Chapter 2


For the second time that morning, Yuji woke up aching all over his body, with Shana beside him. Well, technically, she was on top of him, and he was inside of her, but that was beside the point. What was important was that they were not the only ones in the room, which meant that their naked and entwined bodies were exposed for the person to see, should they choose to do so. Perhaps sensing that someone was looking down at her, Shana blearily awoke and rolled off Yuji, unfortunately rolling into Chigusa and leaving a smear of sticky liquid on her leg. Realizing with a jolt that she was naked, she jumped into the bed and swept the bedclothes into a swath around her, leaving nothing visible of her body except her eyes and a few stray wisps of hair. Yuji, left on the floor, hastened to cover himself as his mother averted her eyes. When he was properly (well, kind of) covered with a pillow, she turned back to face them. Her usual warm smile was missing from her face, replaced instead by a look of intense worry that lined the areas around her eyes. Walking over to Shana, she asked: "Did you two use protection?"

Looking at the blank look on Shana's face, as well as the sheepish expression on Yuji's, she heaved a sigh. " I suppose there's no changing what's already done. The both of you better get washed up and come down for breakfast. Or lunch." Closing the door behind her, she left the room.

"Hey Yuji. What's protection mean?"

Bath time turned out to be problem for Shana and Yuji. Given that they were at the point of their relationship where it was strictly, completely physical, Shana insisted that they sit in the bath together, even though it was too small for the both of them if they were sitting chastely away from each other. Obviously, this suited their purposes just fine, considering they weren't planning on sitting chastely away from each other. However, since neither of them had any protection, and considering that Shana had absolutely no desire to be a mother yet, there was no actual penetration. The two of them simply luxuriated in the warm bath water, Shana sitting on Yuji's lap (again), their hands idly engaging in some mutual stimulation. Once the water was sufficiently tepid so as to be uncomfortable, they climbed out of the bathtub, drying themselves with large fluffy towels, playfully grabbing at each other.

When they returned to Yuji's room, Shana scrabbled around for a while before realizing that apart form her parka, all her clothes, including the lacy undergarment that she had worn the night before, had been taken away. Giggling, she commented: "Your mum probably took my clothes to wash. Heh. They aren't really that dirty, considering I only wore them for about an hour last night. After that, the spent the rest of the time on your room floor." Yuji turned away, looking in his cupboard. " I probably have an old shirt that you can wear. If you don't do any athletics, that is. They might be a little short, but that shouldn't be too much of a problem.

Too short turned out to be more than just a small problem. Even though Shana wasn't very tall herself, the only shirt Yuji could find didn't even reach to the top half of her thighs. The sight of her, in such an indecent mode of dress, was enough to drive both the breath and words out of Yuji. Shana did a little spin, causing the shirt to flare up, exposing the slopes of her delightful derrière. This sight was simply too much for the poor boy, who before the previous night had been a complete virgin. Giving in to the lust raging through his loins, he pushed Shana onto the bed behind her. Flipping the high hem of her makeshift dress up, he pulled down his pants in one swift motion, exposing his manhood, already rigidly erect in preparation. Arching his back, he speared into her in one swift movement, the force sending wakes of pleasure down Shana's spine and into her head. Jerking into her in quick but forceful thrusts, he unbuttoned the shirt she was wearing, bowing his head to meet her coral tips, nibbling at them lightly, sending a searing jolt to delight that raced down her body to join the growing pool of pleasure at her loins. Suddenly, Yuji bit down, just hard enough for it to lightly hurt. This was just to much for Shana who arched her back in the throes of her climax, screaming in delight as her lust- inflamed vagina clamped down on Yuji, who added to the noise with a roar of his own as he filled her up with his spunk.

Collapsing in a heap on the bed, the both of them snuggled together. Yuji tenderly brushed away a stray lock of hair from her face, then nibbled on her ear, sending her into a fit of giggling. Finally managing to extricate herself from his grasp, she said: "We should probably get down. Your mum's waiting for us."

"Yeah. Like she doesn't know what we're doing. We aren't very quiet."

This elicited another fit of giggling for the both of them. After cuddling for a little while longer, they finally extricated themselves from the tangle of strewn clothes all over the bad. Dressing themselves as best as they could, Shana giving Yuji a slight rise with her makeshift dress, they made their way down to the kitchen, a full hour after Chigusa had stepped into Yuji's room.

Making their way across, the room, they sat down at the table, where Chigusa was already waiting for them, nursing a cup of coffee. Before the either of them could get a word out, Chigusa pointedly looked at Shana and said : "Was last night consensual, or did he force himself on you?"

Shana flushed a deep red and looked down at the grain of the table, as if the answer was hidden in the swirls of wood. Finally, she muttered: "I wanted it." Defiantly looking up, she continued: "And I won't hesitate to do it again! And again! As many times as I want, when I want it!" Realizing she was shouting, she flushed a deep red and looked down at the table again in chagrin.

Yuji was touched. Reaching under the table, his fingers found Shana's, and warmly clasped them for a moment. Shana looked at him gratefully and squeezed back, look they shared speaking more than any words could.

Chigusa cleared her throat. "Well, since we've got that out, I suppose we can move on and deal with other stuff. Like the fact that Wilhelmina called late last night, frantic with worry, looking for Shana." Casting a glance at the poor girl, she continued : "I suppose I better call her back and inform-"

"NO!" Both Shana and Yuji shouted at the same time. Quickly sharing a look, Shana hurridly explained: "I mean. I think, it would be best if I told her myself."

"I see. Perhaps. And I think it would be good if you would come up to my room and choose a dress that covers more of yourself"

Shana flushed deeply, and gave Yuji a kick under the table.