A/N- *Sigh* So here it is! The final chapter! I hope you guys enjoy it, thanks so much for sticking with me through till the end.

I want to apologize for the wait, because I know I said I had it finished... but I discovered that it wasn't saved so I had to start all over again )= anyway, enjoy xD


Title; Why Must All Good Things Come to an End?

Tyson lifted Ray into his arms bridal style and carried him back up the stairs with ease, carefully shifting him as he pushed the already open door to Kai's room further so he could get in. He looked around as he headed over to the bed where he gently placed Ray in a sitting position.

"Thank you," the Chinese boy said in a soft voice.

Tyson took a seat at the side of the bed and grinned, "No problemo Ray, how's the ankle?"

"It hurts. I feel like such an idiot right now. Neko-Jin's are supposed to have such poise and grace, and yet I can't even make my way down a set of stairs without twisting my ankle. I've never felt so helpless in my life."

"It's okay Ray, none of us think any less of you for needing help."

"I know, but I shouldn't need as much help as I do."

"Ray... You were hospitalized. Bryan's wind attacks tore the crap outta your clothing and put gashes all over your body. You were thrown around like a rag doll. You broke 3 ribs and have insane bruises all over your chest and legs. Nobody is expecting you to be back to your old self within a few days, it takes time to heal and we're all okay with that. We're all willing to help you get better Ray, especially Kai."

"Kai?" he asked, wondering why Tyson would bring him up.

"Yes, Kai. He was so worried about you Ray. He was so angry during your match with Bryan, we literally thought he was going to go over there and attack him for what he had done to you."

Ray smiled slightly as he thought of how much Kai had been helping him, but then frowned as he remembered why he was trying to push Kai away.

"I feel really bad about making Kai help me so much though. He's such a good captain and he's gone far beyond what his duty calls for, and it makes me feel terrible."

Tyson leaned forward and cupped Ray's cheek in his hands, "Ray, don't even worry about it. Whatever happened between you and Kai, just let it go. He's more than just our captain Ray, he's our friend. He wants to help you, I think you should let him. I know that if anything like this ever happened to Maxie, I'd be there for him in an instant. I'd honestly never leave his side."

Ray nodded his head and was about to say something as the door opened and Kai walked in. The older blue haired boy stopped dead in his tracks at what he was seeing. Ray looked apologetic as he jerked his head out of Tyson's hands.

Tyson stood up and gave Kai a small smile, shrinking slightly as his captain glared at him while he headed towards the door. After he had left and shut it, Kai slowly made his way to the bed, taking the spot Tyson had previously been occupying.


Tyson walked through the empty halls looking for Max. He had come to the realization that he didn't want to be like Kai and Ray, he didn't want to let the good things in his life pass him by just because he was too chicken to man up and admit that he had feelings for another man.

'I'm sure Max will be able to accept me the way I am. I'm almost positive he feels the same way. Sometimes I get jealous about his close relationship with Ray, but I know that they're just friends. Plus, he would never want to get in Kai's way.' Tyson couldn't help but laugh as he thought about what Kai would do to poor Max if Ray chose the blonde over him.

He eventually made his way to the kitchen where the blonde was sitting staring at the table with a cup of water in his hand.

"Are you okay Max?" the world champion asked as he noticed the boy of his affection looked quite down.

Max snapped his head up in surprise, he had been so deep in thought that he hadn't heard anyone enter the kitchen. "I..I'm fine, Tyson. Why?"

"You just looked pretty sad."

"I'm just thinking I guess."

"Oh... about what?"

"I would really rather not talk about it Tyson."

"Are you sure? Maybe I could help."

"I'd love if you could, but I really don't think you can fix this Tyson. It's just the way I am, and I know you all accept me for that, but I just feel terrible for not being able to have the things in life that I really want."

"You can have everything you want plus more Max. You're such an amazing guy."

Max blushed slightly at Tyson's words, if only the boy knew what he was doing to him. "I don't think it matters how great I am, I'm not enough."

"I think you're enough Max. Anybody who thinks less of you should be punched in the face. Or starved! Yes! They definitely deserve to be starved."

Max grinned, "Thanks Tyson."

"No problem buddy, I'm glad to see that smile, I'd do anything to keep it there."

Max blushed as a gorgeous grin spread across his face. Maybe Tyson did have feelings for him? It definitely seemed like he did.

"Tyson..?" he asked, not really sure what the rest of his question was going to be.

Tyson smiled at him before he ducked down and pressed a kiss to the boys lips before quickly pulling up to grin at the blushing face of his best friend.

"What... was that?" Max asked with a huge smile.

"I learned something from watching Kai and Ray. There isn't a point in beating around the bush with these types of things. I care about you Maxie, I have for months and I want to be happy."

"But... what about Ray? I saw the way you looked at him today."

Tyson sighed before he looked at the ground. "I'll admit that all of the feelings did rush back momentarily, but it was honestly nothing Max. I took him upstairs and we were talking, and the moment I mentioned Kai, his entire face lit up."

"What if he didn't want Kai though..? I don't want to be your second choice."

"You're not my second choice Maxie, I swear it was just a momentary lapse in judgement. It's been months since I stopped caring about Ray, and I was only able to stop because I realized how much I actually care about you. You're my best friend, and I know we could be something amazing."

"Wow, I've never seen this side of you Tyson." Just as Max finished his sentence, Tyson's stomach grumbled and they both laughed. "I guess that'll never change, how about I make you a sandwich?"

"That sounds great!" said Tyson as his face lit up and he quickly stole another kiss, this time being held in place as Max reacted faster.


"Are you okay?" Kai asked quietly, shaking with suppressed rage, it had really hurt to see the look of guilt pass Ray's features. What had just happened between the two?

"I'm fine, my ankle just really hurts."

Kai didn't respond, but instead just stared at Ray. How could he ask him about him and Tyson? How could he apologize when he was still so angry?

"Are you okay, Kai?"


Surprise was the only feature that crossed Ray's face, "What's wrong?"

"I just wanted to tell you.. to tell you.. that... that, I'm... sorry." Kai quickly looked away, he couldn't believe he had just apologized to someone.

A smile escaped the Neko's lips. "What are you sorry for Kai?"

"For everything. I didn't mean to flip out on you Ray. I was just... hurt."

"I hurt you?" Ray asked in shock. "How?"

Kai kept his head down, as if ashamed that he had actually been hurt by someone, emotionally. "I don't know."

"C'mon Kai, talk to me. Tell me what I did."

"...When you said you didn't want my help anymore, you made me feel so useless. I've never wanted to protect someone and take care of them the way I want to with you."

Ray blushed, were these words really coming out of Kai's mouth?

"I'm sorry that I had such a stupid dream and showed that much weakness in front of you –"

"-It has nothing to do with the dream," said Ray as he cut him off. "I'm honestly so happy that I saw you like that last night, it let me know that you are actually human and have feelings just like the rest of us. I would never think less of you just because of that. I was happy to be the one taking care of you for once. You don't always have to be so strong Kai, I told you I'm always here for you."

"Then why do you not want my help anymore?"

"It just shouldn't be your job to protect and take care of me, Kai."

"I want to be there for you though."

"It wouldn't be okay with your grandfather!" Ray suddenly blurted out.

Kai stared at him in confusion, "What do you mean it wouldn't be okay with my grandfather?"

"I don't know. I didn't mean anything at all. I just panicked and had nothing else to say."

"Tell me why you said that Ray." Kai moved over so he was closer to Ray, placing their faces inches from each other.

Ray began to stutter, not sure what he should say. Kai was so close, he could feel his heart beating wildly as his brain tried to come up with an answer to Kai's question.

"How do you know what my grandfather would and wouldn't like?" Kai tried again.

"It just seems like the type of man he is."

"And why wouldn't he want me taking care of my team?"

"Not your team Kai, of me."

"You're a part of my team Ray."

"He doesn't like me."

"How do you know?"

Ray took a deep breath. "I told you that we talked before, remember?"

"Hn. And?"

"He just told me that I'm - we're, not good enough for you."

"I don't really care what he thinks about you or the others Ray. You're all a part of my team and it's my job to take care of you."

"You've went far beyond your 'job'. You shouldn't be forced to take care of me. I don't deserve it."

"Why would you say that? Of course you deserve to have someone take care of you!"

"Not you though..."

Kai suddenly felt very awkward. Why couldn't Ray just say whatever he was trying to say? Was he even trying to say something, or was Kai just reading too much into it?

"Sorry I'm not Tyson," he said bitterly, still not looking up.

"W..what?!" Ray asked in shock.

"Well there's obviously something between you two..."

"No! There's really not Kai! Why would you think that?"

"I don't know. I guess because of the way you looked at him. And when I walked in.."

"..He was talking to me about you."


"And I was just mad at you. I didn't mean to give him any 'look', I was just grateful that someone else was willing to help me too."

"Am I not enough?" Kai asked in an extremely quiet voice.

"You're more than enough Kai. It's me who isn't enough."

Kai picked up quickly that they weren't talking about him taking care of him any longer. Ray was pretty much admitting everything Kai had always wanted him to say, in not so many words.

"My grandfather knew..."


"He knew how you felt.."


"He told you you're not good enough, didn't he?" he asked as he once again began to shake with rage.

Ray wasn't sure if he should respond or not. Kai didn't really seem like he was talking him, more like just putting all the pieces together for himself.

Kai suddenly snapped out of whatever trance he was in and stared deeply into Ray's eyes before closing the small gap that was between them and pressing his lips to Ray's.

Before the Chinese boy could respond, Kai had pulled away and was once again staring at him. "You're more than enough. Don't ever think of listening to my grandfather, he doesn't know what I want, or what I need. He doesn't have my best interest at heart like most people's families do."

"What is it that you want then?"

Kai suddenly blushed, could he have been any more obvious? And Ray STILL had to go and ask? Why did he love him again?

"Are you trying to make this difficult for me?"

Ray smiled, "Maybe."

"Well what if I just refuse to answer?"

"Then I guess I'll just never know what you're talking about until you decide to tell me."

"You make me happy."

Ray couldn't help but break into a cheesy smile. "I think I love Bryan."

"What?!" Kai asked, shocked.

Ray couldn't help but laugh, "Not seriously silly. I'm just so thankful that I had this opportunity to be at your house and see this other side of you. You seriously never even smile around us, and now you're talking, and smiling, and laughing, and being sociable, and showing love to your family. It has just been an amazing experience. And it made me love you ten times more than I already did."

Kai's jaw dropped a little, he hadn't been expecting that. He had caught on to the fact that Ray returned his feelings, but he wasn't aware that it was to that magnitude. A grin broke out across his face as he crushed his lips to Ray's, causing the boy to fall backwards onto the bed.

Ray ignored the sharp pain he suddenly felt as he was filled with a feeling of immense happiness, could it get any better than this? Kai was talking... Kai was smiling... Kai was laughing... Kai was holding him... kissing him.

"I love you too."

But most importantly, Kai loved him.. and Kai was his.



A/N- Okay, so that was the last chapter )= I'm pretty sad to see it come to an end. But at least now I can focus on Intruding Russians (which is also a Kai/Ray). Thanks so much for all of the reviews and the encouragement throughout this fiction.

DISCLAIMER: So.. I just realized I never put a disclaimer this entire fic. Sorry about that.. but I'm sure you all know, I do not own Beyblade or any of its characters.