Chapter Seven:

Welcome Home

I stood at the door frame, tears flooding from my eyes, I was home again. Back to where I had loathed so much. Slowly I made my way inside. I explored the old house, it reeked of the tragic demise of Ikana. What had felt like a lifetime, was only a mere 5 months. I could see now just how short my lifespan once was. Why had I even bothered on coming back? I'm sure if I were to go back now, I could forget about this place... Perhaps start my new life. I thought it over and I decided to just give p my curiosity. Perhaps it would be better this way?

As I turned to leave I was met by someone at the rugged door. Micheal...

"So it is you... But how are you a-"

"Please.. I'd rather you not ask that question..." I looked at Micheal's confused features. Feelings had started to arise, I wasn't sure what they meant. I felt the same feelings when I was around Japas, only there was a feeling of guilt and despair along with them.

I watched Micheal approach and wrap his arms around me. He started to shake and a warm liquid began to trickle down from my shoulder where his head was buried into.

"I thought I had lost you..." He was crying. I had never remembered seeing him like this. I don't know him like I once did, should I tell him? Or would it be best to just stay quiet?

"We shouldn't be here, it's dangerous..." I tried to get him to leave with me, but he refused.

"I have a few things to do before I go. If you must leave then I suppose I will see you another day. Stay safe Kuroro." He smiled at me, tears still stained his face but he had an expression of relief. I wasn't sure why but with that I had left. I was stuck. I wanted to go back to Japas, but I also wanted to find out why I had lost my memories, why the wounds upon my angles would not heal... What the deal I had made was. My curiosity was strong, but my fear was stronger. What was I to do? Also... Why does Micheal seem so.. distant from me? I don't remember him ever talking to me like that?

I let the thoughts sink in more and more as I left the small destroyed village... The only thing that still seemed full of life was a colorful green house, music emanating from the yellow horn on top. I don't ever recall such a house being here, but then again, I don't recall most of my memory.

I continued my journey back to The Great Bay, and hopefully see Japas once more. I was sure he'd be there, but I was also sure he'd be very upset with me. I began to second thought myself.

'What if he doesn't even want to see me?' I stopped there. Confused. I felt a sudden surge of pain in my ankle and in my chest, causing me to fall to the ground. Everything around me faded into black, I looked around the abyss only to find a pair of red eyes before me.

"Oh kitty kitty. You must be lost." The voice shrilled with laughter. "Pity, seems like you couldn't keep the contract true to your word. I suppose that is a bit of my fault, I should've known your curiosity would be too great."

I felt myself fall for a moment but I landed on my feet. Where?

"Kuroro!" I turned around to see Japas, caged like some sort of animal.

"Japas!" I tried to run to him but found that I was shackled by my neck to a wall behind me. That's when I realize it was I who was caged. Not Japas.

"Hold on I'm gonna get you outta there." He went out of my view and I heard that laughter again.

"Oh what a fool, he thinks he can save you from your fate. Perhaps I shall give you another chance? Instead of giving you the your fate of death, I shall kill him instead to extend yours further. Although you must keep your words this time or I might not be so generous next time."

I felt my breath catch in my throat and my heart speed up. What was wrong with me? I felt a sudden pain in my chest and tear welling at the thought. What was this feeling?

"No... You can't. Not Japas..."

"No? You'll die instead?" The voice laughed, "Oh how noble. Sacrificing yourself for someone who probably doesn't even care."

The door suddenly opened and everthing faded away.

I awoke on the sands of the beach which was drenched in blood and salt water. It was quiet, the only sound was th sounds of the waves crashing into the sandy beach. Slowly I picked myself off the ground, but stopped suddenly. I looked down at myself to see that I was my cat self again. I looked around the sands and back to the ocean. I could see Zora Hall up ahead. What happened? I walked away aimlessly trying desprately to remember, then I ran into a dead body. I stopped in shock, it was me? As a human? I back tracked in horror. What was I..? How did..? Many unfinished questions came to mind. In the end I had gone over to the body, there was blood bleeding out from the eyes and mouth. Bruises everywhere.

As I touched the body I felt a strange force in my stomach and a sudden hit of nausea. I closed my eyes, the feeling soon passed and I opened my eye's again. The body was gone? Was I hallucinating?

"Kuroro!" I heard a familiar voice, I looked back and it was Micheal. He had a smile upon his face along with some new bruises and... An eyepatch? I went to him happily and mewed. Suddenly nothing mattered anymore as he picked me up. I felt whole, I felt as if he was all I needed. Although something was amiss? Why couldn't I remember how I got here? What was so familiar about this beach?

"Stop..." A sudden raspy voice sounded. I looked around confused. "

You can't do this..." There was the voice again? I jumped oout of Micheal's arms.

"Kuroro what's wrong?" I looked back at a concerned Micheal. Suddenly I didn't feel so safe anymore.

"Wake up..."

"Japas!" I realized this was all just an illusion.