Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Twilight characters.
Rating: T (for violence and language in later chapters)
Pairing: JB/EC
Hello everyone! This is the beginning to a repost of 'Rising Tides' I know its taken me forever and I DID promise a sequel but I felt the need to give this story a break and work on some other updated (and not updated) works of mine. If you're still looking for a sequel then please know that I am doing my best to get the juices flowing on it. I have some good ideas and a plot that I think will work out for the storyline. Once again, thank you for being patient and I hope you'll enjoy the changes I've made to Rising Tides. Reviews are still very much welcome! (and appreciated). P.S. some warnings: slash (don't like don't read), AU as in Jacob survives the bite he receives (which will be explained in later chapters) and this is mpreg but it won't come along until the middle of the story so once again, if you do not like any of the things I have warned you of then please do not read, or read with the knowledge of these things. No flames!
-Ajisai! (enjoy the show!)
I'm running. Its dark and cold, wet and slippery, but I continue to run as fast as I can, cursing the fact that I hadn't phased when Sam gave the order. I can hear the sounds of the surrounding forest, can hear the snapping of low branches and twigs, can hear the impossibly quiet footsteps that fall just as fast as my own. I focus on the darkness in front of me, straining my eyes so that I don't run into a tree or trip over anything. If anything hindered me--even just for a second--that would prove fatal. I can hear the feather light breathing that won't become any heavier, any less determined. The thought makes me realize that my lungs can't hold out forever but as long as I'm running, I'll run as fast as I can, as far as I can.
Suddenly, I hear a shift behind me and I'm instantly horrified to find that I had lost distance between myself and the creature I was taught to despise and to kill if necessary. It saw this as an opportune moment to pounce, giving me enough time to anticipate its landing, and fall completely to the ground. It recovered faster than I'd thought, instantly tearing my body up from the cool damp ground. I kicked out, not sure if it would land anywhere profound or have the effect I needed to momentarily surprise it, but to my relief I'd got the hand it was holding me with. I fell to the ground but quickly stood to run once again. "You won't get very far at all," I heard it hiss, immediately right behind me once more.
This time it grabbed my hair, yanking me forcefully to the ground. I had no time to register the swift downward movement the creature executed, nor did I have time to try and force away the teeth that made their way to my neck. The pain was excruciating and the actual bite could have only lasted a second, but the burn wasn't fading. I could almost hear the smirk that I knew was on the pale face above me. I could feel the red eyes cutting into me as the bloodsucker laughed, "You will become a creature of the night, an outcast of your wolf kind, and unwanted by any." I could hear myself crying out and trying to claw at the still-bleeding wound on my neck, the burn the fiercest there.
The bloodsucker left without saying a word, but I didn't care anymore about him. All I cared about was the fact that the burn was slowly spreading throughout my entire body and I couldn't stop it. My heart was beating faster, faster than it normally did which wasn't quite as normal as a human anyway. It beat so fast that I thought it might explode, but I knew it wouldn't. Slowly as the burn crept closer and closer to my heart, I could feel my fingertips start to become cooler, but they still blazed with an inferno I could not fathom.
At some point the pain intensified and before I lost all conscious thought, I hallucinated that someone was lifting me. That I was being carried along in strong, cool arms, that those arms didn't alleviate the burn even a little. I thought I heard a voice filled with deep concern mutter, "This isn't just anybody Alice. This is Jacob Black." My world as I had once known it to be, went black.
(A/N: how was it so far? Let me know what you think!)