This is the final chapter, to this story. the endddd. :(

I hope you guys enjoyed it, and you keep reading my stories!

i'll be starting another one, shortly. :)



I layed down on the soft bed under me. I sprawled my arms out, and inhaled the sweet scent of love. Edward is gone with Emmett for a trip to Forks, & I wasn't allowed to go. This would be one of few nights, i'll be sleeping without my love at my side.

My arm hit something hard, and I leaned up. It was one of the many gifts I got for my birthday, today. I opened the small golden wrapping, and untied the black ribbon around it. A blue velvet journal slid out of the paper, and into my hands. I opened it, to find all blank pages, but at the end of the journal, I found Edwards wedding vowels engraved on the inside.

"To love you, is like leading the world to etnerity.

To love you, is like winning the golden ticket.

To love you, is like waking up Christmas morning, to find everything you wished for, under the tree.

You are my life.

You are my love.

Without you & Jackson, I see no tommorow.

Your the calm before the storm,

and the light that comes after the dark.

For you, I will do anything."

I wiped the warm tears running down my face, with the sleeve of my jacket. I took the pen from inside, and scribbled the date on the first peice of paper.

Sept. 13. 2008.

I've never wrote in a journal, or diary before, but i could give it a go. I layed down on my stomach, and flipped th bedside lamp on, and began to write.

Dear whomever finds this when I die,

I giggled when I wrote that.

I am Bella Swan. I turned 24, today. I am happily marrired to Edward Cullen, and don't you dare think i'll come back from the dead and marry you! haha.

We were wed on July.9th. 2006. The wedding was beautiful, honestly. The theme was 'just love'. The colors were black, white & red. Edward looked stunning, and I was told a few times I did, too. Little Jackson was our ring barrier, he looked adoreable wobbling down the aisle, with his stubby little legs.

We danced untill the moon went down, and we took the first plane trip to Puleo's Island. It was a small island off the coast of Mexico, it was stunningly beautiful. What made this trip fun, was that we brought our baby boy with us. It made it even more better, than I could have imagined.

I finshed school, and we moved back to forks at the first of this year. We got a big beautiful two story house, in the middle of the woods. Charlie is still alive and going strong, but I do go over to help him out alot. I still think about my mom as much as I did, when I walked through the doors of Forks High School. She'll never be a memory. She'll always be part of me.

Did I mention two vampires live in this house with us? Yeah, we won't go there.

Well, I better save my life story, for the rest of the 400 pages left blank in this book.

Life is bitter sweet,

Isabella Marie Cullen.

I dropped the pen back down in the little slot of the book, and shut it tight. I slid of the bed, and lifted up the heavy mattress. I slide the blue book into the middle of the bed, and dropped the matteress back down.

I felt a shiver run down my back, when I felt the breeze from the open window behind me. I shut the frame, and locked it.


I picked up my phone,

1 new txt mssg.

I flipped it open to find Edwards name,

Be home in a few minutes. Cut the trip short. Can't sleep without you, love.

I smiled, and put my phone on the bed.

"Could life, really get any better than this?" I muttered walking to the kitchen.