Disclaimer: Unfortunately I do not own these characters, except the baby :) and Now Sam

A/N: Sorry it has been so long, I went to Brussels Belgium for a mini vacation along with some other places around Germany. Then when I got back, I had to work like a madwoman, along with classes starting up again bringing with it papers and homework. I know this chapter is short, but I wanted to get something out. I have three days off after tonight, so I am sure I will find some time to update with a looong chapter soon :) Reviews are much appreciated!! Good and Bad, but if you are gonna give bad, please be constructive. Thanks!

At a quarter till nine Christina heard the buzzer for the front door. Wow, he sure is punctual. She still wasn't completely ready yet, for her nine o'clock usually meat a quarter after nine, not a quarter before; moments later she heard a light knock on her door and she walked over to let him in. "I am almost ready" she told him as she headed back to her bathroom to pull her hair back.

"Sorry I am early, but it has been ingrained in my mind that fifteen minutes early is on time and on time is late; it is just a habit I can't seem to kick" Owen looked down and saw her bag sitting by the door; she had her roll up mat and pillow stuffed in there neatly and he wondered to himself how long she had been doing this alone. "So, does someone usually go with you to these classes?" he asks here, and silently adds to himself: and what have you told them about me?

Christina walked back into the room with her comfortable Nike sweat pants and cotton maternity shirt; she couldn't help herself from smiling when she noticed that he was wearing, he stood there with a pair of loose fitting well worn in jeans and a zip up Nike sweatshirt, she could see that underneath he had on a grey ARMY t-shirt. Well at least he knew to dress casual "Oh, don't worry about being early, I am just usually running a little bit behind; and usually Mer goes with me."

"Well I am glad you didn't have to go alone" He looks down at her and smiles "are you ready?" he reaches down and picks up her bag, tossing it onto his shoulder, and with his other arm guides her out the door.

They had a little bit of a drive to the class, it was in Bellevue and there was some mid morning traffic. With some low classic rock playing in the background, the two of them fell into easy conversation.

"So how many of these classes have you taken already?" He asked her, wondering how many times she had to walk into a room full of couples with just her best friend instead of him.

"Well there are a total of 12, they are each about an hour long. I have only gone to two so far." She could see the guilt on his face and wanted to make it go away. "and don't worry" she went on "I just told them that you were in Iraq, so you aren't going to be facing any looks of disdain when you walk in there with me today." as she looked over, she saw the corners of his mouth turn up into a smile. It amazed him how she knew exactly what he needed to hear.

Before they knew it, they were pulling into the parking lot and heading up to the Lamaze class. Owen suddenly had a sense of fear, he had absolutely no clue what he was supposed to do at this class, sure he had seen it on TV once or twice, but this was real….and it scared the shit out of him. Christina must of noticed the look of apprehension on his face, because she reached down and put her hand in his "Don't worry" she said softly "There are step by step directions in here." With that they walked into the classroom and he was greeted by several couples who greeted him with smiles.

One lady walked over to him with her husband in tow "So you must be the father" she reached her hand out "It is nice to meet you, I am Samantha, but my friends call me Sam. I am also in the Army, just got back about 6 months ago. How are you adjusting? Happy to be home I am sure." She gave him an understanding smile which put him at ease, she knew, she understood the emotional toll that a tour in Iraq can take and how wonderful it is to come home and realize you are going to be a parent.

"Yes, I am very happy to be back, thank you." He shook her hand and was introduced to her husband, the four of them fell into some light small talk until it was time for the class to start.

The class lasted about an hour, and Owen enjoyed every minute of it. He loved to learn, and learning about how to help Christina through labor really made him feel needed, and it really made the whole idea a little bit more real. On the way home, Christina brought up Sam and her husband "You know, Sam has been great, I mean I have only known her for a couple weeks, but she really helped me understand the whole Army and deployment stuff and what you could be dealing with when you come back." She reached over and laid her hand on his leg and gave it a light rub. She tried to express to him silently that she understood that he might come back with some issues from the war, and that she was there if he needed her.

"Well I am glad you had someone to talk to" He looked at her and smiled then returned his gaze to the road, wanting to concentrate as much as possible, he had precious cargo and the last thing he wanted to do was jeopardize them in any way.

The rest of the ride went rather quickly and before they knew it they were outside of Christina's apartment building. "So ummm" Christina began "would you uh like to come up" there she went, studdering, Christina Yang does not stutter! she screamed to herself "I mean if you don't want to that is ok too, I was just thinking maybe we could you know um talk. . . figure things out...."she started to go on when she realized to her horror that she was now rambling slightly. She closed her mouth quickly and just looked at him, her eyes asking the questions that her mouth wanted to run away with.

"I would love to" he replied. There he goes again she though with his perfectly simple answers, he isn't rambling like a crazy person, why the hell am I. . . oh great, now I am rambling to myself in my head. . . .STOP IT! Just as her little rant in her head ended, her passenger door was opened and he was standing there with her bag in hand, with the cutest smile on his face.

Two hours later Christina looked over at the clock; "Wow! It is getting to be dinner time, no wonder baby is moving all around in there" Owen Casually reached down and felt her belly, hoping to get a kick or feel the flutter of the baby moving. As soon as his hand rested on her belly, he could feel the kick and they both laughed, locking eyes. She couldn't lie to herself, she loved having him around. It had only been a few days and a passionate night in the trauma room, and yet this man had her completely entranced. And Christina Yang did not get entranced, she didn't do girl. Yet here was this man, entrancing her. She saw the look in his eyes, the one that said he wanted to kiss her; in response, she tilted her head slightly to the left and looked up at him. As he moved in, she felt the quickening of her heart and the flutters in her stomach that had nothing to do with the baby growing inside. She felt like a teenager, about to have her first kiss; it amazed her what he did to her. As their lips met, she could feel herself melting into him. His hand rested on the back of her head with a slight amount of pressure letting her know that he wanted more; as he pulled her head towards him and kissed her like she had never been kissed before, her hormones decided to run wild on her and the tears just started flowing. She tried to stop it, she really did! Christina Yang doesn't cry, she doesn't cry, she doesn't get flutters in her stomach, and she doesn't ramble! Yet here she was crying, crying not because she was sad, but because she was so happy.

Owen pulled away when he felt the tears on his cheeks "What is wrong?" he asked, concerned. He couldn't recall ever having a woman start crying while he was kissing her, and to be honest he was kind of confused "are you ok? Did I do something wrong?" he must have had quite the look on his face because suddenly her tears turned into laughter.

"Damn hormones!" she choked out between giggles "they have my emotions all messed up. I am sorry" She looked at him with tears running down her face, and laughter in her voice and he couldn't help it, he found her so damn attractive at that moment; he smiled and leaned in for another kiss.