Sailor Star Scream: Okay, okay, I know...I haven't had really WONDERFUL stories....and I may have a problem with finishing
what I start, demo...I can STILL write stories.

Celes: Okay, we DON'T care. Do the disclaimer now.

Sailor Star Scream: NEVER!!!

Celes: *Taps foot in annoyance* Don't MAKE me come over there.

Sailor Star Scream: *Mutters* You'd think for her being MY MUSE she'd have some respect. But NOOOOOO.

Celes: I heard that. And whether or not I respect you is irrelevant. I'm just keeping YOU on your toes!

Sailor Star Scream: I'll bet. *Stares at lawyers glaring at her from across the table and smirks* ..... *Looks at Celes,
and smirks wider*....*Looks back to lawyers* Hey come on, paid liars, want something to eat? I'll make a special treat!
*Looks at Celes* Cookies in the shape of a witch.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Sailor Moon. Naoko Takeuchi does. If I did, I would have erased Mamo-baka from existance
after putting him through immense pain YEARS ago. I do not own Gundam Wing. If I did, I would have gotten rid of......
well, Relena.In this story her name is Relena, not Ririna, because ATLEAST Relena sounds like a name. Ririna sounds like
something you'd name a dog. ....... On second thought.......

Celes: You made a choice now STICK TO IT! And shut up! You're rambling!

Sailor Star Scream: ..........

FORWARNINGS: Relena bashing. Mamoru bashing. Questionable content. Quotes from female singers. Words in Chinese and
Japanese. These will have an asterix before and after them and will be translated at the end of the story. I accept reviews
and constructive criticism. I do not accept flames. If you have anything to say about the pairings not being good, take that
thought and tell it to someone who cares. I don't. Unless you have a request for a story with a certain couple. I do those.
I do not require a certain amount of reviews per chapter, I write whenever I have ideas whether you like it or not. *Shrugs*

This is a Wufei and Usagi fic, and I dunno..... if ya want you can tell me what other couples you might want.
But I am sticking to Wufei and Usagi as the main couple for this story. Okay?


"WINNER! MAXWELL! YUI!" No answer. He listened quietly. "BARTON!" No answer again. He searched the room. Good. Very
good. 'I can now think in peace while I do my sword kata.' Wufei began his kata calmly, but then he opened his eyes and
froze. 'This katana. THIS KATANA. SHE gave me this katana. Not anyone. SHE did. Damnit. Damnit. Damnit all to hell. Why?
WHY? WHY?!?!?!' That annoying voice in his head that actually knew what it was talking about and wouldn't
go away said. He could almost SEE the smirk. 'Yes, I know what she TOLD me, *demo*, I always had a feeling she didn't tell
me everything. Why did she leave? *Baka*, baka, baka. *Baka onna*, never leaving my thoughts!' He closed his eyes and
remembered what she had said to him when she gave it to him.

""""""""{Wu-wu? Wu-wu, are you here?} {Right here.} {Wu-wu, are you still mad at me?} {I could never be mad at you.}
{ yelled.} {I always yell. You know I have a short temper.} {Demo....never at me.} {*Gomen.*} {*Ano*.....Wu-wu?
Are you sure you aren't still mad at me?} {*Hai*, *onna*, I'm sure.} { never call me onna unless you're mad at
someone or something.} {I'm not mad at you, you know you are my *Syi Wang Mu*} {And you are my *Hwai Dungsyi*.}
{*Wo Ai Ni*, Syi Wang Mu, Wo Ai Ni.} {Wo Ai Ni. Hwai Dungsyi?} {*Nani*?} {I got you a gift.} {*Nan desu ka*?} {You like?}
{I love it. I love you.} {I love you too......}""""""""""

"HEY WU-MAN!" "Shut up Maxwell." "Whoa! No fighting, no katana?" "MAXWELL!"


"*Meimei*, hurry up." "I am." She ran up the steps to Quatre's Mansion and rang the doorbell. Rashid answered. "May
I help you, Miss...?" "Hai. I am looking for Hwai Chang Wufei. Do you know of his whereabouts?" "I'll be
right back." Rashid disappeared, leaving them in the front hall. "Hello. I am Quatre Winner. May I ask what your business is
with Wufei?" Hotaru hid behind Usagi's cloak. Usagi brushed some stray blonde bangs that escaped from her chinese style bun
that held her mid-back length hair on her head and out of her way. She adjusted her black velvet cloak, which covered her
black chinese style dress with the slits to the beginning of her hips, and tapping the toes of her black chinese style shoes
nervously on the floor. (Like Wufei wears, you know those black shoes?) Hotaru was in a similar outfit, only in purple, and
the slits only went to her knees. She wore her hair down, since it only went to her chin anyways. Hotaru stared at Rashid.
"Is everything allright? Was Rashid impolite?" "*Iie*," Usagi answered, "He was kechi." "Kechi?" "That's Chinese, Mr.Winner.
Which is what Hotaru and I are. Half Chinese and half Japanese. Kechi means 'TOO polite'. Where is Wufei? I need to see him. has been to long."

"WUFEI! We look for you! Now our search *swanle*!" Wufei looked up, just in time to see Hotaru, just before she
crashed into Duo and fell down, messing up her outfit. "Meimei! *Syin yifu! Yida fadwo*!" "It wasn't her fault, you know."
"" Usagi became nervous and fingered the *chang* he had given her. "*Pichi, pichi*." Usagi turned red from
embarassment. "Like I said, onna, it wasn't her fault." "*Jrdaule*." "Then why did you-" "Because I just.....reacted without
thought." "No surprise there." "Oh, shut up."

"Old friend of yours, Wu-man?" "Maxwell, don't call me WU-MAN!" "Gomen, *Jyejye*, for...." "*Mei gwansyi*."
"Yes, Maxwell, she was a friend of mine." "I'm Quatre." "Trowa." "Hiiro Yui." "Hey babe! I'm Duo! I may run, and I may hide-"
"I, could care less." Wufei smirked at Usagi's smart ass comment. He loved that about her. Duo frowned. "And don't call me
'babe'. Wufei, what are you doing hanging around a *lihai* *Waigoren*?" "I didn't have a choice. We're partners." "He's a...
no way!" "Sadly, yes." She grinned. "When we walked in, I was wondering why, why *choszle*? Now I know. Waigoren!" Wufei did
something unexpected. He chuckled. "Okay, what are they saying about me?" The others shrugged. "Usagi, are you still
*chiszle*?" "*Ai-ya*. Never was. Just slightly....irritated." "*Chabudwo*." "*Butong*!" Wufei looked at Hotaru. "Hotaru,
*jandale*." Hotaru smiled and nodded. "*Arigato*." "She has much *shou*." Usagi nodded. "Won't be *ni*." He nodded.
Quatre smiled and said "Who's up for dinner?"


Okay, Like I promised: THE TRANSLATIONS!!!

Japanese Words:

Demo: But.

Baka: Stupid / Idiot.

Baka onna: Stupid / idiot female.

Gomen: Sorry.

Ano: Ummmm (Yes, it means Ummm)

Onna: Female (Woman is Onna no hito....don't question me, I take a Japanese class. :P)

Nani: What.

Nan desu ka: What is it.

Iie: No.

Arigato: Thanks.

Chinese words:

Syi Wang Mu: Queen of the Western Skies.

Hwai Dungsyi: You bad little thing.

Wo Ai Ni: I love you.

Meimei: Little sister.

Kechi: Too polite.

Swanle: Finished.

Syin yifu! Yida fadwo!: Your new clothes! Everything, all over the place!

Chang: Used alot for different things, but how I'm using it, it is a necklace with a pendant of red jade.

Pichi: Temper.

Jrdaule: I already know this.

Jyejye: Older sister.

Mei gwansyi: It doesn't matter.

Lihai: Wild and Stubborn.

Waigoren: American.

Choszle: Stinks to death.

Chiszle: Mad to death.

Ai-ya: No.

Chabudwo: Almost the same.

Butong: Not the same at all.

Jandale: So big already.

Shou: Respect for family and elders.

Ni: Traitor to ancestors.

I hope you like!

The Screamaa,
Sailor Star Scream