Thanks for the great feedback guys. I really appreciate hearing your comments and I try to take heed of all advice. As I mentioned in one of my first chapters, this is the first story I've actually let other people read so its been great to hear that you're enjoying it. The advice has also been really great and I've found it really helpful as I'm not very confident with what I'm doing just yet.

Thanks again.

Chapter 8 - Starting Out

Gil Grissom gazed into Nicks eyes trying to read him. Both men maintained the contact, both trying to read the other mans thoughts.

Finally it was Nick who turned away. He didn't know what was wrong with him. For all those years he had craved his bosses attention and suddenly he'd had it - his bosses complete and undivided attention - and yet he found that he no longer wanted it. He wanted to be left alone.

Again the voice.

"Nick, please dont do this. Dont turn away from us again."

And there it was, the hook that dragged him in each time. He stopped but did not turn around this time.

He felt his resolve starting to disintegrate yet again

He heard soft movement behind him and felt a gentle hand on his shoulder. More softly spoken words, breaking with emotion. "Nick, I know you're hurting. I know you're angry. And I know platitudes mean very little when you're being consumed by grief. So just know that we're beside you and we want to help you through this. We loved him and miss him too. We're all hurting from Warrircks death."

And then he felt it.

A soul deep pain which kicked him hard in the chest. It was raw and unrelenting and caught his breath in his throat.

And he felt more tears pushing through an unseen barrier deep within him and filling his eyes.

And he felt his bosses arms turn him around and engulf him in a strong and meaningful embrace.

"I miss him so much, Gris." he sobbed softly.

He felt the arms tighten around him.

And he let himself cry.

Looking back, Grissom realised this had been a turning point for them both.

For Nick, the confrontation had unlocked three years of pain and anger. The strong wall which he had carefully built around his emotions had finally been demolished.

He had sat with Catherine and Grissom for several long hours afterwards, talking and crying together until there was nothing left to share. He unburdened himself with his despair. With his anger. With his pain. And finally with his hopes.

Catherine and Gil had spoken about their own journey through the fog of the last month.

Grissom talked about his feelings. He could not remember sharing such personal information with anyone except for Sara...and, to some extent, LadyHeather.

He came away feeling lighter and more focused than he had for weeks.

They had promised to continue the healing together and to support each other through the remaining dark days ahead. To be each others cornerstones as they lay new foundations for a life after Warrick.

As Gil drove home to get some very much needed sleep, he drove through Vegas looking at it with fresh eyes.

He had friends here. He had his life here. He was happy enough here.

And yet, he thought dully, something was missing.

Maybe it was time to look outside of his predictable world - to challenge himself again without the burden of being a boss and a mentor.

If he was building a new life - maybe it was time to look at building it outside of Vegas.

Maybe it was his time to say goodbye to Las Vegas.

At least for the time being.

The End

I hope you enjoyed this. I've really enjoyed writing it and sharing it with other CSI devotees. I plan to write more stories soon and will always be up for ideas. I tend to focus on Nick as I think he has a real depth which the writers on the show often dont explore. Anyway, for now, thanks again for support with reviews and advice and I'm off to plan some more stories!