FINALLY! Chapter 10! I'm done! I don't have to worry about this anymore.

This is very much my favorite fic. I doubt the sequel will really be as good but I'll try to do it some justice. From what I can see, most people seem to like this story as much as the 100 oneshot challenge fic.

This one has lots of favs and alerts. Much more than the 100 challenge fic thus far.

Is anyone else happy that this is over? No? Well… just wait patiently for the sequel that I am STILL thinking about. I really did like this one though. I know how you feel.

Yes? Well I'm happy to see that I finally finished a multi-chap fic. HA HA I'm with ya.

Disclaimer: The standard disclaimer shall apply for this.

Contents of the Past

Haru and Hibari could be found sitting next to each other in the park under a tree. Hibari was peering up at the sky watching as the clouds rolled on by. Haru on the other hand was feeding Hibird some bread that she and her mother had baked together earlier in the day.

The two met up today to finish up all of the paperwork and any other loose ends that needed to be taken care of. Once that matter of business was finished they both walked to the park to just relax.

Haru had never thought that anything like this would occur between Hibari and herself. Before the whole thing with Hibird going missing Haru and Hibari only knew of each other on name basis.

After Hibird disappeared and found his way to Haru, the two of them started to get closer getting to know each other more than a name basis. Haru thought the letter that Tsuna had handed to her with shaking hands.

Haru just smiled and she giggled lightly catching the attention of the disciplinary prefect. "What are you laughing about, Haru?" He asked quietly.

"Before that, what am I?" She asked him.

"You are Haru Miura, a future student of Namimori..." Hibari answered in a tone that seemed shocked that she'd even ask such a stupid question.

"No! Like is Haru a herbivore in your eyes?" She insisted.

Hibari stared at her for a moment contemplating on the answer he was going to give her. "You are a normal weak female so you may be closer to the herbivorous side, though you aren't the one to back down too easily. You are a bit too aggressive to be an herbivore at times. You're somewhat like an omnivore." He answered.

"Hahi! Haru isn't aggressive at all-desu. That kind of an answer doesn't make Haru too happy-desu. Haru is a gentle and sweet girl." Haru pouted.

"Well it doesn't matter if you are a carnivore or an herbivore since you can just be the herbivore and I'll be the carnivore that will protect you." He sighed leaning against the tree he was resting on.


Haru was handed a letter from Tsuna and she soon ran back to her home to read the contents of the letter privately. She walked into her room, throwing her back onto her bed and she sat into her chair.

She ripped the envelope holding the letter and its mysterious contents. Inside of the envelope she found a small note written in Hibari's surprisingly neat penmenship. The letter wrote:

To Haru Miura the Herbivoress,

I will admit that for an Herbivore you are not as annoying as the other herding animals. You are like an herbivore that has very rare carnivorous tendencies. Going right to the point, I thank you for taking care of Hibird, but the next time you decide to steal him away and not tell me, his owner, where he is I will have to come over there and punish you and charge you with kidnapping charges. I will allow you to visit Hibird, or vice-versa, but on school days he's mine, so if he visits you, you must bring him back to me on school days. That is it to this message.

Ps.: Hibird wanted me to tell you that he likes you and will visit a lot. He also wanted me to tell you that he hopes that we can all get along, but that can't happen so as long as you are an herbivore, which you still are. If you can evolve into a carnivore, maybe we can get along.


"Hibari-san is somewhat scary-desu." Haru shivered in her seat. "Though Hibird seems to get along well with him so he can't be that bad." Haru pursed her lips, tapping her chin with her finger lightly.

"Well this calls for an investigation." Haru grinned determinedly to figure out the truth. Only later would she know that she would reveal the truth and find out much more than she had originally planned to know.

.:End Flashback:.

Haru smiled brightly and she nodded her head. "I can accept that." Haru giggled.

"Then again, once you start attending Namimori, you could possibly finding yourself shedding out of your omnivorous skin and into one more fitting of a carnivore." Hibari shrugged off the idea, but it seemed to be the best thing Haru heard that day.

Haru jumped up onto her feet with what seemed like flames shining in her eyes. "Haru will do her best-desu! She'll definitely become a carnivore one day. Mark Haru's words." She smiled at him happily.

Hibari merely huffed an almost inaudible chuckle and he shook his head. "I'm not sure if you can pull off such a feat, but I won't stop you from trying." He said patting her head with his hand. "Come, it's starting to get late, and we don't want to worry your parents again. I'll walk you home." He told her.

"Hai!" Haru took his hand and the two walked in the direction of her home happily without much words being spoken between them for the company of the other was all that they really needed.


HA! I hope no one was expecting a really lovey-dovey note? PSH that was chapter one, like I would make their relationship progress that quickly. Chapter one was pretty out there in terms of characters, so I had to keep the note in character at least. Well I wanted to answer one of the biggest questions that surround this fic, and I wanted to make this a short chapter that reflects upon the short note.

Just thought that it would be a cool/cute idea. Either way I hope you all enjoyed it. Sorry if this ending just doesn't suit you. I just REALLY suck at writing the first and last chapters of a story. Think about it this way when the sequel comes out (When it finally comes out I mean) I get another chance of working on making a good first and last chapter. XD

Well until next time!

Ps: Whenever I get more time and ideas, I will post up little spoilers for the 'White Feathers, Friend or Foe?" and the "Pet Sitting Woes" fics. Of course I don't force you all go to and check it out but you could check it out.

Especially look at the trades/requests category. Doesn't it sound fun doing a trade with me?

Form link: www(dot)fanfiction(dot)net/myforums/Neospice12/1573076/