A.N. Hey guys! This is a story that disregards the rules of Dhampirism. I decided that in the perfect little world I live in, Dimitri is not a strigoi, and he and Rose can reproduce. Enjoy!

Rose P.O.V.

(2 Weeks after she first has sex with Dimitri)

-Lissa's room-

"Hey Liss!" I said, walking through the door without knocking as per usual.

"Rose!" She smiled up at me, why is she smiling? Her grin faltered a tiny bit and was then replaced altogether by an almost conspiratorial smile. She went to her dresser and pulled out a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos, my favorite, but also unacceptable, we couldn't have food in our rooms! I smiled as she opened the bag, and then the smell hit me like something dropped from the roof of skyscraper, hard and fast. I opened my mouth to say something dry, and probably not very witty, but I threw up, all over the carpet, and Lissa rushed to my side, holding my hair and leading me to the bathroom.

"Ugh." I said from my place on the floor.

"You okay?" Lissa asked concernedly.

"No," I groaned back. I sat up, and the room spun.



"Take this, will you?" She looked at me, half crazed.

"Sure," I said, assuming she meant a pill or something, instead, she handed me a pregnancy test. "Whoa! Liss, uh, no offense, but what the hell?"

"Just do it. You weren't grouchy or complain-y about your period when I had mine, did you even have it then? Because we always have it at the same time!"

My voice was suddenly small, "no." Her eyes flashed back to normal.

"Okay, take it, I'm probably wrong." She smiled reassuringly at me, and I took the test from her. She walked out, and I peed on the stick thingy, and walked back out to where she sat on the bed.

We put the test on the floor, set a timer, and then I sat next to Lissa on the bed, holding her hand, shaking slightly. The timer sounded, but between the two of us, we couldn't move.

"Liss? Would you look? I'm scared." My voice was shaking. She got up, picked up the timer, and said, 'I'm sorry.' I said nothing, just sobbed into my hands while Lissa held me, shh-ing me, and patting my back. Roughly a half hour later, Christian strode into the room, without knocking, as I had, but he stopped dead when he saw us. I don't cry. I'm tough; I kick his ass every day, well, not really, but I could, if I wanted to. But here I was, curled in on myself, sobbing, with a tiny, frail little bit of a vampire holding me. The old Christian, the one I wasn't friends with would have laughed, made fun of me, but this Christian, one of my best friends, watched us for a minute, looked around, saw the test, and sat on my other side, holding me, and humming . That's the last thing I remember.

I didn't know what time it was, I was confused. I seemed to be in my own room, but there was someone sitting in the chair across from my bed, a closer look revealed that it was Dimitri, and I remembered everything, the test, the sobbing, what I didn't understand was how I got here, how Dimitri got here.

"Hey," I croaked, "aren't you like not supposed to be in student rooms?"

"It's you, therefore it's different." He replied, his normally smooth voice marred by sarcasm. "So, what do you have to tell me?"

"You already know." I huffed.

"Yes, but I want to hear you say it." His face softened. "Please? For me?"

"I'm pergnnt." My last word was muffled by my pillow, which I'd thrown over my face. He raised his eyebrows. "I, Rosemarie Hathaway, am having your baby, you, Dimitri Belikov. Satisfied?" I managed to say, before effectively dissolving into tears again. He moved to sit over me protectively, pulling me under the covers so that he could hold me and make sure that I was comfortable when I woke up.

Once again when I woke up I was disoriented, and Dimitri was sitting in the same chair.

"Again?" I moaned.

"What? What's wrong? Is it the baby?" He was frantic, how cute.




"Do you want to talk about it?"

"Yes. What are we going to do?" He looked puzzled, but I just glared at him.

"You're, sorry we're not keeping it?"

"I..don't know. Do you want to?"

"Yes. Who wouldn't want a baby who would be the best parts of you and me? What could be better?" I looked at the crazy man I loved, he killed strigoi, but he had compassion, attachment to an unborn baby? He wanted it?



"Yeah, we'll keep it, but we have to get married first."

"Sounds good." He smiled, and pulled something out of his coat pocket, I eyed him warily. He knelt to the ground and pulled out a small velvet box. Inside was a silver band, with a pear-cut diamond, with two smaller stones on either side. "Will you marry me?"

I said nothing, because that was more than what I was capable of saying, I just nodded mutely as he placed the ring on my finger. I smiled. It fit so well.

"So, what now?"

"We'll worry about it later," he answered. "But in the meantime, I like Jesse, James and Jake for boys. Maybe Vasilisa for a girl?" He smiled at me, my favorite smile that was so very rare.

"Yes, maybe Vasilisa for a girl, or James, for a boy." I smiled, and started sobbing again, tears flowing freely down my face.

"I love you Rose, so much, don't be scared, I'll be here the whole time."

"I know."

A.N.: Sorry this is kinda bad, and baby-centric, but I just found out today that I'm pregnant! I'm on vacation for the holidays, and my husband and I both read this series, and I figured this would be a good way to tell him! Review please!