A/N: okay…so here's the last chapter of Bad Girls—you should all really give yourselves pats on the backs for making it to the end of another one of my crazy adventures with the SC cast!! okay so enough of my useless rambles lets get this thing cracked wide open ne???


CHRISTMAS morning had never been so perfectly white before and while most of the kids in Japan and around the world were gorging themselves with their shiny new gizmos and gadgets, a huge wedding procession was about to take place.

"Get out of my face—all of you!"

Amu was nervous, today was the day that she married Tadase but she couldn't seem to squash that little guilt bug that kept fluttering around in her gut. She could feel something bad was about to happen—ever since she couldn't get a hold of them ,she had been doing everything in her power to keep those psycho girls away from her wedding—but more than anything away from her husband-to-be. "Uh Amu…are you ready to get into your dress?" One of her friends asked and snapping her head in their direction she nodded curtly and moved towards the huge white gown, grinning broadly. "Okay, what are we waiting for—let's get this show on the road!" She quipped and knowing Rima—she'd have to get this procession going quickly before the petite blonde and her band of delinquents found a way into the church.


"Whoa dude—I can't believe you're actually going to marry Amu."

Kukai's question caused Tadase's eyes to widen as he adjusted his tie and bit his lower lip. "There is nothing wrong with Amu—she's a great person." He defended and Kukai only nodded as he yawned and collapsed into a chair his arms hanging over the sides of the chair. "I'm not saying that there's something wrong with her—I'm just asking if you're ready to make this commitment. Face it, you know just as well as I do that Amu can be a little—pushy at times." Tadase was quiet and tried to busy himself with his tie before he asked the question on everyone's mind.

"Is Rima going to be here?" Kukai shrugged.

"Depends…is she on the guest list? If she is I doubt it but if she isn't hell yea she'll be here!"

"Oh," Tadase looked down at his spiffy clean black shoes.

Nagihiko wasn't paying much attention to the conversation, he was too busy sitting in a corner of the room, staring blankly at the wall. Both Kukai and Tadase turned to look at him and Kukai grinned broadly. "Hey Nagi—at the reception let's have a contest…see who can dance with the most drunk girls." He stated and eyes widening, Tadase stared incredulously at Kukai but it was Nagihiko who spoke up first. "You already have a girlfriend—get her drunk and see how much more fun you'd have with that. As for the reception itself…I don't know if I'll be able to make it—I've been feeling terrible all morning. Just attending this wedding is a struggle but I'll do anything for my friends." He deadpanned and Tadase shot Kukai a questioning look one which he could only shrug off before a soft knock came at the door catching all of their attentions.

"Come in," Tadase ordered and the door opened revealing a short brunette—the wedding planner.

"We're ready to start." She stated tightly clutching the clipboard in her hand and Tadase's whole face paled.

Getting up, Kukai placed his hands on the blonde's shoulders and squeezed reassuringly on them. "Don't worry man—we're right here for you right Nagihiko?" At his name he looked up at the two and nodded slowly. "Always here to help you make the right decisions." And with that Tadase nodded, squared his shoulders and glided out of the room, his friends following behind. The wedding of the century was about to take place with thousands of celebrities filling up the church pews and camera crews all about—waiting for the minute that the priest announced the newlyweds to the world.

The priest looked uncomfortable and agitated as the whole congregation, watched faint smiles playing on their lips. Once all of the others were in place on the altar—the music switched to the bridal march and everyone stood up as the beautiful bride and her father stood at the back of the church. Tadase's eyes were glued on Amu's angelic face as Nagihiko just stared sadly at the back of the church. Kukai yawned, and very slowly Amu and her father began to move towards the altar—every second seeming to echo off the walls and hit the boys with a scream in their heads.


"Shit, we're probably late—I told Yaya to use to the damn bathroom before we left."

Slamming the driver's door shut, Utau strode quickly around the black car as Yaya scurried after her, her black cloche pulled down over her red hair, making it less conspicuous. "It's not my fault I had to go Utau-chan!" She complained and Utau stopped and leaned against the hood of the car a look of disbelief on her face.

"No of course it isn't—you making us have to stop at the nearest pit-stop so that you could go take a wee has nothing to do with Rima probably being late for the wedding. Listen, the damn things already started!" Yaya pouted and Utau shoved her hands in her coat's pockets.

"Would you two just stop fighting and help be out!" Rima shouted and turning around they both assisted their smaller friend, and holding up the projection screen, they ran across the street and bolted up the front steps to the church.

Peering into the church, they could see straight through the empty foyer and through the foyer's glass door they made out the form of Amu moving slowly up the aisle. "Shit, she's already making her move—let's go." Rima reached for the handlebar, but Utau shoved her hand away.

"No can-do Rima—don't you see? She's got guards watching this shindig of hers. If it's anything I think Amu was a little paranoid about us coming and ruining this wedding for her."

Releasing a frustrated sigh, Rima ran a gloved hand through her hair while Yaya dug into her jeans pocket and pulled out a packet of gum. "Maybe we could try going through the confession room—all the old churches in town have those things. And they should have a side door that leads into them." Rima's eyes sparked at the suggestion and grinning, she grabbed hold of Yaya and kissed her full on the lips. "Absolutely brilliant Yaya—I knew there had to be a reason I kept you around!" Releasing the girl, Rima began to make her descend down the front steps and Utau smirked at the redhead. "Smart thinking there Yaya," said girl just shrugged and blew a bubble with her piece of gum. "It's nothing really—and what does that mean Rima-chan?!" She replied modestly and chuckling, Utau grabbed her wrist and pulled her down after Rima.

A chappy wind blew by causing all three girls to shiver as they rounded the old church building. There was only one obstacle standing in their way—a tall hedge. Sighing, Utau ran a hand through her hair before she threw the projection screen over the hedges and it landed with a crash on the other side . "I hope it isn't broken," she muttered before she crouched on her knees and peered into the forest of tangled tree limbs. "We have to go under guys," she pointed out before they all got on their hands and knees and began to squeeze their way through the branches. Yaya whimpered when a stray branch swung back and scraped across her forehead. "How much further?" She cried and Utau bit her lip. "I don't know…I'd say a little bit more then I'll be out." Yaya sighed and Rima who was behind the redhead pushed her forward to help fasten up the process. "Well, just don't stop until your out."

In no time all three of them burst out of the hedge, panting and the kneecaps of their jeans wet from crawling over the snow and fluffy white flakes in their hair or hats. "Of all the days to snow it chooses the day that we have to crawl under damn bushes," Rima muttered as she shook herself free of any snowflakes before she started in a slow jog towards the back of the church with Utau and Yaya just standing there watching her. Panting, Rima spotted a wooden door on the side of the building and she grinned. "A door, guys come on!" She pleaded as she ran up the three steps and stood on the small porch. Reaching for the knob, she turned it and the door fell open as she grinned proudly and looked back at her friends.

"Let's go," she said making to step in the church.

"Wait Rima," Utau called and stopping, the smaller blonde shot her a confused look.

"What is it Utau?"

"I think that you should try to get in the church through the front doors while Yaya and I stay here and set up the screen." She pointed out and Rima just blinked before her brows furrowed and she shook her head about frantically.

"But we'll just run out of time if I did that." She shot back and Utau shrugged.

"But if you stayed here we'd run out of time setting up—you'd have a better chance of saving Tadase by putting the whole procession at a standstill for a bit. I promise that Yaya and I will work as fast as we can and if it gets a little hairy just get your ass out of their quickly okay?" Rima nodded and holding up the projection screen, Yaya pranced lightly up the steps and ducked into the church leaving Rima and Utau alone.

Tears were beginning to build up in Rima's eyes and she sniffed lightly. "I don't know about this Utau—what if I fail—what if Tadase doesn't want me anymore?" She croaked and Utau's eyes softened as she stepped forward and pulled the smaller girl towards her. "Don't worry yourself too much Rima—if it makes you feel any better you'll always have Yaya and me. We love you more than anything else Rima and you know that. Now go and get your man back and even if you fail we'll gladly help you kick his ass." She pointed out and Rima laughed lightly as she pulled back sniffing, tears staining her cheeks. "Thanks…you guys are the best." She said and with another tight hug, Utau released her and ran up the steps and once at the door she flashed her a thumbs up before heading inside and closing the door shut.

Sucking in a deep breath, Rima turned on her heels and made it back to the front of the church in record breaking time. She couldn't afford to fail—not when she had her two closest friends riding on her now. Running up the steps, Rima didn't hesitate this time, instead she burst through the doors a look of complete horror on her face. "Oh my God! Help me please—there's a woman pregnant in the road and she's giving birth…I think she needs an ambulance!" She exclaimed and the two guards standing by the glass doors in the foyer stared frantically at Rima. "Well, aren't you guys going to help her? She might die you know!" That startled them both and without asking any questions they dashed out of the church causing Rima's hair to blow up as they did so. Releasing a deep sigh, Rima stared through the glass at the wedding take place before her.

The priest's voice reached her ears and she listened. "If anyone objects to these two being married speak now or forever hold your peace." That was all she needed to hear to get her feet moving quickly. Sucking in a deep breath, she pushed open the doors and stormed into the church. "I object!" She shouted and the whole church gasped as their gazes traveled to the back of the church and they stared at the petite girl—dressed in a large overcoat, a pair of dark jeans with the kneecaps soaked and a set of snow boots. Her hair was tousled and yet she was still beautiful and Amu's eyes widened once she noticed who it was.

"Rima Mashiro?! What are you doing here? You weren't invited." Amu shouted and the whispers broke out.

Ignoring it all, Rima squared her shoulders and kept her eyes forward and trained on Amu as she moved forward. "I'm here to prevent Tadase from making a terrible mistake." Her gaze then moved off of Amu and landed on Tadase. The blond male just stared blankly at Rima before his brows furrowed and he glanced over at Amu. "What is Rima talking about Amu? Making a terrible mistake about what?" Amu bit her lip and shook her head about before she pointed at the petite blonde who was now standing only a few feet away from the altar. Nagihiko was staring at Rima not paying much attention to Amu's reactions.

"Oh you haven't told him yet Amu? We're you really planning on marrying him and leaving out a very big part of your life Amu?" Rima asked as if she didn't know what was happening.

"Shut up Rima," Amu hissed through her teeth and Rima only smirked as Amu made to launch at the petite blonde but Tadase jumped in between them both.

"What is going on here?" He ordered, his eyes trained on his bride and Rima smirked from behind Tadase.

"I don't know Tadase—I don't understand why Rima's trying to ruin my wedding—no wait, I do know. Rima's just jealous of me—she always has been. She thinks that just because I'm getting married to you she's entitled to wreck the whole thing!"

The whole congregation gasped as Rima's eyes narrowed and she stepped out from behind Tadase. "That's a damn lie Amu and you know it—I would never be jealous of you but apparently you're the one whose been lying to your own fiancé." She shot back and everyone stared in undeniable curiosity.

"Shut the fuck up—you don't know what you're talking about!"

"Please—watch your language before the almighty!" The priest shouted but both girls weren't paying him any mind.

"Go ahead Amu—I'll let you be the one to tell Tadase how you're cheating on him. How you have a sweetheart behind his back and you two aren't even married yet! Go on tell him Amu—tell him that you don't love him that this is all one big ploy to get you more cookie points for your future. How you did it just to make me jealous—go on, tell him how you plan to divorce him the minute he signs over his money to you. We're all waiting…all these people here have a right to know. After all, you are lying to every last person in this room but do you honestly think that you could pull it of? You knew from the moment that Utau and Yaya caught you in that room it was all over right? You knew that you couldn't hide it anymore—the wedding's here but you don't look like the happy bride anymore."

"That's because you're a lying bitch Rima."

"Am I? Then go on, explain to everyone what's really happening if I'm lying."

Stepping back, Rima couldn't hide the smug look she wore as Amu bit her lip and faced her audience. "Daddy? Do something—she's ruining my wedding!" She cried and her father rose to his feet, a confused look on his face. "That's quite enough Young Lady, there is no way I'm going to just sit back and let you bully my girl." He said and Rima quirked a brow as she stuffed her hands into her pockets. "Sorry Hinamori-san but I'm just saying what Amu refuses to say—as Tadase's friend I will not sit back and let him make the biggest mistake on such an important day of his life." She deadpanned and through it all Tadase just stood there completely unmoving before his gaze landed on Amu and his eyes shook dangerously.

"Is that the truth—please tell me that Rima's lying. You're not cheating on me are you Amu?" He croaked, his voice begging for the rosette to tell him what he wanted to hear. Amu stared at him and shook her head about frantically, her large eyes filling with unshed tears of both frustration and humiliation as she pointed at Rima accusingly.

"That's exactly what she's doing Tadase! She's lying—can't anyone else see that? She's still so strung up on you that she's come to my wedding—the happiest day of my life and ruined it all for her own selfish greed!" The crowd began to agree and Rima knee that this had taken a turn for the worst.

"Get her out of here! Guards!" Amu's dad shouted but no one came and Rima bit her lip as her gaze darted about the church. What the hell was taking Utau and Yaya so long? She was going to get her ass thrown out of here before they took action!

"Wait—hold on, Tadase you can't seriously believe that Rima's lying can you?"

Rima's savior hooked his arm loosely around her shoulders and looking up, she stared into the handsome face of Kukai Souma. "Kukai?" She breathed and winking, the boy looked up at the groom with a carefree expression. "What are you talking about Kukai?" Tadase asked curiously and Kukai smiled slightly.

"I'm saying that I wouldn't believe everything that Amu told me if I were you. You've known Rima for as long as you can remember and although she has some ill feelings towards Amu doesn't mean that she'd deliberately ruin your wedding." He pointed out and Tadase's gaze landed on Rima as if he were calculating her face closely.

"That's enough—I've had enough of this I'll throw everyone associated to this liar out of my wedding if I have to!" Amu shouted storming towards the front of the altar.

"Guards!" Her father shouted again and this time they came.

They looked completely out of it from the lie Rima had told them and once they noticed her standing in front of the altar their expressions became stony. "Get this girl out of here—she's disturbing the peace!" Amu's dad roared and they began to move towards Rima who ducked around Kukai and grabbing hold of Tadase's tux she stared into his eyes with pleading ones. "You have to believe me Tadase—Amu's cheating on you! She doesn't love you!"

"And you think you do?!" Amu hissed and looking away Rima moved towards Amu and slapped her across the face.

"I hate you—in fact I hate you so much that I'd kick your ass if there weren't so many people around."

"Guards!" Amu shouted and they shoved by both Kukai and Nagihiko who was beyond confused with everything that was happening and grabbed hold of Rima's arms hoisting her into the air.

Regaining her composure, Amu smirked and pressed her face into Rima's. "It's over Rima…I win." She whispered and Rima's eyes narrowed as the rosette pulled back a look of mock terror on her face and she grabbed hold of Tadase's arm. "Please—get her out of my sight!" Amu ordered and Rima tried to fight against the guards. Kicking her legs about and thrashing her head around Rima glanced at everything yet nothing at all. "Utau? Yaya? Someone please—help me!" She shouted and just before she got to the glass doors, a projection screen lowered out of the high cathedral ceiling. The screen then turned on and a set of completely bored lilac eyes bore through the screen taking in everything.

"Okay, looks like this is working."

"Utau?" Tadase croaked as he stared at the familiar blonde and Amu's eyes widened.

"They're here too? Someone find them—find them now!" She shouted loudly flailing her arms about and a satisfied sigh slipped through Rima's lips.

They had come to her rescue—like usual. Utau yawned before she grinned. "Oh…how rude of me—I have completely forgotten my manners. Hello there Amu Merry Christmas and to everyone gathered here, we—that's Utau Hoshina, Yaya Yuiki and Rima Mashiro have orchestrated a very big Christmas surprise for you all I hope you're all ready to see it!" Her voice way dry and as her face disappeared Amu couldn't help but dread what was coming. Suddenly the screen lit up once more and on the screen was a large blown up picture of Amu and Ikuto back at her bridal party!

Gasps of surprise enveloped the whole room and Amu couldn't fight the tears that were pushing at her eyelids—threatening to fall from their prison. "She…wasn't lying then?" Nagihiko mumbled as his gaze traveled off the screen and ended up landing on the petite blonde who was hovering in the grip of the two guards. His eyes softened and the guilt washed over him. He had called her a liar to her face—he had insisted that she was just a jealous person who didn't know how to take losing and yet here she was. Trying to save an old friend from making a terrible mistake—despite the pain he had put her through.

"A-Amu?" Tadase croaked as his gaze landed on the rosette, eyes filling with tears rapidly. Amu looked up at him at the sound of her name, the floodgates already opened and tears ran freely down her cheeks. "It's not what it looks like? I would never—all of them are just trying to get back at me. They're jealous of us!" She exclaimed cupping his face with her hands before a round of fervent clapping as well as dry clapping filled the whole church.

Following the clapping, the whole congregation turned around and stared at the slim casual forms of Utau and Yaya. The redhead was grinning broadly as she clapped loudly and jumped about while Utau looked completely bored. "You're a damn good actor you know Amu," she stated and Amu glared at them both while Rima just stared at them "Let her go boys or else you'll regret it." Utau ordered pushing off the doorframe and the two guards released Rima and stepped aside as Utau and Yaya approached her. Every eye was on the newcomers and shoving by Amu's dad , Utau turned around to address the congregation as Yaya handed her a pointer stick. "What are you guys doing here? I thought you two were staying in the shadows?" Rima questioned and Yaya only giggled. "You'll see—Utau-chan knew that you'd need some help backing up your belief." She answered before Utau cleared her throat.

"Okay now to everyone present try to follow this story closely alright? Amu Hinamori," she pointed the stick at Amu before the stick moved towards the large screen.

"You can't prove any of this!" Amu hissed but Utau just smirked.

"I'm not here to prove anything to all of these people the only person here who I'm trying to prove anything to is Tadase. After all, he's the one whose about to choose his fate. Now if you don't mind—you don't interrupt the teacher when they are in the middle of a very important lecture." Amu couldn't say anything and with very sad eyes, Tadase watched Utau closely as did everyone else present.

"If everyone would just stop staring at the shocking images and would just look to the right corner of the pic you'll see that this is in fact a very recent picture. So recent in fact, that it just happens to be the same day as her bridal party. Just face it Amu—you've lost. She has cheated on her fiancé at her very own bridal party—is that not enough to shock you all senseless" With that she closed the pointer stick and pulled on the string causing the screen to roll back up before Tadase bit his lip and shoved Amu aside.

"The weddings over—I don't…I refuse to marry you Amu Hinamori." Tadase stated and Amu's eyes widened.


"You lied to me—I can't spend the rest of my life with someone who is both dishonest and unfaithful."

Not knowing what to do, Amu burst into a round of wailing and dashed for the exit her father following behind. Everyone else just sat there in a sort of daze as the camera crews stopped filming before they also began to clear out of the church. Rima watched the people flood out of the cathedral from where she stood in the centre aisle. "Rima?" Looking back at the sound of her name her gaze crashed onto the face of Tadase and surprisingly she didn't blush.

"Hi Tadase—I'm really sorry about all of this." She apologized emphasizing with her arms.

"It's okay, I actually want to thank you for that—you saved me from making a terrible mistake." He said truthfully and Rima looked down at her shoes as Utau and Yaya stared curiously at them from where they stood on the altar.

"That's what friends do—I'm just happy I made it in time!" She exclaimed and Tadase smiled softly before he leaned forward and cupped her face in his hands.

Eyes widening, Rima just stared into his eyes. This is the moment I've anticipated ever since this whole shindig started. The moment in which Tadase would kiss away the rest of our problems and yet—my heart isn't hammering away and I feel like this is all so wrong. "Will you give me another chance Rima-chan?" Tadase pleaded his breath tickling Rima's lower lip and yet she didn't quiver at it at all. Instead her brows were furrowed in deep concentration and he leaned forward and just as his lips grazed hers she jerked away from him and he stared at her in surprise. "I'm sorry Tadase—it's just that I-I need some time to think this all over." She mumbled pushing back her bangs and took in shallow breaths. Very slowly, Tadase nodded and gave her a tiny smile.

"I understand Rima—you've gotten over me. It's only fair isn't it?" It wasn't a question for Rima to answer and quickly brushing his fingertips over her cheekbones he headed for the exit.

Utau whistled in a low tone as her and Yaya stepped off of the altar and approached Rima. "We'll be out in the car okay?" Utau said as she touched the smaller blonde's shoulder and then both her and Yaya hurried out of the church leaving Rima standing there staring down at her shoes. What the hell had just happened? Hadn't she wanted that? Hadn't she vowed to get Tadase back? Then—why hadn't she taken him back when he had thrown himself at her feet pleading?

"You're a very strange person—it's hard to understand what you're thinking Rima Mashiro."

Looking up, she stared at Nagihiko. He was standing on the altar, his tie loose and his hands shoved deep in his pockets. Biting her lip, Rima stepped forward one brow raised curiously. "What do you mean by that Nagihiko Fujisaki?" She probed and he smiled slightly. Shrugging, Nagihiko stepped towards her and hovering over her small frame he took her hand in his own. "I'm not sure what I'm saying but I think it's somewhere along the lines of me owing you an apology but before I do that—how did you know that Amu was only marrying Tadase for her own gain?" He questioned absolutely curious and Rima laughed lightly before she shrugged. "I have no idea—it all just came to me when I was standing in front of her—it was like it was always there but I was to blind to notice it. Tadase's a very powerful man in this country you know—and since Amu's a supermodel and all I guess she just thought that he'd turn all of his assets over to her if she married him."

"Absolutely astounding! Now for my apology." Nagihiko stated and clearing his throat, he released Rima's hand and took a step back.

"I am terribly sorry for not believing you. I should have listened to you—I should have known that you wouldn't have lied about something like this but I just assumed that the envy I harvested towards Tadase had caused me to forget that you were also my friend. And that I owed you more than anyone a good explanation for why I left all those years ago." He started and Rima's heart started to thud away crazily in her chest.

"I left because I was afraid—afraid that I wasn't good enough for you. You deserved so much more than I could give you and then there was always Tadase and I knew that if I left you'd be okay because you'd have Tadase and that he would love you better than I could ever dream of loving you. So when I got the offer to head out of here I took it—now that I think back it was very selfish of me to just leave you like that." He said sounding very regretful and Rima bit her lower lip and reached out to him.

" Its alright—I guess all along I've kinda always forgiven you for doing what you had to do—now the real question is if you actually forgive me for not loving you?" She croaked.

Blinking, a small understanding smile broke out on Nagihiko's face and he stepped forward and engulfed her in a warm hug. They stayed like that for a few seconds, Rima's face pressed against Nagihiko's chest and her heart pounding so loudly she was sure that he could hear it. "I'll forgive you—under one condition." He pointed out pulling away and instantly the warmth was gone and Rima stared up at him and nodded. "Anything," she breathed and he grinned as he stepped forward and pressed his forehead against hers. "You give me another chance at loving you." He stated and before she could even reply he crashed his lips onto hers and Rima's eyes widened before she closed them and kissed him back. Wrapping her arms around his neck, they continued to kiss—kissing away all of the pain and years of loneliness that had bottled up inside of them both.

Pulling back, they both breathed hard as Nagihiko stared into Rima's dancing eyes and she smiled softly. "I'll give you another chance but first—you have to kiss me again." She teased and smirking Nagihiko didn't hesitate as he reclaimed her lips. A wolf whistle reached their ears and breaking away abruptly, arms still locked around Nagihiko's neck, they both stared at the forms of Kukai, Yaya and Utau who were standing in the doorway grinning broadly. "Way to go Nagihiko—you're a smooth operator!" Kukai exclaimed and Yaya giggled as Utau winked at Rima before sighing and pushed off the doorframe. "Okay you two—let's leave the lovebirds alone shall we?" She pointed out, grabbing hold of both redheads collars and proceeded to drag them out of the church. Once they were gone, Nagihiko laughed and placed his face in the crook of Rima's neck.

"We have some really strange friends I must admit."

"Yea, they are a bit weird but—I wouldn't have them any other way."

"How about we blow them off…slip out through the back door and go do something fun?" Nagihiko suggested and Rima grinned releasing her hold on him.

"Then what are we still doing here hmm? I thought you'd never ask!" Laughing, she ran towards the back door and Nagihiko watched her go his eyes shimmering before he followed after her.



A/N: there you go—last chapter so tell me what you think about in a neat review at the end of this okay??? Thanks for reading I really appreciate it!!

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