I took a deep breath and pushed open the doors of the school. I waved to the people that said hi to me, and made my way to the chemistry lab. And there was TJ, mixing some liquids together. Time to put the plan into action.

I stepped in, clacking my heels, making my presence known.

"Just the man I was looking for…" I said, smiling at him, strolling in.

"Who, m-me?" he stuttered.

"Who else, silly?" I said, slapping his shoulder playfully. "So what's a handsome guy like you doing cooped up in a lavatory like this?"

"Uh… it's a laboratory, and I'm just making something for someone." He said, looking down.

"Oh, really? Well, I happen to know a bit about chemicals, I mean, I plan on making the best nail polish someday," I tossed my hair over my shoulder, "so what chemicals are you using?"

"Oh just, botulinum toxin, ricin, and saxitoxin, you know, they're the base of chemicals used to create bombs," he whispered to me. (REAL CHEMICALS USED IN BOMBS!)

"Really," I shifted my weight towards him, "then you must be really smart, I like smart." I batted my eyes flirtatiously.

"w-well…" he stammered.

"I gotta go, but don't worry, I'll be back…" I trailed, off, letting my fingertips brush over his before I winked and swiftly left the room.


Health Class

"Boys and girls!" Coach boomed. "Can someone remind me what we learned about last time?" No one raised a hand.

"Alright then, ZACH!" I rolled my eyes at my friends sitting next to me, "what did we learn about?"

"Stuff we already know." He replied carelessly.

"Oh really, then tell me buddy boy, have you had sex?" Coach said, getting in his face. I could feel the hot stares of my friends on me, and yet, I waited for Zach's answer.

"Sir, why do you want to know?" Zach said, suggestively. The whole class burst out laughing.

"Don't get smart with me boy. One day you'll make a mistake and wish you listened." Coach threatened.

"I don't make mistakes." Zach answered coolly. Which was true.


I was at soccer practice, passing the ball with Bri when I heard a bunch of girls talking behind me.

"Did you hear what the chemistry geeks were doing?"

"Yeah, I heard they're making a bomb…"

"I heard they're going to set it off in the dorms."

"I heard…"

And the rumors went on and on. I was almost certain there was a bomb being created in that lab. The only question was, where was it being exported and deployed?

What was going on at Gallagher?


Zach POV

I was just talking with Heath at football practice when I heard two guys passing us, talking about the 'bomb.'

"Dude, I heard, they're setting a smoke bomb off in the dorms during the night so the girls will come out in their pajamas."

"Oh, dude, I would love to see the girls in the jammies. Talk about hott." The other responded and they bumped fists. Weird.

I threw the football at Heath. "Hey, man, did you hear about the bomb?" I asked, curiously.

He tossed the ball back, "Yeah, I heard there's a kid at this school who is sending the bombs to his dad, who's like a terrorist on the FBI's top ten most wanted list, and that America's going to like, be destroyed." He said, chattily. "But I doubt it's true. Those nerds are just to nerdy to get any attention so they go bragging and make up random stuff to make themselves look cool. Geeks." He shook his head.

"Yeah, I know right? That's what I heard." I said, covering up.

The coach blew the whistle, and I caught Cammie's eye from the soccer field. Worry and understanding passed through our eyes.

We both knew something big was coming.

Just what?


Sorry it's so short guys, but at least now you can read Ash's new story (melonme23).


I'll try to update soon, but as you all know, I have two other Gallagher Girls stories to update at the moment too.