Wow, I forgot about this story. I wrote it 5 years ago just cause I wanted the team as babies again. I am so glad for all the grand reviews. I hope you all enjoy this chapter as well.

Ziva had followed obediently but trailed behind. Abby and Tim noticed and Tim grabbed Gibb's hand.

"Wait Gibbs" he instructed.

"What's up Timmy?" Gibbs asked. His junior agent now thirteen year old son only pointed at Ziva.

"I don't think Ziva is very happy" Tim replied.

"I am fine Timothy" Ziva replied.

Tim just shook his head. "No, you're not and it's okay to be scared of being a kid again but it's also kinda fun starting over and LJ Gibbs is a good dad" he told her.

"I am?" Gibbs asked.

Tim only smirked at him. "Of course Gibbs, it's why I shrunk myself, I figure since Tony is still sorta a baby you'd need help" he answered.

"I appreciate it Tim and Ziva you can just be a child this time, carefree and innocent till this potion wears off….just like last time" Jethro then told his female agent.

She smiled at that. "Thank you Gibbs, I am ready to be a child again long as I have my friends around"

"We're not your friends Z" Tim said with a smirk. Ziva looked hurt at that till Abby chuckled.

"Tim's right Z, we're your family and always will be" she told her and hugged her shoulders gently.

Ziva smiled again. "Thank you Abby but you don't have to make me your family…Agent Todd was your sister…I am her replacement"

"At first maybe Z but Abby is right…this team been through too much not to be a family" Tim argued.

"Z you are my sister okay?" Tony asked.

Ziva nodded at him and walked over. "Okay Tony, I'll be your sister" she promised.

The five year old lunged at her and she caught him. "Me miss Kate but me also love you" he added.

"You remember Kate?" Tim asked.

Tony nodded. "When Z said Agent Todd I saw her in my head…I liked Kate lots but she's gone and Z is here now and Z my sister now just like Kate and Abby" he declared.

"You're such a smart boy Tony"

"That why I your best boy Gibbs" the toddler agreed. "Then we gotted Timmy and now you has the bestest boys and girls in world on your team" he added.

Gibbs threw Tony in the air again. "I couldn't agree more pal" he said as he caught him.

He then placed Tony on his hip and put his arm around Ziva. Abby swung hers around Ziva and her other went around Tim.

"Now this will be really fun, I wanna videotape it all again but we gotta have ten times more fun than the first tape" Tim declared.

"Yay fun….too bad Jimmy not here…" Tony said.

"Right behind you Tony" a voice said and Tony cheered again.

"You sure Palmer?" Gibbs asked. The assistant shrugged. "If you'll have me agent Gibbs I wouldn't mind another temporary trip to childhood it did look like we had fun in the video" he answered.

"Don't mind at all Jimmy" Gibbs replied. The man led his strong loyal team to Maddie's for some more childhood fun.