Disclaimer: I do not own Harvest Moon.

- - - - - Chapter 1: Hidden Love - - - - -

"Ah shit…" Chase moaned as he leaned over, body quivering as he threw up the breakfast Maya had just made for him.

I watched him sympathetically, sighing slightly as I continued rubbing his back gently. "You're such a sweet boyfriend though… No matter how awful a cook Maya is, you still eat whatever she makes you to put a smile on her face. It's not like you see Toby doing anything but fishing and sleeping with our relationship."

With that, Chase stood up slowly and wiped his mouth with a disgusted look on his face and said: "I don't know how many times I tell you that you should break up with him, Alice. Everyone knows that him and Renee have something going on. Just because it's not out in open, doesn't mean it isn't there."

"Yeah… I know. But… he's so sweet to me," I mumbled in slight protest, eyes downcast.

"That's only when he feels like it. You know that. In fact, you complain to me about it nearly every day," he replied in exasperation, shaking his head.

I frowned at his harsh words, sighing.

"Yeah… I know, I know. You're always right. But anyway. You have some of your puke in your hair. You should go wash up, and Maya's probably worried about where you ran off to so quickly," I giggled, smiling.

Chase rolled his eyes and scratched the back of his head in annoyance. "I don't know how much more of this I can take. I don't like waking up every morning and having to throw up by the time I practically set foot out of my house."

I laughed and smiled. "But you continue to do it and you know you're doing it for Maya. It's actually pretty cute. Everyone thinks you guys are such a perfect couple. I'm actually really, really jealous…"

He frowned and sighed, not uttering a word in response.

"…W-What? Did I say something wrong?" I blurted out quickly, eyes widening in slight fear.

"No," Chase responded bluntly, his voiced laced with annoyance.

"O-Okay… Then um… Uhh…"

"I'll see you later, okay? I'm going on break around four-o-clock or so."

"Huh? Okay! Yeah, of course. I'll be here at four on the dot!"

Chase's face immediately melted, his lips forming into a weak smile. He lingered there in front of me for a bit longer than he should have, until he finally turned around and gave me a small wave as he headed back towards Sundae Inn.

I couldn't quite put a finger on his expression. Like usual, it was as hard to read as it always was but there was something a little off about it today. There was just something… Something was definitely up, and it definitely wasn't a pleasant change either. I sighed as I watched his peach-colored head bob down the steps, taking a right until he was completely out of sight.

It wasn't necessarily hard getting under Chase's skin – in fact, it was easier to do than getting him to laugh and smile. But you'd think he'd tell me, of all people, what was up. I mean, we were supposed to be best friends. Best friends are supposed to tell each other everything.

He can be so aggravating.

"What the heck was that about?" I mumbled sadly, idly playing with a strand of my hair.

Bella mooed as I walked closer to her and the pasture. Opening the gate, I leaned down next to her slowly and patted her face, giving her a kiss on her big, brown forehead.

"You look so pretty today, Bella! You don't even know."

Lazily, Bella looked back down to the grass that she was munching on; without a care in the world.

I giggled as I watched her, her mouth taking in the grass in large heaps and chewing it painfully slow. I continued patting her, rather absentmindedly.

"I wonder what Toby's doing right now… You'd think a boyfriend would try to spend all his time with you, not away from you," I frowned.

"Doesn't he realize I have feelings too? I mean, seriously. Chase and Maya are together all the time! And so are Julius and Candace! You'd think that Toby and I weren't even aware of the fact that each other existed compared to everyone else. I bet the only people who are actually aware of the fact that we're dating are Chase and Luna – and that's only because they're my best friends."

I groaned as I fell back on the soft grass (determined not to think about Toby), shielding my eyes slightly away from the blaring sun. It was a perfect day: light blue skies with fluffy white clouds – just to be expected for spring.

I shut my eyes and enjoyed the quiet munches and moos that Bella emitted as the sun's rays gently kissed my pale skin. Soft breezes would pick up now and then, whirling the blades of grass around the edge of my body, sending little goose bumps over my skin. I couldn't help but smile a little, as I enjoyed just lying there.

My hazy thoughts went back to this morning with Chase. I wondered lazily whether or not I really said something wrong. With Chase, it was always sort of hard to predict – it's not the easiest thing to do; getting into his pretty, little head.

I don't think I said anything mean… Did I? Or maybe I was being insensitive… Come to think of it, I wouldn't like throwing up every morning either.

The faint sound of footsteps broke my train of thought as they grew louder and louder. I opened my eyes lazily, shifting my head to the left to see Toby walking towards my farm. I blinked a few times, rubbed my eyes; just to make sure it wasn't some sort of mirage.

Convinced that I wasn't dreaming, I jumped up quickly and waved at him to catch his attention and he responded with a small wave of his own. I left the pasture, closing the gate behind me, and bounded up to him like a small, attention-starved puppy dog.

"Toby!" I cried, wrapping my small arms around his body ecstatically. "What are you doing here?"

He emitted a small chuckle and returned the hug, kissing the top of my head. "I came to see you, Alice."

"Oh, I'm so happy!" I blushed, my excitement and happiness bubbling over the edge. I leaned in towards him, resting my body against his, relishing the sound of his steady heartbeat.

A few seconds of silence and he broke his hold on me and lifted my chin up, looking at me square in the eye. His beautiful golden eyes smoldered in the sun and I could feel myself melting into a pathetic pool around him. My heart pounded erratically and I reached up slowly on tip-toes, to give him a light kiss on the lips, his sweet breath fanning my face.

I smiled up at him and he responded with giving me a fiercer kiss, nibbling gently on my bottom lip.

"Mmm… Toby…" I giggled as I broke away.

Toby took a few strands of my short, hazelnut brown hair in his fingers, and twirled them around slowly. He lifted them up to his lips, and gave them a slow kiss. I could feel my cheeks growing hotter with awe and embarrassment. It was as if my knees would give out any second…

He let the strands fall from his slender fingers, and rubbed them against my cheek, chuckling. "You're blushing."

I laughed nervously. "You know it's because of you…"

"I know... and I wouldn't have it any other way."

I giggled as I beamed up at him. Come to think of it, I actually had to look up at everyone – except for Luna. She and I were the same, sad, short height – 4'11. But the one thing I had up on her was that I actually had hips and boobs. I couldn't tell you how often I loved teasing her about it.

"Toby… Why don't you come and see me often?" I pouted. "We saw each other a lot more before we started dating…"

Toby sighed and hugged me. "I know, and I'm sorry. I've just been busy… You should know that."

"Busy with what?" I asked flatly, hurt echoing in my voice. "You don't even tell me what you do. And you never even bother to call me. In fact, the last time I saw you was a week ago today."

He groaned quietly and released his grip on me and took a step back. "I'm sorry, Alice. I really am. I know we don't see each other as often as you would like, but that doesn't mean I don't love you."

"I wish you would prove it to me more. Actions speak louder than words, you know."

Toby sighed in defeat. "I don't know how to do that… Do you want me to buy you flowers at the festival tomorrow? Or maybe you want to go out for lunch at the inn instead?"

I felt a twinge of anger and frustration bubbling up inside me.

Are you serious?

"You shouldn't have to ask me! You should already know how to prove to me that you love me. You shouldn't have to ask me if you should buy me flowers. You should already know that. That's common sense for a boyfriend, Toby! Never once have you ever done one little thing for me besides dropping by my house and kissing me," I said hotly, blinking away the angry tears forming in my eyes.

"Don't you realize that I have feelings and needs like any normal girl?"

"I'm sorry, Alice… I'll do better, okay?"

"No, not okay… Because you tell me those same lines every time you come to see me. You tell me a simple: 'you know I love you' and you give me a couple kisses here and there," I choked out. "We've been dating for nearly a year and for nearly eighty-five percent of that time, you and I are practically like strangers."

"I'm sorry…"

"Don't you miss me…? Don't you ever feel lonely? Aren't you ever worried that maybe other guys in town may flirt with me?"

"I don't know… I mean, of course I miss you. But I just lose track of time every day. I could have sworn that I just saw you yesterday."

I couldn't hold back those hot tears anymore, and they dribbled lamely down my flustered cheeks.

Of course… It's no use ever trying to tell Toby anything. I don't get why I ever bother trying anymore. He's too dense to even realize anything.

"That's fine, Toby… It's okay."

"Alice…" He replied lamely, taking a step towards me. "I'm sorry… Please don't cry. Come on… Look at me."

I refused to look at him and ignored the nudges he gave my chin. He wrapped his arms around me tightly and kissed the top of my head over and over again. He ran his fingers through my hair and over my spine and the sensation rippled goose bumps crawling over my skin.

He always knew how to diffuse my anger right away. I was always like putty in his arms and under his lips – no matter how mad I was. That's probably why he doesn't bother doing anything for me; he knows how to quell my anger and to suck me right back into him.

And quite honestly, I hated that about him. But at the same time, I loved it. As much as I may get mad at him, as much as everyone tells me to leave him, I can't break myself away…

Like some sad, pathetic yo-yo that isn't nearly close to showing signs of wear and tear. But in fact, it was quite the opposite… I used to think, maybe if I do this for him… He'll still love and keep me… and not leave me for his ex-girlfriend.

But it's honestly tearing me apart.

Toby lessened his grip on me, and nudged my chin to look up at him – which he did with success, much to my dismay. His eyes were sincere and I blinked my tears away rapidly to engrave his beautiful face into my mind.

He uttered a quiet: "Let's go inside. I'll prove to you how much I love you."

- - - - - End: Hidden Love - - - - -

Yay, new story. Kind of a short and lame chapter, I know. But it'll get better. I promise.

Review loveys!

- Tara