
Three years. The time was approaching yet again. Soon, Sasuke would be ready and he would finally have the coveted Sharingan. Better still, it would mean that this failing body with the pain of its rotting flesh would be replaced by youth and vigor. Best of all, he wouldn't be bed-ridden as he was now. Weak and humiliated.

Just like the last time.

"My Lord."

Orochimaru looked up, begrudgingly acknowledging the presence of his medic.

"Please this will help with the pain."

There was no point in arguing with Kabuto. He wasn't going to leave until Orochimaru had taken the disgusting medicine being offered. And while it did little to heal his wounded pride, it did numb the agony of the slow decay that was setting in.

He reluctantly swallowed the elixir, letting out a low hiss of displeasure. Orochimaru had never bothered to ask exactly what ingredients went into making the swill but no matter how many times he took it, the very taste of it made him cringe.

"I'll leave you to your rest, my lord."

Orochimaru's hand took hold of Kabuto's wrist.


He still had strength enough to pull him downwards to press his mouth against the medic's.

The medicine may have tasted bitter but the doctor's sweet kiss more than made up for it.