Magical Experience

Author's Note: Hi. I'm EdwardCullen4President. As you can tell, I love the Twilight Saga and I don't want it to die after the end of Breaking Dawn. So I wrote this story. Yes, it has spoilers from both the Harry Potter series (mostly OotP, HBP, and DH) and the Twilight Saga (mostly BD). I want to warn you now that if you haven't read those books and don't want spoilers to ruin the books for you, don't read, but if you have and enjoy Harry Potter and Twilight as much as I do, please read on.


1. It has been ten years after Breaking Dawn, during Harry's fifth year at Hogwarts. The timeline is off, but its the only way this story would work.

2. Renesmee is 10 1/2 but looks seventeen (she stopped again five years ago), and Jacob is 27 but hasn't aged because of his werewolf/shape-shifting abilities (he can pass for his age because of his size).

3. Cullen's (and Jacob) moved to Alaska.

4. I'm trying to stay faithful to Harry Potter and Twilight, so it follows the facts JK Rowling and Stephenie Meyer has provided me with, but I am going to add some things in! :)

5. No non-canon pairings. EdwardxBella, JacobxRenesmee, JasperxAlice, EmmettxRosalie, CarlislexEsme, HarryxCho then HarryxGinny, and some RonxHermione. Mostly EdwardxBella; they're my favorite!

6. This is also posted in the "Twilight Section."

7. Hope you enjoy! :)

Chapter One: Letter

Carlisle POV

It was nice and quiet as I sat in my home office, copying down some charts from a few patients. All was well... for the time being. I knew better then that, though. This house was full of eight vampires, including myself, a half-vampire half-human, and a werewolf, eh, shape-shifter. I smiled to myself; Bella had grown to be a very well controlled and powerful vampire and Renesmee had finally matured and stopped her rapid growth. It's hard to believe that only ten years had passed since our encounter with the Volturi in the meadow about the misunderstanding of Renesmee. Renesmee has stopped growing around the age of seventeen or eighteen, which was quite humorous, because Edward was frozen as seventeen and Bella as eighteen.

I looked down at the half finished charts; I was getting distracted again. Paperwork was never fun, especially since I have been doing it for almost four centuries.

I looked up at the sound of taping against my window. There sat a beautiful phoenix; I noticed the letter in it's beak. It couldn't! I thought, knowing only one person who has ever contacted me via phoenix. I fluidly stood up and opened the window for the proud creature. It swooped into the room and landed neatly on my desk. I gently grabbed the letter. The phoenix flew up to the top of one of my bookcases and perched itself. I tore my gaze way from the majestic phoenix and quickly opened the letter.


It's been too long, old friend. I first off want to send my deepest apologies for not contacting you over the years. Things have taken a turn for the worst here and as much as I want to re-acquaint ourselves again, I am in dire need of you and your family's assistance.

As you may or may not know, Lord Voldemort has returned and recently killed one on my students during the Triwizard Tournament the pervious year. As the new school year approaches, I have been informed by the Ministry of Magic that they are blessing Hogwarts with a "Ministry approved teacher". I am unsure what this year will bring for Hogwarts, the students, even the Wizarding World and I fear the worst.

Harry Potter, I'm sure you have heard of him, was attacked my dementors over the summer and I fear it is the work of Voldemort and his Death Eaters. I am trying to keep my distance from the boy for he has a connection to Voldemort. I hope that if I keep away from Harry, Voldemort will not try to use the boy to get to me. Voldemort is strong with power, Carlisle, and you and your family are the only ones I know that are immune to magic.

Your assistance will mean everything to me. I ask you and your family to stay at Hogwart; you and your wife as teachers and your children as students and protect Hogwarts and keep a keen eye on Harry Potter, for he may get the worst of it. I know your only connection to the Wizarding World is myself and you have no reason to help us, but I implore you to take up my offer. I trust you and your family to be around my students and staff and we have a wonderful forest for your family to hunt whenever you need to.

I will be arriving via Floo Network at your lovely house at half passed seven on the first of August for your reply. I do not trust the air ways anymore then you trust people with your secret and I do not what your answer to be intercepted. Hope you are well.

Till then,


Albus must truly need our help if he has asked. I'm not going to leave such a dear friends, especially since it is a life and death situation for the Wizarding World. I know he means well and I did trust him with my, rather, my family's secret. I sighed. I guess I have to break the new to the family before Edward or Alice do.

"I already have, Carlisle. Sorry."

I looked up at Edward, casually leaning against the frame of the door, and Alice, Bella, Renesmee, and Jacob standing next to him. Alice bounced over to me and snatched the letter from my grip.

"Oh! This is going to be so cool!" she smiled, dancing over to the book shelf where the phoenix rested.

I noticed the rest of the family filed into my office. Alice handed the letter to Emmett. I laced my fingers, placing my elbow on the desk, and rested my chin on my finger.

"It says this Albus guy is coming in an hour," Emmett pointed out, scanning the paper again.

"Yes," Esme agreed, "But, Carlisle, we know nothing about magic."

"Albus Dumbledore is a dear friend of mine I have met many years ago," I explained, then added, "before I changed Edward." This seemed to get my family's attention - Albus was very old. "He is quite old for his age, especially for a wizard. He is extremely powerful and highly skilled at magic. If he says he needs our help, then I dare not know the danger the Wizarding World is in. As Albus stated, we are immune to all magic, seeing as we are technically dead, and we would be the perfect bodyguards for the school."

"But I still don't see why we are going to this school," Rosalie interjected, motioning toward Jasper, Emmett, Edward, Bella, Renesmee, Alice then herself. Jacob snorted.

"Rosalie," I spoke, "The school is full of witches and wizards ranging from the age of eleven to eighteen. Esme and I cannot protect the school, its students, and Harry Potter. Of course, Rose, if you don't want to go then-"

Rosalie looked insulted. "I did not say that I didn't want to go, I was just curious," she huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. I inwardly smiled.

"Does that mean I get to come?" Jacob asked innocently, grabbing Renesmee's hand.

"Of course, you are part of the family, now Jacob," I replied softly. This time it was Rosalie's turn to snort. Jacob shot her a glare.

"Uh," Bella spoke out, "Renesmee and Jacob are not dead, so does that mean that they are not immune to magic?"

She had a point. Renesmee and Jacob both had beating hearts, so spells are not immune to them, but I have a feeling Jacob's shape-shifting powers and Renesmee's half-vampire, eh, ness allows them to have some protection against magic. Edward nodded, chuckling.

"Half-vampire-ness, Carlisle?"

I rolled my eyes at Edward.

"Right now is not the time to tease me about my word choice, Edward," I said quietly. "We have to make a decision about helping Albus and Hogwarts or not. Since we are a family and I will not make the decision for the whole family; we shall vote. Those who do not want to help the magical world, please raise your hands." I looked around and saw no hands. "Now those who want to help them." Everyone raised their hands except Rosalie. "Rose?"

"Psh. I don't care. I'll go with whatever the family decides," she responded nonchalantly, playing with her nails. "But that dog better stay out of my way."

Jacob grinned. "So this blonde walks into a bar... Ha ha, the stupid blonde didn't see it there."

"Shut the hell up, mongrel!" Rosalie growled. "Your jokes are so incredibly lame!"

"Lame, you say, but oh-so true about you, Blondie," Jacob shot back smiling.

"Jake, please stop," Renesmee spoke quietly, reaching up to touch Jacob's cheek. He sighed and said no more. Rose smirked.

I cleared my throat and everyone's attention was back on me. "Albus will be here in a few minutes" - I was interrupted by Alice loud squeal of joy. Edward looked surprised.

"We better pack! We're leaving tonight!" Alice exclaimed throwing her arms around a surprised Jasper.

"Alice, calm down," Jasper voiced, smiling down at his energetic vampiric wife.

"Well," I said; I couldn't help but smile. "We better get ready."

My family filed out of the room, leaving me to my thoughts, though Edward could hear them. As of today, the Cullen Family was going to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

END OF CHAPTER 1! A sort chapter, so sue me. Next one will be longer... by far! This chapter is just explaining how it all starts.

Blonde Joke of the day (courtesy of Jacob Black):

Jacob: Hey Blondie.
Rosalie: What?!
Jacob: What would you do is a blonde threw a grenade at you?
Rosalie: (scoffs) Run, duh. Though I wouldn't have to since I am indestructible.
Jacob: Nope! You'd pull the pin out and throw it back. (laughs)
Rosalie: (turns and leaves a laughing Jacob behind) Stupid, mongrel!

Edward demands your vote!