It was late. Yes, a complete stupidity thought considering that the sky was pitch black with little twinkling lights lighting up the sky. I took a swift check at the Flock. Nudge's eyes were half open and she was uttering something incoherent. Angel had a determined look on her face as if she were toughing it out (aw, my little soldier) and Iggy was looking quite annoyed with Gazzy sleepily flying into him every so often and having to carry Akila. Then I looked at Fang who was holding Total. He and Iggy kept switching off on the dog carrying. Nothing. I decided for him that he was tired and I signaled for everyone to descend into the patch of trees below us.

It had been that morning that we started our way away from my mom and Jeb and the new school. I hated leaving them abruptly but when the Voice calls and I don't answer it that only ends up in annoyance for me and the pain of hearing about it for the Flock. I decided it was probably a good idea for us to move on anyways before we started going to a new school. God, I couldn't handle that again.

We landed in the grass below us and I stretched my arms out a little before finding a good tree to sleep in. I climbed up to the second highest, thick branch and stretched my legs out in front of me, leaning my back against the trunk of the tree. I closed my arms and crossed my arms across my chest, about ready to fall asleep when I got the feeling of being watched. I remembered that I had forgotten to take a check of the area and I opened my eyes again. I squeaked a little and almost fell out of the tree. Fang sat right in front of me, his dark eyes staring intently at me. He quickly reached out and grabbed my arm before I fell to what would have been a very painful landing.

I sighed and looked at him. "Way to almost give me a heart attack."

He looked down to the ground and then back up at my face. "Sorry. I was just letting you know I'd be taking first watch. Everyone else is asleep. And I scanned the area. It all seems safe."

I felt a little hurt. He'd taken a scan? Wasn't that my job? I wasn't like being selfish or anything but I just didn't want anyone taking my leadership away from me. It was the only thing that kept my pride up to snuff and I wasn't looking forward to losing it. I sighed again and kinda glared at him not really meaning to show what I was thinking. He read it perfectly and held up his hands in defense.

"Sorry. You wanna take first watch? You look pretty tired. I think you should sleep."

I smiled at his concern but then felt the urge to take first watch just to show him I wasn't a panzy. I hated showing anyone my weaker side even if it was from being tired. And with what had been going on in Antarctica and Ari's death I couldn't stand losing it in front of Fang anymore. He was probably beginning to think that I couldn't handle this whole 'saving the world' gig of mine. And he was almost right. I could do it—just not without them. But I was the indestructible Max. I couldn't let them know that.

"I'll take first watch," I said kind of demandingly. "I can't sleep anyway. Too much on my mind."

Fang raised an eyebrow and gave me a look like "yeah that's why you were just asleep". "Okay, suit yourself. I'll be right above you."

"Fine." I watched him fly up and I straitened up and took in a breath and watched the area. The truth was that I could pass out and not wake up for like one hundred years if I wanted to. But I was the leader. I had to have some motive here. And really I had absolutely nothing on my mind. It was too soggy from being tired. But I tried to keep it active so I wouldn't pass out. I knew if I did either we'd all wake up in dog crates smelling antiseptic or Fang would catch me and I'd never hear the end of it. I could also kiss my leadership behind as well as my pride.

I started to think about where we were headed next. I wasn't exactly sure; I just kinda followed my internal compass. I waited for some hint from the Voice of what our next mission was but nothing came up. I just hoped that wherever we ended up it would be far, far away from any ice, cold and whiteness. I remembered the leopard seal and the incident with Sue Ann. I couldn't believe that it would be just our luck that our enemy got attacked by an animal to reveal her secret identity. I wondered if Angel had summoned it. Hopefully we wouldn't have to do anything that involved anyone getting eaten by creatures from the underworld.

I leaned my head on the trunk and looked up at the sky. Something shot across the sky. It was a big streak of light, just as big as any of the other stars but it moved and it was gone in an instant. I tilted my head to the sky. Was it a sign? It's a shooting star. You're supposed to wish on it. The Voice. Sure, now it answers my curiosity. I was supposed to wish on it? I knew you were supposed to wish on the first star you saw but I never actually did it. It's like finding a folded chip and making a wish before crunching down on it. Yeah right. You can't just wish on random objects and expect it to come true. I thought back. I mean really. If every wish came true from these situations, could you imagine how screwed up the world would be? I mean, more screwed up than it is if that's even possible. It's not going to hurt just to make a wish. Anything you want, Max. Oh what the heck. Why not?

I closed my eyes tightly and pressed my lips together. What did I wish for? I wished for safety for the Flock. That no one would attack us anymore…well at least until we get rested. There. I wished. I opened my eyes and looked back up to the sky. Then I felt this weird tugging in my heart. I felt this longing to wish for more. I thought about it. I hadn't really wished for anything in a very long time. I mean, wishing wouldn't hurt anything, right? I wished that we'd be safe (again) and I wished that I could be back with my mom and Ella and just live there peacefully like they could. I wished that I didn't have this big beef with Itex to take care of. I wished that the kids could live happily without having to worry about being attacked at any moment. No kid should have to go through that. I wished…I wished that Ari were here. That's when I felt a tear slip down my cheek. I tried to think of other things but I couldn't get my mind off of it.

Images of Ari flashed through my brain. Times when we fought and times when we finally got along. And times before we first left the School oh so long ago before the poor little boy became an Eraser. That's when I totally lost it. I covered my mouth with my hands and balled. The next thing I knew I felt two strong arms around my quivering body, rubbing my back. I couldn't help it. I hated it. I felt so weak. Then I drew in a deep, shaky breath and wiped my eyes. I opened them and looked in front of me. It was black. Fang. I was staring at his shirt which was a little bit wet from tears. I felt him breathing slowly and heard his quite voice. Was he…singing?

I leaned back on the tree and looked up to his face. His lips whispered one more word that I couldn't seem to pull together before they closed. His eyes were still unreadable but somewhat comforting. And all because I wanted to wish upon a stupid shooting star.

"Are you okay?" he whispered.

I remembered our position, him holding me, and shifted a little and he let go, seeming the tiniest bit hurt by the action.

"I'm fine."

He raised an eyebrow. "What made you cry?"

I don't know what it is but something about the word cry sets me off and makes me feel like a total wuss. So I backfired.

"Nothing! Since when was it your job to be in everyone's faces? Maybe I just had a bad day, okay?" I felt a little bad for shutting my best friend out but this was turning into another one of those touchy-feely situations that I oh so hated. I needed space. He this time raised both eyebrows in recognition and sighed.

"I'm not gonna kiss you."

I sat there wide-eyed. I sure wasn't expecting that. That was just as shocking as him actually kissing me. And, again, I hated it. He always took me by surprise. I never had a guard around him. The feeling sucked. I narrowed my eyes at what he had said and stiffened.

"I never thought you were going to," I spat back.

"Oh I was just saying. I didn't want you to go off running again." There was annoyance and matter-of-fact in his voice. "Because we all know how you hate being close to people."

I felt my face get red. I looked into his eyes. There was something way different that I'd never seen before. Complete hurt. Had I really done that to him? I thought I had known him but now I wasn't so sure. And at the same time as feeling bad for him I felt totally pissed off with what he had said.

"I don't hate getting close to people!" I knew that part was true. I really didn't hate it. I just didn't know if I should hate it or not. I was afraid of getting like, girly-boyish close to Fang because I didn't know what would happen. And if I go into a situation where I don't know the outcome I freak. I knew perfectly well what would happen if we didn't get like that. But then again I wasn't expecting this.

"Then what is it with you?!" the pure hurt in his voice startled me. He wasn't going to cry but I knew he wasn't in a joyful mood. His shout seemed to wake Iggy up because we heard him from the tree next to us.

"What's wrong? Is someone here?" he asked groggily, but totally alert.

I was about to answer when Fang beat me to it. "No, Iggy. No one's attacking. The PMS Queen is just being a royal pain in the ass."

And with a glare from Fang and a returned one from me, he jumped up into the air and flew away. I wished he would come back.

So there's the first chapter of my very first Maximum Ride story! R&R