Please mind the boring intro. If you want to skip to the real story look for the line break and then the mention of a chocolate bar.

Ichigo Kreed Adv.1 The Late Strawberry

"So your younger sister is going to come live with ya?" The blue haired carpenter looked at Matt with giant eyes "yeah..." he didn't want to talk about anthing at the moment he was to depressed after all.. his girl friend HAD just dumped him under an hour ago. Luke tried to change the subject but it didn't help very much he had just come to see if Bo wanted to get some lunch along with Toby but he was busy making a chair so Luke went insted. "Is she cute?" Toby asked keeping a straight face both Luke and Matt stared at him
"What? Did i say somthing wrong?"
"Well actually in middle school I beat up a few kids"
"Soo yes or no?" Luke spoke this time
"See for yourself" he took out a small picture from his wallet
" Awwww she's so cute!" Matt glared at Luke. Toby couldn't help but giggle a bit
"She looks like your twin" toby said
"Before I forget, why is she comin' here anyway? seems a little sudden..." Luke couldn't help but wonder outloud
"...our father passed away 2 weeks ago..." Matt was weak on the subject
"Couldn't she go with your mom?"
"She passed away when I was 5 she was only 3 at the time" sillence entered the table, Toby stared at Luke
"...I'm sorry I brought it up..." Luke wanted to cry but held back Toby was next to speak on the subject
"...So she's my age?"
"AHAHAHA" they all broke in to uncontrolible laughter
"Ha..ha..ha... good one Toby"
"Im serious" Toby's straight face went in to a slight frown
"how old are you anyway?"
"Then yes , yes she is Toby"
"what's her name anyways?"
" Ichigo "
" Like in Bleach?"
"Sorry I don't watch anime that much"
"Oh yeah you havn't even heard of Sailor Moon have ya?"
"AHAHAHA" they all broke in to uncontrolible laughter...again.
After luke left at about 2 o'clock Matt and Toby went fishing of the dock by On The Hook
" Toby do know when the boat comes?"
"hold on i'll go ask my uncle"
after 2 minutes
"It leaves in the morning and should be back at 6 or so"
"Well I better be going home then. see you later!"
Matt's mind 'damn it! I havn't even got prepared yet!'

THE NEXT DAY 9:00 am

"THE BOAT LEFT WHEN?" Matthew had just ran about a mile from his house by the beach to On The Hook because he didn't learn the short cut thru the beach
"I told you 6 o'clock this morning" Oz never really liked Matt because he stole his costomers at the monthly flea market by selling fish and other good stuff at half the price
"do you know when it's going to be back?"
Toby came strolling in the door humming what sounded like the fishing song to Matt
"it comes back at 5 or 6 "Oz sounded agitated 'two slackers in one house this should be good' he thought to him self 'no wonder they are best friends'
"okay thanks uncle Ozzie!"
'Great!another reson to hate that boy'

Later at 9:16 pm

Matt had waited 4 hours for the damn boat he had both lunch AND dinner at the sunnde inn with Toby and Gill he was getting tired of hearing Gill's lame stories about how he wants to improve the city when he is the mayor. finelly he got a call from Toby saying that they had just radioed in they were only 5 milles away from the dock and apperintly she had gotten seasick he finelly made it to the 3-way intersection when a large storm cloud appered over the sea not even 6 minuts later Jin pushed past him with a first aid kit in his hand he hadn't noticed .he finelly made it to the beach when he noticed a sentai of white and jet black hair.

"what happ-OMFG ICHIGO ARE YOU DEAD?" His strange yelling could probly reach toucan island with ease
"the waves started to smack aginst the ship and somthing fell off the mast and nocked her out cold" pascal said with a frown
"she's fine she didn't even get a bump on her head. How do you know her Mathew?"he was always 1 spark away from the fire if you know what I mean
"she is my little sister"
"...REALLY?" He sounded supprised
"how can you not tell? they look exactally alike.."
"well I lost my glasses today.."
"really wher'd you see them last?"
"...on my face."
"okok I know but where?"
"at the clinc"
"then look there"
"I would but I can't really see"
"ENOGHF ALREADY!"Ichigo had awoken when the conversation started she had woken to Toby's smiling face and the first thing she said was
"GIN ICHIMARU?" Thou only he heard her
"oh sorry Ichigo I didn't think you were awake.."
"yeah yeah..."
"are you feeling dizy?"
"no not really. Just tired"
"I is my plenty of tea and get some sleep, I'll add this to your tab Mathew" with that he yawned and walked the half mile to his house
"uh huh"Matt
"that's right"Toby
"what she said"Oz
"can we talk some other time it's already 10:40.."
"yeah sure"


Ichigo Kreed adv.1 END

" Hey Hershy bar, you gotta read this shitty fan fiction I just found."

Hershel James didn't look up from his book, A Guide to Farming by T. Takakra. He sat at the table across from his close friend Luke, a blue haired rambunctious carpenter that lived close by, Luke huffed childishly as Hershel went on reading his own book, ignoring Luke. The door bells on the inn door jingled and Gil, the stuck up snob of the village, entered the bar area and stood next to their table. Luke growled and closed his laptop.
"What do you want dokus?" Gil's face was red, "Shut up pauper. I'm just delivering a message." Gil reached into his pocket and pulled out a slip of paper before shoving in Hershel's face and stormed out. Hershel closed his book and pushed his glasses up a bit before beginning to read.

Dearest Hershel,

I regret to inform you that your father has passed on. I guess running the farm after your mother's death was too much for him.
I am also afraid that by the time this message gets to you the funeral will have already passed.

Your sister is staying with me and your aunt Claire in Mineral Town but I am afraid she will not be welcome much longer.
She destroys everything she touches, we've lost at least 3 chickens to her hand.
Most of the others in town... Are threatening to hire a hit man.
Safe to say she'll be heading down to Harmonica Town on the next boat actually.

Best Wishes and Lots of Love,
Uncle Tim.
Ps. We hope both you and Mark visit for the holidays.

Hershel crumpled the letter as a single tear fell from his cheek and onto the table.
Luke questioned him but his words were falling on grief filled ears.

Jack, the legendary farmer of Forget-Me-Not Valley was dead.

Well hey there been awhile yeah?
So here we go on this crazy ride one more time. Luke's fanfiction is mine from back in '08.
My GOD that seems like an eternity ago, so many mistakes xP. Also there's gonna be alot of game meshing in this.
My harvest moon head cannon is that just about every protagonist is related to each other is some way.
I hope you enjoy. Please review! I wanna know what you guys think.