AN: No action until the fourth chapter I believe, sorry, but I feel like doing character developing first before anything important happens. Just introductions.

Prologue: New Life Awaits


Soreness and slight pain throbbed around my arm sparking more groans. Shuffling around I immediately found I was between two layers of soft enveloping fabric. Trying to pry my eyes open I only found difficulty in doing so. Once I managed to open my eyes halfway, I could barely make out the room I was in for it was dimmed out.

"Where… am I? What is… this place?" I asked merely to one present finding I just regained consciousness in a dark, empty room.

I didn't bother doing so again since my throat was very hoarse. I look around and found that I was on a bed that seemed to be handmade and stuffed with stitched patched markings all around the sac. A flame flickering on a candle illuminated the small space I was in. I assumed it was late at night. The walls seemed to be made of wood, leaves, and mud bunched and dried together like an adobe home. Leaves hooked to the ceiling separated the room from the rest of this place. I don't ever remember falling asleep in a room made of mud and wood before, so how did I get here?

I kept scanning around until I found a bowl of soup next to where I lied. That's when I felt my stomach rumble upon catching the fragrant smell. Who knows how long I've gone without a meal. I didn't think about it, so I quickly downed the soup, filling my stomach for the first time in weeks, or even longer, with a decent meal. I pressed the bowl against my lips and emptied all its contents into my mouth to quickly quench my thirst and hunger. I didn't get to notice the taste. I didn't care about it since I just wanted something in my stomach. I then noticed that the bowl was a shell from some kind of melon. Okay, now this was not an ordinary home, but before I could think further, a sharp pain in my stomach caused me to whine out and clench it. As I did clench it, I felt bulges underneath my shirt. I lifted it up to find my whole torso covered in… bandages? I forgot about the pain as I kept feeling around my body, finding that my left arm was also wrapped in the cloth.

I remember the last time I was awake. I had a broken arm and intense, nerve wracking pains around my chest and stomach, which I still don't know how I was still able to walk with those injuries. Now that I really began remembering moments before I slept, how did I even make it through alive? I pressed against my chest and arm. There was little to no pain now with only some tenderness, but how... I even found my body fresh and clean. My short black hair wasn't rough, and my skin wasn't rough and full of scabs; it wasn't even ashy or scratched, it was back to being sun-baked tan instead of grey! Even my black shirt was in a better condition. Who would heal and bathe me? Knowing the fact that no one was here to kill me after the repair job they probably worked hard to complete, I walked out of the room past the draping leaves and into a small hallway. The hall was made of the same material which was also lit by candlelight. I heard a familiar voice chatting with another person down the hallway. The only problem was the second speaker was not a person talking though. One was the high pitched cries of a torchic, which means it must be my pokémon, Celsius.

I walked fast, brimmed with anxiety, but quietly at the same time. Who knows why I'm here. My body still felt weak as I tried to not stumble around. I tried not to show any fear too. I pressed lightly against the dark brown wood flooring feeling like if I were to get caught doing this I'd be in trouble. When I reached the end of the hallway, I was in a larger room. The room only contained some brown stuffed pillows on the ground and a few candles. There I saw a small form of fiery orange feathers that turned out to be Celsius, my torchic whom I've had for most of my life, sitting on one of the pillows. That brought a relieving smile to me, but another pokémon sat across from her. They didn't notice me so I crept out a bit more and took a closer look at the Pokémon to try to recognize its species.

"Blue, black fur around the legs and arms, and yellow fur on its chest. The spikes on the paws… it must be a lucario!" I whispered noisily without noticing my excitement upon seeing a super rare species. That's a powerful and rare pokémon, and it's right there in my sight! I couldn't believe what I was seeing and yet I wanted to see it from the front just to be sure.

The lucario noticed me behind the wall as it turned and glared its intimidating red eyes towards my direction. I started trembling without noticing I was giving it the sign that I was scared. Who knows what those spikes can do to me. I began backing away slowly as it got up until I was against the wall. "P-please don't hurt me… I don't want to get hurt again!" I begged shutting my eyes in the process and feeling tears being forced out. Sure lucario are known to be gentle but others are known to keep their prey alive. I opened my eyes noticing that the lucario was giving off what looked like a small smile. The fighter pokémon was half a foot shorter than I was as he was probably less than four feet. I glanced at it for a few seconds until it started talking.

"You must be Rayn as your friend here has informed me," the lucario paused his very deep tone gesturing towards Celsius, "I'm glad you finally woke up. Celsius has been telling me a lot about you."

"You can talk… so cool, but what're you gonna do to me?" I quickly asked still in fright wiping my tears away. Wait, if Celsius was just talking to this pokémon than why would the lucario hurt me if my own pokémon was just sitting next to the majestic creature unharmed? The lucario gave me a weird look. "Oh sorry," I apologized relaxing my body knowing I should be safe, "I just get very excited when it comes to pokémon. I have never seen a lucario before and let alone talked to one. I thought you were going to eat me, hehe." I looked around the room before asking, "May I ask where I am?"

"You are in a remote village far from any human route inhabited only by pokémon. This is my home. This village is safe unlike the area where I found you unconscious."

"Wow you speak really well for a pokémon… I've never seen a pokémon talk before…"

"So do you for a child, and I've never seen a young anything talk like a fully matured adult. Very impressive."

That caught me well off guard as an intelligent species complemented me on that. "Thank you…I guess I seem to get that a lot. So you're the one who healed me from my injuries and sickness? Heh, sorry for misjudging you, it actually feels like an honor to be healed by you, thank you." I bowed to show my gratitude to the lucario but started stumbling over a bit catching myself before I fell all the way.

"Whoa! Careful, you still haven't fully healed yet. Have a seat," he gestured sitting back down as well.

I walked over to one of the pillows. I did feel pretty dizzy. Celsius sprinted towards me, and started nuzzling my arm excitedly after I sat on the cushion. Her dark grey eyes were glistening as I saw and heard her joyous cries from seeing me well healed. I picked her up and placed her on my lap petting her head.

"I actually didn't heal you; I just brought you here after finding your body in the forest near that city. What do you call it… Rustborow?" I nodded as I did remember that was the last place I was in before I passed out. "The pokémon that healed you is a good friend of mine. If you should thank anyone, thank her, but she isn't in the village right now."

"Who is she?"

"Gardevoir, she used her powers to heal you."

"And a gardevoir helped me out too!" I yelled in complete amazement, almost fainting upon hearing it.

"Yes," the lucario chuckled, "She healed you almost as good as new."

I looked down at Celsius and then embraced her. "I'm so glad I'm alive to see you okay," I yelled in joy. The lucario began to look very pleased at us with a smile around its muzzle, probably happy to see a human showing a lot of affection towards a pokémon.

"You and Celsius must have gone through a lot together to have such a tight bond."

"Yeah, she's very special to me since she was hatched a year after my birth on the same exact birth date, but she's also very special to me because of how good she's at in battles." I know I wasn't old enough to start a journey, so I just battled a few friends if they had any pokémon as pets and even participated in the little leagues practicing as a pokémon trainer for a season. Celsius, knowing that her species is extremely hard to find in the wild and are mostly found with breeders that work for the league, her egg was given to my dad by a breeder and then he gave the egg to me on my first birthday, or so I was told before.

After I finished my statement all three of us heard someone knocking on the wall next to the exit and entrance of the home. Lucario let in the guest as I waited in the room with Celsius still in my arms. I then saw a gardevoir walk in. Wow, two rare pokémon in five minutes…This must've been the same gardevoir that the lucario was talking about as I saw she was a female from her physique; not that all gardevoir look feminine but males lack that bust females have on the chest. She glanced at me with beautiful red sparkling eyes. She was very stunning being a gardevoir which is a species that resembles a beautiful woman. She looked as if she was levitating in the air, but it was actually her long white slender legs behind that gown.

"You must be Gardevoir! Thank you so much for healing me." I also bowed to her without hesitation. Afterwards, I felt a very distinct feeling in my head.

"There's no need to bow. I couldn't stand someone innocent like you to be hurt. I'm glad that you are feeling better. I came to check on your condition." Did she just use telepathy to speak to me! I never knew telepathic voices had various voice pitches like people do. Her tone sounded very sweet almost sounding motherly. She then started to speak through my head again. "All your questions will be answered in the morning. Right now you should rest more since I see that you are still exhausted, and it's also late. I'll be seeing you tomorrow." She began walking out of the home before saying telepathically again for everyone present to hear, "Good night Lucario. Night Celsius."

A thought came to me after she left. I looked at the lucario to see that it didn't have any bulges on its upper chest fur nor had a "hour glass" figure like most fully evolved females would have which confirmed him to be male. "Is she your mate?" I asked.

"Oh n-no… she's just a friend," he answered rapidly before looking away and facing down. Heh, I could've sworn lucario are supposed to have blue faces, not red. After a few more seconds he spoke up, "Anyways, she's right, you should head back and rest now. Besides there are a few more problems with your body that should be fixed," the lucario recommended giving off a yawn.

I nodded then went back to the room I awoke in. Celsius came in and joined me this time. I carried her small orange body up to the bed since she;s probably been pretty worried about me this whole time. She slept near my side for the night. She and I had been through a lot this past week. I just hope she can tolerate it. I blew out the candle and later fell asleep with Celsius in my arms.

(Deep Cognitive State)

"What is this? Now where am I?" My vision looked blurry and clouded. I was looking at my surroundings, and then looking down, I saw myself in a torchic's body… A torchic's body! Am I looking through Celsius' eyes, or just a random torchic's! This has to be another dream, or as usual, another nightmare!

I saw yellow streaks flying through the air and striking the trees around me which blasted splinters and chunks of wood around my present surroundings. I could hear gunfire from all directions burning my ears. I looked onward and saw a giant house nearly engulfed in flames. I immediately recognized the areas not blocked by the smoke. Th- That's the estate I lived in! That means this is when my family was… massacred, and it's through Celsius' point of view this time!

The estate was far from the location I was in right now as black smoke soared above the building several hundred feet up. The fire illuminated the vegetation all around me in a sea of blazing orange. I heard screaming everywhere followed by gunshots! I couldn't control where this body went as I wanted to run but couldn't. All I could control was where I looked. The night was a hellish sight as there was ash and flaming debris scattered all over suffocating the grass around my spot. This must be how Celsius saw the disaster.

But one thing I saw through these eyes was a small kid down the view of Celsius. The boy seemed to have been enveloped entirely by a blue and red formation of some kind of smog. In front of him was a man which looked like one of the killers wearing a suit and carrying an M16 assault rifle. The smog flowed from the kid's lower body and down his whole arm past a finger which shaped the smog outward almost into a winding appendage which wrapped around the gunman's whole body. The tentacle-like smog coming from the single finger and thickening into the girth of his arm snaked up lifting the man without the kid's arm even moving as more of those tentacles formed out of the kid's back enveloping his whole torso and arm with the appendage in the haze. Eight tentacles sprouted out of his back hitting the ground and propping him up until he was several feet off the ground and leveled with the man struggling in front of him, making the boy look like an eight legged ariados. What the hell… is he some kind of pokémon or a monster! The murderer was struggling to break free from the boy's grasp.

He dropped his gun as the smog began flowing into his mouth! Then more of the blue haze was coming out of the gunman's mouth and running down the kid's arms in waves like as if he was literally sucking the life out of him as he screamed in blood curdling pain and agony. Why would that boy feed that guy that blue smog but then have it come back out in higher quantities and wrap around the boy's body? That doesn't make sense.

The blue smog flowing into his mouth was disintegrating his insides! Steam began to flow from the guy's chest before something dark oozed then erupted out of his chest area. The dark substance landed next to the body I was in. It was blood… His chest was melting away opening up to reveal what lied inside. I saw his ribs being revealed which were covered in crimson. Something purple and throbbing was behind his rib cage. That's where I saw through his ribs that smog tentacle was still inside the man's body as now his stomach was emitting steam before being melted open leaving strings of pinkish red intestines dangling out and dripping blood onto the grass below him. What was even more stomach turning was that the man was still alive as I saw his hands trying to grasp the tentacle wrapped around his body. He began coughing out blood past the intruding appendage and I could even hear him wheezing as his lungs were melting away shooting more blood out.

After the boy stopped forcing that blue haze back out of the gunman's mouth, he dropped him to the ground in a heaping puddle of blood and disintegrating organs. His body looked decayed as if the gunman has been dead for months! The skin was grey and wrinkled and the bones were sticking out, but there was no more blood pouring out. Then once the blue glowing tentacles on the kid's back set him back on the ground, a blue shockwave came from the kid's feet, flowed across the ground, and completely disintegrated the decayed body. That wave literally wiped that body off the face of the Earth into dust, but it didn't affect Celsius at all when it passed her feet since I was still standing unharmed in the dream. I was still in the view of Celsius as the boy turned around using the blue tentacles as legs. He gazed at me for a moment; at Celsius. I saw his face and his body within the blue haze and what I saw completely sickened me. That boy was me!

How could it be me? I don't even remember any of this happening at all when I was escaping that massacre. I just tortured a man to death. This has to be a lie. It's just a nightmare, a vision! It can't be true! Since that thing was looking at me, I could see that the smog around it turned dark red and the eyes were a demonic yellow color. The vision started becoming blurry where I looked down and saw droplets of water fall below me. Even the body I was in began to tremble as my whole vision turned watery.

(Full Awareness)

"Whoa! What the," I gasped as I looked around my surroundings, "A dream… just a dream," I panted sitting up on the bed. Sweat and tears was dripping from my face. I started shaking from the fear of that nightmare once it registered. I've been having similar nightmares about that night for a week, but this is the worst by far.

"Is that what Celsius saw when our family was massacred by those people? Was that me killing that man? It was me, but that's impossible, I don't remember doing that!"

I started to cry once it sunk in. I was so confused; I don't know what came over me or even remember myself turning into th…that thing! I felt like throwing up after seeing it. "Mom… Dad…Lithium…" I kept crying for another few minutes. I remember what happened that night.

I miss my whole family, especially my mom, dad, and Lithium, who was my growlithe. But they are all gone now. Hopefully Arceus lifted all their souls to a better place. I tried to think of something else so that I wouldn't remember that night. I just started thinking of Lucario and Gardevoir. There is probably more pokémon in this village too.

It was morning after I awoke from that nightmare. The sun illuminated the green leaves into a light vibrant glow that made the house. Celsius was still asleep lying next to me on the pillow. After I stopped crying, I got out of bed, but I still couldn't help myself from not thinking about that dream.

"What was that cloud that was surrounding me, and what did I take out of that person's body that killed him?" I then started to chuckle. "If that was me, then I did kill a man that was part of the slaughter," I laughed as I found out that he does deserve that pain and suffering. I cackled louder and harder as I thought of all of those men with guns and suits dying in that fashion right in front of my eyes. I then felt sick to my stomach as I just had that sick thought. That's not me. I shouldn't be thinking of thoughts like that, but then again… maybe I should. Does anyone deserve to die like that? Is melting someone from the inside out a right way to serve justice for killing my family? He was only one out of several dozens of those killers that night who stormed the property.
When I walked into the room that Lucario, Celsius, and I were in last night, which looked like the living room, I heard Lucario's tone from outside. It sounded like he was breathing out heavily and grunting as I heard odd sounds of flames or gas bursting in volume. When I walked outside, I saw that he was thrusting his arms toward the air. I guess he must be training himself. It felt good out here since it was a warm temperature. The breeze cooled my face which caused my sweat to evaporate. The sun was barely high showing an early morning, but I don't know the approximate time. Tall pine trees surrounded the area. This place is deep in the forest somewhere. There were more homes made from pokémon, others bigger and smaller than others. This took my mind off the dream as I began to admire the architecture around here counting the number of homes knowing that this place must have a lot of pokémon; awesome!

I looked at the lucario noticing that whenever he punched the air, that same blue smog I saw in my nightmare was discharging from his arms which created that bursting sound. I then remembered the discharge that lucario give away is actually aura or "life energy".

"That stuff surrounding me was aura! How? I thought there are barely anymore humans that can use that power. If that was me, then what the hell did I do?" I thought to myself as I observed the lucario thrusting his arms and legs outward. If that is aura then what I did to that man in the dream makes sense. I used aura to snake its way in that guy's mouth and suck more life energy out which would benefit me.

He stopped to get a breather, then without turning around he asked, "Why are you up so early? I expected you to sleep pass noon since your body is too weak."

"I uh… had something on my mind, and I actually feel fine," I answered back. He should know a lot about aura so maybe he can give me answers.

"Yes, I felt a disturbance from your body when I was out here. I assume the thoughts are about that night. Isn't that why you got hurt so badly?" I nodded, he was right about everything. "You must be pretty strong to be up this early after your injuries. I'll make a meal suitable for you in a few minutes." He then continued on with his training after the breather he got. "Oh, I'm greatly sorry about what happened to you. What those people did your family is completely absurd. I actually know how you feel but you probably got it worse than me, so if you ever need to talk about it then talk to me or Gardevoir. Just try to focus on other things please."

"Thank you for your sympathy. I… it's really hard trying to forget about that night. I'm gonna go inside." I turned around but then remembered the question I wanted to ask. "Wait, uh… is it possible for humans to use aura anymore?"

"Yes, but now it's more difficult for a human to learn aura. For an average human it could take many years to master, unless if you're born with it, but that's rare because the whole Aura Guardian Lineage suffered a genocide over 150 years ago."

"Really," I marveled recognizing the Aura Guardian group and learning about that event off of T.V., "Where did you hear that?"

"We lucario pass this story down from generation to generation. We were part of the Aura Guardians and aided them at all times until a very dark age descended upon our kind, which is why lucario are so rare these days."

"These days… interesting. So you're saying that there used to be much more lucario back then and more Aura Guardians?" I asked now getting off topic of what I really wanted to learn.

"Oh absolutely, our numbers declined centuries ago. However, lucario were as common as mightyena, but may I ask what perked your curiosity?"

"Uh… nothing, just curious. Thank you." I looked at the lucario who froze with an odd look as his eyes gaped towards me. It seemed like he had just seen a ghost type. "You okay?"

"I just witnessed something odd about your aura. N-nothing serious, don't worry."

I went back inside to rest in the living room. I knew pokémon were intelligent, but I didn't know they were so intelligent to make their homes look just like human homes. I know lucario are super intelligent. This lucario even knows what happened to me but that's probably from his powers.

Later Lucario was using a very large wet leaf to hang over a controlled fire made from sticks and twigs surrounded in adobe, making it look like an oven. He cracked open a few eggs and spread them on the leaf. This also amazed me. Pokémon using natural tools to cook. After he was done cooking Celsius walked into the living room with another pokémon. A riolu came out but soon looked very frightened to see me, no surprise since these pokémon probably don't see humans every day. Heck, I bet they look at humans as demons. Its eyes were full of alarm. I wanted to try and be friendly with the small pokémon.

"Hi, I'm Rayn," I introduced myself to the riolu.

When I put out my hand to shake with the riolu's paw it flinched stepping away from me. She went and crept against the wall as she just weaved around me. After she did, she ran to Lucario and then began tearing up while holding his paw.

"She's just a little scared. Don't mind her," Lucario explained while comforting her.

"Aww, cute little riolu. Is she your daughter?" I guess the lucario doesn't live here alone.

"Yes, she is a little frightened because she and I went through a hard time due to… well… other humans…not to offend you of course."

My heart sank from hearing that, not from what lucario thought as an insult but because it was people who had hurt these pokémon. I know for a fact that in this world there is so much neglect towards pokémon and normally only pokémon trainers and some kind people respect them, but even then there are many stories of trainers doing disturbing things to their pokémon. I've seen it all the time on T.V.

"I'm very sorry to hear that, but if I'm a human then why did you help me?" I questioned.

"Because Gardevoir and I looked through your emotions since we have that power. Apparently you and Celsius almost got killed, and you show love towards pokémon like no other human does. In your past I saw that you let Celsius and your growlithe, Lithium, live just like humans."

"Yeah…just like my grandmother told me many times before: give to others then you receive back. Karma, that's why I feel incredibly lucky to be healed by the rarest pokémon on Earth. I'm lucky to be respected by you two because of the love I show all pokémon."

I find that true since it's rare to find people like me. Like I said, the only people that treat pokémon well are pokémon trainers and very kind hearted people like my mom and dad which may seem like a lot but it is only a fraction of the human population.

After the eggs were done they looked no different from the eggs I ate almost every day with my parents back then. Lucario placed the leaves in front of all three of us. The eggs were scrambled through out the leaf. After he was done setting up the table, he sat down in front of his food. I didn't know how to eat this without silverware, so I just observed Lucario. He just picked up the leaf and put it against his muzzle to eat the eggs off of it or pour it in his mouth. I did the same thing since I didn't care much about the manners; after all he is a pokémon.

"Wow, you know this isn't bad at all!" For using natural tools to cook this tasted surprisingly great.

"Thank you, Gardevoir taught me how to cook. She taught me some of the spices I can find and mix out here. In fact, we're all going to go have dinner at her home tonight." Lucario and Gardevoir do sound like they're close. I bet Lucario doesn't have a mate anymore thanks to some humans.

"Really! So how close are you and Gardevoir?"

"We are… just really good friends. We've been friends for a very long time," he said with that same tone from last night when I asked if they were mates.

"It sounds like you like her."

"Well I don't know about that," he paused and looked away before continuing, "I had a mate that was killed by humans years ago, which is why Riolu is scared of you right now. And the case is the same with Gardevoir. I just don't know if we're ready yet…" Just as I thought, people hunting pokémon for unnecessary reasons. That's just so wrong.

Then my heart sank even more, and I became pretty angry when I heard that Gardevoir had her mate killed also, and by a careless human. Trying to keep my anger to myself, I calmly started apologizing about the fact that there are too much bad people in this world.

"I'm truly sorry to hear that about you two. I wish that there were more people like my mom, dad, and I. I'm guessing if the case is the same with Gardevoir than her offspring will be scared of me?"

"Unfortunately yes, don't worry about it. They should get used to you."

When I looked at Riolu she started to tremble. She could barely even start eating. "It's okay; I'm not going to hurt you. I'm not like the humans you saw before." When I said that, she stopped trembling but only a little. "Please don't be scared of me. I feel bad about this."

"It's ok Riolu. He won't harm us." From the words of her father she started to calm down.

"I would never harm a pokémon. I can't even stand hurting one by accident." Only time a pokémon can get hurt is in nature because it's natural and it would be silly of me to say pokémon can't hurt other pokémon. Sporting events are okay too because those are controlled events.

"I think you love pokémon more than any other human I've ever read through. I'm so happy to see that."

I was extremely happy to have a conversation with Lucario because he's a talking pokémon. I wanted to find out so much more about the lives of everyone here. "Yes, I look at pokémon like as if they were humans, I don't believe in differences even if they can't talk, have fur, feathers, or scales, and just act different because I don't care." I was then curious if wild pokémon gave some kind of nick name. "Oh yeah, I never got your names."

"Oh yes, actually all pokémon are called by the name of their species. All pokémon speak one language no matter the species, so if a human were to turn into a pokémon and there are three riolu standing in front of him or her, they would each be called Riolu. Then the human would be extremely confused, but all pokémon names are distinct by the pitch you say it in. Humans can't tell the difference in the change of pitch since their ears aren't as adapt but pokémon can."

"So your name is Lucario and your daughter's name is Riolu but every pokémon is given a different pitch in their names?"

"Close enough. Just a slight change in pitch you need to do, but I don't think humans can tell the difference to do that."

"This is so amazing!"

After breakfast I went into the living room to just sit down. I didn't know what there was to do around here. My family is gone, but these pokémon sure took great care of me. I just feel so appreciative to be brought to a place like this.

"Sorry there isn't anything entertaining for you around here," Lucario explained as he knew I was a little bored.

"It's okay, actually observing pokémon and their environment is entertaining enough for me," I replied trying to hide my boredom.

"I can look at your aura and tell that you are bored. I know what you can do! How about you go outside and get some fresh air. I read in your aura that you worked out by playing a famous game that humans love so much at your school."

"Yeah I played football, but I think I'll stay in here for today. I don't want to startle the other pokémon."

"That's true. You might scare them a little. I'm very sorry that there isn't really anything for you to do."

"No need to apologize." After Lucario went outside, I dozed off from boredom since I wanted the day to go to night already.

Later that day during the evening, the four of us went to Gardevoir's home to have dinner. I saw a few pokémon outside. They either gave me a cold stare or went inside. I felt like I was being escorted into a prison cell from the vast majority of cool pokémon not liking anything about me. I was the last to walk into Gardevoir's house, but when I did the rooms and hallways were made of the same materials that Lucario built his house with except the ceiling was higher. That's probably because gardevoir are naturally taller than lucario. The aroma of the food was making my stomach growl violently. I actually wonder what kind of spices pokémon use in their food.

At the kitchen, there was a fire with pieces of meat hanging over it. Set on a wooden table were leaves that served as plates in the middle of the room. The table was just large enough to feed five people. We all sat down except for Gardevoir and Lucario as they set up the food. Gardevoir was a very beautiful pokémon. Even a person can get fooled and marry her since she looks just like a women. I decided to help the two set up dinner. When I got up I felt that feeling in my head again from a psychic.

"How are you feeling Rayn?" Gardevoir asked gently.

"I feel great all thanks to you Gardevoir, I don't know how I could ever repay you," I smiled.

"No need to do that. You're a person like I've never seen before. There's isn't anything we need from you."

"Yeah, I'm sorry that humans act like demons towards pokémon, but I'm not like that. I oppose acts like that."

"It's not just pokémon that they hurt. It is themselves as well. I'm truly sorry about what happened to you and Celsius recently."

I helped prepare by setting up more leaves. After the table was set a ralts came into the kitchen. This one was just as scared as Riolu when I first met her. When we looked at each other I decided to introduce myself to attempt to show some friendliness.

"Hi, I'm Rayn." The same exact response came from the Ralts just like when I introduced myself to Riolu.

"She's afraid of people. My mate was killed by one. That whole event gave her that phobia."

"I'm sorry to hear that. Remember not all humans are the same. There are good ones and bad ones," I had to explain this to Ralts to calm her down, but she couldn't even look at me without shaking. I seriously thought she was going to wet herself.

I heard quick, repetitive tapping noises against the wooden flooring before I saw Riolu dash and stand in front of Ralts with her legs shoulder length apart, her arms spread out to shield Ralts, and her sharp, slick teeth being revealed to me as she growled lowly at me.

"Riolu don't!" Lucario scolded from the kitchen area, "Rayn is a good being. Do you see Celsius ever harmed in anyway whenever she's around him, because I don't. So come here and help set up the table!"

I saw Riolu sulk away in defeat towards her father. Ralts seemed to have stuck herself to Riolu's back as they both walked away from me without giving me any eye contact. Boy, I felt so horrible for causing this conflict.

"I think your stomach is back to its original size, so you can eat the dinner I had prepared," Gardevoir told me.

I was pretty amazed at how Gardevoir knew so many medical facts. While we all sat and ate at the table, Ralts was too nervous to eat. I then noticed that there was something different about this ralts. I remember that ralts are suppose to have two red horns, but this one only has one which was found only on the front of her head. I saw part of the back horn which seemed to have been a small, jagged stub instead of a complete curve. I didn't ask about the deformity since it's not a big deal.

"Wow, this is excellent food." It reminded me of home…

There were surprisingly all sorts of different choices to choose from. There was sliced beef, rice, some fruits and vegetables like cabbage and aspear berries, and there was a meat loaf in the middle of the table for everyone to eat. This really did look like the sort of dinner people make.

"Thank you." She had paused for a second before starting to talk again. "So how old are you Rayn? I've never seen a human that was hurt badly for your size."

"I'm… just seven."

"Just seven! Wow I thought you were much older because of your build," she gasped.

"I thought he was much older due to his speech. You're very intelligent and mature, Rayn. It's almost… unusual," Lucario added barely audible to me.

I started to blush heavily from those comments. "Hehe, is that a good thing or a bad thing?"

"Bad? That's a very good thing! I never knew it was possible for a child as young as you to be very intelligent," Gardevoir added.

"Thanks, it's just kids from before would call me "nerd" and other insults. As a matter of fact my parents disciplined me greatly. They always said to work hard in school and participate in activities." Even for my age, I had an athletic build which I here from friends and family but it just came from competitive sports. It's not much really. It's just noticeable mainly around my arms and legs, but my chest and abs are still flat. From what I heard, once I hit puberty I'll start developing abs, bigger biceps, and chest.

"I never imagined you to be like this Rayn and recover so early. When we found you two you both were almost starving to death and injured critically," Gardevoir continued.

"So you two know what happened to me because you can read my mind right?"

"Yes, but we can't know the full detail from just looking into your memory. We just see a broad synopsis of what occurred that night," Lucario answered.

I looked down as I remembered what happened to my family. I tried to hold back the tears building in my eyes. Clearly Ralts could sense my emotion since she was looking at me for the first time. "It sucks. What they did was wrong and I don't know why they did it. Do you want to know what really happened to us?"

"You don't have to tell if it hurts," Gardevoir countered.

"No, you guys healed us back to life. I- It's only fair that you know what happened. I'll explain but… it's a long depressing story," I almost struggled talking as tears were really building up.

Even Ralts and Riolu were wondering why I had just changed from happiness, to sadness.

To Be Continued