Drabble Challenge Word: Flinch or Flinched
Word Count: 100
Other Participants: Too numerous to mention. Really. Scads of people. You need to subscribe to the shiny new Enkidu07 and Onyx Moonbeam Drabble Challenge C2 and see them all. You can find the link and a list on Enkidu07 and Onyx Moonbeam's profile pages.
A/N: Sorry to post early, but what with holidays and family, I may not be near a computer again today.

He definitely flinched that time.

"Damn it, Dean, just stay out a little longer." Sam rubbed sweat out of his eyes before he pulled Dean's leg again. This time the exposed bone slid back into place with a sucking noise.

Dean jerked upright with a gasp. He swatted at Sam. "Hands off."

"You sure? 'Cause you'll just faint again."

"I never faint. Not manly."

"OK, manly man." He grabbed Dean's collar with one hand and lowered his leg to the ground. Dean's eyes rolled back and only Sam's grip kept him from going over backwards.

"Yeah, right, you never faint."