Stranded Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or Power Rangers S.P.D. . Naruto is own by Masashi Kishimoto and Power Rangers S.P.D. Is own by Disney. I don't make any money off this story.

In the Hidden Leaf village hospital Tsunade was crying because she had just the two most important people in her life. Her husband the fourth Hokage Arashi who died sealing the Nine Tailed Fox Kyuubi in to their newborn son Naruto who had disappeared into rift into the fabric of time and space that the Kyuubi had open up and told everyone that it was going to make sure that it's container would not be use as a weapon by the village before Naruto disappeared into the hole. Kakashi who was in the room and told Tsunade the bad news was looking at her with sadness in his eyes.

"I am very sorry about your lost Lady Tsunade. But we should be thankful the Kyuubi is no longer a threat to the village." said Kakashi

"What do you mean your sorry Kaskashi. I just lost the two most important people in my life tonight to that demon and you telling me that I should be grateful that the village is safe from the Kyuubi. I have the right to send you to the hospital for a long time for even saying that." shouted Tsunade holding up her fist

"Hold on a minute there Tsunade. Beating up Kakashi will not bring Arashi and your son Naruto back. I think you should just settle down right now before you do something you will regret later." said Jiraiya trying to calm his teammate down

"I guess your right Jiraiya. But that doesn't mean I have to like Kakashi here." replied Tsunade calming down

"Am Interrupting anything in here." said a voice

Everyone turn around and saw the Third Hokage Sarutobi standing in the doorway.

"What are you doing here Sarutobi Sensei?" ask Jiraiya

"I came down here to see how Tsunade was doing and to say I am sorry about her lost and also to tell you that I have been reinstated as the Hokage." replied Sarutobi

"Well thanks for coming down to see me Sarutobi Sensei and I thankful for your concern about my lost." said Tsunade looking at him

"Your very welcome Tsunade. So what do you plan on doing now once you leave the hospital?" ask Sarutobi

"Well I plan on leaving the village since there is nothing here for me anymore." replied Tsunade

"Is that what you really want to do Tsunade?" ask Jiraiya

"Yes that is what I really want to do Jiraiya and you can't change my mind ." replied Tsunade

"Then I wish you the best of luck Tsunade and hope you find peace somewhere in this world." said Sarutobi

"Thank you Sarutobi Sensei and I know the village will be safe with you as Hokage." said Tsunade

"I hope where ever the Kyuubi sent my son Naruto that he is alright and he is safe." thought Tsunade

New Tech City Year 2012

Outside the earth headquarters of S.P.D. Kat Manx who was the lab technician of the earth headquarters of S.P.D. was walking around outside the front of the base as it always help her to relax when she was busy working on something in the lab. All of a sudden her cat like ears pick up what sounded like a babies cries coming over from the bushes and went over to the bushes to find out what causing the cries. When she got over there and moved the bushes aside she saw a baby boy with blond hair and blue eyes and whisker marks on his face that didn't look like more then a few hours old.

"Where did you come from little one?" ask Kat picking the boy up in her arms.

Kat then saw a bracelet on the boy's arm with the name Naruto written in japanese and she then notice what look like a tattoo on his stomach with symbols on it.

"Something tells me your not from around here. I better get you to Commender Cruger right away." said Kat

With that Kat went inside the base to see Commender Cruger at once carrying Naruto in her arms. Meanwhile in the commend center of the base Commender Doggie Cruger who was a blue human like alien with a head of a dog was looking at the screens as they told him that there had been a small hole cut into the very fabric of space and time that had suddenly disappear as quickly as it appeared on the screen and it had him worried that something had come through that could harm the people of New Tech City. All of a sudden Commender Cruger saw Kat come into the commend center holding a baby boy in her arms.

"Kat I was wondering where you were. But where did you this baby from?" ask Cruger

"Well I was outside the base taking a walk when I heard crying coming from the bushes and found this little boy there and something told me he isn't from around here and decide to come tell you at once." replied Kat

"That is strange Kat because our scanners pick up a small hole in the fabric of space and time that appeared right outside the base and quickly disappeared without a trace." said Cruger

"So your thinking that this boy here came through that hole?" ask Kat

"That what I am thinking Kat." replied Cruger

"So what do we do now?" ask Kat

"I want you go to the lab and run some scans on the boy and tell me what you find out right away." replied Cruger

"I will get on it right away Doggie." said Kat

With that Kat quickly went to the lab carrying Naruto with her. After two hours of running the scans on Naruto Cruger came into the lab to found out the results from Kat.

"So did you find out anything unusual about our little guest here Kat?" ask Cruger

"I have Doggie. From the scans it appears genetic powers identical to Sky and Syd and it also appears he has a gene in his D.N.A. That appears to be a part of him pass down from his family that I don't know what it does. But I have found something else about the tattoo on his stomach." replied Kat

"So what did you found out about the tattoo Kat?" ask Cruger curious

"It appears to be some sort of powerful kind of seal that seems to contain a power beyond what I know." replied Kat

"Is it something we have to worry about in the future?" ask Cruger

"I don't think so Doggie. It seems the seal is design to absorb the power into him and by the time he is 12 the power would become part of him." replied Kat

"That is good to hear Kat. Because I am thinking this child could become a great asset to S.P.D. When he is older and could help us protect the people of earth know he goes to the academy." said Cruger

"I think you are right Doggie. This child could make a great Power Ranger one day. But I do have request to make to you Doggie." said Kat

"What is it Kat?" ask Cruger

"Well I would like to adopt him as my son and I thinking he could benefit from training from the Wind Ranger academy and Pai Zhup and maybe being train by the mystic force rangers in magic intention to his training here at S.P.D. Academy." replied Kat

"I think that is a good idea Kat. From this moment on your this boy's mother and help him train in being a power ranger. So what do you plan on naming him Kat?" said Cruger

"Well seeing that the bracelet on his arm says his name is Naruto. I think will call him Naruto Atem Manx." replied Kat

"That is good name for him Kat." said Cruger

With that Commender Cruger left the lab. Kat pick Naruto up in her arms and look at him.

"Something tells me your going to make a great Power Ranger one day and I plan to make sure you do." said Kat looking down at Naruto who was giggling.

That it for this chapter. So what do you think of the first chapter. I did it as I like power ranger s.p.d. And Naruto and thought it would make a great crossover. The next chapter will take place five years later when Naruto is in the academy. As always please review and left comments as I want people's thoughts on this story. Thanks and stay tune for the next chapter.