Chapter 9: I Will Save You

A/N: Thanks to everyone who reviewed last chapter! Sorry this chapter was a little late! Summer's just making me not write grrr xD Lol, anyways next chapter! Enjoy!

(Edward's POV)

I pulled Carlisle away from everyone else.

"Why is she dying?" I asked.

"Well the baby inside her is unlike anything I've ever seen before. It's eating her on the inside. That's why I've been giving her blood to keep her alive. Rosalie is very protective over this baby, it seems as though she doesn't even care about Bella. I will try my best to keep her alive." He said sincerely.

"Thanks." I gave a weak smile and sat next to Bella.

I kissed her on the forehead and waited for her to wake up.

I heard her gasp, and then she woke up.

"Love are you okay?" I asked stroking her cheek.

"Yeah. I'm fine." She smiled, and rubbed her belly.

Evil little baby! I can't believe it's killing her!

I have to call Jacob. I know I don't want to but he probably would like to see Bella before she turns into a vampire.

I'm going to save her, and if that means turning her into a vampire then by all hell's mean I will!

(Jacob's POV)

After Edward called me I went in wolf form and ran through the forest as fast as I could. I can't believe Bella's dying.

I finally got to the Cullen's house. I knocked on the door.

"Jacob." Edward said.

"Edward." I said.

I went back to human form and walked over to Bella. "Hey Bells." I smiled.

She looked so weak and helpless.

"Jake!" She squealed and hugged me.

"I'm so glad to see you." She said.

"It's okay. I'm glad I could come." I grinned, and stroked her hair.

I heard Edward growl, "Oh sorry." I laughed.

He just gave me the evil eye, and I backed away.

I looked at her stomach, and boy was it huge!

"Wow that's one big bump!" I chuckled.

"Yeah. She's getting bigger by the second." She smiled, rubbing her stomach.

"She?" I asked.

"Yeah. Renesmee." She smiled.

"Renee? And Esme?" I guessed.

She shook her head in agreement.

"Well I better be going." I said, I hugged her goodbye and walked out the door.

Poor Bells. I wish she would just get better.

"Wait Jacob." Edward said.

"Yes?" I asked.

"The baby is killing her. Isn't that against your treaty? If a vampire kills her or whatever. We have to kill what's inside of her before it kills Bella!" He yelled.

"Well the treaty says if a vampire turns a human on our land or where you live then we have to kill you. I'll have to talk to Sam about that. I can't believe that leech is killing her." I sighed.

"I know. It's actually half human and half vampire." He said.

"Oh save thing." I laughed.

"Okay. Thanks. Bye." He went off into his house.

Well time to go talk to Sam and the pack.

A/N: I know so short! Sorry, anyways I hope everyone enjoyed it! [: