Chapter 1


Yuji stirred in his bed, the harsh morning sunlight cascading through the slit in his bedroom curtains onto his face. Torn between the desire to just curl up and go back to sleep and walking over to shut the drapes. After turning over a few times and discovering that he was irreversibly awake and no amount of lying in bed was going to change that, he finally gave up and reached over to his bedside table, groaning as his muscles protested after a night of inactivity. Firmly grasping his clock, he peered at the little numbers displayed. Dumping the clock back onto the table, he crawled out of bed. Suddenly, he froze, only now noticing that there was someone else in the bed with him. Now at full attention, he leapt across the room away from the bed, summoning a silver flame into existence at the same time, poised to throw. Only after ascertaining that there was no killing intent emanating from the figure huddled in the bed did he warily approach, keeping the flame burning.

As he approached, he could feel his heart thumping in his chest. Whoever was in the bed, he or she had been somehow able to avoid detection by himself, and then managed to slip into his bed, and then fell asleep. None of which made any sense, considering Yuji had the sharpest senses that had been seen in a fairly long time. At this, Yuji frowned. The current aura that he felt wasn't only his own. There was another, not disguised but one he knew so well that it had not even registered with him. Reaching the bed, he threw back the covers, revealing the girl he knew so well. Shana. Flame Haze contracted to the Flame of Heaven, the Flame Haired Burning Eyed Hunter. His Shana.

Snuffing his silver flame out existence, he brushed a stray strand of her raven locks away form her face, revealing the delicate face underneath. Using the tip of his index finger, he traced the fluid lines of her visage, admiring the graceful bone structure beneath the skin. Gently tracing a circle on her forehead, he slowly made his way down her face, briefly pausing on the tip of her nose before continuing down one cheek and up another, tracing the outline of her high cheekbones, perfectly suited to her elfin features.

Continuing its journey down her face, Yuji's finger caressed the pale skin at her neck, and then went further down, lightly brushing her collarbones. Growing ambitious, he pushed his whole hand under the covers, caressing her delicate mounds. Shana's breathing grew heavy and a flush crept up her neck and onto her face.

Wait. That's not right. Yuji suddenly realized. If the creamy flesh that he was kneading was Shana's chest, it meant that-

Shit! Yuji recoiled, pulling his hand out from under the covers and retreating across the room again. Staring his hand, he suddenly realized that he was standing on a pile of cloth. Picking the bundle up, he shook it out, then threw it violently away, red staining his face. What he had thought was a handkerchief was in reality a lacy piece of cloth held together by strings. Worn on the crotch.

Spying Alastor hanging from the back of the chair behind him, he grasped at him and asked in a panicked voice.

"Please tell me I didn't do what I think I did"

"I can't"

The two words were like twin blows to the gut for Yuji. Sliding down the wall he was leaning on, he sat slumped on the floor, the two words echoing around the interior of his head. As though a floodgate had been opened, a torrent of images flooded through his mind in a deluge, washing around his minds eye. The images from the night before, suppressed but not forgotten came rushing back. He winced as the images of him ravaging Shana's body clamored to be viewed. Him clawing at her clothes, sucking at her neck, marring her pale flawless skin with deep red marks, him nibbling at her coral tips, her shrieks only serving to egg him on. Him lapping at her very core, slurping up her honey, and finally the very act of deflowering her itself.

Much as he would have liked to stay in his reverie, Alastor spoke.

"Do you regret it?"

Yuji stirred. "Is there even a need for that question? What I did was unacceptable. I forced myself on a young girl who had absolutely no feelings for me."

Alastor snorted. "Once again, your inability to-"

Yuji shot his head up, only to see Shana up from the bed, holding Alastor by his chain, a look of rage on her face. "Did you think you were the only one who had desires for someone else? Did you ever consider how I felt?"


"No excuses." Shana glared at him, her face slightly softer than it had been a few seconds ago. The tension in the room grew as the silence stretched on. Finally, Yuji spoke first.

"I'm sorry. I never knew you felt the same way for me that I did for you."

At this, Shana face broke into a smile. "I was simply waiting for you to say that." Dropping the blanket that she had been holding up to her body, she promptly planted herself firmly on his crotch, wriggling her bum against him, causing him to stiffen in both sense of the word, then blush as he realized he was poking her in the bum with his hardness.

"Now, Yuji, why the blush?" Shana sighed as she spun around on his lap to face him, her legs straddling his and her hands around his neck. This movement, however, led to Yuji staring right at her breasts, which only caused the red in his face to deepen.

"Shana. We really shouldn't be doing this." Yuji stuttered, trying in vain to push her off his lap without touching any of her bare flesh, which was rather difficult, considering that she was stark naked. Shana pouted. Here she was trying to have some fun and Yuji was being such a spoilsport. Growing impatient, she stuck her perky, firm mounds(or at least, what she thought were perky, firm mounds) into Yuji's face, while simultaneously using her other hand to guide Yuji's shaft into her. Soft met hard with an explosive moan from the both of them, as they ground against each other, a seeming fight to the death. Yuji groaned as Shana clenched down with muscles deep inside her, responding by thrusting deeper and harder into her. Years of training and battling had given her exquisite control over her body, and she now used this control to torment Yuji. Unable to stand all this sensory stimulation, he came, spraying his reproductive liquids deep into Shana, sending her into the throes of her own climax. Exhausted, the both of them collapsed onto the floor, Shana still on top on Yuji, whereupon the both of them promptly fell asleep.