Total Drama Island: 2nd Season

Twenty-two new teens will come to the island and participate for another $100,000. But the author's not deciding who walks the Dock of Shame; YOU are! Please vote on who you think should go and who should stay as you read.

By Fedora_Kid


"Hello everyone and welcome to the brand new season of Total Drama Island! I'm your host, Chris. It has been exactly one year since the first season of Total Drama Island. In that season, twenty-two teenagers competed for the prize of $100,000. Let me give you the quick rundown of said participants: Owen (the winner), Gwen, Heather, Duncan, Leshawna, Geoff, DJ, Lindsay, Bridgette, Trent, Harold, Courtney, Sadie, Beth, Cody, Izzy, Tyler, Katie, Justin, Noah, Eva, and Ezekiel. As you all remember, it was a fierce competition. We all saw our fair share of betrayals, cheating, emotion, and most importantly of all, drama. Now, we have returned to Camp Wawanakwa with twenty-two new teens, all of which will be competing for the same grand prize of $100,000. Let me introduce you to the new campers before they arrive. I watched hundreds of audition tapes, and I had to painstakingly pick out twenty-two particular teens: Joshua, Daniel, Isaiah, Matthew, Luke, Peter, John, James, Mark, Tim, Jeremy, Ruth, Mary, Rachael, Violet, Jennifer, Lauren, Madison, Nicole, Samantha, Jessica, and Suzie. And I guarantee you that this season is sure to be just as exciting as the last. So get ready for the first episode of Total…Drama…Island…Season Two!"

Episode 1: The Campers

Disclaimer: Fedora_Kid does not own Total Drama Island.

Chris stood at the edge of the dock and saw the yacht approach. On it were the twenty-two teens who had sent in the best audition tapes. Chris could not wait for this to happen all over again. If there was one thing the Chris Maclean lived for, it was torturing teens by giving them the most brutal and life-threatening tasks EVER. And he knew that they'd be willing to do them, just to win $100,000. He couldn't possibly care any less about their lives, like the interns who he had hired to test out the future challenges, who had all either died or ended up in the hospital. The only three things he cared about were A) Getting paid. 2) The ratings stayed up. And D) That they avoided getting sued. As the yacht drew closer, Chris smiled his sly smile.

"This is going to be good." He said aloud as the boat approached. The boat pulled up alongside the dock, and the rope ladder dropped down. The first to climb down was a 16-year-old who was well-built and had black hair, and a confident smile on his face.

"Hello, uhhhhh…" Chris took out the picture of the twenty-two teenagers and searched for this one's face, which should have the name under it.


"Hey, Chris. I am SO ready for this! I can't wait to get started! I am ready to win that hundred grand!"

"Well, what an enthusiastic attitude." Chris looked back up at the yacht. The next one to come down was Lauren, who was also around sixteen. She was skinny. In fact, she looked like a bunch of bones with sleeves and pant legs covering them. Her fingernails and toenails (she was wearing sandals) were painted in a sloppy manner and were ridiculously sparkly, even for nail polish. Her earrings were long, shiny, dangling ones that were probably overpriced. Her blonde hair was smooth and had a black headband in it. She was wearing ridiculously fancy clothes and high heels.

"Ugh. That ride made me seasick. I hate boats!"

"Then you're sure as heck gonna stay away from the Boat of Losers, aren't ya?"

"Are you kidding? Not only because of that, but because I want that money. I'd go on a royal shopping spree! All the perfume and clothes in the mall would be mine. Like I don't need it, though. My mommy and daddy buy me everything I want. They're rich."

"So why do you need this $100,000?"

"They felt that I haven't been earning my own money, so I figured I'd try this." Then, a suitcase was thrown after her. She tried to pick it up, but she couldn't.

"This thing is so heavy!"

"What's in there?"

"My makeup." She then opened up the suitcase to reveal all of the nail polish, lipstick, etc. She tried hard to move the suitcase. Then, she let out a shrill cry.

"AAAAA! I broke a nail!"

Chris decided to ignore her for now.

"OK, who's next?"

The next to come down the ladder was 17-year-old Isaiah. He had light-brown, curly hair and glasses. In fact, he basically looked almost like Napoleon Dynamite. At the thought of this comparison, Chris had to quickly stifle a laugh.

"Hello, Napol…er, I mean Isaiah. Welcome to Camp Wawanakwa. Why do you want the prize money?"

"I want the cash to drop out of school and fly away to Kenya. What do you think?"

"Ummmm, O…K…"

The rest of the campers came down off the ladder and onto the dock with their luggage. There was Matthew, the youngest, who was 13 and had brown hair that was fairly long, but not too short, either (it only went down far enough to cover half his ears). The two features about this boy that Chris immediately noticed was A) the Bible he carried with him in his other hand, and B) his sunglasses. Each large, oval-shaped lens was very reflective. Anyone who looked into them while he was wearing them could see their own reflection.

"Hello, Matthew. Welcome to Camp Wawanakwa." Then Chris noticed his very reflective sunglasses. "Um, excuse me just a minute." Chris then pulled out a small, pink bottle of hair gel with his face on it, and a black comb. He dipped the gel in his hair, then leaned close to Matthew's sunglasses, where he saw his own reflection, and started combing his hair.

"Believe me, I've seen that before." Matthew said as he rolled his eyes (which went unseen, due to his sunglasses). "My sunglasses are like mirrors, I know, but I don't mind. I let people use 'em as mirrors anyway. You're definitely not the first to try that, Chris."

"Interesting. But why do you let people do it? Doesn't it annoy you?"

"Not really."

"I see. There, all done." He stepped back and put the gel and comb back in his pocket. "Thanks, man."

"Anytime. My 'mirrors' are at your service." Matthew chuckled, then picked up his luggage, and walked over to the others.

Then Jennifer came down the ladder. Jennifer, who was sixteen, had long black hair, and one long eyebrow. She was apparently the co-captain of the cheerleader squad at her school, and was the 27½ most popular person in her school (Chris didn't even bother asking what the ½ meant).

Peter was a serious bad boy. His long, black hair was tied up in a fairly short ponytail. He wore a black shirt with a blood-covered skull-and-crossbones. The shirt's sleeves were torn off, and he had the look of mischief in his eyes, as well as a look of, "Don't mess with me or I'll kill you." His pants sagged to just above his knees, revealing his black skull-and-crossbones boxers, similar to his shirt. He had several chain bracelets, and his nose, tongue, and eyelids were pierced. This boy instantly reminded Chris of Duncan from the last season. As he stepped onto the dock, he simply stared at Chris, cracked his knuckles, then slowly brushed past.

Ruth was sixteen and had a headstrong personality. She looked fairly like Leshawna, except a little skinnier. She had brown hair, and was, according to her audition tape, the most popular girl in her school, although it really seemed like she simply intimidated people into saying she was popular. She certainly had the evil glare for it. In her audition tape, she said that she was in gymnastics, and apparently very good at it, as her demonstrations proved. So maybe she looked like Leshawna, and had the skills and physical strength of Eva.

Seventeen years old, Luke was definitely the brainiac. He said that he excelled in all subjects, and he even showed off his report cards, which, in all subjects, read A+. He had blonde hair and was considerably short for a 17-year-old.

Mark, who was fifteen, had a wide-eyed look and had tan-colored hair, was clearly the happy-go-lucky guy, in addition to Matthew. In his video, he had quite a friendly personality (like Geoff from last season), and admitted that he could never win (like Owen), but if he did, he would give all the money to charity.

John was clearly a Goth. He had long black hair that went below his ear lobes, and even covered his eyes. His lips were black. He had simple black clothes, and when Chris caught a brief glimpse into his suitcase, he merely saw black (the rest of his clothes, or a bottomless pit?). His pants had holes in the knees, and his hands were buried in his pockets. Chris could not see the white of his eyes at all, but he knew that this one's stare must be quite blank. John, like Peter, simply sulked over to the others without even glancing at Chris (but who could tell where he was looking?).

Samantha was fifteen, had black hair, and her eyes were glued to her cell phone. She jumped down the ladder, picked up her luggage, and with one hand, she rapidly pressed buttons as she sent text messages to God-knows-who.

"So, uh, Samantha, I assume you want the money to pay off your cell phone bill?" Chris laughed. He expected her to retort with a sarcastic comment, and state the real reason she wanted the money, but to Chris's surprise, she did the opposite.

"Yeah. My parents are EXTREMELY pissed at me for spending so much time on my cell phone." She said without even taking her eyes off her phone. "I knew I had to find a way to pay for all my time texting and talking all those hours. So I sent in my audition tape."

Chris grinned at the memory of that tape. In it, Samantha had demonstrated her ability to rapidly send as many text messages as possible in one minute, each one having to be at least 10 letters, and had to make sense, and he record was 267. She also boasted her record of how long she had once spent talking on her cell phone: 8 ½ hours in a row.

Samantha, still texting, walked over to the others. Then Chris remembered something.

"Wait, um. Samantha? I think there's something I should tell you…"

Too late. Samantha suddenly let out a terrified scream.

"AAAAAUUUUGGGGHHHH! WHAT HAPPENED?!?!??! There must be some mistake!!!"

"What's the matter, Samantha?" Chris said, grinning.


"Oh, yeah. That's what I meant to tell you. There is absolutely zero cell phone service here at Camp Wawanakwa."

"But…But…But, I NEED my cell phone! I NEED my texting! I NEED it!"


"GEEAARRGGHHH! I did not expect this when I sent in my audition tape!" The now-cell-phoneless Samantha sulked over to the others.

Suzie, who was sixteen and had long, red hair, was next. She said that she needed the money so that she could afford a tutor (she apparently failed in most subjects). She also said that she had been the secretary for her school three years running (ironic, considering her academic skills).

And the teens continued coming. To save a really long explanation of all the others, there will instead be a simple rundown:

Rachael: seventeen years old; long, brown hair, and had been editor of the school newspaper.

Tim: sixteen years old; short, black hair, and he loved to draw, since he always had a sketchpad with him (like Gwen), as he did when he came down the ladder.

James: seventeen; long, brown hair, quite large, and he wanted the money to buy lots of junk food.

Mary: fourteen; short, blonde hair, which was in a ponytail; was clearly a perfectionist. She believed in not just doing something, but doing something perfectly. Thus, she was great at both sports and grades. She wanted the $100,000 to add to her college fund, so that she could get into the best colleges in America (her top choice being Harvard).

Violet: sixteen; long, brown hair with a single black ribbon in it; in her tape, she established that she was the smartest girl in her grade. Despite this, she looked anything but nerdy. She was quite pretty, which, according to Violet, attracted a majority of the guys in her school.

Jessica: sixteen; long, tan-colored hair; and she thought that she was a good dancer, although in her audition tape, she had fallen flat on her face while trying to spin around on one foot.

Madison: fourteen; black hair, also in a ponytail; and she had apparently been voted "Most Class Spirit" in her yearbook for several years in a row.

And Nicole: fifteen; short, black hair; she was also fairly short (the shortest of the campers, as a matter of fact, second only to Luke); and she was a member of the cheerleader squad. She wanted the money to buy lots of jewelry so that she would be the prettiest girl in school.

After all the campers had been introduced, Chris had them sit around the bonfire pit.

"Welcome, campers, to Total Drama Island! I assume you all have seen the previous season, am I right?"

"Yes." Almost everyone responded, except for Peter, who merely said, "Whatever," and Nicole, who said, "I guess so."

"So you all know the basic rules. You are all here for one reason, and one reason only: to win the $100,000 grand prize. Only one will remain standing after twenty-one weeks."

"Twenty-one weeks?!?!" Lauren screeched. "In the last season, it was only eight weeks!"

"Yeah, well, I decided to extend the time to one episode per week, to give you guys more time here."


"Because I knew you guys would hate it. Anyway, we'll split you into two teams. When I call your name, come on up here. Matthew, Luke, Daniel, Isaiah, Jennifer, Ruth, Rachael, Violet, Lauren, Nicole, and Samantha."

The eleven he called all got up from their seats and walked over to where Chris was standing.

"You will be known as…" He then tossed a white sheet to them, and Matthew caught it. Once he caught it, he let it unroll and reveal the picture that was crudely stitched in, that of a bear that appeared to be on fire. "…the Flaming Bears."

"Right on!" Daniel cheered. Daniel was clearly the jock type. Unlike Tyler from the previous season, who was merely a wannabe jock, Daniel was a real jock. He was 5 foot 11, and he often showed off his muscles (since his shirts all had the sleeves torn off). In his audition tape, he had done some impressive feats, including a half-court shot in basketball, and knocking a baseball clear out of the field. He had brown hair that was in a buzz cut, and often wore black wristbands and a black headband.

"All those that were not called, come stand over here." Chris gestured to the other side of the bonfire pit. Joshua, Mark, Peter, John, Suzie, Jessica, Madison, Tim, James, Jeremy, and Mary all got up and walked over to the designated spot.

"You guys will be known as…" He tossed another sheet, which Joshua caught and unrolled. Joshua was fourteen and had a black, bowl-shaped hairdo. He also wore square sunglasses that you could see through more easily than most sunglasses (unlike Matthew's sunglasses). In his video, he demonstrated his incredible karate skills, and that he was the best black belt in his class. The picture on the sheet was of a squirrel that had its fists raised, looked ready to conquer the world, and had wide eyes. "…the Psycho Squirrels. Alright, now follow me to the lodges." The two teams followed Chris to the two lodges.

"Squirrels get the East Lodge. Bears get the West Lodge. The restrooms are right down there. You each have thirty minutes to unpack, then meet me at the main lodge for your first challenge. And your half-hour limit starts…" Chris looked at his watch. "…NOW!"

The two teams went into the cabins. Several of them were shocked to see merely bunk beds.

"Wow. Five bunk beds. How amazing." Peter said when he saw them.

"Oh no! Not bunk beds! Anything but bunk beds! I hate bunk beds!" Lauren complained in the other cabin.

"Why?" Matthew asked.

"I don't trust that they're built well. I'm always afraid that the top will come crashing down on the bottom, and that's bad for both people."

"I don't know. I always loved bunk beds." Matthew replied.

"Besides, this is like a summer camp, you know. What, did you expect king-sized beds for each of us?" Isaiah said sarcastically.

"Yeah, and with electric blankets?" Daniel chimed in.

"Guys, guys. Just chill out. Oh, I call a top bunk!" Matthew then walked over to the nearest one and started unpacking. All the others followed suit.

In the other cabin, the attitude was somewhat the same.

"Well, this is gonna be fun." Peter said.

"I don't think it's that bad." Mark said.

"Well, we'd better unpack if we're gonna get to the main lodge in time." James then started to walk towards the bunk in the corner of the room. He was halfway there when he fell through the floor.

"Whoa!" He screamed as he plunged through the weak, old, rotted wood. Mark, Suzie, Tim, and Jessica ran to help pull him out. Jessica pulled, and, naturally, ended up flying backwards when she lost her grip. The other three managed to help him out. Peter, who had merely watched the whole thing from the side, doubled over with laughter.

"Ow! Thanks, guys. I can't believe that just happened. I mean, we saw the Owen guy on the last season in here, and he never fell through the floor. And that guy weighed 300 pounds!"

"296, actually." Mark corrected.

"How much do you weigh?" Tim asked.


Nicole nearly fainted.

"What?" The oblivious James asked.

"N-nothing." Tim stammered. The Psycho Squirrels then finished picking their bunks and unpacking mostly in silence, while a few of the campers conversed. Of course, Lauren in the other lodge continued complaining.

"Ugh! These floors are all dirty!

"Haven't these people heard of something called 'cleaning up'?

"These corners have spider webs in them!

"This bed is all creaky and loud!

"Where's the hot tub? The TV?

The Flaming Bears also continued unpacking, and both teams finished just in time for the end of the 30-minute period. Then the two teams all walked over to the main lodge, and lined up as Chris instructed them to.

"Alright campers! I assume you have all chosen your beds, finished unpacking, and made yourselves comfy."

" 'Comfy' is hardly the word I would use for this disgusting place!" Lauren screeched.

"Anyway, this is the main hall. This is where you will eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner here, and you will often have meetings or receive your next task here. First off, your very first meal here at Camp Wawanakwa. Since it's 1:17, this is considered lunch, so enjoy Chef's very own hand-made meal. Oh, I almost forgot. This is Chef Hatchet." Chris gestured to the large man standing next to him. He had a small goatee, a mustache, and one long eyebrow. He also had a sneer on his face. "He will cook all your meals, and assist me in antagonizing you all for the next twenty-one weeks. So what's on the menu today, Chef?"

"I made my very own Sticky Sandwiches." He held up an example. The bread was green with the mold, and between the two slices of nasty bread was a thin slice of pale yellow cheese. No one dared to ask what it was made of. "Line up and come get it."

"What if we don't want it?" Peter asked.

"Then you get nuttin' to eat for the next five hours. Now come get it now, or starve."

Everyone lined up to get the food. In addition to the sandwich, there was a carton of milk.

The only ones who didn't get any food was Lauren, Jessica, and Tim (these turned out to be the lucky ones). The first one to take a bite was Peter. He chewed slowly, and chewed some more. And chewed and chewed and chewed and chewed and chewed and chewed and chewed. He didn't stop chewing.

"So, how is it?" Mark, who was sitting next to him, asked.


"Was that a 'yes'?"


"Oh, I think he said 'no'."


"Wow. He must hate it."

"Tho!" He said, his mouth still full.

Madison, who sat across from him, said, "Ewww. That's disgusting! Just swallow it if you want to talk!"

"Tho! I cath thwallow ith!"

"Huh?" James asked.

"I think he said…" Tim started.

"Thith stuth ith impothible to thwallow!"

"I think he says that he can't swallow it." Matthew translated.

"Ith thicky!"

"Oh. It's sticky! That's why he can't swallow it. That explains the name 'Sticky Sandwiches.' "

Peter ripped open his milk and tried to wash it down, but he simply spewed the milk all over the table. A single drop landed on Madison, and she freaked out.

"EWWWWW That is disgusting! I've got boy germs now!"

"Augh! Thith milth ith horrible! It muth be…" He looked at the carton. "Oh my goth!" He held the carton to Mark. Mark looked at the expiration date.

"Oh my gosh! This milk expired in August of 2005!"

Daniel looked at Chef. "Why would you serve us stuff you can't even swallow? Or milk that's four years since spoiled?"

" 'Cause I feel like it. You got a problem with that?" He gave the jock a brutal stare.

Daniel was frozen solid.

Needless to say, no one else dared to touch their food or milk. And poor Peter finally managed to rip out the sticky food by shoving his shoe in his mouth and scraping it out.

When lunch hour was over, Chris said to the campers, "Alright campers. You've had your very first meal at Camp Wawanakwa. Now it's time for your first challenge in the race for the $100,000 prize. Everyone follow me." All the campers followed Chris out of the lodge and towards the lake.

"Oh man! I'm not too sure about this guys." Luke said worriedly.

"Yeah, you saw what happened last season! Their first task was to jump off a 1,000-foot cliff!" Tim remarked.

"Well, we know that we can't possibly get the same challenge. You know what Chris is like. He cares about the show's ratings a lot. And doing the same first task again wouldn't help the ratings." Matthew commented.

"I just hope it doesn't have anything to do with that 1,000-foot mountain!" Rachael exclaimed.

To be continued…