Okay people this story is sadly coming to an end this is the second last chapter…. On with the story!

Bella's POV-

I did as she asked. I sank my teeth into his neck when she said three. Her plan was to knock him out and to somehow repeat what happened in our room with Felix on Aro. I had some doubt but as I pulled back all negative thoughts went out the window. I scooted back and Lizzie still had her lips to his neck, her eyes rolled back in her head before she released him with a small moan.

"What the hell was that about?" I asked, she didn't respond. She wiped her mouth off on her sleeve. I hopped off the bed and she did the same. She scurried around the room looking for something.

"Stop thinking so damn much and help me find his wallet" She said as she went through the draws in the dresser and I helped, I eventually found a vault near the bed. It opened slowly to reveal a huge pile of gleaming precious jewels and money from around the world. I stared, awed by the sight. It didn't last long; Lizzie threw something at my head.

I turned and noticed that she tossed a piece of carry on luggage at me and a so-so purse. I filled it up neatly with money. I stood slung the bag over my shoulder and pulled her out of the room. She locked the door and we ran down the halls, lucky for us no one was there.


We reached the airport in no time; with all the money we had we bought two one-way tickets to Seattle Washington. Walking through the airport, we received a lot of weird looks from passers. I looked down realising that I still had on Demetris shirt and it was wrinkled but it came up to my knees. Lizzie didn't seem to care but I did, I pulled her into the nearest clothing shop and we changed out outfits.

"Hurry up, they called our flight number. Well it sounded like they did" She said, I stepped out of the changing room with my new out fit on. It would make Alice proud.

They scanned the price tags and we paid before hopping on the plane. It was going to be a long flight.

(A/N: I just remembered about the Edward problem and how he's going to Italy. Well now he was on his way but Alice called him and convinced him to come back so he's still in Forks at the moment)



"We have arrived at the Airport, thank you for flying with us" A cheery flight attendant said

Since we had no luggage we left and grabbed out suitcase of money. WE headed towards the street to hail a taxi. Oddly enough it was really quiet, judging by the lack of sun I'd have to say that it was early in the morning. A little yellow car pulled up in front of us. Lizzie opened the door when a loud squeal scared her making her jump back with a hiss.

"Bella!!!!" I turned to see a little blur coming straight for me and engulfing me in a hug. It took me a few seconds to realise who it was

"Alice" I said, hugging her back. She sobbed in my arms, I held her, not knowing why she was so sad

"Oi why are you so loud in the morning at least wait until noon" Lizzie groaned on.

"Lizzie!" Alice lept out of my arms and hugged Lizzie tightly; I guess Alice was glad to see us. We weren't gone that long- only a week tops.

'Could you get her off me, she's squeezing me to death' Lizzie thought out to me.

"Alice it's good to see you after so long!" I said, joining the hug. Lizzie glared at me from over her shoulder. Alice let go of us and she dragged us to the car waiting- which just happened to be a Volvo.

We were shoved inside and Alice drove off- as fast as she could. The ride was uneventful and really quick. Alice was bouncing in her seat as we pulled up in the driveway. It was like she was super excited about something but when I asked she just said to wait. When the car came to a complete stopped, Alice bolted form the car running inside. Lizzie stretched and she left, I just walked out. I didn't get far before I was swept up in a bear hug by one of my favouritest people in the Cullen family.

"Bella, you're alive!" Emmett said loudly hugging me tighter.

"Yeah I know, it's a miracle isn't it and she didn't even trip yet" Lizzie said laughing.

"Oh Lizzie I missed you and your sarcastic comments too" Emmett said pulling her into the hug as well.

"Awe I'm glad to see I'm appreciated and missed" she said wiping an imaginary tear from her cheek. He put us down only to be pulled up by another member of the family. This time I was covered in feather light kisses that tickled.

"My love I missed you so much" He said and he kissed my lips lightly/

"And I you" I said, kissing him again.

---- A few months later ----

Dealing with the wolves over our new appearances went better then I thought it would. The packs down in La Push were very apologetic about not doing their jobs that night so many weeks ago. But we accepted their apologies as long as they were fine about us staying in Forks for a while. They were hesitant at first but when Jacob imprinted on the new Lizzie they agreed right away. Ha I really wasn't expecting that, im glad though.

I really don't care what happened now as long as I have Edward around and my twisted sister nearby I didn't have a care in the world. If the Volturi came by now I would have their heads on a platter then get back to my hubby.