Charpter 4: The Thunderstorm

Authors Note:The story is now called Survivors: R&R

Ryan woke up the next day shivering. It was frezing and he didnt have any blankets or anything, plus laying on hard cement all night was definitly not comfortable. He let his mind drift for about .2 seconds to where Sharpay might be. He sighed. He didnt need her. She wasnt his sister anymore. His stomach started growling so he got up to prepare some more fish for his morning breakfast.

Sharpay groaned as she opened her eyes the next morning. She barly got any sleep the night before. She was stuck laying in the middle of the woods, thankfully she had a blanket but she was still frezing and very uncomfirtable, and to top it off she kept earing sounds of animals and bugs. She definitly did not sleep very well. Sharpay sat up slowly and came face to face with...A Bear. She did what came naturally. She screamed. Adnd after she screamed she quickly got up and ran. She ran and ran barely paying attention to where she was going. She just wanted to get away from that bear. Since she was paying any attention to where she was going she didnt see the big hole and so she ended up falling and falling down in to the whole. She landed with a thud. Now he whole body screamed from pain but mostly her ankle. It was throbbing from how she landed on it. She reached down and looked at it and saw it turning red. Oh great she thought, this is exactly what I need. Sharpay tried to stand up and get out of the hole but her ankle woudlnt hold her and the hole was to hiigh up anyway. She sat back down and cried.

Ryan was in the process of eating his newly cooked fish when he could have sworn he heard a scream. A scream that sounded distinctly like Sharpay. He tried to listen to hear if he heard anything more but everything was now completly silent. Must of been his imagination. He sighed and took another bite of his fish. Pretty soon it started to rain. 'oh great' he thought as he stood up and headed back to his cave before a downpour occuried.

Sharpay fe;t something wet land on her. She looked up and noticed it had started raining. 'great' she thought 'and im stuck in this stupid hole'. Before she could even think of anything more it started to downpour.

Ryan watched from the cave door as the rain poored down. He really hoped Sharpay had been able to find sheltor. This was going to be some storm. Than he saw a flash of lightening and a crack of thunder. His mind immediatly wondered to a flashback.


A 15 year old Ryan and Sharpay were staying home that night as it was raining and neither of them wanted to drive in it. Ryan was sitting in his room whem he heard the thunder and lightening. He knoew what would come next. And sure enough a pajama clad Sharpay entered his bedroom moments later tears streaming down her face.

"Ry? Can I stay with you tonight?" Sharpay asked in a child-like manner.

Ryan smiled up at his sister and pated the bed next to him indicating she should take a seat "Sure Shar" he said.

"Thanks RyRy your the best brother ever" she said as she quickly sat down next to9 him and pulled the covers up over the both of them, cuddling up to him

"Dont cry Pay, its going to be ok. Its just a alittle storm. It will be over soon Pay I promise nothings going to happen to you" he said holding her close to him.

Sharpay sniffled and tried to stop crying but just screamed as she heard another crack of thunder. Ryan just started softly stroking her arms and singing to her. That always callmed her down. Soon enough she was fast asleep.

End Flashback

Ryan was brought back to the present by another clap of thunder. He knew his sister was out there somewhere scared out of his mind. Thunderstorms always did that to her. He had to find her. He just had to. He quickly got up and went out ready to brave the eliments.

Sharpay screamed as she heard another clap of thunder. Not only was she scared out of her mind of thunderstorms, but she was trapped in a hole that was quickly filling with water, which was now up to her waist. Not only could the water fill up the whole hole and drown her but it was dangerous to be in water in the middle of a storm. She had to admit she was scared out of her mind. "HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She screamed as loud as she could.

Ryan had been wondering around aimlessly for quite some time now and he was completly drenched when he heard whqat sounded like his sister screaming for help. "SHAR!!! SHARPAY!!!" he screamed running in the direction he thought the voice came from.

The water kept getting higher and higher, it was now up to her neck. She was shivering like crazy and tehe storm was still going fullforce. How was she ever going to get out of this one?

Ryan ran and ran when he saw a hole. He decided to peek down in to it and what he saw shocked and horrified him. It was Sharpay unconsious almost completly covered by water. How was he going to get her out of there especially when she was unconsious? He didnt think further of it when he just jumped down in to the hole. He quickly scooped his sister up and managed to somehow climb out of the hole. He ran back to the cave and laid her down on a bed of leaves. He felt for a pulse. Thankfully he found one, however weak it was. He breathed a sigh of relief at that. He could sede her visibly shivering however and he knew he had to warm her up but how was he goingv to do that on an island with no change of clothes and no heat or anything. He started to take her clothes off as they were soaked and its all he could think of. Once he got alll of her clothes off he took off his clothes as well as they were soaked and he wanted to be able to warm her up but he coudlnt in soaking wet clothes. After he did that he started rubbing her all of the place to warm her up. After he got her slightly warmer he laid on top of her and held her close to him sharing body heat, hoping to warm her up.


Authors Note:I hope you like it. Please leave me a little review and let me know what you thought. I'm also going to be trying to update a lot of my stories now and also start a new one, im in a writing mood so take a look. Love you all.