Totally have this next chapter rewritten on my computer at home, but since I'm now a college freshman….I'm not at home! Haha Things are still getting juicy, so be prepared!!

I didn't want to explain what happened between Edward and I out on the street, I wanted to explain in a more comfortable environment. Jake and I entered a dimly lit coffee shop. We found a darkened booth towards the back of the shop, and Jake walked to the counter to get us some caffeinated deliciousness. I sat there pondering what I would say to Jake, when he walked around the corner and handed me my drink. The cups were about as wide as the length of my hand.

"So, do you want to tell me who was on the phone now?" Jake was sitting across the table from me, looking over his coffee mug, while taking a gulp of his coffee.

"It was Edward…" At the mention of his name, Jake spit his coffee across the table. Fortunately, I moved just in time that nothing landed on me. I'm not too sure about my coffee though…

"What the hell did he want?" Jake wasn't upset, but wasn't fuming…yet.

"He wanted to tell me who he chose to date at this current time." I toke a sip of my coffee, trying to hide how it hurt. I hadn't exactly thought about all that he had told me, I just didn't want to cry on the phone with him. It did hurt. I truly did care for Edward. Was it love? Probably not. He was someone I was strongly attracted to, but that was about it. Still, the rejection hurt.

"It wasn't you, was it… Well, good riddance! Bells you deserve someone who will take care of you and always be there and totally only have eyes for you, not some jackass!" Jake was totally blushing, and that's when I realized he was talking about himself!

"Jake, is there someone your referring too?" I inched closer to him, looking at him with my flirty eyes. When he looked up into my eyes, he got the hint and inched closer to me as well with his own hungry eyes.

"Actually, there kinda was. I was talking about…" That's when I kissed him. I realized I didn't need Edward to be attracted to. Jacob was tall, muscular, lean, totally reliable, and totally hot! Who needed the older, skinny, more mature, totally confident, totally hot teacher… not helping Bella!

The kiss got more and more intense. Before I knew what was going on, I was lying on my back on the cushioned wall bench, and Jake was on top. He wasn't crushing me with his weight, but there was some pressure from his body being on top of mine. The pressure was good, even, perfect. Then, someone ruined the moment by clearing his throat.

"Oh…Oh, sorry dude. Bells are you okay." I couldn't move, because staring back at me was Edward. The older man of my dreams.

"Um, yeah. I'm fine," I pulled Jake down to where I could whisper in his ear, "that's Edward." Jake stiffened immediately, and stayed that way as he sat back up. Edward was still standing there looking at me, but I couldn't bring myself to look at him back.

"Do you have a problem?" Jake was looking right at Edward, with every intention of punching him in the face. I lock my hand around Jake's wrist and pulled it under the table. I didn't wanted Jake punching anybody, no matter how much I wanted him to either.

"Yes. My problem is you, but since Isabella deals with your ass, I guess I have to as well. Could you excuse us…boy." It wasn't a question, but a demand. Jake didn't miss the boy comment, and neither did I.

"Sure. I need coffee anyways. Excuse me Bella, man." Jake couldn't help but snarl that last word. Jake wasn't one to deal with any crap he got, he usually dealt with it in a physical way. I was totally surprised. Jake kissed me full on the lips, and even slipped a little tongue into it, and left with a middle finger to Edward. I couldn't help but chuckle a little bit.

"I don't understand how you could deal with that. He's like a dog with that snarl! Bells, I kinda followed you here…"

"You followed me here! Why?!" I was shocked and appalled. He followed me here! What a creep!

"No! Don't take it like that. I wanted to make sure you were safe. I couldn't stand to know you were with that boy!"

"Stop calling him a boy. He's more of a man then you'll ever know! He was here for me when you couldn't figure out what girl you wanted to be with! And who are you to decide who I should hang out with. I'm my own woman; I don't need another dad knowing about where I am or where I'm going. I have two already, thanks! Why would you follow me anyways? You already chose Tanya, why would you need to follow me anyways?" I was fuming, and wanted to slap him across the face. Instead, my hands were wrapped tightly around my coffee mug and I was staring deeply into my mug. Edward touched my hand, and I pulled my hand away as if I was touching electricity.

"Don't touch me Edward."

"Okay, I'm sorry."

"You better be. Now, explain or leave."

"I don't want to be your dad, just someone you can talk to and learn to trust. I'm here because I made the worst decision of my life. I want you. You and only you. Tanya isn't the girl for me, you are. I don't know how I can make you believe me, but I need you to know that. I want you to give me another chance. Please Isabella, I need you in my life still. Please Isabella."

"I can't…"

"Why not?" Edward had grabbed both my hands with his, and wasn't letting go anytime soon.

"Bella, you are someone I want to spend the rest of my life with. Leave with me now." It was more of a command then a request.

"Who are you to command me anywhere?" I ripped my hands out of his and placed them firmly at my sides.

"I am my own person, and not you or anyone else will ever tell me what to do, where to go, or how to live. If you can't figure that out maybe you're the one that should leave now…without me."

"Anybody who knows Bells really well knows she doesn't like to be ordered around."

"Jacob shut up."

"Sorry." Edward chuckled at my words towards Jake. No he did not just laugh.

"Who do you think you are? Come in here and demand me to start going back out with you. And then laugh at my boyfriend. You are a dick and need to be taught a lesson." I stood up, walked over to Edward, and kneed him where the sun don't shine. Yup, in his crotch. He bent over in agony and cried out as he fell to the ground.

"Don't you ever do something like this again, you jackass. Jacob I'm leaving."

"Right behind you babe! Bye doofus!" Jake grabbed my hand as I stormed out of the coffee shop and stopped me dead in my tracks.

"What happened back there Bells?!"

"He demanded me to start going back out with him because he made a terrible mistake. That's where you walked in. You were there the whole time weren't you?"

"You caught me. I couldn't leave you alone with him, but I didn't want to barge back in and pop him in the face cause I know I would have gotten beat down by you later. Man, he really does know nothing about you." Jake shook his head, and started walking again. I was still standing where I was, and he realized that when my hand wasn't moving. I let go of his hand and walked backwards a few steps.

"Bells?" I ran and jumped into Jacob's arms, and locked my lips with his. Jake was taken back, and his back crashed into the brick wall of the store shops. If he hit the glass window, he probably would have broken it. My legs were wrapped tight around Jake's torso, and my arms locked around his neck. His arms were wrapped tight around the lower part of my back. Soon, we came up for air.

"What was that for?" Jake placed a hair behind my ear.

"Because I love you." Jake smiled, kissed me on the cheek and then spun me around. While I was spinning I ended up opening my eyes, and saw Edward looking at us. He smiled at me, looked down, and then started to walk away. I didn't know when I would see him again, or if I would ever get a chance to say sorry, but I was perfectly content with where I was then and there.


So, I TOTALLY did not expect to end this today, but look what happened!!! I hope you guys aren't too disappointed in me, but if you want to read any type of story, just let me know and maybe I'll start writing one up for you guys!!! Thanks for sticking with me and reading this! It took awhile but the end has come and a new beginning is yet to come.