A/N: The delightful Mrs. Lovett is here to speak with us today.

Mrs. Lovett: Does anyone want some pies? On sale to Macella's adoring fans.

Me: *cough* No, thank you. I just ate.

Mrs. Lovett (singing): There was a young girl and her dreams, and she was creative, a proper artist with her pen, and they transported her for life, because she stole characters... She stole Pendragon... she stole Harry Potter...

Me: No I didn't! That's what you're here for!

Mrs. Lovett: Just warning you about what will happen, deary.

Me: Just do the disclaimer, already.

Mrs. Lovett (in monotone): Harry Potter and Pendragon do not belong to Macella Todd. Happy?

Me: Yes. And I'd like a pie now. I'm hungry.

Mrs. Lovett: They're the worst pies in London... If you dare to take a bite...

Me: That's revolting! You can go now.



Journal #2, Part 1

Aiden, I'm sitting in a room on Cloral right now, and directly across from me is Vo Spader, the Traveler you always wanted to meet. Well, you're going to meet him, because he's coming back with us.

Let me rephrase that. Spader is one of the Travelers that is going to go with Harry and I throughout the other territories to find the other Travelers. Most others we are simply going to send to Aeralyn, where you will have to meet them at the flume. Pendragon and Loor are the two other Travelers who are going to be coming with us, but not until we go to wherever the heck they are and find them. We're most likely going to travel from here to Zadaa in an attempt to find Loor, and hopefully Pendragon. If we are not able to find them, we plan to travel on to Denduron, First Earth, and Third Earth. If no one else can be found, it's just you, me, Spader, and the earthlings.

But I probably need to start from where I left off, leaving you in your house and Hermione and Ron in your barn. Sorry about the whole 'I'm going to take charge and boss you around now' thing. I just don't think we should waste any time. Saint Dane could strike at any moment. I'm scared Aiden, that's why I snapped at you. I'm sorry.

Back to the tale. So, Harry and I left quickly, leaving you and the other's behind. Once again, I'm sorry about that. I feel bad about it, but I still think it was all for the best. Anyway, I'm digressing again.

We reached the mountain as the sun rose, giving us enough light to see by as we made out way up the cliff to the waterfall, which sparkled in the sunlight, casting moving shadows on the grounds and cliff walls around it. Harry gasped beside me, and I smiled slightly at his obvious awe. It really was a beautiful thing, the waterfall. Unless you were one of the chosen, you would never know that behind it existed a gateway to other dimensions.

I haven't decided if I was fortunate or unfortunate to have been picked to become a Traveler. On one hand, the weight of Halla rests on my shoulders, and one mistake from me could get us all killed. On the other hand, if I hadn't been introduced to this whole other world, I would not be the person I am today. Most likely, I would be sitting in my room embroidering right now, as is proper for young ladies. I would not have witnessed the majestic powers of the flume, nor met Harry, Ron, Hermione, or Spader. In short, if I hadn't become a Traveler, I would not be who I am today. Is this a good thing? I still don't know, and I don't think I'll find out until this whole thing is over, if I ever find out at all.

It seemed as though Harry had learned something from out last pass through the waterfall, for he stopped me as I was about to walk underneath.

"Particiano!" He called out clearly as he aimed his wand at the waterfall in front of me. The water parted in the middle and drew to either side like a curtain, allowing us to walk underneath without getting wet, which was always my least favorite part of coming to the flume.

I raised my eyebrows in surprise when we entered the flume, nodding once at Harry as my thanks for separating the waterfall like that. He smiled wryly, and then looked around the cavern with a fearful expression on his face.

"The quigs might still be here." I told Harry breathlessly as I glanced around the cavern myself, afraid of what I might see. There was no way that I wanted to face those zombie quigs again, especially without Hermione here to help.

When I spoke, I noticed Harry's hand crept to his wand, where it has stayed for most of our travels throughout the territories. In fact, as I look over at Harry right now I laugh because his left hand is resting on his wand as he writes with his right hand.

"Where are we going?" Harry asked curiously as I walked up to the wall with the star etched onto it, marking the presence of a flume.

I didn't only make my answer clear to him. I made it clear to the flumes, and the quigs, and probably Saint Dane as well. "Cloral!" I called out, trying as hard as I could to keep my voice strong.

As the flume came to life, I grabbed Harry's hand and we were pulled into the flume along with the music and lights. We were on a journey through time and space, to a territory called Cloral, where Spader lives.

I would have gone to Second Earth first to find Pendragon, if we had not already exhausted that course. Pendragon was not on Second Earth; or at least not where the flume had led me. I suppose the next smartest thing to do would have been to go to Zadaa to find Loor, but to perfectly honest I was no sure if I wanted to meet her. From what I have heard, Loor is someone to be reckoned with, and I would feel much easier with another Traveler on my side. I just hope that Loor knows where Pendragon is. We need the lead Traveler if we wanted to stop Saint Dane, Aiden. I just hope we find him in time.

The flume ride was relatively normal, the only sign that things were changing was the continued addition of pictures to the starry background. As the notes got faster and faster, I prepared myself for a landing, not knowing where we were going to end up. I felt Harry tense up beside me: he too had learned his lesson after one flume ride.

But we didn't land on the ground. The flume shot us out, giving us over to gravity. Where were we going to land? I tried to look around, but I was falling so fast I didn't realize the pool of water until I was already underneath the surface, arms flailing as I tried to determine which way was up. As I broke the surface, I first looked around to make sure that Harry wasn't drowning or anything stupid like that. Luckily, he wasn't. He was treading water a few feet away from me, and I dismissed him from my mind as I continued looking around. The star was etched on the rock wall about twenty feet above our heads, and I raised an eyebrow as I looked around. Harry and I were in the middle of a large pool of water in the middle of what looked like a sealed cavern. The only light came from the water. I assumed that the sun must have been up outside and was reflecting off the bottom of the pool, otherwise the cavern would be completely dark. I swam over to the edge of the water, feeling my feet touch the bottom not long after I had started moving. The pool could not have been that deep, if my five feet four inches allowed me to feel the bottom when I wasn't even near the edge.

As I clambered out of the water and onto the land, I looked around some more. Harry came out and stood next to me, shivering in his wet robes. Although I was not that cold –the air was very warm- I knew that there would be some clothes lying around somewhere. Yet, looking around, I didn't see anything. Sighing, I leaned against the cavern wall, which was covered in vines. To my surprised, the middle of my back was resting on a large, bulky package. I turned around, pulled away the vines, and saw two piles of what I assumed were clothes. I gestured to Harry to follow me, and we walked over to the clothes. I picked up a pile to see what looked like a wet suit, but with shirt and pants. It was a bright blue, and I threw it to Harry. I picked

"Don't look," I cautioned as I took off my shirt. "That wouldn't be nice now, would it?" I smiled to myself, knowing that male hormones were quite funny. I could almost hear the blush creep up his cheeks as he quickly turned away to don his own wetsuit.

When we both had on our Cloral clothes, I grabbed a pair of what looks liked swim fins from behind the vines, handing it to Harry before grabbing a pair for myself. There were still a couple of other items there, and it was only by remembering the other acolyte's descriptions of Cloral's technology that I was able to understand what they were and what I needed to do.

I threw a belt at Harry that I recognized as being used for underwater buoyancy, and put one around myself as well. The last thing to come was the one that I had the hardest time believing worked: an air globe that allowed you to talk and breathe underwater.

"What in the world is all of this stuff?" Harry finally asked me after his hands were full and he realized that I was done chucking stuff at him.

I rolled my eyes. "It just stuff that allows us to breathe and swim underwater. I mean, we have to go underwater for a while until we get out of here." I explained, putting on the swim fins and walking awkwardly over to the water.

Harry started laughing behind me. "You don't seem to realize that I don't need this stuff, Cassie. Magic, remember?" He said, pulling out his wand from where he had stuck it in his pants. I flinched awkwardly as he pulled it out, but held up my arm to stop him.

"No, Harry. That would be mixing the territories, and we can't do that." I said, shoving his wand back towards his face. "We have to rely on what the territory already has. And that is most definitely not magic."

He frowned, but put his swim fins and belt on despite his protests, then looked at the air globe quizzically. "How does this thing work?"

"Come on into the water already, and I'll show you." I said, wading into the pool near what I knew to be the entrance until I was waist deep.

Frowning, he followed me until we were side by side in front of the cavern wall. "The way out is underneath here. Put the air globe over your head. It'll conform to your face shape and allow you to talk and breathe underwater." I explained, pulling the air globe over my face. Although I was expecting it, it was a strange sensation to have a piece of plastic meld itself to your face.

I looked over to make sure that Harry was following my instructions, and with that reassurance I knelt down and placed my head under the water. It was odd to be able to breathe underwater, and at first I just knelt there, getting used to the feeling of being able to do all this stuff underwater that I would normally not be able to do.

"Come on, Harry." I said as he placed his face under the water. "Let's go see Spader."