"Uncle Paton! I'm heading over to Emma's, d'you want to come?" Charlie asked as he knocked onto his uncle's door.

Paton was currently lying asleep on his large messing bed. "Uncle Paton!?" Charlie's voice called from behind the door. "Are you there?" Paton's eyes fluttered open as he heard his name being called. "Urgh.. What!?" Paton groaned as he rolled lazily onto his side. Charlie opened the door and peeked in. "I was wondering if you wanted to go the bookshop with me." Charlie said softly as he realised that his uncle was still in bed. Paton groaned and put a pillow over his head.

Charlie couldn't help giggling. His uncle looked a mess. His black hair was tangled and his blanket was on the ground. And with Paton curled up into a small ball, his uncle just looked hilarious.

Paton wasn't a morning person and Charlie's giggling was getting on his nerves. He groaned some more and reached down for his blanket. "So I'm guessing you don't want to go over to see Miss Ingledew then?" Charlie asked with a smirk. His uncle did not see Charlie's smirk, he was too busy pulling his blanket over his head. "I guess I have to tell her that you were too lazy to get out of bed at 11 in the morning." Charlie went on. Paton's eyes blinked open and he quickly sat up. "Don't tell her that Charlie!" Paton yelled.

Charlie fell down onto a pile of books and papers in laughter. "Uncle Paton! You're just too funny!" Charlie giggled. Paton frowned at Charlie and got out his bed. He stood up and stretched. His hands nearly touched the ceiling. "Alright, alright I'll go. Just let me wash up first." Paton mumbled as he left his room.


Ten minutes later his uncle finally finished washing up and was now slowly walking down the stairs. Charlie stood by the door waiting patiently. "Uncle Paton! You look nice. Is it for Miss Ingledew?" Charlie asked. Paton blushed and muttered, "What are you talking about?" Charlie grinned and said, "You're wearing your nice clothes not the usual plain ones." Paton crossed his arms and said, "Are you saying that I don't dress nice normally?" Charlie's grin quickly disappeared as he struggled with words. "N-no! I mean.. Oh nevermind!" There was really no point in trying to argue with Uncle Paton. Paton would always win. Paton grinned in victory and winked at Charlie before putting on his dark coat and hat.


When they reached Ingledews they saw that the shop was empty. "Where is everyone?" Charlie asked as they entered the shop with a familiar tinkle. "Back here!" Emma's voice could be heard calling from the sitting room. Charlie and his uncle went into the back room and saw that Emma was on the sofa talking to Olivia. "Hi Charlie, Hi Mr Yewbeam!" They greeted. "Hi Em, Hi Liv." Charlie said as he waved to them. "Good day girls." Paton nodded as he place his coat and hat onto the rack. "Auntie's in the kitchen making some cookies. Why won't you go in and surprise her, Mr Yewbeam?" Emma asked with a shy grin. Paton blushed slightly. Why did it seem like everybody knew about their relationship? Was it that obvious?

Paton reluntantly went into the kitchen and found Julia with her back facing towards him. She was too busy humming to a song to noticed that Paton had entered the room. Paton decided to take Emma's advice. He quietly walked behind Julia and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Boo." Paton whispered. Julia jumped up in surprise and turned around. "Goodness Paton! You scared me!"

Paton chuckled and held Julia close to him. "Hi." Paton said softly as their noses touched each other. "Hi." Julia breathed. Her face was bright pink. Paton smiled at Julia's reaction to their closeness. He leaned in and attempted to kiss her but unfortunately a voice said, "Are the cookies done yet?" Paton and Julia quickly broke apart. "Yes, I'm getting them out of the oven." Julia called back as she smiled at Paton. Paton smiled back and stratched the back of his head. I tried. He told himself.

Julia quickly took the cookies out from the oven and put them onto a plate. Paton reached over to grab a cookie but Julia yelled, "Not yet, Paton! It's hot." But her warning came to late. Paton had already gotten hold of a cookie. Paton's hand began to burn. "Ouch! Ouch! Ow!" Paton began to toss the cookie from one hand to another. He quickly dropped the cookie back onto the plate and began to blow at his hands. "Ouch!" Paton pouted. Julia laughed. Paton was just too cute. She took his hand and began to blow on it gently. "Here. Better?" Julia asked as she continued to gently blow. Paton grinned. "What about this hand? It hurts too." Paton made a puppy dog face. Julia giggled and took his other hand and began to blow at it. "There. Better now?" Julia asked as she finished. "Much better." Paton replied. The found themselves gazing into each other's eyes passionately.

Both said so much when there were no words. I love you. Their eyes read.

"Hello!? Hungry here! Where are the cookies!?" Olivia's voice could be heard calling. "Hey lovebugs! I hope you two aren't making out in there! We're hungry!" Olivia's head could be seen popping out from the doorway. Paton turned his gaze away from Julia and looked at Olivia. "What are you talking about?" Paton asked her as he walked into the sitting room.

Julia smiled as she watched Paton leave. Man did he have a nice ass. Julia thought. Julia then realised what she was thinking and turned pink. She took the plate of cookies and quickly brought them into the sitting room where all the others were waiting. "Fresh baked cookies!" She sang.

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