A/N: there comes a moment in ff that crosses the line. Cheeseball clichés become reality. Smeyers twilight becomes more than a joke. Too many anyway. I'm the first to claim I'm addicted to the spinoff crack of twilight ff. I'm also the first to claim its so very lame. I don't know if its cos I'm a semi-lit grad. Or if its because I'm a snob. Either way, this chapter embraces the awkward, cringe worthy joke of a ff based on twilight. You have to remember, in my AU the song "Little Lion Man" by Mumford and Sons does not exist. Yes, there is a song dedication and yes it is based on this song. But you have to pretend, E is playing it for B. I want you to youtube it. If you know it, play it. It's not central to the story. But it's a fuck lovely song. And IT IS KEY TO THIS PLOT. Thanks.

Music influence: Accidental Babies- Damien Rice , Little Lion Man – Mumford and Sons. Undercover Martyn- Two Door Cinema Club.

Disclaimer- not smeyer and i definitely cannot sing/nor write amazing lyrics like Mumford and sons.

Chapter Eight – Naive.


He sat on a chair in the middle of the stage. His hair was scruffier than normal, like he had spent the whole day pulling at it. A microphone was right in his face, one of his guitars was resting on his lap. The guitar looked different. His foot was tapping, agitated, indicating he was nervous. He bit at his lip. Self loathing sparked as i wanted to soothe it with mine. His jacket was slung casually over the back of the chair. He was wearing a white shirt with a grey vest and black pants. The collar was half tucked under, clearly he had dressed in a rush. I tried to forget the conversation we had had on the phone. I tried to forget how he had pleaded. How he had sulked. How he had said he wanted to try. Sweet jesus, he said he was mine. He wasn't looking at anyone, just starring at the back wall. I couldn't help but stare at him. I was lost in a trance. A trance centered around him.

As though i was underwater and everyone else was on the surface; I heard Alice saying something to me. I couldn't hear it clearly and I shook my head to get out of the trance just as she tugged on my arm.

"Bella, are you alright? Jasper said under pain of death I was to get you here tonight but if it's too much I understand." She was trying to be a good friend. Something i wasn't. I hadn't told her the actions of last night. I hadn't told her what had happened.

"It's alright Alice. I'll be fine. Edward and i have a truce at the moment."

And just like that, Alice transformed from caring best friend to her defensive persona. Never be fooled by Alice, she was short, skinny and wore ridiculous heels that could spike your eye out; but she was fiercly protective. "what do you mean a truce? When did you speak to him?" I didn't say anything, just shrugged my shoulders. Her anger was now directed at me. " Please don't tell me you he called last night after how he reacted and you listened."

I looked back towards the stage. He was still nervous.

Jasper appeared next to us. Alice was furiously whispering to him. He seemed to be getting into trouble. I bet it was because I had spoken to him. I chose to ignore them. The floor was growing pretty anxious. Every now and then someone would shout out Edward's name. His head would snap in their direction, his eyes would focus but then he would return to staring at the back wall and jittering his knee up and down.

"Bella, what did you say to Edward?" I knew she meant last night. Not when we had our pseudo break up. But the sentiment was the same. Nothing had changed. My head tore away from him and my eyes locked with Alice's.

"I told him I loved him Al." Her face portrayed little emotion. But i knew her well. I saw the brief look of shock, the short gasp that she masked so well. I had never said that to anyone. She knew that. Jake hadn't even come close.

After a moment, her voice lowered to a whisper and she approached the question with caution, "and what did he say?"

"He said he needed time." I bit my bottom lip. But then he said, he was mine. Then he said he was sorry. Alice sighed, and put her arm around me. Her way of comforting, of symbolizing she was on my side. I shrugged it her off. I didn't want it.

The lights went out. I was confused. Jasper passed a beer to Emmett. Emmett as in the member of the band Emmett. Shit. I saw Esme standing on the side of the stage, at least I knew it wasn't only Edward up there. A wave of unease washed over me. My arm reached out to grab Jasper's, he knew what was happening. He shook me away.

The spotlight hit Edward.

Aw fuck. Please don't let it be what i think this is.

He coughed into the microphone. His voice was strained. Nervous and tired. "I am about to do something terribly cliché ...and yes i know song dedications surely fuck up any street cred of a band. I am with 'The Cullens,' I wrote this for someone who I care about …Bella I'm sorry."

There was a sort of startled excited gasp that came from the crowd but it disapparated as soon as he started strumming. All I heard was the chorus. All I heard was him.

"take all the courage you have left
wasted on fixing all the problems that you made in your own head

but it was not your fault but mine
and it was your heart on the line
i really fucked it up this time
didn't I, my dear?"

I don't think i breathed for the entire 4 and a half minutes. It was everything he said. He was sorry.

The crowd was of course clapping and cheering. Alice was grinning. Jasper was shaking his head back and forth. I think I heard him mutter, 'fucking genius.' Emmett was doing those really loud two finger whistles. Roselie hung off his arm. But I was too busy staring at Edward. He jumped down from the stage. The crowd didn't part like it would have if this was some horrible movie. No, everyone seemed to be rushing at him. They wanted to celebrate. This was new, different, the Cullens never sounded like this. It was very much a western country, folk style. I wanted to ask Edward who had written the accompanying music but I assumed it was him. And besides I still couldn't think straight.

I think i was crying.

I wasn't quite sure.

My face felt wet. I guess that meant tears. I was amazed at what Edward had sung, amazed that he could write something like that, embarrassed that it was written for me. Shocked that he was willing to forfeit cred for it. I laughed through my tears. I wanted to run away and hide. I wanted to run an jump on him. I wanted to never let him ago.

I didn't have that much time to process anything. Because suddenly he was right in front of me. Everyone was staring.

Rose was standing, holding onto Emmett. Carlisle had his arms wrapped around Esme, I could tell he was whispering something in her ear. Jasper was kissing Alice. They were standing so close. Circling around us. Staring. Watching. Looking.

I couldn't breathe.

I looked up at him, my heart pounding, my throat dry. What the heck was I meant to say, how was I meant to react. The excitement and nerves were building, pulsing through my body, freaking me out. And then it came to fulcrum when he questioned me. ""Do you smoke? I need a smoke."

I blinked once. Twice. Thrice. Then it settled in. my gut lurched and I felt slightly queasy. Had he really opened his heart to me on the stage then dismissed me for a cigarette? I wondered what I had done wrong. Something seemed deflated, off, unsure. Maybe I was questioning myself. Maybe he was questioning himself. I didn't know how to act. Or what to do.

I didn't know if I was smiling. Or if I was glaring. I was in shock.

"did you just?" I gestured towards the stage. Words failed me.

"yeah, I guess I did." My jaw must have dropped open because Emmett said something. Edward's head turned to face him and I reached out to grab Edward's hand. I wanted all his attention on me. He interwined our fingers. My heart was thumping. His eyes flickered back to mine and didn't sway. He used his other hand to pull my hair back behind my ear.

He repeated. "Let's go outside."

Finally I found my voice. I registered what he had said. "I don't smoke."

"You can just stand with me."

My emotions were all over the place. So I giggled, "alright."

My heart started racing again. Background music was playing, but everyone still stared. The air tingled around us, our gazes locked in. I shuddered but I wasn't cold. "Please." He pleaded and I felt my heart physically ache. He was asking again because I was numb. My feet literally wouldn't move. I looked up at him, pleading. He pulled on my hand and I stumbled forward. My legs finally deciding to work. I wanted to run away and find Alice, make her splash cold water on my face, make Rose slap me. But I didn't want to leave his side. His fingers squeezed mine. I looked down at them.

"I'm sorry. Can we please talk?" He was serious. he sounded nervous. Stressed. In pain.

"yes. Let's go outside." It sunk in. he had just got on stage and played a song. For me. About how much he was sorry. He wanted me to try. Really try.

He let go of my hand and ran it through his hair. Finally, he looked back at me. I blinked. He nodded and I followed. Immediately his stray hand filtered back to grab mine.

The alley way was dodgy and narrow, I'd seen it when I had first entered but now it offered a kind of respite from the noise. Edward held the door open for me and I waltzed outside. I hadn't realized inside was so loud until the door closed behind us. A security guard stood off to the side. He glanced me up and down before he noticed Edward. Intimidated by Edward, the bouncers eyes became interested in some kids down the street. Edward was scowling at him. I coughed and his death stare didn't waver. I reached into his coat pocket which made him flinch. I pulled out his lighter and two cigarettes.

He smirked at me. "you said you don't smoke." Our playful banter was calming me. Allowing me to have a moment to think about what had just happened.

So I snapped. "I don't."

"Well Isabella, I'm not going to encourage a nicotine habit that will lead to cancer in ten years." Somewhere at the back of my mind, I recalled that being my argument to quit smoking right after the meadow.

I rolled my eyes. "well…Maybe I want to start again….if you can do it, regardless of your decision, I can do it."

"oh yeah?" I nodded. He looked saddened by what I'd said. Smug with myself I tried to light my cigarette but the lighter was impossible. One of those high tech gadget looking ones. Edward chuckled, "Bella, leave it."

"oh fuck." I handed him back the lighter and smoke. My hand was shaking. He grinned and wrapped an arm around me.

He took a shaky deep breath, his voice was quiet and I had to strain to hear him over the hustle and bustle of the alley way. "You know, I sort of can't think or speak coherently around you."

"How do you mean?" I always thought he was quite coherent. I, on the other hand wondered if I would ever be able to say anything more than innate dribble in his presence. I always seemed to be about ten minutes behind the conversation.

"I get nervous Swan. You make me fucking nervous. And that's why I had to write your song."

Yeah that makes sense Edward. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest. I sarcastically responded, "you can't speak around me yet you can sing something so fuck amazing that I can't even begin to register what this means."

He took a deep breath. And steadied himself. He took a step close to me. His hand pulled my chin up. His eyes looked down at mine. I clawed at his jacket. I clawed at his vest. He took another breath. "I fucked up. It wasn't your fault. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. That's what it means."

"No." my response was soft.

"No?"his voice broke. He took a step back. Panic flashed through his eyes. He leaned over like he was about to be sick. It registered what he had said. How I had responded. Fuck. I hadn't finished what I was meant to say.

"Shit. I didn't mean it like that. I was tyring to say how you make me incoherent also. I don't think you completely fucked up…well you did but not permanently, not behind repair anyway…in my opinion…Especially if you have another song like that in you."

He let out the deepest sigh of relief. "Jesus Christ don't ever do that to me again." He rushed at me and kissed me quickly. It was short. Soft. Welcoming.

"Don't give me a chance to." I raised my eyebrows in annoyance. I kissed him back just as quickly.

"Touché." A grin flickered across his face. He lent his head back, exposing his neck to me, he took another drag of the cigarette just as I nipped at his neck. He laughed, carefree. The tension around his eyes disappeared. I grinned. He snubbed the cigarette out on the pavement.

"That was quick." He raised his eyebrows at me. I gestured to the cigarette he had already put out.

"You don't smoke anymore Bella."

I rolled my eyes, "so? Just because I am no longer a smoker doesn't mean I don't know two drags finishes a dart."

He smirked. "My new life theory….. you don't, I don't." he grabbed my arm and pulled me back towards the door, towards inside.

I stopped walking. He stopped walking and turned back to me. I wanted to kiss him again. Privately, before we had to face everyone else. "Oh?"

His face turned serious. "I need to say this, alright. So let me say it all please. I think I'll try it with my eyes shut so I don't get distracted." I smiled and he quickly kissed me again before shutting his eyes. "Everything you said the other day. Fuck I am an idiot. Everything I told you on the phone last night. I'm sorry about the meadow. It's ours, it always has been…that song, which Emmett loves by the way, is what I mean."

"I get you." He opened his eyes, a weary look on his face.

"Bella, I don't want you 'to make decisions regardless,' I want us to make them together. I want there to be an 'us."

"Oh." Was I that incoherent, he was making these incredible statements and I was responding with an 'oh.'

"And you can forget about all the groupie insecurities because I don't see anyone else."


"I am so fucking whipped. But I don't really care anymore…In a crowded room, the only person I can see, the only person I can sense is you. and I'm asking because you deserve the fairy tale bullshit that you give me that chance to prove it, because I need it Bella, I need you. and I know you said I was too late and I know just telling you I fucked up doesn't change anything. But please can you give me this. Please."

"Who in their right mind is going to say no after a song dedication like that? Seriously!"

He still seemed concerned. "Please don't think I did that so you'll say yes."

I put my hands on either side of his face. I waited until he had taken a deep breath and calmed down a bit. "Edward, if I wasn't going to try why the fuck did I show up tonight?"


"Pfft. I can hold my own against Alice. Simple fact. I love you Edward. Makes me do stupid shit. And see no reason, luckily it seems you have a similar mind frame cos you totes just made your band a mushie love trio."

"Haha, you're so funny Swan." He kissed me then.


Rose had been calling my phone non-stop for fifteen minutes. Alice had been messaging. They wanted a final word with me before Edward whisked me off home. Alas I was in a daydream as I walked towards the corner bar we'd agreed to meet at. It was embarrassing how willing I was to drop my friends in favour of Edward. He'd held my hand and shouted me drinks ever since we'd ventured back inside. We swayed to the music on the dance floor and in our own little bubble, we didn't see anyone else. We didn't speak to anyone else. A spark was back in his eye. I'd kissed him on the corner of his mouth and he kissed my collar bone. I could still feel it tingling. Everything was right between us again.

"Ahhhh Bella, you make him nervous and that's a very good thing." Rose was smugly staring at me, her drink poised at her lips. I remembered the words he had said earlier tonight and wondered if they had been listening when we went outside.

I stood with my hands on my hips, facing them both. "How do you know all this?"

Alice laughed. "We saw his performance tonight Bella….And he may have been calling us every now and then for advice."

Rose snorted. "More like daily." Alice glared at her and she shut up.

I wasn't annoyed but I needed to clarify. "So all three of you have been going behind my back, trying to get me to listen to him?"

"No!" they were in unison.

Rose laughed. And Alice began sprouting of details in her hyped up mode, she held up her hand listing of the people involved; "most definitely not! It was more like Esme, Carlisle, Jasper, Emmett and finally Rose and myself. You two are all lovey dovey and its very much ridiculous fate etc. Plus now that Jaz has decided to be the groups tour manager and security guru, they will all be bloody boring because everyone is committed. And this way, we worked it all out before we had to leave. We all won! Now we just have to work out what we are going to pack because now it's all good and done."

Rose rolled her eyes. "This is so fucking mushy." Alice snorted and screamed with extreme happiness "group hug!" who was I to deny a bouncing Alice?

Just as we all squished ourselves together, Rose, the ever diplomatic one screeched "ALICE, your arse is vibrating."

Alice pulled her phone from her back pocket, appearing all calm and collected she answered. "Oh!.... It's just Jazz….hello…yes we are still here…back corner…tell him to pipe down! It was just a girly chat…. I can barely hear you…ok…we're on our way back now…" she hung up, smirking she looked at me "Bella, your fuckhot boy cracked it because he couldn't see you anywhere…Let's go."

"Alright." It was sinking in. this was real. It had actually happened.

Rose grabbed my hand, "Hey are you alright now?"

"yea..i guess I am, it just doesn't seem all that real to me. I mean we are all 'official' and stuff. You know it might take a while for me to get used to it, you know so i don't think its a dream or something stupid like that...FUCK WHAT WAS THAT FOR?" Rose pinched the skin on the back of my elbow.

"Pffft. Only you would associate Edward getting over himself as a 'dream,' so I pinched you because how else are you meant to realize you're awake?" I hoped I had uncovered old wounds simmering between Rose and I.

Rubbing my arm I snapped. "what are we five years old?"

"well we are skipping off to back corners to gossip like little girls."

Alice rolled her eyes, "yes well, in case you hadn't noticed Rose, we are females. And females need to gossip, it's just the way it's done."

Rose smiled but I was still uncertain. I gave her my Bella-is-speaking-serious-face so she knew what I was referring to. "Rose, we're alright aren't we?"

"Well if you stay away from Em, then hell yes. You're my tour buddies."

Wait a second. Alice's comments about packing made sense now. "You girls are serious…The boys are going on tour?"

Alice stopped walking her jaw dropped open. Rose scoffed, "Jesus, Bella, you are bloody naïve if you think after a song like that, that these boys aren't gonna be big."

Final A/N: This has been floating around in my head for a while. So now that it's finished, i want to say thanks for finishing this with me. This is the end of my short lived ff writing career.