Me: This one…I feel like it's short…
Ino: But you updated fast!
Me: That I did! Well…faster than usual. Again, it was this or homework and well…
Sakura: And this won out!
Me: …Must add stuff to the ending! –types on keyboard quickly-
Sakura: -sweatdrops- She's never satisfied.
Itachi: Neither are you
Sakura: -twitch-
Chapter 5 - The Plot Thickens...
Sakura raised her brows at her homeroom. The bell had rung just a minute ago, but no one was walking in. And only half of her usual class was there. She raised her hand and looked at the teacher with a confused face. "Ah, yes Sakura, did you have a question on the lecture?" her teacher asked.
'...He was giving a lecture?' "No, I was wondering where everyone else is."
Murmurs and whispers traveled across the room, most of them agreeing with her and giving the teacher the same look. The teacher rolled his eyes and closed his book, setting it down on the table. "Students, who is absent?"
"A lot of people."
"Shut it!" the teacher yelled, glaring at them. One angel girl looked around and timidly said, "Demons?"
Most of them glared at her, but after a moment they looked around, and agreed. It was only Demons that weren't present. Upperclassman Demons. "So? What does that have to do with anything?" one kid yelled out.
The teacher rolled his eyes and pointed a meter stick at Sakura, and soon after all heads in the room turned back to look at her. "Ask her, it's her fault."
Sakura raised a fine pink brow and smartly retorted, "Huh?"
"Your party! The Teacher's Lounge was buzzing with news that over half of the upperclassmen in this school are out sick because of alcohol poisoning from your little party this weekend! Only a few of the Demons that attended your party and drank are here!"
"Yea, but Sakura threw one hell of party you have to admit that!" Kiba bellowed out, causing the Demons in the room to chant and cheer Sakura's name. Sakura smirked and clapped also, laughing when the teacher picked up his book and smacked his own forehead with it, leaving a large red dot.
Then, the door burst open, revealing Angel and Demon cousins. Neji pushed Hinata in the door, roughly, and she immediately ran to her desk in the front of the room and took her seat. Neji handed the teacher two yellow late slips and turned to the rest of the class.
Gasps rebounded off the walls as the students looked at Neji's face. On the right side of his face from his forehead down to his chin was a large red cut. It was jagged and ugly, and it made Neji look madder than he already was. He glared at them all and took his seat behind Sakura.
Sakura gulped when she also saw burn marks going down both his arms and legs. When he finally sat down, she turned and looked at him with dark eyes. "Who did this to you?"
"Who else could want to hurt me this bad?" he retorted, glaring out the window, not even looking at her.
"....A priest. Those are holy water burns aren't they?"
"Yes, they are. But it's not a priest that did this. Who else in my family is this holy?"
"Your uncle did this?!" Sakura yelled. Neji saw Hinata flinch at the sound of her father's name and sneered in her direction. Hinata didn't need to turn around to know that Neji was sending death glares her way.
"Hey, you two! Keep it down!" the teacher yelled.
Sakura growled low in her chest and glared at him, "Shut up you old idiot! I'm trying to talk to my friend!"
The teacher flinched. He sighed deeply and continued his lecture, once again scared of the pinkette.
Sakura grinned at his reaction and looked back to Neji. Neji pulled up the sleeves of his jacket even more to show her all the scares, "Bastard made me strip naked and poured holy water all over me from my shoulders down. It all collected at my feet so it hurts like hell to move or walk anywhere."
"But then you might get kicked off the soccer team!"
"Probably what the bastard wants! Not only that, but when I told him it hurt he took out his pocket knife and made his," Neji turned his head and traced the cut on his face, "real slow. And if that wasn't enough, he won't feed me for a month and made me watch Hinata and Hanabi eat medium rare steaks."
Sakura gasped, "But those are the best kind!"
"I know!" Neji growled in his cousin's direction and pointed at her. "I searched her phone. It's her fault."
Sakura raised her brows and turned to look at the Angel Hyuuga. Hinata was looking back out of the corner of her eye (possibly from fear) and was visibly shaking in her seat. Sakura knew that Hinata was pretty much a suck up, and she only survived this school because she was… busty. "But... she's so nice! What did her phone say?"
"I forwarded it to my phone, hold on." he said. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. After pressing a few buttons he turned the screen towards Sakura. She read it and growled at the end. Neji shook his head and re-hid his phone. "I know right. That bitch, I should beat her ass. But if I do I'll get more of Sir Stick-Up-His-Ass's wrath."
Sakura rolled her eyes at Neji's lame joke, but took quick notes of the text. Hinata's shirt had been ripped by someone, not something. And if she had waited until that late, it meant she probably didn't object while the 'rape' was still going on. "Hinata's a slut?" she thought out loud. A little too loud.
The teacher stopped and all eyes turned to her. Hinata looked at her with wide eyes and a faint blush. "Uhhhh..." she started, but was saved when the bell rang.
Hinata jumped from her seat and was the first one out the door, followed by the other kids. Neji and Sakura slowly got up, but Neji winced as his weight shifted to his feet. Sakura felt her heart lurch at her friend's pain. "Maybe you should go to the nurse's office and get those healed up."
"I can' uncle called the school and said I was banned from the nurse's office. I can't get healed, because the bastard wants me to suffer." Neji said, flinching as he followed Sakura down the hall to their next class.
The walk to their next class was a quiet one. Neji was wincing every time he took a step, and Sakura felt guilty every time he did. 'He got hurt because of something that happened at my party, and I want to fix it.' Sakura thought. But as they walked further into the school, they noticed that mostly Halo's hung around the head of the students on the halls. 'Wow, I guess a lot of Demons did get alcohol poisoning.'
They reached their class just as the bell rang, and walked to their seats in the back of the class.
Sakura's eyes lit up with an idea as soon as she sat down. "Neji, I think I might know how to heal you! Hold on!" she said, reaching into her shirt and pulling out a pink phone. Neji raised his brows and chuckled at her. "What?" she asked, "I can't feel it when it vibrates in my back pocket. And trust me; I can feel it when it's in my bra."
"Like your not."
She rolled her emerald eyes and quickly wrote a text. She sent it and turned forward again, waiting for lunch to come and for the day to quickly end.
The entire group and sitting outside by a large Sakura Blossom tree. It was the only in the school courtyard. The Angel Gardening club had planted it a few years back and now it was a full grown, always blooming tree. Shikamaru and Chouji had already eaten and were taking a nap in the high branches of the tree. Neji was laying in the grass below, resting his burns. Sasuke, Naruto and Kiba were running around in the background, kicking a soccer ball.
Sakura was sitting on the lowest and thickest branch while Tenten laid her head on Sakura's lap. Tenten breathed in deeply and let it out slowly. "I love quiet moments like this, don't you Saku?"
"Most of the time." the pinkette replied. She eyes scanned the buildings and she smirked when they saw a certain blonde walking towards the tree with a certain older Uchiha next to her.
Itachi sped up to the tree and got there before Ino could. "Hello, Sakura." he said in a sultry voice.
Ino rolled her eyes when she arrived and looked up in the branches. "Why did you need me to come out here at lunch? I was working on an essay and had to get Mr. Big-Ego here to get me out of the library."
"Big Ego?" Itachi asked, feigning hurt.
Sakura jumped down and landed next to Neji. "This is why. Neji?"
The Hyuuga nodded and slowly stood up. He took off his jacket and shirt, showing the scars and burns running down his body. Ino gasped and ran over to him, scanning the damage and checking if it was serious. Itachi growled in his throat and looked at Sakura fiercely. "Who did this to him? They will pay."
Neji winced when Ino poked his ribs and spoke, "It was my Uncle. Hinata told him that I took her to a party and one of my friends tried to rape her. He got pissed and poured holy water all over me, and cut my face with a blessed blade."
"WHAT?!" Tenten yelled, jumping down from the branch and growling at nothing. "What do you mean, Hinata did this? That, bitch, I'll kill her!"
Itachi nodded and quickly ran away, leaving only a black blur that trailed behind him.
Sakura put her hand on Ino's shoulder and stood the Angel back up. "I know that it's pretty advanced stuff, but can you heal him?"
Ino sighed and put her hand on her chin, tapping her cheek. "I might. My dad has been teaching me healings and herbal things of that matter. And flowers, but that's another story."
Sakura nodded and noticed that Itachi was back, and at his feet was a terrified looking Hinata Hyuuga. Tenten also noticed and glared at the girl. She stormed over to the now shaking Angel on the ground and pulled back her fist. "You insolent little shit!" she yelled, forcing her fist forwards towards the terrified girl's face.
The sound of skin to skin contact was heard and what had happened surprised everyone.
Itachi had reached down and stopped the fist only an inch from the Angel's face. Itachi glared at Tenten and pushed her back, "You must not hurt her. We are Demons, not savages. We will talk to her in a civilized manner. Tenten, if you can't do that, than leave now."
Tenten looked between Neji and Hinata, than slowly retreated back into the building. "I'm out."
Ino shook her head and laid her hands over Neji's burns. They all watched in silence as her hands glowed a gold-ish green, and the red burns slowly started to disappear. Ino looked up at them and smiled. "I got it from here, you guys talk to Hinata."
Sakura and Itachi nodded. Itachi grabbed onto the hood of Hinata's oversized green jacket and pulled her up to the feet. Hinata ran to the tree and backed up against it, fearing the strongest Demons in the school. "I-I'm so sorry! I was just angry!"
"At what?" Itachi asked.
"No, at who, Hinata?" Sakura probed, "Who were you mad at that made you do this to your own blood?"
Hinata gulped and decided to tell the truth. "Neji-oniisan. I was mad that he and Tenten had kissed the night of the party. I-I... love Tenten-chan! Neji-oniisan doesn't deserve her!"
Neji growled and stepped forward. "You little brat, she's mine!"
Ino poked his still slightly burnt chest, causing his to stop and look down at her. "Hush up boy, let her talk and let me finish. Now off with the pants and shoes. " she said. Neji obeyed.
Sakura stared at Hinata for a while, before chuckling. "Hinata, look. I'm not trying to be mean, I'm being honest. Tenten was just messing with you when she kissed you. She did it all the time last year, but mostly with guys. She doesn't love, nor like, you. And she probably never will, okay?"
Hinata nodded slowly, but a tearsescaped her eye. She turned to her almost fully healed, half naked cousin and cringed at his glare. "I'm sorry Neji-oniisan. I'll tell father the truth. That should get you off the hook and it should be okay."
Neji's glared softened a bit and he shook his head. "Don't bother Hina. I'm almost healed, father is satisfied and now you know the truth. It's okay, you're forgiven."
Ino got up and smirked fully. "Done! All skin is now healed, but…Neji…"
"The scar on my face will stay, won't it?"
"It's okay."
Ino nodded and moved aside. As soon as she did, Hinata zoomed past her and jumped into her cousins arms, trying to hug him. Neji pushed her away and looked at her in disgust. "I said it was okay and you were forgiven! I still went through hell to please Uncle!" He growled, gathering his clothes and moving behind the tree.
Hinata sniffed and slowly started walking down the hill.
Kiba ran up and gave Sakura the soccer ball they were kicking. "Time to be the rebound guy!" he yelled as he ran off after the younger Hyuuga. They watched as he put his arm around the crying Angel and comforted her. Hinata buried her face in his chest and held onto his jacket like he was her last life line.
Sasuke walked up and chuckled. "Am I the only one finding this disturbing?"
"Nope." They all answered.
Ino sat on the ground and laid her eyes on Sakura. 'Her father is the leader of the Demon mafia huh? ...I guess that means I broke my promise, eh, mom? Sorry that I've befriended a Demon, let alone the daughter of the Hiro Haruno, but I had to. Father said...that vengeance is always right. And you told me to always listen to him.'
"Huh?" Ino broke from her thoughts and saw Sakura leaning over her, and Itachi staring at her from over Sakura's shoulder. "Sorry, what did you say?"
Sakura rolled her eyes and pulled the Angel up to her feet. "I said, the bell rang. We should get to class."
Ino sighed thankfully and nodded, following Itachi and her 'friend' back into one of the school buildings.
Ino: Vengence? I'm… hiding an evil plot?!
Hiro: Where'd you get the idea of Hiro?
Me: …The guy from Gravitation!! You know, Hiro! Spiky red hair and so hot and gay, but hot non the less!
Hiro: I'm named after a gay guy in another anime?!
Me: -shrinks down- …Yes?
Ino: -still gaping- I'm evil?
Me: -nods-
Tenten: -.- Hinata loves me?
Me: -nods-
Sakura: Ino's coming after me?!
Me: -nods- NO MORE QUESTIONS! Review please people! Also…I'm looking for a Beta Reader? Maybe you wanna jump aboard this ban wagon and help my poor freshman grammar skills?