I own nothing and like reviews. Do with that what you will. After seeing the movie "Saved!" I had to write this.

Ryan plopped into the armchair and settled in to watch the movie. Truth be told he was still slightly distracted by the fight he'd had with Sharpay right before coming over. Needless to say, she wasn't thrilled about him hanging out with the Wildcats.

"Where are you going?" she had asked him, leaning over the railing as he got his shoes on.

"Oh. I'm just going out to hang out with the guys."

"Guys? What guys?"

"The Wildcats," he said nonchalantly.

This was where Ryan had tried to bolt out the door without attracting further attention to himself. Sharpay was faster and latched herself onto him.

"What?" she had shrieked. She turned him to face her. "Will Troy be there?"

"Probably," he admitted, feeling a little sheepish. He could feel it coming. She gaped at him.

"And I'm not invited?"

And there it was. "It's just the guys. And Gabriella. And maybe Taylor. But that's because they're dating Wildcats."

"So just because I'm not dating some stupid basketball player I can't go?"

"Pretty much."

Her eyes narrowed. "So who are you dating?"

Ryan let out a small laugh. He didn't mean to, but he had. "Look Sharpay, it's not a big deal. It's just going to be me, Jason, Troy, Gabriella, Chad, and maybe Taylor. We're just going to watch a movie at Troy's house."

"So you're telling me you're dating Jason?" she scoffs.

"No. I'm telling you I'm not going to be the one to bring someone who wasn't invited."

"Well you could invite me," Sharpay chides.

"No I can't. You don't get it. These guys—"

Sharpay wrenched the door open at that point and glared at him menacingly. "Fine. Go. See if I care."


"I don't want to hear it, Ryan!" she snapped. "If you would rather spend time with a bunch of sweaty men than with me then that's your problem."

"It's not that!" he protested.

"Oh, get off it Ryan. If you're gay just deal with it."

Ryan was used to the jibes from the guys, especially after him and Chad had swapped clothes, but he was in no mood to fend her off tonight.

"Oh, go blow it off on your credit card," he snapped back, slamming the door shut behind him.

Of course once he'd blown off steam he couldn't enjoy himself at Troy's house. All he could think about was the fact that it was his fault Sharpay was spending the night alone and she'd make him feel guilty about it for the rest of the week. He'd make himself crazy over it. Jesus, couldn't he ever WIN?! The Star Dazzle award may have won back his sister's respect but now that he had a new crowd? She was still adjusting. It was especially bad since the Sharpettes were all grounded for the time being.

God bless it, couldn't they ever just be functional?

"Hey Ry, that guy looks just like you!" Troy tells him, knocking his arm lightly.

Ryan focused on the movie for a second. Huh. That guy did look like him. He was in a wheelchair, but he was pretty cool and looked like him. The guy's sister, a blonde Mandy Moore, orders him about for a while. She was basically Sharpay with a religious cause.

"Let me go, or I'll tell people you touched me inappropriately in the bath," the brother protested.

The Wildcats laughed, but Ryan was lost in thought. What would happen if Sharpay had to take care of him? Maybe they would get a nurse. Well Sharpay would kill a nurse. What would happen if…