A/N: Wotcher, folks! :D Well, here goes my first Pendragon/Harry Potter X-over. Hope you like it!

Voldemort: Avada Kedavra!
Me: What was that for?
Voldemort: For not putting in a disclaimer that you don't own me...

Me: Sigh... I wish I did... Fine, I don't own Harry Potter, nor do I own Pendragon. (I wish I did!)

Journal #1 – Second Earth

I knew it all along. Voldemort wasn't the evil person the wizarding world thought he was. Oh, sure, he was evil all right, but his goal was not just to bring down Second Earth. It was to bring down all of Halla. The entire universe, and all of the territories that comes with it. Everything that ever existed, and everything that ever will. And from what my acolyte has received from others throughout the territories, he has already succeeded. Twice. Once on Quillan, and once on Veelox.

But let me start from the beginning. My name is Cassandra, and I'm the Traveler from Aeralyn. Aiden, I sure hope that the ring works the way it's supposed to and you are the one reading this. Otherwise, the information that I have learned will go unheeded, and all of Halla could be lost. It is as we feared. Saint Dane is coming to Aeralyn. We must be prepared to risk everything to stop him from conquering yet another territory. I knew that he would be coming soon, and as you know, that is why I went to Second Earth: to find Pendragon, in hopes that he would be able to help me. But he was not there. You were with me, Aiden, when I went to the flume behind the waterfall. This is now the story of what has happened since then. Hopefully it is able to shed some light on our precarious situation now at hand.

"Second Earth!" I called out rather fearfully, if you recall. You know that this was my first time traveling through the flumes that linked the territories of Halla, and I was not sure what to expect. I should not have been worried. I was floating along with a jumble of sweet notes playing in the background, the same ones that you heard when I was drawn into the flume. Looking around me, I saw a barrage of unfamiliar images that I assumed were from each of the different territories. Aiden, they were beautiful and strange, and for some reason it worried me that all of the territories were so different. I knew that if things went Saint Dane's way, they would all be changed forevermore, and most likely not for the better.

Well, the trip continued on like this for some time, and then the notes started getting louder and more chaotic. I didn't know what it meant, but I was about to find out. I tumbled out of the flume onto a hard wooden floor. The barrage of notes quickly faded away, and I was left with only the sound of my own breathing. I stood up and was rewarded by the sight of a five-pointed star etched on a wall. It was the sign of a flume. My father had taught me that before... well, Aiden, you know what happened.

Anyway, I found myself in a medium sized room made entirely of wood. Strange, really, all of the windows were boarded up, and the lone table in the room was ripped to pieces. I didn't know what had been in here, and to tell the truth, I didn't really want to find out. There was a layer of dust over everything, which I assumed was there because the flume was in a normally unaccessed place, just like the flume behind the waterfall back home. I walked out of the room into a wooden corridor that led who knows where, when I heard a sound behind me. I whirled around and realized that there were three people walking down the corridor in the other direction.

A boy who looked to be about my age saw me first, and he froze, causing the two others behind him to bump into him. He had black hair and green eyes, but the most curious thing about him was the scar on his forehead. It was in the shape of a lighting bolt. When his eyes alit upon me, he did an even more curious thing by drawing out what looked like a stick and pointing it at me. I had no idea what he was doing, but I was going to find out.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" He asked forcefully.

A second person, a girl with bushy brown hair and brown eyes stepped out from behind the black-haired boy and drew out her own stick.

"Hey, guys, what's going on?" The last person said. He was stuck behind the other's in the tight corridor, and I assumed that he was not able to see what was going on. He shoved his was past the two until he stood in front, where he froze. "Harry, who is that?" He asked when he saw me.

I had to struggle not to roll my eyes. This red-haired boy with blue eyes obviously wasn't the smartest of the group, or he would have realized that they didn't know who I was. That was what was causing the hold up.

"That's what we are trying to figure out, Ron." Harry replied impatiently.

"My name's Cassandra." I said hesitantly. "And I don't really know what I'm doing here because I don't exactly know where 'here' is."

After all, I couldn't exactly tell them that I had traveled through space and time using the powers of a flume, right? Or the fact that I came from a different territory? I didn't think so. That would be rule number one: Don't mix the territories. Letting that information out was definitely in the realm of rule number one.

"Harry, put your wand away." The girl said as she lowered the stick that she had been pointing at me. "I don't think she's a Death Eater."

I hoped that the expression on my face reflected the confusion that I felt inside. "A what?" I asked curiously. Death Eater must be one of those things that we don't have on Aeralyn, Aiden, otherwise the phrase would have been translated into Aeralyn Common for me to understand. "What in the world is a Death Eater? And where am I, anyway?" I continued.

The boy named Harry seemed hesitant to answer my questions, but the girl rolled her eyes and quickly answered my questions. "You are in Hogsmeade right now. Specifically, you're in the Shrieking Shack. And a Death Eater is a bad person that you don't want to run in to." She explained rather unhelpfully.

"And where exactly is Hogsmeade?" I asked. After all, I wanted to know where the flume had dropped me. I didn't exactly know Second Earth geography, but if I got into a bind and needed to get back, I would know where to go.

"It's... well... it's near Hogwarts." The girl answered, still rather unhelpfully. She looked at Harry pleadingly, and he finally stepped in, leaving Ron behind the other two once more.

"I'm going to ask you one more time. How did you get here?" He asked me slowly. "Are you from America? You surely can't be English, not with that accent. Are you from one of the wizarding schools in America?" He continued.

I didn't know what to say, but all three of them were looking at me and expecting an answer, Ron's head popping out from between the girl's and Harry's. I had to say something, so I did the only thing I could in this situation. I lied.

"The same way you did." I replied vaguely. "I walked down the corridor and into this room. I walked back out again and there you were."

The three looked puzzled, and I could tell that they didn't believe me. "How did you get past the Whomping Willow?" The red-headed boy- Ron, I corrected myself- asked suspiciously.

This time I really didn't know what to say. It would have helped if I had known what a Whomping Willow was, but looking back on it, I do not think that it would have made much of a difference whether I understood or not. "The same way you did?" I replied weakly once more, this time as though I was asking a question.

Harry snorted. "Even if that were true, how did you get on to Hogwarts grounds? You're not a student here, are you? Not with that accent, and those clothes. What are you wearing, anyway?"

I looked down at the clothes I was wearing. It was a dark gold tunic with dark brown leggings and sandals in the style of Aeralyn. However, it was nothing similar to what these three were wearing. They all had on what looked like uniforms: open fronted black robes with some sort of insignia on the chest that were red where the robe folded back, a grey sweater, white-collared shirt and a gold and red necktie. Harry and Ron had on dark trousers, and the girl had on a dark pleated skirt and black tights. Once again, nothing similar to what I was wearing. In my haste, I realized then that I had forgotten to change into the clothes normally found in front of the flumes. If there was anything my father had pressed on me, it was to always change into the clothes before doing anything else. The very first time I flumed, I had forgotten that, and it could have cost me everything. I hadn't noticed before, but now that I was looking I realized that there was indeed a pile of clothes to the left of the flume. They looked to be identical to the ones that the girl was wearing. At that moment, I felt out of my league. I had come here to find Pendragon, expecting it to be easy. But now, as I floundered for words, I was having second thoughts.

"I think she's a muggle!" The girls whispered to Harry and Ron, loud enough that I was able to hear her perfectly.

Yet another unfamiliar word, I thought as the three of them hurriedly conversed. What were they going to do? What was a muggle, or a Death Eater? What was Hogwarts? There were thousands of questions coursing through my mind, but one stood out among the rest. When would it be to late? When was Saint Dane going to come to Aeralyn? I had no answer for that question of questions. In fact, none of my questions were going to be answered. Not right then, at least.

Because at that moment, I felt another presence in the room. And my intuition is rarely wrong. You know that, Aiden. In fact, now that I look back upon that moment, I'm surprised that I didn't notice this earlier. Chalk up another one for Saint Dane, I thought glumly to myself. If I keep making stupid mistakes like this, he will win without having to even try. For, up on the ceiling, there were thousands of bats. Thousands of them, Aiden! They covered every millimeter of space. But it got even worse. Aiden, these were quig bats. The only comfort I was able to take from this was the knowledge that if quigs were here, Saint Dane didn't want me to be. That was something, at least.

But now came the problem of actually fighting off the quig bats. I heard a gasp from the girl (I really needed to figure out her name) and I realized that the trio had followed my gaze and had seen the quig bats for themselves.

And then the bats attacked. They swarmed down from the ceiling, clawing at our faces and getting caught in my hair. They were even crawling up my tunic! I had no idea of what to do. It was chaos, Aiden, utter chaos. You could never imagine such a thing.

"Hermione, do something!" Ron screamed through the smothering cloak of bats. I tried to look over at the others, but the air was so thick with bats I wasn't able to see a thing. Neither did I think this Hermione would be able to do anything to stop the quig bats.

I was wrong.

"Immobulus!" Hermione shouted. There was a flash, and then everything was still. The quig bats were still there, but they were no longer moving. Instead, they floated along in the air, frozen stiff. I was stunned. What had she done?
"Thanks a lot, Hermione." One of the boys said. I wasn't sure which, because I wasn't really paying attention. Instead, I was staring into a quig bat that was drifting past the front of my nose. It had yellow eyes and they were staring at me. I didn't know how long this thing would last, and I wanted to get out of there as fast I as could.

It appeared that the trio had the same idea as I did. "Cassandra, come with us, all right? I want to talk to you some more." Hermione said as the trio walked out of the room into the corridor. Casting my glance over the room once more, I brushed away frozen bats as I picked up the clothes that had been left for me, and followed them out into the corridor.

"What was that?" I asked, once I was out of the room.

Harry, Hermione, and Ron exchanged a look, and then the three of them turned to me simultaneously.

"Cassandra, there's something you should know. We're wizards. Well, Hermione's a witch, but that's just a technicality. We can do magic. Like what you saw back there, with the bats." Harry said slowly.

Yeah, Aiden, that's right. Wizards. Magical people. What had I gotten myself into?