Disclaimer: I don't own Death Note… but I'm sure everyone knew that already.

This is basically a collection of Death Note oneshots that foil Light's plans to rule the world. Obviously, Light lovers may not like this if they are closed minded. These oneshots are not connected and are in no particular order. Some will be very in character. Some will be ooc for short moments… kind of like this one. The first one takes place right before Light's incarceration.


Light Yagami took a deep breath and stood in front of the door to L's meeting room. L had made an excellent move, shoving him into a corner, leaving him entirely unable to defend himself… by aggressive means, that is. He still had one powerful weapon at his fingertips, knowledge of how the deathnote worked. As powerful a weapon as it was, it wasn't one he wanted to use because when he got the deathnote back, it would reach L's hands and expose the rules. The fake rules would help but fake rules would be infinitely easier to narrow things down with than blindly trying to decipher the rules by reading the killings. It would leave him far more exposed than he really wanted to be. After one more quick scan for holes in his plan, Light stepped through the doors to plead for incarceration. Finally, the Japanese police force would come in handy. The doors in front of him opened and he walked in.

"I've thought about this awhile and I think it's possible that I am Kira and just don't know it," Light began. He relished in the puzzled look on L's face. It vanished in a moment. L was extremely good as hiding his emotions and acting objectively.

"No, Light!" Soichiro Yagami wailed, running towards his son. It was an expected reaction but an important one. It was obvious at this point that the police force had a ridiculous amount of loyalty to the chief so this would put a sense of emotion into the investigation that L wouldn't have whether he liked it or not. Even if he was L, he couldn't simply shrug off the heavy opinions of every other member of the task force while they were working as a small group.

"No, Dad. I'm saying that it's possible that I'm Kira subconsciously. I might be him and not even know it. I do have thoughts sometimes that there are some people the world would be better off without and Ryuzaki seems to be convinced that I'm him. He's never been wrong before, right?" Light finished. He watched as L thought for a moment. Surely it was something along the lines of wondering how this was supposed to help his position. Just not consciously being Kira wouldn't save him in a court case. It wouldn't even come close. It would be either life in prison or execution. If it could be done with a mere thought, it would probably be the latter.

"So… what do you want me to do about it," L asked. As usual, L wasn't going to declare his position yet. It didn't really matter.

"Lock me up until you're satisfied that I'm not Kira!" Light demanded.

"Of course! If the killings keep happening while Light is incarcerated, that will prove him innocent, right, Ryuzaki?" Matsuda asked excitedly. L shook his head.

"That won't work. You may or may not know this, Light, but for a short time, we put cameras and wire taps in your room and house. Killings happened that you had no knowledge of," L finished.

"Then I still want you to lock me up until you're satisfied! I can't stand being under suspicion when I know I'm not Kira! I'll do anything to clear my name!" Light demanded again. L thought about it for a moment. He wasn't exactly being given much choice here. He picked up a pen and walked over to Light with his usual terrible posture.

"What are you doing with that?" Light asked, beginning to feel uneasy. This wasn't something he'd thought up a response to ahead of time. Did he miss something? He couldn't have! He'd checked everything!

"I see no point in incarcerating you for life so we'll use a different approach. I'm going to poke your eyes out. Kira needs a name and a face to kill. If the killings continue, you can't be Kira," L said with a smile. The rest of the task force gaped. Light's eyes bulged and he backed up.

"Isn't that a bit extreme?" Light asked, now very afraid. Was L serious?

"You did say that you'd do anything to clear your name and this certainly beats life in prison," L reasoned as he inched closer.

"Now wait a second here-" Light started. There was a splattering sound, followed by a scream. The Kira Case was closed not too long after.
