The Downfall of Itex
Maximum Ride Fanfic written by FlyingtoHogwarts.
Author's Note: BAM! I just came to me like when you forget the name of something and then you eat pumpkin pie and you suddenly remember…anyways- here it is, the downfall of Itex! This story is about how Max and her Flock destroy and conquer, defeat and take over, push back and push ahead, whatever you want to call it! I don't own Maximum Ride, JP does. (Sorry if it's a little confusing, it'll clear up in no time!) Please don't steal my plot, cause thats no fun.
Iggy's eyes scrunched as he worked long into the night. I had a plan to bring down Itex. Me, Maximum Ride, w
as finally going to d
o what I wouldn't dare dream of. I just needed Iggy's help. Sure, it was destiny that Iggy was the one whom I needed. Sure, it was destiny that we never found our parents, only because, we needed to be alone for me to come up with it, and plus, if we found our parents, they would never approve of this.
"Iggy, almost finished?" I asked, yawning in the middle of my sentence. He didn't answer me, and his fingers twitched over the small wires connected to a larger cable. "I take that as a no," I said, getting up from my chair and heading for the door. I paused, my fingers curling around the knob. My body whirled around to face him, though he couldn't see me. "Iggy, I just wanted to say…" I trembled, my legs becoming weak. I was tired, exhausted more like it. I hadn't slept well. Excitement over came me and I've been staying up late with Iggy. It didn't seem right to just leave him to work when he was working for all of us. I can't tell you the plan just yet. You might tell the Itex. It's nothing personal, just I've been taught not to trust anyone, because everyone is hiding something, and everyone isn't a saint. People lie.
"I get it, Max, just go to bed. I'm working on the second section." Iggy said, his hands fumbling over a green wire that he was connecting to a red one. He could tell the colors of the wires by the touch of his finger. It was one of his skills.
"No, it's not that, Iggy, I just wanted to tell you thanks, because I don't know how I could do this without you." I said, smiling to myself for no particular reason.
"Well in that case, then your absolutely welcome. I'm benefitting from this too, you know. We're going to bring Itex down. They're going down so hard, I think it might break the sound barrier or something crazy like that." Iggy said, concentrating on his work as he spoke, his voice flowing evenly over the words. His fingers were rushing around as fast as possible as he looked for the right wire. I watched him for a moment, and then I silently closed the door, creeping down the hall to my room.
Let's catch up on the recent events, shall we? My name is Maximum Ride, but you probably already know that. I live with my Flock, and just an F.Y.I, we have wings. Our DNA was combined with bird. We grew up in a horrible place called the School, but we got busted out and now we're on the run. Our main goal had been the try and find out parents, that is until I learned I, Maximum Ride, was supposed to bring down the company of Itex, which is what the School was under. At first, I didn't want to believe it, but now, I've come to realize how much I really want to be the one to finish this mess. I closed the door behind me and sat on my bed. My Flock, containing Fang, Iggy, Nudge, The Gasman, Angel, and me, rented this apartment using my limitless Max card. Nifty, eh? So we have unlimited cash, wings, and no parents. Let me tell you, it gets pretty interesting around here. I fluffed my pillow, testing my head on it, and shut my eyes, yanking the soft covers up over me. I was just drifting off to sleep when there was a light knock on my door. One of my eyes popped open. A light was on in the hallway, and my door creaked open. I expected Iggy to be standing there, but I saw the familiar face of my other flock member, Fang. He was slightly taller then he had been. I still haven't figured things out with him yet. Okay, so I admit it to myself, I like Fang more then just a family member. We aren't related, but we're like brother and sister. I think it could be more if we really tried. Angel and the Gasman are truly related, but other then that we're just a bunch of random kids, living life on the run.
Back to reality here, Fang stood in my doorway. The light shone on the floor, and I scrunched my eyes towards the brightness.
"Can't sleep?" I hiss across the room. He nods, and takes a couple steps forward, closing the door and locking out the brightness. The room is dim, but I can still see his black outline. His muscular arms were hanging loosely at his sides. His wings were unfolded, but bent inward. His hair exotic black hair was sticking out at sides, and he looked like he just ruffled it with his fingers. His olive skin tone was perfect, and I was dazed at his expressionless face. "Well, what do you want?" I asked in a 'Max is totally annoyed by you' tone. He smirked, but it soon disappeared. I pulled the covers back, only to be embarrassed I didn't dress better. I was wearing old sweats with holes all over. The sweatshirt was warm and fuzzy, but it was way too big for me. My cheeks grew hot as Fang sat on the edge of the bed. He shrugged, just looking at me, waiting for something to happen. I sighed. "You can't just come in here and be silent Fang, come on. What do you want, really?" I asked him, curling in my feet so I was sitting with my legs crossed on top of the covers. I combed through my hair with my fingers, but I guess it didn't help the way I looked. Fang didn't seem to care, though.
"I just wanted to ask you something," he finally spoke, but his tone was hesitant, if he was waiting for a cue or something. His black eyes told me nothing about his emotions, and I had to wonder what he was thinking. His jaw was tense, but not angered. Come on Fang, give me some answers, I wanted to shout at his perfect face. Fang was my best friend, and we mostly told each other everything. I guess this was one of those exceptions.
"Ask away!" I said, trying to sound cheerful, even though the pillow next to me was looking more and more tempting by the second. I yawned again, and my eyes started drooping. I couldn't stay awake much longer, I thought. I pinched my arm, and the pain stung. I had to stay awake. Fang wasn't going to get away with barging in here and saying nothing.
"Do you really think that your plan is going to work? What if…what if it doesn't? What if Itex is still out there when it's all over? What will you do?" he asked, as if he couldn't help himself. The more questions he asked, the more came out of his mouth. He ended the stream by looking into my eyes. I felt a yawn in the back of my jaw, but I ignored it, tensing my position on the soft bed that seemed to mock my energy level.
"I don't know, Fang, but I do know that I have every intention that it will work, and Itex will be done in the near future. If it doesn't…then I'll think of something else. We're strong, Fang, we can handle this. We're going to save the world." I stated my last sentence strong, leaving Fang breathless, his black eyebrows raised in defeat, and curiosity.
"But Max, what if there is no possible way to defeat Itex? After all, since when have you listened to Jeb? He might be lying." The questions just kept coming, didn't they? I stared at the wall behind Fang for a few brief seconds. What if Jeb was lying and the Earth was already doomed? Is it really too late? Does Fang know something I don't? How could he? I pondered this for another few moments. Fang didn't move as I thought it out. He didn't even blink. Pretty soon, he was going to turn invisible. Oh how I hated when he did that.
"I don't always believe what Jeb says, but I think I have an instinct in the back of my head, telling me that it's me, it's got to be me, and it's got to happen. I think I knew that all along, I just didn't know what it was until Jeb told me. I believe him this time. Why are you wondering this all of a sudden?" I asked him, now turning the question on him. He sighed, looking at his feet and the wood flooring of my room. My eyes strayed to the pillow and back to his face.
"Isn't the instinct in the back of you're head the voice?" he laughed, barely smirking, but I just saw the tips of his lips twitch. I grinned at his happiness.
"Well, further back then the voice." I said, and I felt a wave of sleepiness come over me. "Look, I'm really tired, can we continue this in the morning?" I asked him, eyeing the pillow yet again. He followed my gaze and let out another sigh.
"Fine, just think about what I said for once? Please?" he started to get up from my bed, and I felt it as his weight was gone. I watched him leave, pulling my covers up as I did. He turned to face me as he closed the door. "Goodnight, Max." he whispered the last words before I heard the door click, and then his footsteps down the hall. After a few moments, I could only hear the ticking of the clock on my nightstand. I lay my head on the pillow, finally ready for sleep. I softly closed my eyes, and I saw Fang's face, just like it had been a few moments ago. His mouth opened, and his lips formed words. Goodnight, Max.
Author's Note: So, how did you like? Oh really, you should tell me all about it by clicking that little button that says "review". Yes, that one. Go ahead and click it. Please, if you didn't like it, don't bother to click the button. I don't like when people are mean. Questions and Comments are welcome ;]
- Peace out, FlyingtoHogwarts. (gettit?? like Maximum Ride has wings and Hogwarts is like Harry Potter, and I love them both so I'm going to be like "Fying to Hogwarts" okay...just review!)