Disclaimer : Man is Hoshino Katsura's property



Blood. The sound of a body falling in the snow. Kanda rushed towards the person which was now lying on the crimson-tainted snow.

« Moyashi ! »

The mission both of them were sent on wasn't supposed to happen like that. There wasn't supposed to be so many level 3 Akumas, there wasn't supposed to be a level 4, and above all, Allen Walker wasn't supposed to take a mortal hit from the level 4 in order to protect Kanda. Now on the cleared battlefield, only two remaining silhouettes could be seen through the falling snow.

Kanda kneeled before Allen and delicately lifted his head, letting it rest on his forearm. The younger boy had trouble breathing and was coughing blood, staining his already red Exorcist coat.

« Oi, Moyashi ! Hang on in there ! It's ok, all the Akumas were annihilated, we're coming back to the Order to treat your wounds. »

« Bakanda… I'm in no shape… to go back anywhere… I think I… overdid it a bit this time… » Allen replied weakly.

« Just shut your trap. I'm taking you to the village's church. »

« Church ? Why… a church… »

« Because it's the place where Headquarters will open the Ark's gate, dumbass. I've already called Komui to tell him. »

« Oh… true… »

The Japanese Exorcist picked Allen up and hurried to the village which was fortunately not too far from where they were. On their way, Kanda could notice the little remaining color on Allen's cheeks starting to fade, the boy's breathing was becoming irregular and the makeshift bandage on his wounds was letting some blood escape. Of course, Kanda was also injured, but not as badly as Allen, and his curse was healing him.

« Don't you dare die on me, Moyashi. »

« It's Allen… you retard… »

They were approaching their destination, but Kanda wasn't so stupid as not to know that the Exorcist he was carrying in his arms would not be able to manage through it.

« Kanda… »

« I told you to shut up. We're almost there. »

« I won't make it. »

« Che. »

The black-haired Exorcist said nothing, focusing on reaching the church as quickly as possible. He wasn't going to tell the younger boy lies, he wasn't going to tell him that everything would be fine, because Kanda wasn't that kind of person. It was only a matter of minutes before Allen reached his limits. So Kanda took a decision.

« Moyashi. There's something I need to tell you. »

« Quite the talkative one today, huh… » Allen said in an almost inaudible voice.

« … »

« So… What is it… you want to tell me ? I'm not… gonna last long so… hurry up. » Allen coughed blood again.

Kanda was cursing himself mentally. What he wanted to tell the boy was something which was absolutely going against his nature, but given the fact that Allen was about to die, he put all his pride aside and said :

« I love you. »

For a moment, there was only silence and Kanda thought that it was already too late ; until he heard Allen's weak voice again :

« Haha… At least I'll die while knowing… that the great Kanda… can actually joke… »

Kanda looked at the pale figure in his arms, startled for a second by the answer, then realized that the irregular breathing had stopped and that the boy was as pale as snow. He unconsciously tightened his grip on the motionless body, and bit his lower lip.

« Idiot. That wasn't a joke. » he murmured.


« Nii-san ! It's them ! Kanda and Allen-kun are back ! »

At the Headquarters, in the Ark's room, Lenalee along with her brother, Lavi and a medical team were waiting for the two Exorcists to return. As soon as Kanda crossed the gate, the Chinese girl went to greet him, then gasped as she noticed the body in his arms, and the blood dripping.

« Allen-kun ! Is he okay ? What happened ? Kanda ! Say something ! »

The Japanese Exorcist looked away, keeping silent but still holding Allen's body close to him.

« No way… You must be kidding us, Kanda. He was still alive when you called me. » Komui said, not wanting to believe the sight in front of him.

In the room there was now a huge silence as the people there were staring at the two Exorcists in disbelief. Then one of the doctors came to Kanda :

« Please hand us the corpse. »

As Kanda reluctantly did so, the medical team laid Allen's body on the ground. There was a real fuss around Kanda, but he didn't care about anything anymore. He was lost in his own thoughts, not even aware of Lenalee sobbing while her brother was trying to comfort her, or of Lavi shaking Allen's body and telling him to stop acting dead, when he heard :

« He's still alive. »

That snapped Kanda, and everyone else, from their current states.

« What did you say ? » Komui asked.

« We're taking him to the hospital wing. He's fallen into a coma, but he's alive. »

As everyone hurried out of the room to the hospital wing, only Kanda stood still.

Alive. That stupid Moyashi was still alive.


Ok, prologue is done. Tell me what you think, please ?