iJoin The Band

Disclaimer: I do not own iCarly

A/N: So this is my second fanfic. It won't be as long as iWont Desert You but will be a few chapters long. This is a short chap and please review to tell me if I should write this.


It was a normal day at school. Sam and Freddie bickering while Carly stood there, trying to drown out their arguing with her music on. The effort was futile since she could still hear them through her headphones.

"Well your ugly." Sam shouted

"Look in a mirror Sam." Freddie retaliated

"I'm surprised you know what a mirror is."

"Oh yeah?"

"Guys, enough! I'm sick and tired of you two constantly fighting. Sometimes I wonder why I'm friends with you." Carly interrupted.

"Whoa Carls, what's got into you?" Sam asked. She hardly saw Carly lose her cool like that.

"Yeah, you seem very stressed lately." Freddie continued.

"I'm sorry, it's just that we are going to high school next year and I've been trying stressing over what school to go to." Carly cooled down and opened her locker.

"Carls, it's still a year away. Relax." Sam laughed at how Carly always had ways of stressing herself out.

"I know but I want to go to a good school." Carly said closing her locker and looked at her friends.

"You know, if you're worried. Joining a club always helps you get credit." Freddie said.

"A club? Why didn't I think of it." Carly said hitting herself on the head. "Sam why don't you join one too, I mean you could use the extra credit."

"Nah I don't think so." Sam said uninterested.

"I think you should." Freddie said.

"Why freddork?"

"I mean if you don't mind being held back. With your grades it isn't difficult." Freddie smirked.

"Oh yeah well…"

"No he's right. I'm sure you wouldn't want to stay here while we go to high school do you." Carly snapped at Sam.

"Uhhh. Fine but I'm joining whatever you're joining." Sam said to carly.

"Yeah sure." Carly said.

"Count me in." Freddie boomed in.

"You? Your grade are are good enough you don't need extra credit." Carly raised an eyebrow.

"Well, I have my reasons."

"He just wants to be around you." Sam stated bluntly

"Untrue!" Freddie shouted

"True" Sam said

"So?" Freddie said looking defeated.

They walked out of school on their way home. "But what are we going to join. AV club is out of the question. I quit a while back." Freddie said. He had gotten bored with it and he kind of wanted to avoid Shane after the whole incident.

"Yeah what are we going to join" Sam asked taking a bite of bacon that was in her hand.

"Where did you get the bacon?" Carly asked

"I took it from some boy this morning." Sam replied.

"Okay anyway, what do you think we should do?" Carly asked

"I heard the Sci – fi club is taking in new members?" Freddie stated. The other two girls stared at him and gave him the you've-got-to-be-kidding look. "What? It was just a suggestion." Freddie defended himself.

"How about home economics?" Sam suggested.

"And have you eat all our projects? No way" Carly said Sam shrugged and went back to her bacon.

Carly thought hard. She had no idea what to join. Just then they were walking past the field where the school band was practicing. Carly looked over at the field then it hit her. She stepped in front of Sam and Freddie and stopped them in their tracks.

"I know what we can join," She said and pointed to the field. Sam and Freddie looked over to the field and saw the band.

"Band?" They said in unison and Carly nodded.

A/N: Okay short chap but tell me what you think. I'm sorry if I was wrong with the whole school system in America. I'm not sure if you get credit for joining a club in America but we do here in S'pore so I thought you could. I am also unsure what age do students go to high school so bare with it and tell me if I'm wrong. We use a different system here. Anyway, please review.