Nami groggily sat up in the unfamiliar bed, the sun outside the windows of the strange room was pretty high must be around midday...where am I. Putting her hand to her forehead in a vain attempt to stifle the killer headache that was coming on, she attempted to take in her surroundings. The room was definitely unfamiliar, small and bare it looked like a room in an Inn... It was definitely not on a ship. Vague memories of last nights 'welcome to the island' party that had been thrown in their honor by the villagers drifted to the surface of her mind, 'Celebration Island' as it seemed to be named, didn't get many visitors; so their arrival appeared to be the perfect excuse. Ugh, I remember... Usopp and Chopper singing that stupid Sogeking song... And Robin reading a book... Franky posing...Brook enjoying himself... Sanji picking up chicks... Luffy eating half the villages food supply... and Zoro drinking... Omg, I let that old woman challenge me to a drinking competition! Did I win that? There was definitely money involved! Nami spotted a goodly sized bag of Berris on her bedside table and she smiled in satisfaction at the outcome of that. Lets see... Then the villagers begged me to stop Luffy from eating any more...So I challenged him to a drinking competition too, and said that the winner got to eat the loser's share of the desserts that Sanji made, for a whole week... Nami tried to recall further information, but anything more then the beginning of the second drinking competition was no more then a haze. I hope I didn't lose to -Luffy- at DRINKING!? she thought in dismay.

A groan next to her in the bed made Nami jump to her feet in panic, her headache cleared enough to allow her to see a rather large lump covered by sheets... Lying in the same bed that she had slept in... Noooo.... Nami thought silently, dread starting to creep through her. Quietly she leaned over the bed towards the (now snoring) hidden figure. She gulped, and then held her breath as she slowly peeled back the covers. "SANJI!! MAKE ME FOOD!" Nami jumped three feet back and stared, stunned, at her Captain. Why is he...? Nami looked down and realized that she was naked. Whooahh.... no! no!! NO! Nothing happened, no WAY! We must have just collapsed here or something. She momentarily considered lifting up the covers to see if Luffy was in a similar state of undress No, even if he IS naked as well, it doesn't change anything. And I don't really even want to know. ..Nami decided to look for her clothes, but only succeeded in locating her shirt and shorts... Her underwear was not in sight. She quickly gave up on the bra and undies (They weren't her favorites anyway) and quietly started to change. "But Robin doesn't even WANT her food...Gimme...It" Luffy mumbled audibly from the bed. Despite her panic Nami had to suppress a giggle and almost forgot what she was doing, those guys sure are interesting when they sleep. Once Nami had changed she grabbed the bag of money and ran out of the room, If -I- got drunk enough to forget last night, there is no way that he remembers anything. So even if something -did- happen, it wont matter. she rationalized to herself I should find the others. The Logpose is probably set by now, the people we met on the previous island said it should only take a day or two. Nami gasped and stopped right in the doorway to the Inn, causing a couple of patrons to give her dirty looks as they were momentarily inconvenienced. I FORGOT THE LOGPOSE! Nami faltered...She would -have- to go back to the room to retrieve it... But what if he wakes up?!? Nami walked in and out of the door a couple of times, undecided, before she caught herself This isn't like me. I will just go back and get it, no big deal. If he -does- wake up, I will just tell him a story. Its LUFFY after all, he will believe anything. Nami nodded decidedly, and headed back up to the room.

It didn't take long to find, the Logpose had fallen under the bed in the course of the night, but it was un-damaged. Nami breathed a sigh of relief and left the room and the Inn.


Luffy yawned and sat up, stretching his arms to opposite ends of the room before the headache kicked in. Owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!! Hangovers were definitely NOT fun he decided as he slowly stood up with one hand cushioning his head. It took him a few more seconds to realize that he had no idea where he was, with a puzzled frown he turned and took in his surroundings. Bed...Table...Clothes... Luffy did a backtrack ...Clothes???? Luffy looked down Oh, I'm naked. I wonder how that happened? He grabbed his shorts and threw them on before sitting down crosslegged on the floor and attempting to remember last night Lets seeee..... He furrowed his brow in concentration, bringing on a fresh wave of headache Owwww.....! He rubbed his forehead Ok.... Thats RIGHT! He thumped his fist downwards onto an open palm and grinned They threw us an AWESOME party cos of how cool we were! And there was sooo much FOOD!!! Luffy's mouth began to water at the memory of all the meat And then Nami said that if i could outdrink her then I could have all her desserts for a week! He turned his head sideways at this point, puzzled, Who won that?? I hope I did, I don't want to give her all my desserts!!!! Luffy tried to remember the outcome of the competition, but couldn't recall anything else. Ahh well he grinned If she doesn't remember either then we can just call it even. Luffy nodded and stood up, he grabbed his vest and threw it on before looking around for his hat. "Where'd it go?" he asked outloud, he looked around the bed, and then lifted up the sheets to have a look. "Eh? Whats that" Luffy reached under the sheets and pulled out the light purple and pink silky items that were entangled together. He pulled them apart and promptly dropped them, as though they had burnt his fingers "Ehhh!!!!!!?" the silky, lacy, and FEMININE bra and undies fell softly to the floor. Luffy was definitely confused now "Why would someone put their underwear into another persons bed? That doesn't make any sense" Luffy puzzled over it for a moment before giving up on the mystery. "Now...Where is my hat?" He finally found it under the bed and put it on his head. Looking out the window Luffy guessed that it was early afternoon, If he didn't hurry he would DEFINITELY miss lunch. The headache was getting too much though, Luffy rummaged in his pockets for a moment before finding what he was looking for. The small container of hangover pills that Chopper had given him when he saw Luffy get ready to have a drinking competition with Nami the night before. He took one and then Luffy ran out of the Inn at whirlwind speed and headed straight for the Thousand Sunny.


Nami arrived at the Thousand Sunny at the same time that Usopp and Chopper did, she hesitated before greeting them, but they didn't seem to notice anything. "Yo, Nami" Usopp greeted "Where did you go off to last night?". Nami shook her head "Some people challenged me to drinking competitions, and I ended up staying the night at one of the nearby Inns" She said, trying to lie as little as possible. "Did you win?" Chopper asked. "Of course!" Nami replied, holding up the bag of money and smiling. Chopper clapped excitedly and Usopp shook his head, pitying the poor idiots who challenged Nami to -anything- that involved money. "I do have a MAJOR hangover though Chopper" She conceded. Chopper nodded "I have some pills for that, ill go get them for you" he said as he headed off to the infirmary. Usopp and Nami both went to the dining room to see about lunch. Inside the kitchen Sanji was already busy cooking, "Hello Nami-swaaaaann!" He greeted in his usual cheery love-struck manor. "Lunch will be ready in about half an hour! But I can make something for you now if you are hungry!?" Nami smiled and shook her head "No thanks Sanji-kun. I can wait for lunch. It smells good though!". Sanji took the praise as well as could be expected, and added more vigor to his cooking. "Well, I'm gonna go work on some inventions till lunch" Usopp said before heading off to his room. Nami nodded and decided that she would go to the deck to rest her eyes until Chopper managed to find the pills.

Robin was already in her customary place reading when Nami walked up and took a seat on in her chair, they greeted eachother and Nami reclined with a hand shading her eyes. The headache was still strong enough to prevent her from thinking about last night and this morning too much. Robin smiled in sympathy before returning to her book.


Luffy was running towards the Thousand Sunny when he heard a commotion coming from one of the side alleys, he stopped to see what was going on. "We're sorry Mr Roronoa Zoro sir!" A couple of burly gangster looking men were pleading on their knees "we didn't mean to try and rob you! Please! don't kill us!!" the larger of the two added "I have a wife and kids!". Zoro seemed unconcerned by the desperate pleas for mercy before him "Which way are the docks?" He asked. The two men looked at eachother in confusion "Uh.. Well" The smaller of the two began, not really sure why this infamous man was asking directions for a place only a few blocks away. "Yo! Zoro!" Luffy greeted, grinning at him and entering the alleyway. Zoro didn't look at him "I guess I don't need you two anymore" he said menacingly. The two men quivered in fear for a moment before Zoro knocked them out with the hilt and sheathed his sword. "Luffy" he he said, greeting the wildly smiling captain "Lets to to the Thousand Sunny". Luffy nodded his agreement "I hope Sanji is making lunch!" he said before taking off at a run again. Zoro shook his head and followed I wonder where him and Nami got off to last night Zoro wondered They both disappeared at about the same time.

By the time Zoro and Luffy made it back to the ship they could hear the sounds of lunch coming from inside. "Whaaatttt!? They started without me!?!?" Luffy complained loudly before barging into the dining room. Everyone else was already there and they looked up as he and Zoro entered, but then continued with the meal. Luffy sat down and was about to reach over and steal Usopp's plate when Sanji placed a giant dish of meat in front of him. Luffy grinned and stole Usopp's food anyway, stuffing it into his mouth before starting on his own food. Usopp retaliated and the usual lunchtime meal ensued.


Nami looked up as Franky and Brook entered the dining room for lunch. Chopper, Usopp and Robin were already seated around her, and Sanji had just started serving the food. "Thanks again for that hangover pill" Nami smiled at Chopper "You're a lifesaver". Chopper giggled and flushed at the praise but was interrupted by Franky asking for a pill aswell and Sanji serving Nami and Robin with loud and elaborate gestures and sing song voices.

They had just started the meal when Luffy's voice of dismay could be heard form outside. Robin covered a smile with her hand, and Nami saw Usopp maneuver his plate as far away from the two remaining empty seats as possible, and lean over it protectively. The door banged open, Nami flushed at the sight of Luffy walking in with his usual big grin, he was closely followed by Zoro, who, Nami could almost swear, gave her a searching glance when he entered. She attempted to hide her flush and continued on with her meal.

"Where did you disappear to last night Nami?" Brook asked her conversationally as Luffy, Usopp, Zoro and Chopper fought over food in the background. Nami put on her poker face and told him the same thing that she had told Usopp, Brook laughed heartily at this and toasted to the poor fools who thought they could best Nami and still walk away with money. This caused and great deal of laughter from the room and started a debate of who would win at poker, a (literal) poker GOD, or Nami. Usopp was certain that the deity would win, he was a god afterall. Luffy however was convinced that 'his' Nakama could beat any God. The rest of the room participated, but mainly just let the two of them battle it out with a mixture of verbal arguments and wrestling.

Nami laughed along with the rest of the group and decided to put off any real thoughts until she could think them in private.

That was... until Luffy had soundly beat Usopp into saying that Nami could kick God's butt, and brought up the subject of when he woke up. Nami hadn't been paying attention, but tuned into the conversation when she heard him say laughingly "And I was at this Inn, and there were GIRLS underwear under the covers! I found them when I was looking for my hat!". The room went silent and everyone turned to look at Luffy. "What!?" Sanji and Usopp asked in disbelief. Luffy mistook the source of their confoundnation and nodded, still grinning and laughing "I know!? Who would put their undies in someone elses bed!? They must have been MYSTERY underwear". The room sweatdropped as they all regarded their captain with a mixture of amusement and shock. "And you don't remember anything?" Usopp asked cautiously. Luffy shook his head "Nope, I started the drinking competition with Nami and then next thing I knew I was naked in this bed". The crew promptly fell off their seats at this bland statement. "YOU WHERE WHAT!?" Sanji shouted at him over the top of loud protests of disbelief coming from the other guys. Luffy looked at him, tilting his head sideways and frowning in confusion "Whats that Sanji?" he asked. Sanji sweatdropped "You woke up, NAKED, in a strange bed, with WOMENS underthings?" He asked again, incredulous. Luffy nodded and looked around the room in confusion "Whats wrong with everyone?". Nami attempted to hide her face and look non-nonchalant. This seemed to attract Usopp's attention to her however, because he asked "Oi, Nami!?" Nami looked up with a feeling of sinking despair "Ee?" She asked. "Did you see what happened to Luffy after your drinking competition?" He asked. Nami was about to answer but was interrupted by Luffy, "Oi! Yeah Nami! Who won that?". Nami grasped at the chance to change the subject and replied promptly "Me of course!". Luffy sunk and began to look depressed so Nami added "But since I'm such a pro, and you never had a chance. I will let you off the hook" Luffy instantly perked up and grinned at her "Thanks Na-". "But" She interrupted "You must pay me 10,000 Berri" Luffy sank again but nodded. However the dejection didn't last long, and soon he had the same grin back on again and had started a game of tag, to which Zoro and Sanji were forcibly included. Nami sighed in relief, awarding her an odd look from Robin, which she shook off, and then headed to her room.

Nami closed the door to her study behind her and lent against it, breathing a deep sigh of relief and confusion What on earth happened last night? She wondered. She took a seat at her desk and put her head in her hands as she tried to recall the events.


The villagers came up to Nami looking very concerned. She looked up questioningly from where she sat holding her new bag of Berris, in the background she could clearly hear the rest of the Straw Hat crew making alot of noise over the top of the villagers. "Umm, excuse me miss" the eldest lady of the small group that approached her stepped forwards "But, you are part of that Straw Hat pirate crew are you not?". Nami nodded but said nothing. "Well, that is your captain right?" She asked, indicating to where Luffy stood at the buffet table that was surrounded by a large group of chefs and waiters who where rushing food out as fast as possible. Nami nodded again, and smiled at her captain. "Well, you see. He is eating -everything-!!!!!" the lady cried out in dismay. Nami started laughing "Yeah, he does that. Don't worry, I will see what I can do" She smiled comfortingly at the women before her. The small group breathed a sigh of relief and thanked her before heading off to enjoy the rest of the festivities. Nami sighed and headed towards Luffy. She elbowed her way through a group of waiters and tapped him on the shoulder "Luffy!!!" She shouted in his ear. Luffy turned to look at her sideways, but didn't pause his eating. Nami thought quickly "Wanna have a competition?". "What competition?" Luffy asked, still not pausing his consumption of food. "A drinking competition!" Nami shouted over the noise of the room. Luffy cocked an eyebrow at her but didn't cease eating. "AND!" Nami continued when the competition alone didn't seem to be enough "The WINNER gets ALL of the loser's share of desserts for a WEEK!". This had Luffy's attention, and he grinned at her and agreed. Nami smiled and gestured towards the bar at the other end of the room "Shall we?" She asked. Luffy nodded and grabbed a large amount of food to eat as he walked over. Behind them Nami heard the Chefs and waiters give an audible sigh of relief as Luffy left the buffet table.

Nami giggled, she had been with the Straw Hat pirates for a while now and was thoroughly used to their eating habits. She glanced at Luffy sideways as they walked to the bar, he was in his usual red vest and navy shorts, but, not for the first time, Nami found herself appreciating the effect. She shook her head and banished the unwanted thoughts of Luffy from her mind. "Ready?" she asked him picking up a large mug. "Ready!" Luffy agreed with a big grin.