A/N: Well, hope y'all had a nice Thanksgiving! Gotta say, there's nothin' better than your mother's food :D Can't get enough, really *still chewing on apple pie*
Warnings? Rushed, no Zero (kyaa, the horror, right?), and the omitting-ness of small details that might make you go 'wut?'
And I don't own Vampire Knight.
Heartfelt Sacrifices
Remembering You
"So he's learning well?" Jamie smiled.
"I say he's making a lot more progress now," Synclair agreed. "I was worried there for a while, but looks like everything's all right."
"Excellent, thank you, Syn."
"And James," Synclair looked up from his cup. "About that Thursday…"
"I decided to take the kid with me."
Jamie blinked. "Zero? Why that's wonderful! A chance to meet so many faces," gem like eyes twinkled. "You're really taking him under your wing, aren't you?" He patted the younger vampire's hand. "I'm glad to see you're letting him into that tiny house you call your heart, little Syn." He laughed lightly. "I think it was getting a bit too cozy with just you in it, no?"
"It's always had you in it, too, James," Synclair smiled wryly. Jamie's eyes softened, as did his voice. "I'm honored." He murmured.
"You were the one who gave me that little house in the first place, James," wine red eyes lowered to look down into the teacup, nearly drained of its contents. "If it weren't for you I wouldn't have a 'house' for me rest in."
"Oh it was always there, you just needed a little help finding it," Jamie shook his head. "I think I really made the right choice in choosing you as Zero's instructor. Both of you—" He cut himself off as he tensed, his eyes widening.
"I'm sorry Syn, we'll discuss this at a later date." He got up, pressing a quick chaste kiss to Synclair's cheek before taking off.
"Chairman…" Yuuki trembled helplessly.
"I'm sorry, Yuuki, but…this…" He turned to the Ichijou heir. "Are you sure it isn't anything physical? What else could cause him to turn out like this?"
He'd just been having a bit of tea with Touga when Yuuki had burst into his office the night before, just managing the words, 'Kaname-sempai', 'floor', and 'won't wake up'. Upon rushing up the Moon dorms, true to his daughter's words, the pureblood was out cold and hadn't made a twitch since.
They immediately had the vice president called out of class to inform him of Kaname's condition, and Takuma, initially paling at seeing his childhood friend in such a way, sent Yuuki and the chairman out to call the rest of the nobles back as well. He'd only given them a brief explanation of what was going on with the exception of a select few, who were now most likely driving themselves up the wall with worry.
"I've done the best I can, chairman," the blond shook his head. "Time is all we can give." When the weary ex-hunter still kept his gaze on him, the noble pursed his lips and sighed, wilting. "We," he started, "or rather, I was hoping you would know anything about what could cause something like this."
"Um, what, what about blood?" Yuuki leaned forward to gently place her hand over the unconscious pureblood's. "If, if he needs someone to—"
"I would never let you, Yuuki-chan, and neither would Kaname, you know that," Takuma smiled fondly, "whether it's from a cut or a direct bite. And yes, we've tried that route as well, one of the firsts, in fact. The most troubling was that the blood didn't even make it down his throat before he automatically rejected it."
It'd been alarming to see Kaname suddenly cough everything back up, the blood trailing down his chin as his body did its best to rid itself of the foreign substance. After a while, the mere scent of it seemed to disturb him, he'd turned his face away from their efforts. Ruka, in particular, didn't seem all that surprised, but was devastated nonetheless.
"Rejected it?" Yuuki murmured, internally wondering how that worked. If there was anything a vampire, especially a pureblood, needed during a health crisis, it was blood, wasn't it? Why would Kaname-sempai reject something his body so desperately needed to get better?
"Who was it offered by?" The chairman asked quietly. It may be that it wasn't the blood itself that was the problem, but whom the blood belonged to that might make the difference. And if it came down to that, Yuuki might really have to donate some of her own, due to Kaname's emotional attachment for her.
The chairman held in a sigh. This was turning into a tricky case of vampiric Sleeping Beauty.
Only with the blood of his beloved will the prince deign to awaken…
"Just a few of us," Takuma started, "Ruka, Akatsuki, Hanabusa, and myself." He tipped the names off onto his fingers as he said them.
"His closest nobles…" The chairman nodded. Of course, they would be the most obvious choices, but if even they were unable to bring about any changes in Kaname's condition, then Yuuki—
"Kaien, Yuuki dear, I'm terribly sorry I could not make it any sooner," the gentle, lilting voice the two remembered was rushed with guilt and worry.
"J-Jamie-san!" Yuuki stood up, eyes wide. Her surprise and confusion was clear, but the moment he pouted playfully and spread his arms, she couldn't keep her eyes from stinging as she let out a shaky laugh, coming forth to tentatively wrap her arms around his slim waist.
She almost asked why he was here before recalling his words as he came in, and took a glance back towards Kaname. "Can, can you make him better?"
"Yes, and I'm afraid I had an unwitting hand in putting him into this state. I've no words, no excuse for letting it happen." He murmured apologetically, stroking her hair. Feeling sharp nails against his neck, he looked up into stormy bright green. "If you want for your pureblood to recover his mind, you will let me see him." He said calmly.
"His…mind?" The slight hitch in his voice indicated he hadn't considered something so serious.
"His memories are being loaded with information at an incredible rate. Every word, every gesture, every emotion he's ever felt, are making themselves known." Jamie said solemnly. "A whole year and a half's worth of memories, at the least."
"Are you saying someone, someone had Kaname's memories—"
"Yes, though not out of ill intention," the older vampire smiled. "Yet, for the seals to so suddenly break down in this way is a might wee dangerous. He will suffer no permanent damage, of course, but I imagine it's very possible he's in a great deal of pain."
"Now, now, I only need to make a few adjustments to fix all of it, so no need to fret, little ones."
The chairman smiled. "It's all right, Ichijou-kun, we can trust him."
Jamie didn't bother to wait for an approval from the blond as he stepped further up to where the pureblood was resting. Gently setting Yuuki down on one of the nearby chairs, he drank in the sight of his son's life mate, eyes not missing a single detail.
Mm, he inwardly hummed, so this was Kuran Kaname. He…
Had a remarkable resemblance to little Syn, he blinked. From the endearing brown curls to the smooth line of his jaws, the similarities were startling. He briefly wondered if Syn was aware of the fact, but could hardly imagine Zero voluntarily telling him he looked like a long lost sibling of his life mate. Shaking his head with a smile at his thoughts, he slowly reached out, brushing the vampire's long locks out of his face to rest his palm on his pale forehead.
"I'm sorry dear one." He murmured, smoothing the cracking seals with a wave of his magic, "He would have never wanted for this to happen intentionally. But you already know that don't you?" He smiled as dark lashes fluttered and was granted a sliver of exhausted, but no less desperate wine red eyes.
"Where…?" My, my his voice sounds terrible, Jamie noted, even as the pureblood's hand moved at an incredible speed to latch onto his neck.
"I wish I can return him to you, but it's not up to me, you understand," Jamie smiled sadly, knowing whom the younger vampire was demanding for. Placing his hand on the larger one currently wrapped around his throat, he gently chided, "And you need to regain your strength, little one, it's all you can do to keep your hand from shaking." The grip hardly felt threatening. "If you wish to bring him back, you must first get better."
"Tablets…" He felt completely parched. If he didn't do something to quell his urges...
Jamie shook his head. "You are his," he emphasized, "I will not have you taking something so terribly lacking. You are a growing child, yes you are, don't give me that look, and anyhow, this is not something artificial nutrients can take care of." When wine red eyes narrowed to slits, he smiled, "my blood is his. You will have no trouble."
Takuma moved to interfere at the foreign vampire's implications, (did he know what he was about to do?), but was politely stopped by the chairman.
Pursing his lips, he half-heartedly held himself back, watching as the petite vampire leaned down, pulling the ribbon from around his collar and undoing the first few buttons of his cream-colored dress shirt.
"I apologize, from the bottom of my heart, the first to see you and the first you take from, after so long, isn't him," Jamie whispered, voice inaudible to all but the person he was speaking to, before he tilted his head, sweeping his locks out of the way.
At feeling the young pureblood's hesitation, he smiled, innocently murmuring, "He's waiting for you," and that was all that Kaname needed before sinking his fangs in.
Jamie hummed comfortably and closed his eyes as he cradled the younger vampire's head against his throat, silently wondering if the gods would allow him for one last intervention. He wished for a way for his son and his life mate to be able to once again meet each other on neutral ground.
Somewhere other than his home or the academy…
"Child," he smiled, gently gaining the little one's attention, "I will reach a personal invitation to you for an event, and I would very much love for you to attend. Until then, you must take care to rest fully."
Taking in another mouthful of magic filled blood, Kaname gave the slightest of nods before going back to suckling at the older vampire's neck.
The foreigner's blood didn't taste anything like Zero's, but it still felt like that of his bond mate's. Kaname would have liked to question how that could be possible, but considering the circumstances, he was grateful for whatever relief the vampire's blood granted him from the beast inside him clamoring for its bond mate.
"I also know most of this mess came about from your concerns for him," Jamie continued, "you were reluctant to tell anyone simply because you thought it would cause him unneeded strife. Your positions are much too different, their standards much too rigid, and your influence can only reach so far, no? But I would like this matter solved completely, and that includes pesky little stains that must be cleansed off. You take care to inform those of your own faction and leave the others to me, do you understand?"
"Why…" Why was this vampire so willing to help?
"What father wouldn't go to the ends of the earth to ensure his child's happiness?" Jamie answered matter-of-factly.
Kaname's eyes widened. "Your blood…" He eyed the puncture wounds he'd just healed. This vampire was now Zero's—
"Yes, that is why. Now, have you taken down everything I've told you?"
His mind much clearer with the help of the other's blood, the pureblood nodded firmly. "Excellent," Jamie licked his lips, "now then I must get to those stubborn dirt stains." His smile this time was all teeth his eyes glinting. No one got in the way of his children and that included the self-absorbed nosy little vampires of the Japanese council.
He pressed a chaste kiss to the pureblood's forehead, tucking a few of the younger vampire's wayward curls behind a pale ear. "I hope you'll not feel disinclined to indulge in a father's protective instincts some time soon. I wish to know more about the one my child has chosen," he said in a sudden change of topic.
"Though bear in mind," he grinned playfully, "I'm not easily impressed."
Before Kaname was able to give a proper reply – he didn't know about being in possession of any impressive qualities, but he was sure his love for Zero was unmatched – the older vampire hopped off the bed and proceeded to peck a few kisses to the chairman and Yuuki, as well as Takuma, before fading out of the room with a cheery wave.
"What…?" Takuma raised a hand to his just-kissed cheek and felt his mouth fall open. "Who…?"
"Well…" The chairman and Yuuki exchanged a glance. How to go about explaining this… Really, the petite vampire was still as spontaneous as ever.
Ichijou Asato, sitting comfortably at his desk one moment, drew in a gasp and was nearly falling over his chair the next.
Steadying himself with a quick grasp at the edge of his desk, he glared up at who dared to take him off guard in such an unsightly manner and froze.
His unexpected visitor grinned. "I see you still remember me, little Asato. How long has it been? What, maybe a century? Or is it a century and a half?" He causally leaped over the desk between them and sat himself along the armrest. "It's amazing how time just flies, isn't it? I still remember you as the impatient little noble trying not to trip over his shoes."
"You so liked that cute fluffy duck, I remember that too. Mr. Rain was his name."
"What are you doing here?" Asato demanded, trying to keep his mortification to a manageable level. He didn't dare let color rise to his cheeks at having his…childish attachments revealed aloud. "I thought you were done with council politics, Michaels-sama."
"I'm here for personal reasons, little Asato," Jamie smiled. "Why don't we have a proper heart to heart, as father and guardian? It's important to follow tradition, after all, don't you think?"
"As father and guardian? Michaels-sama, what could you be referring to?"
"Oh, don't be so formal, little Asato, just call me Jamie. We're practically in-laws now!"
Asato choked.
"So, this Jamie Michaels character just…"
"He left with Zero three? Three and a half? Months ago, yes," the chairman nodded.
"And that's…allowed?" Takuma questioned dubiously. He'd certainly never heard of such a rule.
"The papers state Zero is simply away as a transfer," the bespectacled man said dryly, his expression indicating he most likely hadn't been the one to initiate the legal work.
"To which school?" He was more curious than accusatory. Because really, a transfer… And to a foreign country… The blond's mind unwittingly sang with bright possibilities. If the students here were also given the same opportunities…
"A large school in Europe. England, I believe."
Europe… A cultural network, that place was. He'd rather prefer the Americas himself, but for the chance to actually learn something, he couldn't care less about where. "Is that true? Is he really attending such a school?" He asked, intrigued.
"I believe so," the chairman smiled. "Zero is being taught things he cannot possibly gain here. It's a good experience for him."
He let himself indulge in a bit of envy before focusing back on the main problem. "And how does this tie in with what happened to Kaname?"
"Everything," the pureblood finally spoke up. "The reason Zero left is because of me. The reason for his interest that took him away to…Europe is me."
"Kaname?" Takuma frowned concernedly.
"Takuma, I'd like you to gather those needed to this room immediately. I've some information that should have been shared long since. I also wish to ask for some help and I cannot do so without explaining some things first."
The blond noble didn't hesitate, nodding as he left.
"Yuuki, this concerns you as well," Kaname turned to her, eyes apologetic. "I've nothing but my own cowardice to blame for not being able to tell you sooner. You, of all, deserved to know the moment we realized what we'd stepped into."
"What is it?" Were they secret mafias or something? She couldn't help but try to lighten the situation with the amount of heavy atmosphere that'd plagued her for a day, and especially after Jamie-san's departure, which she'd felt a steady amount of hope.
"I have no other way to tell you this." Kaname smiled wanly. He held no reservations now; he had nothing left to lose, not anymore. "For the last year and a half," he closed his eyes, taking a breath, then opened them again, his gaze straight, "I've harbored romantic feelings for Zero, and we've shared in an intimate relationship."
Yuuki blinked once, twice, then frowned in thought. Kaname tried to keep his heart steady, mentally readying himself for any and all possible reactions.
But all his dear girl deigned to say was, "So then…the reason Zero left…really is because of you?"
Ouch. It was true, of course, he'd said it himself, but… "Yes." There was no denying the assured guilt in his voice.
Yuuki frowned, upset at Kaname looking as though he deserved every verbal assault that might come from her or anyone else, and she wouldn't have any of it. She doubted it was all Kaname's fault anyhow. Things like this… Well, didn't they usually say both parties were healthy contributors? Half of the blame was for Zero to shelter as well. They each had their part to bear, and it wasn't fair for Kaname to feel responsible for everything.
"Really? And why do you think so, sempai?"
This time, Kaname met her eyes in what seemed like surprise. "Why… I," he paused, "I never told of our…relationship to those who needed to know. That," his voice turned flat with the effort of keeping the pain out of his tone, "that could only have hurt him. Gave him the assumption that I was…ashamed of our connection. That it was something we needed to hide out of embarrassment."
Yuuki gave a slow nod. "Not being able openly tell the person you love about how you feel is painful, sempai," her lips twisted with sympathy. She'd been there before. "And thinking the person you love was ashamed of being seen with you, that you're not good enough to be with them…" She trailed off, her own heart clenching with an all too familiar ache she herself was well acquainted with. She'd been there, too, she swallowed, been there all too many times…
To think Zero felt like this for so long… Yuuki tried to blink the sting out of her eyes. She really, really wanted to go and wrap Zero up in the biggest, tightest, warmest hug she could offer. Tell him there was nothing to fear, he was more than good enough, probably too good, he was beautiful, he was kind…so overwhelmingly kind…
"He," Kaname cleared his hoarse voice, silently thanking Yuuki when she handed him a glass of water, "he most likely thought of my reputation, my appearance as a pureblood first and foremost. What the elders would want for someone with my status." His words ended with barely a whisper, weighed down by his emotions. The water hardly did any good to the tightness in his throat and nearly threatened to choke him where he sat. He could barely get the liquid down.
Yuuki could only nod, her heart in one with Zero on his thoughts. She'd felt the same hesitancy, the same distance, the same longing pain at the realization that Kaname would always be different, at least to other people, to other vampires. And being faced with those judging eyes, the suspicious, accusing stares weren't at all easy to bear. She understood it was easy to crumble under such pressure, to feel as though the world was against you, but…
"You both chose to do it," she said firmly. "You both decided on it for your own reasons. You didn't flake out; Zero wouldn't either. So sempai…is that really all?" Really? She wasn't doubting Kaname per se, just that those reasons couldn't be everything.
Zero, despite all the self-hatred and anger he projected, had a conviction of steel. If he said he'd do something, you knew he'd get it done. If he said, she swallowed, if he said he'd stay with you forever, he would do anything to keep that. Zero wasn't one to enter into a relationship (with a vampire of all people) half-heartedly. He wouldn't break because of peer pressure in the middle of it. Not when he was fully committed. At least, she didn't think so. It was just hard to imagine.
There must have been something else. Something that held a stronger wave of persuasion.
"I can't think of any other possible reasons," Kaname shook his head helplessly. He could hardly set his emotions straight, much less bring order to his mind. His thoughts, his memories…just flashed with events, moments, everything he'd been forced to forget.
And throughout it all, all he could see was Zero. His entire being, all that he was, just screamed for the younger vampire. A yearning so strong, yet so painfully familiar, he both welcomed and drowned in it.
The only safe things he could recall without going on a rampage were the younger boy's smiles, genuine and sure, solid and pure. But even those…even those ate away at his control, already laid threadbare ever since realizing he hadn't had his bond mate for over three months.
"You'll see him again soon, for sure, sempai," Yuuki's soft voice, filled with assurance helped to ease his anxiety, and he tried to focus his attention on something else. Anything but Zero and the nights they spent together or the scent and rich taste of his blood…
"But Kaname-sempai," Yuuki began slowly, her memories recalling her first meeting with the European vampire and his words regarding Zero's reasons for leaving. "Jamie-san said Zero left to protect someone precious to him, someone…someone he loved enough to throw his life away for," Yuuki continued, her words careful, "and I don't think he was just talking about the living or dying thing." She fiddled with her sleeve. "Zero gave his life here, at the academy, away for that precious person. Now that I think honestly about it, I don't think he intended to come back…" Those letters had felt too final.
Not come back…? Kaname couldn't of think such an outcome. It just wasn't possible. His mind, his heart, his soul wouldn't be able to take such abandonment. They mated for life. It was one or nothing at all. One person. Kaname wasn't ashamed to admit, even if others claimed he wasn't good enough for Zero, even if he himself felt the same, he didn't have the courage or kindness of letting him go.
She looked up. "Maybe he thought you were in danger? Was someone threatening you sempai? Or…" Her mind worked overdrive, thinking of how anyone could get Zero to leave Kaname's side if the pureblood was in imminent danger. Wouldn't Zero try to stick close to Kaname if that were the case? Why would he…? "Or…" Her eyes widened with dread. This was like a drama romance, something she thought only happened in novels or on TV. "Did someone tell him to leave?" She finished. "That to-to keep you safe, he had to go?" Could that have been…?
Kaname blinked in confusion at Yuuki's sudden theory. Why would anyone tell Zero that leaving would keep him safe? And besides, "That can't be possible," he said lowly, "we, Zero and I, never told anyone of our relationship. There was no one that knew enough to force such a decision from Zero."
The female prefect sighed. That was true. "You guys did really well on that," she smiled wearily. "Not even Ichijou-sempai seemed to know anything." And the blond was the closest to Kaname. "I didn't either." And neither did the chairman. She chanced a brief glance in his direction.
"But," her smile grew warmer, tendered with affection and an almost unbearable amount of empathy, "it was because you both loved each other so much you put in so much effort to keep it secret. And Zero," she let out another long, soft sigh touched with care and patience,
"For that precious person, for you, even if he were never to see you again, even if he had to change the way he lived, he wanted to protect you. To go so far…" She hoped her expression was as reassuring as she wanted it, "I think you're extremely lucky, don't you think so, sempai?"
Kaname didn't know if he should laugh or cry, his hand pressed across his eyes, shaking his head. "Zero…" In the end, it came out half-choked and incredulous, his precious vampire's name flowing out like a desperate prayer.
Zero, Zero, Zero…
The vampires outside of the room all paused, their hearts clenching at the myriad of emotions they could feel through the door. It was pouring out in waves, Hanabusa blinked rapidly and Ruka buried her face into Akatsuki's shoulder, her lips trembling.
Takuma faced the door with a tremulous smile, giving his childhood friend a moment to compose himself before they entered.
"Kaname-sama…with a turned hunter?" Asato prayed this was a nightmare.
"Not a nightmare, little Asato." Jamie smiled. "And I ask that you leave them be. You don't even have to give your blessings. Neither of the young ones hold you in such high regard, if at all, so it's unnecessary."
Deciding to ignore the slight to the state of his personal relation with Kaname as his 'guardian', he pursed his lips before carefully asking, "And if I refuse?"
The very air in the room seemed to constrict, limiting his respiratory functions. "You would dare to even mention such a possibility? Because of course," gem-like eyes frosted over, narrowing in cold pity, "you would never let yourself be deluded enough to consider it seriously." The older vampire tilted his head in a deceptively innocent gesture, "But if we were to go down that road, which is most unwise, I think it's needless to say," here he smiled softly, the slight quirk of his lips sharp with mocking gentleness,
"You'll not only have me to watch out for, but the whole of Europe's Gifted, little Asato; and you're aware, compared to the European faction, your little council is…" He gave a genuine pause. "What would be a fitting comparison?" Briefly letting his gaze wander, it slid down to the small wastebasket that was placed not too far off, and his smile widened amusedly.
Asato's pale eyes followed his line of sight effortlessly and the noble had to keep in an infuriated flush from rising to his face, as well as the near homicidal rage that threatened to tear his fangs right through that slender neck laid so temptingly close.
"That's enough, Jamie-sama." He practically snarled out, his voice steaming with indignant anger, "I fully understand the implications."
Power plays were something that came naturally to every vampire and hierarchies based on strength were nothing new regardless of race. Each large continental community had their own standards and rankings, but most made sure to stay aware of possible rivals outside of their natural borders, calling for a continental hierarchy.
With their source of energy differing slightly for every community (blood, magic, spiritual aid, etc.) it was difficult to decide whether which held more advantage over the other, but power was power, and, unlike Asia, the strength of a vampire depended solely on how flexible one was with utilizing the supernatural gifts they were given.
With their fixed class system, Asian vampires were hardly at the top of the food chain internationally, and although it was a long-standing fact, it was still a difficult concept for him to accept, having been a direct witness to just how powerfully destructive a pureblood vampire could be. How could those belonging in class A, no matter how small their number, be so inferior compared to the rest of the world?
But more than that, he knew, if he were to elicit the anger of the most powerful names in Europe, there would no place for him to run or hide, and no one to help him. What was even more frightening was that he knew Jamie Michaels' connections didn't just extend to his own fellow Europeans, but to other branches of the world due to his profession.
He would not just have Europe after him, but any title holding vampire with worth and influence to their name would be wanting for a piece of him.
Gem-like eyes glittered. "Splendid! I'm ever so glad we managed to conclude this in a favorable manner." The petite vampire clapped his hands for emphasis on his elated mood. "And another thing, little Asato," he tapped the noble's nose, ignoring his twisted scowl, "Zero is a level D no longer, but my son in all but blood."
Pale blue eyes slowly widened in dawning horror, coming to see just how true the words, 'in-laws' described their current relations. Though it was obvious both he and Jamie were loath to acknowledge the other as anything resembling family.
"Yes, I see where the realization is starting to sink in." There was a simple nod of satisfaction.
"Your—" Son?! And not by blood, meaning…by magic?
Asato could literally feel the blood draining from his face. A hunter, a Kiryuu hunter, last of his line, now a vampire, already a future menace with his unique ability to maintain his original heritage along with the enhancements that came with his turning, was now in possession of magic?
The boy was an abnormal mutation, a freak of nature. There was no way such things should be possible. No way such a being should exist. Asato couldn't even have the assurance of a natural death, as the boy was a level D no longer. He would have the same lifespan as any regular vampire… No, his logic supplied uneasily, with his genes now being a strange concoction of three contradicting attributes, it was possible he would live for far longer.
Maybe even as long as—
He mentally shook his head. Dear everything that was holy, he hoped not.
But regardless of the boy's mortality, with Jamie Michaels at the boy's front, sides, and back, the biggest leverage he could've held against Kaname was now gone. In fact, he thought with a grimace, if either one of them went crying to the European vampire about any suspicions on Asato's part, whether they be true or not, his ass would be fried, sliced, diced, cooked and turned to ash before he could even utter out a, 'What?'
"No one hurts my children, dear Asato," Jamie's smile was now darkly amused – at his thoughts most likely, "you know this well; if not from personal experience, then from that of others'." He leaned forward to casually take a sip out of Asato's teacup, humming lightly. "And I don't mean this for just Zero, little Asato, but for young Kaname as well, you understand. As my child's chosen mate, he is to be my son as well." He gave an affectionate sigh, taking another leisurely sip, "my girls, they will be delighted for sure, I have no doubt, with another charismatic boy to add to our family tree." He suddenly turned a rather giddy smile in Asato's direction, "Aren't I just the luckiest father? The heavens have blessed me with absolutely wonderful children."
The noble contemplated the consequences of rolling his eyes, but immediately saw it as something beneath him and settled for a derisive snort in his mind.
Jamie's idiotic adoration of his children was legendary. He was immensely protective of his fledglings and there were many that'd had their lives ruined by making the simple mistake of turning against a Michaels child. Asato could even go as far as to say the reason for Jamie's extended connections was solely for that reason.
With such a strong web work at his beck and call, there was no one that would dare to call Jamie's children a weakness. Not to mention, the children themselves weren't exactly helpless brats either. He wasn't much for rumors, but some still managed to slip past to his ears, and the utter chaos a certain pair of twins was supposedly capable of nearly sent a chill down his spine.
Jamie was a Terror, and Asato didn't doubt he'd raised his children to be just as horrendous. It was with immense regret to be forced to let Kaname be influenced by such a dysfunctional family, but his hands were tied. He'd benefit not an ounce by going against Jamie's wish for political refuge for his son, and Kaname was hardly turning out to be the obedient pureblood he'd wanted.
He supposed, grudgingly, that it would have only been a matter of time before the younger vampire chose to openly act against him anyhow, and at least with this, it'd give them both a clean cut without any potential political embarrassment to suffer or recover from.
Not to mention, he wasn't foolish enough to think Kaname wouldn't outright kill the entirety of the council if only to get them out of his hair. The only thing holding him back from doing so was probably the sheer amount of work that would be required in the aftermath, as Asato knew Kaname wasn't one for assuming the role of "king" if he could avoid it.
Though Jamie's threats were very real, in some ways, he was also nipping the bud of a very tempting opportunity before it was able to bloom fully to bring him nothing but pain and destruction. After all, threatening the Kiryuu boy's life in order for Kaname to bend to the council's will was an easy thing to do.
Looking up tiredly, he gave the older vampire (still on his armrest) a weary nod. "I shall never interfere on this account, Jamie-sama, and neither should anyone else." Just keep your obsessively protective instincts at a safe distance.
"Thank you Asato," Jamie murmured, going without the irritable 'little' before his name for the first time during his visit. "I'm glad to see you've learned to be more flexible. You made many children cry in your younger years, being so inanely stubborn," he smiled, eyes softening with remembrance. "You've seemed to have raised a fine grandson yourself. Little Takuma is a total contrast to your hellion ways," he leaned in for a lightening quick peck to the noble's right cheek as he vanished, leaving behind a more than peeved Asato.
O.M.A.K.E. (A 'what if' when Kaname told Yuuki about he and Zero XD)
"I've harbored romantic feelings for Zero, and we've shared in an intimate relationship."
Yuuki blinked then blinked again before muttering, "Damn, that means I was wrong."
"The bet, sempai, the bet!" She suddenly cried. "Ugh, now I owe Yori-chan lunch for a whole week! Dessert too!" She sent him a glare. "Why couldn't you guys have ended up together next year?"
Thank you for reading! *bows* Hope some of you made it this far :D
Regarding Jamie's sudden take off towards the academy: protectiveness, really, to put it simply. With Kaname being so important to Zero, he made sure to keep an eye on when those seals broke, and as Zero used his magic for those seals, he just kept a monitoring system type of thing to let him know how the seals were keeping up. The 'alarms' were what went off while he was talking with Synclair, hence his tea time rain check.
And with Kaname's more or less placid attitude towards Jamie: He was pretty out of it, felt terribly guilty, and surprised by the other's willingness to help. Once he gets more time to digest everything that he knows, he might or might not be headed for a little chat with Yagari XD An angry territorial pureblood vs just as angry protective hunter? It might be too much for me to handle, but I'll give it a try XD Regardless, it's better to have Yagari's freely given approval rather than have Jamie pay him another visit *an impish Jamie stands at the ready with Cross as hostage - "Surrender or I'll kidnap this one too!" Cackle*
Yuuki may also have a few opinions regarding Kaname and Zero's relationship, as she hardly got any chance to really think on it here, but they'll hardly be negative. She was pretty focused on helping Kaname rather than letting her mind wander on her own thoughts on the subject. She won't suddenly turn into a slash fangirl or something, but she won't be turning into one of those psycho bitches either *snort* Though I don't mind the image of Yuuki with a huge machine gun XD