and nervous. Then she felt touch on her shoulder and turned to see Drew.

"Don't worry, I'm sure you'll do just fine", he said and smiled. May smiled back, not as happily as she wanted to. Drew kissed her softly. "I'm going to audience. Good luck."

He left and May sat on free chair.

Soon the stage was lighted up and MC lady was showed.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! Boys and girls! Welcome to Cherrygrove City's pokémon contest! My name is Lauren, and I'm your MC!" The audience cheered. Lauren introduced the judges. "And now, without more speeches, let's geeeeet busyyyy!" The audience cheered, and first coordinator was called on stage.

As May waited for her own turn, she tried to learn who would be though opponents. There was one with Bellossom, one with Spearow and one with Mawaile.

At last it was May's turn. She stepped middle of the stage, and took deep breath.

"Beautifly, take the stage!" She whirled around and threw the pokéball releasing her butterfly pokémon. It flew happily around the stage and then floated over May's head.

"Use Silver Wind and Stun Spore!"

Beatifly created shining wind and then filled it with yellow spores.

"Now, Psychic!" The pokémon's eyes shined and its creation created shining yellow tunnel.

"Then fly trough that with Aerial Ace!" Beautifly flew into the tunnel as flash of lights surrounded it. It came out from other head and flew back to May. Both bowed. The audience clapped when she returned her pokémon and left the stage.

When all coordinators had performed, Lauren stepped to stage again.

"Now, friends, it's time to see who made it to second round!" The monitor started to roll pictures of participants. Soon it stopped and revealed four coordinators: May, Mawile-trainer, Bellossom-trainer and fourth one, who didn't seem to be too bad opponent in first round. May was on first battle with Mawile-trainer.

The contest went on, and in the end May was able to beat her last opponent with good points. She was handed her ribbon, and she happily rant to Drew and Naomi after the contest.

"Lookie!" She grinned and pushed the ribbon into Drew's face.

"I see it, thanks, now take it away from my nose", he laughed.

"Wow, May, you were really great!" Naomi said.

"Thanks, Naomi!"

They walked out of the Hall and May babbled about the contest all the way to Pokémon Center.

"…and when Glaceon hit that Iron Tail to that Flaaffy and…"

"May, I WAS there, I SAW that", Drew sighed and patted her head. May sweat dropped and laughed.

May and Drew decided to have dinner, but Naomi said she had to make few calls, so she said byes and left.


When they met Naomi next morning at the lounge of Center, she looked to be bit down. They sat down with her.

"What's wrong?" May asked.

"I was supposed to go to New Bark Town to deliver this", she pointed her bag, "to professor Elm, but I just got a call that said I have to go back to lab." She sighed. "Guess I'll have to deliver it later… but what if it's too late then?"

"What is it actually?" Drew asked. Naomi opened the bag and took out class cover… with pokémon egg in it.

"A pokémon egg?"

Naomi nodded. "I can take it to professor later, but what if it hatches?"

They were silent for a while. Then May got idea.

"We can deliver it for you!"

"Could you?"

"Can we?"

"Well, of course!" May explained. "We don't have contests to go anymore, and New Bark Town is on our way to Mt. Silver."

"That's true", Drew said. "Sure."

Naomi sighed. "Thank you so much! That makes things lot easier!"

"It's nothing", May said and smiled. Drew nodded as agreement. Naomi handed them the egg and stood up.

"Then, I'll be going. Thanks again. Bye, take care!"


Naomi left.

"Should we be going too?" May asked.

"Okay", Drew replied. May ran up to get her bags, and the two stepped out of the Center.

Did you like it? if you ask who Naomi is, she's same person who gave Ash and co. Larvitar's egg. And that Lauren I made up because it sounds like three other MCs :3 and I didn't name the judges, because Contesta and Sukizo are in Sinnoh, and I was in lazy mood :P that's same reason there's no second round written, and because I suck at writing battles -.-

Next one comes as soon as possible!