Firstly I'm so so so sorry for taking so long to update. I know I said I would update in November but then I decided to finish my other story Moving On before continuing this one, and then when I finished it beginning January, school had started and I was being EXTREMELY lazy as to continue writing. I've finally got a motivation to continue this story and I hope I keep it until I've finished this story!

To cullenlover642: I'm sooo sorry for taking so long. I'm going to continue this story and again I'm really sorry. I hope you will still be reading. And thank you so much for showing your interest!

p.s- I know we don't say 'chorus' but I can't find the word!! :( Help me if you can. Thank you!

"How was your afternoon?" Edward asked me as we made our way to the gym.

"Fine. I chatted with my contact, who is really nice, by the way," I answered, re-thinking about the last day. I had fled as soon as the subject had become too personal for me, but apart from that, everything had gone by fine. I was glad that I hadn't gotten some psycho or worse, some macho who would see himself as superior. I was lucky, in a way. "And you?"

"Very good. My contact is really nice as well. A bit shy, I think, but we got along just fine."

We arrived in the Gym and I said goodbye to Edward before going to change into my sports clothes. Jessica smiled at me at me as I passed and I smiled back. It was sad that we hadn't become the great friends I thought we would, but at least we were acquaintances. Acquaintances who would talk and smile to each other from time to time.

Neither Alice nor Rosalie had this class with me but Edward and Jasper did, so I was not alone. It was also a relief to be able to ogle at Edward without receiving knowing looks from Rosalie, even though Jasper gave me strange looks sometimes. Maybe he was simply trying to figure out how someone could have such a bad sense of co-ordination.

We were playing volleyball today. Hiya! Not. It was a nightmare from beginning to end. Firstly I fell down while trying to catch the ball, and to avoid being more humiliated by going to the nurse, I told everything that I was fine. Nobody dared to pass me the ball after that, but even that didn't last long. The ball, coming from Lauren, of course, came flying in my direction. Gulping, I hesitated between ducking down or trying to hit it back. I hadn't really decided what to do when I saw Edward and Mike rush in my direction to save me from the ball. I would gladly call it 'catapult' but I don't think it's allowed. Mike succeeded in hitting the ball back to the opposite team but he and Edward collided, sending me flying backwards. As if the bruise of the last incident wasn't enough for today.

I think I fainted after that, or maybe my mind just blocked out those painful memories, but the next thing I knew, I was lying on my bed, at home. I looked around me, shocked, and trying to remember how I'd gotten there but in vain. I looked at the clock on my bedside table and gasped. It was eight o'clock. Taking my mobile phone, I dialed Alice's number and waited.

"Hello?" There was music playing loudly in the background and lots of people shouting.

"Alice, turn that music off; I can't hear you!"

I heard her say she was going outside and the noise gradually decreased, until she spoke again. "What were you saying?"

"Where the hell are you, Alice?"

"At Mike's house. There's a party," She said.

"Really?" I asked, shocked. "Why am I not invited?"

"You weren't really in state to go to a party this morning, remember?"

"Actually, I don't. Who brought me home?" I asked.

"Rose and I."

"You know what? I'm coming to the party," I decided.

"What? But we were leaving, Rose and I," Alice said.

"Well, you can leave. I just lost the entire day; I don't want to stay at home with nothing to do."

"Are you sure, Bella?" She asked and I could hear doubt in her voice.

"Yeah, I'm coming. Bye, Alice."

"See you tomorrow."

I hung up and changed into a blue blouse and a knee-length skirt. Then I went downstairs, and to my surprise, Charlie was there. I had forgotten it was past eight.

"Where are you going?" He asked, eying me skeptically.

I decided to be honest. "To a party organized by Mike."

"Okay, but don't drink," He warned. I remembered all too well the last time I had confronted him, drunk, and I had no intention of living through this again.

"I promise, dad." I kissed him on the cheek and headed for the door.

I took my truck and drove to Mike's house, arriving there in less than fifteen minutes. The place was full and I could guess why Rosalie and Alice had left. They preferred parties where you weren't stepped on the feet every five seconds; so did I, but I had no intention of staying at home, especially when I had slept for more than 10 hours at home when I was supposed to be at school.

"Hey, Bella! I'm glad you could come!" Mike greeted me as I arrived in the yard. He put a hand behind my back, not quite touching me, and led me inside. "I'm really sorry about what happened at school. Does it hurt?"

"Does what hurt?" I asked, confused.

"Your stomach," He replied, looking at me strangely. I gasped.

"How do you know about my bruise?"

"We saw it... when you fell." A group of Mike's friends passed by at the same moment and invaded our space.

"Great party!" They yelled, before leaving as quickly as they had come. Mike turned to me once more. I spoke before he could open his mouth.

"Wait... what do you mean by 'we'?

"About your bruise?" He asked. "Just the people who were nearby. Tyler, Angela, Edward, Jasper and the coach." He saw my shocked expression and shook his head quickly. "No, it's not like we saw anything; your shirt was lifted just a bit."

That didn't really make me feel better.

"Thank you, Mike," I said quietly.

"What?" He asked.

"Thank you!" I yelled over the noise. He smiled and nodded.

"Wanna dance?"


We danced for a long moment and I had time to think. Mike was a really sweet guy and he hadn't even tried anything when we were dancing. I knew he had a crush on me and besides, I liked him. Maybe I had to reconsider my decision of a 'never me and him.'

I laughed at that but I was serious. Mike was really a sweet guy and I didn't want to stay alone at home every time the girls had a date.

"Do you want a drink?" Mike asked me.


"I'll be back in a minute," He said before walking away. As I waited for him to come back, Jessica took me by the hand and led me to another room.

"Where are we going?" I asked her.

"To play Truth or Dare. They are just starting it," she smiled as we arrived. "Are you in?
The others were already seated on the floor. There was Eric, Angela, Jasper, Tyler, Lauren and some other people I didn't know.

I looked back at Jessica. "Um, yeah, but... Mike is waiting for me there."

"Just wait here; I'll tell him to join us," She said before walking out of the door. I took a seat on the floor, next to a guy I didn't know, and in front of Angela. She smiled at me and I smiled back. Some seconds later Mike arrived along with Jessica. He had two drinks in his hands and I smiled as he handed me one before taking a seat across Lauren.

"So here's the rules," an older boy got up and said. "If you choose Truth you have to answer the strict truth and noediting. If you choose Dare, you can either do it or not to do it; but if you choose not to do it, you'll have to do the Punishment, which is most of the times ten times worse than the dare itself." He looked around at every face present. "Now are you sure you want to play?"

"Um... I think I don't..." I started to get up but Jessica pulled me back down.

"No, you stay here; it will be fun."

I looked at her hand and tried to see if this was a trap or something but she seemed sincere. The older boy looked at me expectantly. "I think I'm going to stay after all." He nodded.

"And yes, I almost forgot something: you can back out anytime but you have to finish the dare you have been assigned to before, or you have to answer the question, then you can go." He sat back down. "Who begins?"

A girl I didn't know lifted up her hand. "Lauren, Truth or Dare?"

Lauren smirked. "Truth."

The girl returned her smirk. "Were you pissed off when Rosalie Hale proved she was hotter than you?" Lauren glared at her. I had forgotten about Rosalie's contest, if I could call it like that. It seemed like Rosalie won; that was why Lauren had sent that ball flying at me. She was pissed off; extremely pissed off.

"Yes, I was," Lauren replied evenly. The two girls continued to glare at each other for a long moment, until Jessica said it was her turn.

"Angela, Truth or Dare?" Angela seemed to have grasped the fact that it was dangerous to choose Truth so she chose Dare. It didn't matter, anyway. Jessica was a nice girl.

"I dare you to drink a glass of the punch containing alcohol," Jessica said. I saw her wink at Angela, who mouthed a 'thank you'. Angela was about to get up when I stopped her.

"Wait! I glanced at Mike and pointed at my glass. "Is there alcohol in it?"

"Yes," He replied, searching my eyes for my approbation. I smiled at him before turning back to Angela and handing her the drink.

"Here, take this one."

"Thank you." She sat down and began to drink. I knew she was grateful to have received an easy dare.

Afterwards it was Tyler's turn. He looked at me and I knew that I was his target.

"Bella, Truth or Dare?" He had an evil glint in his eyes and I knew better than to say Truth.

"Dare," I replied quietly.

"I dare you to sing "I love Rock n Roll" in front of all the people present in this party." I gulped. He couldn't... I wouldn't... surely he couldn't expect me to sing in front of so many people. Everyone knew I couldn't do this. I just stared at him for I-don't-know-how-much time until I heard Lauren speak.

"She will need someone to do the chorus," She looked at me, but I was still staring at Tyler. "Well, more than one person."

Angela got up. "Yeah, Jessica and I could accompany her," she glanced at Lauren. "And Lauren of course... if you want?"

Lauren shook her head. "No; you three go along."

"Put the music on," I said as I got up. We followed Tyler to the other room, where many people were still dancing, and he gave me the mic.

I couldn't really start singing right away so I decided to swallow back my fear and to do a little introduction.

"Hello guys, so my friends and I are going to be singing 'I love Rock n Roll' by Britney Spears. I hope you guys like it.

It was now or never. As Tyler put the music on, I decided it was better to be with Jessica and Angela than to be singing alone.

I saw him dancing there
By the record machine
I knew he must have
Been about seventeen
The beat was going strong
Playing my favorite song
I could tell
It wouldn't be long
Till he was with me
Yeah, with me
And I could tell
It wouldn't be long
Till he was with me
Yeah, with me

By then the crowd was smiling and seemed to be enjoying the show, so I continued, all fear forgotten. As we carried on with the song I noticed other people that were in other rooms had arrived, probably hearing the music and wanting to see what was happening.


I love rock 'n' roll
So put another dime
In the jukebox
I love rock 'n' roll
So come and
Take the time
And dance with me


He smiled, so I got up
And asked for his name
"But that don't matter," he said
"'Cause it's all the same."
I said, "Can I take you home
Where we can be alone?"
And next we
Were moving on
And he was with me
Yeah, with me
And we were moving on
And singin' that
Same old song
Yeah, with me


I love rock 'n' roll
So put another dime
In the jukebox
I love rock 'n' roll
So come and
So come on take the time
And dance with me


I love rock 'n' roll yeah
'Cause it soothes
My soul yeah

I love rock 'n' roll
Yeah, yeah, yeah

I said, "Can I take you home
Where we can be alone?"
And next we
Were moving on
And he was with me
Yeah, with me
And we were movin on
And singin' that
Same old song
Yeah, with me


I love rock 'n' roll
So put another dime
In the jukebox

I love rock 'n' roll
So come and
Take the time and
Dance with me

I love rock 'n' roll
(I love rock 'n' roll)
So put another dime
In the jukebox baby
I love rock 'n' roll
So come on
Take the time
And dance with me
(Dance with me)

I love rock 'n' roll
(Rock 'n' roll)
So put another dime
In the jukebox baby
(I said)
I love rock 'n' roll
(So dance with me)
So come on
Take the time and
Dance with me
(Dance with me ooh)

I love rock 'n' roll
(Rock 'n' roll)
So put another dime
In the jukebox baby
(Oh, ooh)
I love rock 'n' roll
So come and
Take the time and
(Dance with me)
Dance with me

I love rock 'n' roll
So put another dime
In the jukebox baby
I love rock 'n' roll
So come and
Take the time and
Dance with me

The crowd clapped and cheered as we finished and my smile grew bigger. I never thought I could enjoy myself so much. I looked at Jessica and Angela, who had the same expression as mine on their faces, and took their hands. We bowed together before walking out of the room.

"That was great!" Tyler told me as I sat down on the floor once more.

"Thank you," I replied, still smiling.

"It's my turn," Lauren announced and I knew I didn't have to fear anything from her, at least not right now. My statement was proved correct when she glared at the girl who had pissed her off earlier.

"Kate," Lauren started sweetly. "Why were you absent a whole month from school at the beginning of the year?"

"She didn't chose Truth," a girl next to Kate intervened.

Lauren didn't take her eyes off Kate. "Would you have chosen dare?" She asked, the threat apparent in her voice.

"N-no," Kate stuttered.


"I was sick," she replied, struggling to keep a straight face. I was wondering where all this was going when Lauren spoke again.

"What did you have?"

"I had a mono."

"No," Lauren contradicted, her eyes cold. "You had an abortion after the father of your bastard left you for some blonde chick!"

Kate had tears running down her cheeks at the end of Lauren's speech and ran out of the room without saying a word. I looked at Lauren, shocked that even she could fall so low but she looked back at me with an expression that meant: "So what?" I looked down, disgusted.

Afterwards it was another girl that I didn't know who spoke, so I was shocked when I heard her next words.

"Bella, Truth or Dare?"

"Dare," I replied. She smirked.

"I dare you to play seven minutes in heaven with... Jasper."

I gasped. "Are you serious?"

"Yes, of course." I took some seconds to recover myself before I got up and walked to Jasper in a way that I hoped could be considered as 'seductively'. I took his hand and helped him to get up, while he looked at me with a frightened expression. I tried very hard not to laugh as I entered the nearest closet and smirked at the girl who had proposed this dare, before closing the door. I sat down and realized Jasper was still frozen on spot.

"Sit down," I told him, unable to keep myself from smiling. "I'm not going to jump on you." It took him a few seconds to understand what I said, and then he sat down. He looked relieved.

"Did you really think I was going to jump on you?" I asked, amused. He lifted his eyes to mine and hesitated.

"Um.. yeah?"

I laughed softly. "I may find you incredibly attractive, but I am a good friend, and good friends don't make out with the boyfriend of their bestfriends behind their back."

"Neither in front of their faces," Jasper joked.

"Yeah," I agreed, laughing.

"You were really great earlier... when you were singing."

"Oh, yeah. Thank you; I was terrified, though."

"I could see; but you masked it well."

"It was terrifying to be in front of so many people, and have all the eyes fixed on me. I just wished I could disappear." We were silent for a long moment before I spoke again.

"Why aren't we friends?" I asked quietly. "I mean, we see each other everyday, we sit at the same table at lunch..." I trailed off, hoping he got the point.

"I don't know," He replied just as quietly. "I think it's because... we don't sit together because we appreciate each other's company, but because I am going out with Alice. We never really got the time to know each other."

"Yeah," I agreed. "It's sad, though. Things shouldn't be this way."

He smiled gently. Something clicked in my mind and I glanced at Jasper. "Are you a fan of Desperate Housewives?" I asked.

He looked at me curiously. "Um.. yeah, why?"

My lips curled upwards involuntarily and I shook my head. "Just like that." Maybe there was a chance of us being friends, after all. If my hunch was right and if he really was Eva...

"Time's up!" Someone knocked on the door. I looked at Jasper in alarm.

"Can you blush on command?" I asked.

"What?" He looked at me as if I was insane. What I was asking him was perfectly normal... wasn't it?

"Never mind, I will blush. Try to look pleased with yourself; can you do that?"

He nodded. "Sure." I opened the door of the closet and as I looked at every face in the room, I blushed. I didn't dare look at Jasper to see how he was doing his job.

"I'm leaving now, guys. See you tomorrow," Jasper announced before hugging me. I was a bit surprised but I hugged him back. What wouldn't we do for our spectators? I thought as I sighed.

Jasper left and I looked around the room. "I'm going to dance now. Who comes with me?"

Jessica and Angela got up and followed me. I looked at Mike but he wasn't looking at me, preferring to stare at the floor instead. I didn't pay attention to it, though, because I was too excited to go dancing.

We danced for almost two hours non-stop, and then it was time to go home. It was past one a.m when I left in my truck, feeling very happy. I got home and went straight in my bedroom, but I couldn't fall asleep. I lay on my bed for almost half an hour before deciding that it was of no use to try to sleep right now. I turned on my PC and signed in on msn, not really knowing what I was searching for. To my surprise I saw that Eva was online.

NTTS- What are you doing here at this hour of the night?

Eva- I'm a werewolf, shh! I just came back from howling at the moon.

NTTS- lol.

Eva- What about you?

NTTS- I couldn't sleep. I just came back from a party and I'm still hearing the music playing loudly in my head.

Eva-Mike's party? I was there too. I left early.

NTTS- Well, I left kind of early too, considering that the party isn't going to end until 4 in the morning.

Eva- Unless Mike's parents arrive. I would love to see all those drunk teenagers running for their lives.

NTTS- laughs Yeah, me too. You know what?

Eva- What?
NTTS- I am able to say with confidence that you are not Mike Newton. That makes at least one less guy.

Eva- Are you that interested to know who I am?

NTTS- I don't know. I was just wondering how I could not know someone so nice. It seems impossible that I could walk beside you without acknowledging your presence.

Eva- Maybe we just aren't in the same group of friends. That happens.

NTTS- Yeah. So what do we talk about now?"

Eva- Music?

NTTS- Okay. So what type of music do you listen to?

Eva- Rap; but in secret. Lol.

NTTS- Lol. So you're the bad guy and I'm the good girl since I listen to Britney Spears, Kate Voegele and Paramore?

Eva- Good girl? Britney Spears? Let me laugh.

NTTS- Hey, mind your language because if you have something against her, there's a chance that I will never speak to you again.

Eva- No, I don't have anything against her. I am not one to judge. In fact, I like her. A little. There's not many people who can see through her but I do. You have to take five seconds and really look at her to really see her, but even that doesn't mean that you will understand.

NTTS- Yeah. People are here, blaming her and saying that she's gone crazy, but if they had lived though what she did, many wouldn't have survived. Yet she did and she's back on track.

Eva- Okay, no more Britney now. Let's just talk about some funny things that happened to us.

NTTS- Okaayy. You start. I have to think about it.

Eva- Alright. So last summer, my friends and I were in Canada for the holidays. One day we were reading a joke about a girl badly in need of a tampon while she was in a supermarket. The others forgot all about it as soon as they put the magazine aside but I couldn't. So I waited for a day when I usually went to the supermarket and I told the guys to come with me. They agreed, not knowing what they were getting themselves into. We strolled for some minutes in the supermarket and then I spotted a guy who seemed to be the type to work there. When he arrived close enough to us I put both my hands between my legs and whispered to him: "I need a tampon!"

The guy was flabbergasted, to say the least. He looked at me as if I had lost my mind.

He asked. "What?"

I said: "I need a tampon!" a little louder and then looked around me, pretending to be checking if anyone had heard. My friends were trying very hard not to laugh.

"Are you sick or what?" The guy asked me. I glared at him.

"Are you saying you refuse to give me a tampon?" I said in a normal voice.

"But you're a guy!!" He said, looking at me from top to bottom to make sure his first statement was correct. I had to force myself not to laugh in his face so as not to ruin the plan. I was still glaring at him and I yelled:

"What do you know of my life?"

Then I turned my back to him and walked away, my hands still between my legs. Before I passes the door, I yelled over my shoulder:

"Sex discrimination!"

I had fallen off my chair by the time I had finished reading. I couldn't think of anyone who would do such a thing, but then of course, Eva was in another country and there was a big chance that he wouldn't ever meet the guy from the supermarket again in his whole life. Still, it was something that amazed me. I made up my mind to do something crazy the next time I went in another country with the girls for the holidays. Something that would be remembered, even if I was remembered as 'The Crazy Girl'. It didn't matter. I was sure the fun would be worth it.

Eva- Are you still here?
NTTS- Kind of. I fell off my chair. Lol. You are really crazy, but I like it :)

Eva- Good. Now it's your turn.

NTTS- After what you did, I have no idea what I could say to rival with you. So I'm going to tell you about one of the times I got lost a the beach. I get lost everywhere but this is the one day that is the most memorable. When I was three or four I went to the beach with my family. I remember that I was swimming and my mom came to tell me that she was going to the toilet and to ask me if I wanted to come. I said no because all my cousins were swimming beside me and I was sure I would be alright. She said okay and went to the toilet which was a bit far from where I was swimming. I didn't pay attention and kept playing in the water. After a few minutes I looked around me and noticed that I was alone. I began to feel panicked and I got out of the water, already forgetting where my mom had gone. I began to walk here and there, searching for her but I couldn't find her. A man came by my side and asked me why I was crying. You know, it was still the happy time when strangers were normal and helpful people instead of psychopaths and everything. So he asked why I was crying and I told him I couldn't find my mom. He took my hand and we began to walk to nowhere in particular, while he pointed to different women and asked me if she was my mom.

He was like: "Is that your mom?" "No." "Is that your mom?" "No." "And this one?" And I was like: "I don't know!"

Eva- Lmao! You couldn't remember your MOTHER?

NTTS- Lol. Nope. I think I had seen to many women faces for a day. I laugh about it now but I was really terrified at that time.

Eva- I bet. What happened then?

NTTS- I don't really remember. I think my mom arrived at the same moment and thanked the man for his patience, before taking me away.

Eva- And she didn't leave you out of her sight after that. Am I right?

NTTS- Wrong. I got lost many, many times again after that. I am the kind of girl who is prone to get lost everytime she goes to a place for the first time. I even got lost on my first day to school. The bus left me someplace I didn't know the least about. We found out later that we hadn't got the right information and that my mom was waiting on the wrong bus stop.
So you see? I am "The Lost Girl."

Eva- Yeah. You sound like someone I know. So, what do we talk about now?

NTTS- Oh, no. Now we sleep. I'm already dead.

Eva- Okay, bye. Sweet dreams.

NTTS- Xoxox. Bye.

Review and give me enough motivation to write and post the next chapter quickly. Frankly speaking, I really need it.