Chapter 19

"I Change My Mind"

"Okay, close your eyes, and I swear to god if you peek," Bayleigh threatened as she guided me with her hand covering my eyes through the hallway. Today was the day I was finally going to see my babies' nursery.

The past month had been beyond anything I could have hoped for. Bayleigh spent all her time making sure the nursery was perfect. Embry sat around with me just lounging or getting me whatever I could want. Embry's mother, Nancy, came over quite often. She told me all the horror stories of when she had Embry, effectively scary me so much I tended to cross my legs, even though I knew that would be no help. I also talked to my parents frequently, and they promised once I had the babies they would be sure to pay a visit.

The downside to my almost perfect life: I was still on bed rest. My doctor didn't want to take any unnecessary risks.

"It's too bad Embry isn't here," I said trying not to sound too depressed. Embry had official "werewolf duty", his words not mine, to tend to.

"Oh silly, you were the only one not allowed to see it. He helped put a lot of it together," Bay confessed still leading me down the hallway.

"I think I should have been the one to see it first since I am the one who will be in all the pain to have these babies," I mumbled back. I will admit that I was jealous that I was the last to see the nursery.

"Oh, whatever," she said as she pushed me on. "Okay, are you ready? I mean, really ready, because I can wait longer to show you if-"

"Shut up, Bay," I complained as I cut her off. I heard the door open and very slowly, Bay removed her hands.

The room was nothing like I imagined anything could look. It was yellow and on the alternating sides, painted with white strips around. There was a wooden rocking chair in front of the small window. The cribs were along the wall with the horizontal strips. They were simple, but beautiful, painted white.

I walked over to the cribs. Looking at the wall, I noticed the wooden hanging letters spelling out each name above their respective cribs. Aden Embry was in a navy blue, while Addisyn Faith was in a light pink. In their cribs each had a plush wolf, which made me chuckle. And hanging over the edge of them were blankets embroidered with wolves and both personalized with their names.

"Seth and Embry insisted on the wolves. I don't get it, but I couldn't say no," Bay explained as she walked over to me.

I quickly pulled her into a hug, finally feeling the tears spill over. "Thank you so much, Bay. It's perfect," I whispered.

"I love you even though you're a sister from another father," she said as she pulled back.


"Well, it just wouldn't make sense to say brother from another mother," she stated as though it was obvious.

"Oh, Bayleigh," I sighed. I walked over to the rocking chair trailing my fingers around it. It just didn't feel real.

"I was thinking that I would redecorate the whole house. We both know this nursery is awesome," she said smiling. I just nodded my head and sat down on the rocking chair. I cradled my belly as I stared into the forest that is my backyard.

"I'll be in the living room," she was obviously trying to give me time to myself.

As I was just sitting there as I started to feel pressure, like a cramp, but I just ignored it. My doctor told me that the babies were just moving around when I asked her about that in my last appointment. But the longer I was sitting there the pain was just getting worse. I tried to stay calm and take deep breaths. I was almost positive I was really going into labor. My doctor had said that she expected me to not make it to my due date, and that as long as I made it to week 35, everything should turn out okay. Thankfully, this is the start of my 35th week.

"Bay, um could you come here!" I yelled as I felt another contraction coming. I heard her running down the hallway.

"Are you okay?" She questioned as she walked over to where I was still sitting on the rocking chair.

"I think I'm going into labor," I said after I took a deep breath. Bayleigh's eyes held a frantic look while the rest of her body was trying to stay calm.

"Okay, I'll go get your bag, you call Embry, and then we will head to the hospital," she planned running out of the room. I got my phone and called Emily, because of course Embry wouldn't answer his phone as a wolf.

"Hello," but this was a deep voice, who I think belongs to Sam.

"I'm going into labor. Where is Embry?" I asked quickly not really caring who I was talking to as long as they could get a hold of Embry.


"What other pregnant woman do you know that would be looking for Embry?" I snapped at him. What kind of stupid question was that?

"Sorry, let me go find out where they are, then I'll call you back," he mumbled before hanging up. Bayleigh came running back into the room and helped me to the car.

The hospital I chose to go to was in Forks, because I couldn't go to the one in La Push, so there was about a 30 minute drive before we would get there. Bayleigh called my doctor, who confirmed we needed to head to the hospital.

My phone start ringing and I hurried to answer it.

"Jenna, they're in Seattle," I heard Sam say as soon as I answered the phone.

"What the hell do you mean they are in Seattle?" I yelled into the phone. I quickly took a deep breath to calm down. "Seattle is five hours away. What am I going to do if he doesn't make it?"

"He'll make it, Jenna. He's running as fast as he can," Sam tried to reassure me but it wasn't working.

"Jenna, he wouldn't miss this, please calm down," Emily said, meaning she took the phone from Sam. By this point I had tears streaming down my face and my breathing was coming in short gasps. "Please, Jenna, take deep breaths. Everything will be fine."

"He can't miss this," I sobbed into the phone. Bayleigh grabbed my hand and gave me a gentle squeeze.

"He won't, Jenna. Now relax and I'll call everyone I can think off," Emily said sadly. "I'll be there shortly."

After a quick bye, we hung up. Bayleigh gave my hand one more squeeze before letting go. I focus on breathing, because honestly I didn't want to have these kids in the car.

Exactly twenty-seven minutes later, Bayleigh was parking and running around the car to help me get out. By then my contractions were coming in 10 minute intervals. After everything was filled out, I was being pushed in a wheelchair to the delivery room I had visited a week before.

I was settled in when the door flew open and Nancy came running in.

"Jenna, how are you?" She asked before giving an odd look. "Stupid question, of course you're in pain."

I chuckled as she walked closer to the bed to grab my hand.

"Now, where on Earth is my son?"

"I have no clue, but I do know that he is on his way. I just wish he would hurry up and get here. He can't miss this," I declared again, feeling the moisture build in my eyes. Nancy didn't say anything; she just held my hand and gave me a sad smile.

Emily, Sam, and Seth were the next to arrive, much to Bayleigh's happiness. I watched them as Seth hugged her and she blushed. I smiled; I could see why she would like him. He was such a sweet kid. But really that's all he was; a kid. But who was I to talk?

Bayleigh looked into Seth's eyes as he talked to her. She laughed and my heart soared by how happy she looked. Life really just can't be fair can it?

Four long and very painful hours later, the doctor came in to say it was time to start pushing. She said if we didn't do this now then things could go wrong, like ending in a C-section, something I wanted to avoid.

"NO! We have to wait! Embry isn't here!" I screamed as the tears were pulling down my face. Nancy tried to calm me down, but nothing was going to work. He had to be here. Everyone walked out of the room, just making me cry harder.

"I can't do this without him," I cried closing my eyes and letting go of Nancy's hand. But then I felt a very warm hand grab mine. My eyes flew open and a hysterical looking Embry was trying to calm his breathing.

"You are in so much trouble," I proclaimed as he started wiping the tears from my face. He cracked a smile, but chose not to say anything.

As the pain increased I grabbed Embry's hand tightly, trying to say to myself that the pain would be worth it in the end.

"I can't do this. I change my mind. I take it all back," I announced almost sounding frenzied.

"Jenna, you can do this. And I think it's a little late to take it back," Embry said softly kissing my forehead.

"I don't care, I want off this ride," I stated. Embry kissed me gently on the lips.

"Jenna, you can do this. I love you so much," he said.

"I love you too," I mumbled.

"Okay, are you guys ready to be parents?" The doctor asked excitedly.

Oh, no, what have I got myself into?

I'm evil, I know. But the babies are finally here!!! (Or almost here)
Okay so I know that I didn't reply to anyone's reviews, but I figured you would rather I work on a chapter than reply. I promise to reply to these ones!! Thank you if you did review, it means a lot to me.

Anyways, please review and tell me what you think. This story is almost done, sadly. But I have a question for everyone. Would you rather have...

1. This story in Embry's POV (which I have already started)
2. A sequel in Jenna's POV
3. A sequel in Embry's POV
4. Both number 1 and 2
5. Both number 1 and 3
6. Finish with an Epilogue and be done with this story

It's up to you all. Just review or PM me please. I would really like to know what you guys would like.

Thanks for reading and sorry for the long author's note! :)