Final Fantasy 6 Novel - Unofficial Novel - By the master of Assassination!

Th first few chapters are guest writer chapters...with hints of me in it,

War of the Magi

The ancient War of the Magi... When its flames at receded, only the charred husk of a world remained. Even the power of Magic was lost... In the thousand years that
followed, iron, gunpowder, and steam engines took the place of magic and life slowly returned to the barren land. Yet there now stands one who would reawaken the magic
of ages past and uses its dreaded power as a means by which to conquer all the world. Could anyone truly be foolish enough to repeat that mistake?

One thousands years after the war of Magic, soldiers toppled over the hills of small mysterious town, countless human figured people walked about, only they were crafted with many different sized horns, wings, scales, feathers, beaks, paws, claws, tails and even without eyes, yet they were acting as if they were humans, farming and playing with their children as the soldiers jumped from behind rocks, off cliffs, from trees, from ledges and even from giant iron shaped machines that had a rose emblem engraved on the sides. Iron and steel blades were used to create damage to most of the town....Could this be real?


"Maduin, can you hand me Terra's teddy bear?" Asked a blond woman with blue eyes. The man known as Maduin turned, smiling. "Of course, Madeline." The giant man picked
a brown teddy bear up and gave to his wife of three years. Madeline gave it to the three year old girl with light green hair and smiled when his daughter started to chew on the ear,
drooling. The baby girl continued to chew while her mother cleaned the mess up around her. "Maduin, I hear that Exsior will help you with farming?"

"Oh, I certainly hope so dear," Terra made gargling sounds, reaching her tiny hands up to her mother, stretching and un-stretching her fingers out to her. Madeline picked her up and sat her on her hip.

"So?" Maduin smiled.

"I think his son got sick the other day, might have to stay with him for the day, or even two." Said the father has he looked out the window, chewing on some soft bread. "Maybe we can take Terra out today, if her allergies have cleared up, I mean," He sighed. "Shall we?"
Madeline smiled, asking Terra if she wanted to go. Terra made baby sounds and giggled. Madeline laughed.

"I guess that's a yes?"

"Then let's go," Said Maduin as he grabbed a shawl for Terra and lead his family outside.

Maduin sat down under a pale green tree, resting his little daughter on her belly, her cheek resting peacefully on the cotton blanket below her, a teddy bear was grasped by her tiny, but strong hands. Madeline was sleeping against Maduin's shoulder, a happy smile on her face. Terra gazed upon her mother and father, she started to cry. Maduin picked her up before she woke her mother up. "Hush little baby. Shush, Ter bear." He whispered to her, gently bouncing her up and down. She giggled, calming down. Maduin sighed, looking in front of him towards
a hill covered with yellow flowers, with stones of different size colored the sides as well. But what caught his eye was the smoke rising from beyond the hill, and the silent yet loud enough for his ears, roar of people and metal sounds. Awed and confused, he woke Madeline, handing her Terra. "Something's wrong, Madeline, get Terra's things,"
They hurried up and packed, giving Terra her teddy bear, which had a ribbon tied around it's neck.

Bound by wild desire, Gastra laughed as he spoke among his soldiers. "Feed my flames, O powerful Espers! Give me the power
I need!" He chuckled, throwing bottles on fire through caves openings, windows, boxes, hay and even on top of trees. The small
area was soon on fire, driven to blazing hell the Espers couldn't remember. Gastra orded his men to head west, while telling
four to stay behind and help haul the ones upfront back through the gate. They entered the iron beast machines and went over
the yellow flowered hill, to see another town; untouched by evil, untouched by Gastra and his army of evildoers.
They attacked the fields, then the short mined caves, then went straight to the homes on the hills, all to concerned for the lower
Esper variety there.

Maduin gazed out the window and saw the black smoke at least six, to eight homes away. Scared for his family, he turned and went into his daughter's room, where Madeline was playing with Terra. The tiny baby cooed for her father and reached out to hug him, giggling and making unhearable words. Maduin smiled sweetly, kissing Terra's stubby, fat cheek. "How is my baby girl?"
Terra answered with a loud laugh, kissing her father's cheek and pulling on his ears and nose.

Madeline laughed, "Someone missed you," Said Maduin's wife, grinning. "Terra has been out of bed and fully awake since you left to search the town, what has your father said?"
Maduin frowned, shifting Terra on his hip to his shoulder, which is where she always liked to be. She started to gently play drums on his head, pulling and gripping the brown horns upon his skull. She giggled, continuing to laugh as her parents spoke.
"Eldar hasn't heard anything yet, hopefully we'll find out soon where everyone is." Maduin and Madeline's home was neatly hidden in a fine tunnel, where a tiny, but perfect sized window gave them a great view of the plain and hill out front. Yet, Gastra never saw their home.. Never checked the tunnel ridge around them, nor even think about neatly hidden homes like theirs.
"Let's put Terra to bed, shall we?" Madeline muttered, walking back to the toddler's bed, fixing it up for her swiftly before Maduin laid her down. "Here you go, Terra, have a good sleep, okay?" He kissed her cheek, as did Madeline, and blew the light out, leaving the room.

Battle Ground....

"Gastra, we have obtain over three hundred and sixty five Espers, and thrity two magicite from the east and west town, nothing is north, and
south is the gate. Shall we leave now?" Asked a strangely young man with a pale face and green eyes. His blond hair was pulled back in a pony
tail, his lizard like eyes, darted back from Gastra, to the burning homes. "Sir?"

"Hm, yes young Palazzo, we shall, but I must know; where did you check along the north ridge?"

"The caves, mountains, homes, borrows, hills, hilltops, and basically around the forest, and half way through as well. Why sir?" Asked Palazzo, a bit confused. Gastra snorted, waving him aside for a moment.

"Palazzo, your father recently died protecting me, yes? Then, you must be a great fighter to have Cefca Palazzo as your father. So, Kefka Palazzo, do you treat your role here in the Esper Relm like gold, as what your father would have done?" Kefka nodded, his seventeen year old face twisted in a yes.

"Of course sir! Expect me to jump in the way of a arrow, sword, fall, trip, fire, ice and even cut my own throat!" Kefka yelled proudly, feeling his lungs dry up from the lack of air. Gastra smiled, hearing a man run up in a rush.

"Sir, we found a baby human!"

"What, bring it to me!"

"Yes sir!" Said the soldier, running away.


Terra cried, kicking and screaming. "Uahaha! Dadda!" Maduin came running in, carrying a warm bottle full of sweet milk and a book.
He swooped her up and proceeded to leave her room, gently laying her on his bed.

"Terra, dear, are you afraid? Do you want me to read to you?" Terra nodded, sniffing back and wiping tears back, crawling on to his lap, she hid her face in
his jacket. Maduin opened the book, the title said; "The Pirates of Erperom; Tales of Kersia." It was a book designed for children her age, and it did the trick for two reasons:
One being her favorite book, and two being that the reading and the lull of her father's voice sent her into her deep, peaceful sleep. He grinned when he heard her light breathing, pulling her away, he gently laid her down next to his sleeping wife, he sat down right besides her and smiled, thinking about the wonderful family he had, and the older son he had in the care building a whole town away.

Battle Ground.....

Gastra was awed when he saw a little blond haired girl, about four years old, with dark blue eyes and pale skin. Her devien eyes made him shake in fear as he picked her up. "Your...human...a human child here? How...?" The soldier grinned. "Sir, she said her named was in ' the great Celtria Chere's daughter' Celes."

Gastra frowned. "Celtria...he..this is where he left too? Why with these monsters!? He was a great soldier! And his wife, Ayra is here?" He asked, smiling.

"No, sadly, they were dead when we arrived. Close espers murdered them thinking that they betrayed them." Said the man, nodding to Kefka. "Celtria told me to give her to you, Gastra."
Gastra smiled. "Then she will be a child of the Empire, a child that will help me bring power to my kingdom!" Celes eyed them in wonder as they marched off with her, she watched the only home she knew of for fours years, disappear from sight as they left and went through the sealed gate.

End of chapter 1, yes, I changed up the story line, I thought that the other FF6 novelization made you guys want something different.
Well, thell me what you think!

Guest writer part 1!