Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters, only the plot.

The bowl stares back impassively. It's a routine now, we both knew who would win. As predicted, I am the one to fall and kneel before the porcelain bowl. I mentally prepare myself for the torrent that is to come; taking deep even breaths, shifting to find a more comfortable position for I knew this would take awhile. I mentally weigh the amount of food and drink that would show it self in a moment- anticipating that amount I should expect to see.

Its not like just shoving your fingers down your throat and every thing comes up in one go. God…I wish it was that easy. No, this takes time, anywhere from 5-20 minutes. I only take 12. I stare at my right hand, making sure it was still clean from the previous washing, I wouldn't dare put a dirty hand anywhere near my mouth. Satisfied that my hand hasn't touched anything since I washed it I proceed to the next step. I can feel my heart beat raising as my hand moves closer to my mouth. A brief heart stopping moment of hesitation at the edge of my lips and then two fingers make the straight sure dive into the depths of my mouth, there's no turning back now.

I swish my fingers around my teeth and gums to get them somewhat slimey so that they glide smoothly back and forth over my tongue. Now I'm ready. Heart beating so loudly I could swear my family back in the dining room can hear it. I slide my fingers to the back of my throat, slowly pushing as far as they could go. It's a battle between my stomach and my will that gets harder every time. I repeatedly slide my fingers back and forth hoping for at least a small heave. But it seems futile after abusing my gag reflex to the point of almost not having one. I keep pressing on and as the panic sets in that I might not be able to cleanse myself my thrusting becomes more violent. I stand and bend at the waist - stomach above mouth- hoping for the advantage of gravity. I push my fingers back further than they have ever gone before and ah yes a cough and I can feel my gag reflex awaking I don't hesitate and thrust my fingers in again quicker this time and again and again and again.

I can feel the telltale signs of my eyes watering and that's when I know I'm close. With hope and excitement blooming in my chest I shove in my fingers again. Gold. My stomach contracts painfully and its beautiful. My dinner comes rushing out like a power hose but I don't celebrate just yet and I don't dare swallow least I have to start over from the beginning and I cant bare the thought of dragging on this torture. I thrust back in again and is rewarded with another spectacular shower, water splashes out of the bowl and onto my face. Using all my will power not to swallow I thrust again and again, faster and faster with the same beautiful show. By the end of it I'm left throwing up teaspoons of already dissolved chicken and bright red blood but I continue until absolutely nothing comes up. Nose and eyes running I slowly slide back to the floor and finally I swallow, the taste is nothing but copper and I cringe. Blood rushes by loudly in my ear. I can feel my limbs trembling, like someone sucked all the nutrients out of them, they feel so weak. I don't have the strength to get up and even if I did I wouldn't want to.

I'm so tired and all I wanna do is lay my head on the cold tile floor and sleep.