Since no one has made a fic like this, I decided to do so myself. AU. Slightly OOC.

Disclaimer: The regular Disclaimer applies.


I'm Right For Once


Mai tapped her foot impatiently as Naru continued on about how he was right about this one little thing that didn't have very much importance to begin with. She couldn't believe that his pride would let him go this far, but somehow, she wasn't really surprised. It was just a song. Why did he have to right about a simple song.

"...and therefore, it is obvious that the song is done by The Flats. End of discussion." Naru concluded. Mai rolled her eyes and scooted to the end of the couch. He had really pissed her off with this whole argument.

"No, Naru, it's done by Rizzo in Company. The song is called "Eternal Flower", which is the title for their most recent album. Why are you arguing with me about it?" She looked in his direction. He was leaning forward with the remote in hand, staring intently at the TV.

"The Flats. I'm right, Mai. Accept it." he said. Mai glared at then, then promptly leaned over to him and slapped her upside the head.

"Don't talk to me in such a superior tone. I'm not a child." she said.

"Then don't act like one. I'm right. And this will prove it." he said, gesturing to the TV. Mai turned her head and watched. Naru had been flipping through the channels to find the music video for the song they were fighting about. It was animated, with the band members appearing randomly through out the video. Both bands that Mai and Naru had suggested did this sort of thing time and again, so they couldn't be sure.

When the song ended, the credit appeared in the corner of the Tv screen.

Naru didn't blink. Mai simply smirked at him.

"Told you so." she said, and then she kissed him on the cheek. Naru slumped back against the back of the sofa.

"Fine." he said.

"Aw, your pouting. Don't be such a sore loser." mai said and then leaned against him, took the remote, and started flipping through the channels.

Who knew living with your boyfriend could be so interesting?