Closure 2/2

She was glad that she drank that last shot of tequila, it gave her the courage to do what she had to do.

But now that she was here, in front of the door she doubted. What if he was asleep? She knocked and had to giggle as it came louder than she intended. She waited and nothing, so she tried again.

By her third shot she had planned the whole thing, but in her mind he had answered quickly.

And she was freezing in the damn corridor! She straightened the little black dress she was wearing and ran her hand through her hair, she had to look perfect.

She heard him unlocking the door and grinned.

"What are you doing here?" He didn't seemed too exited to see her, but she kept grinning. She was going to make things right.

"Hi Phil" He stood in the doorway, his arms folded against his chest. By the looks of him she had disrupted his sleep. His hair was tousled and his eyes a little fuzzy. "Can come in?"

He studied her, taking in her appearance with eyes of steel. For a moment she thought he was going to refuse her. But after what felt like forever, he moved aside so she could come in.

It felt much warmer inside; she went straight to the bed and sat on it.

"It's 3 a.m." he rested his back against the closed door "So it better be important"

She still had her huge grin plastered on her face. It felt phony, but after all the planning she forgot what to say. He wasn't helping matters standing there and glancing at her the way he was doing. Her grin started to fade away into a nervous smile.

"Why did you came in here?"

There was a hint of impatience in his voice, she had to act quick before he decided to send her to her room in defeat.

"I was just passing by..." she bit her lip, that was the stupidest thing to say and she just froze there, looking like the bimbo that she was while he frowned. This wasn't right.

"You were passing by my room at 3 of the morning and decided it was a good time to chat?"

"I just..." she stood up and walked to him "What you said to me, that you still care" she had closed the distance between them and was now standing face to face with him.

"What about it?" his semblance was somber as he looked down at her. Their last encounter hadn't ended to well, but she remembered as if it was yesterday when he had told her that he still cared about her. He cared, even when she had ruined everything between them.

There had been nothing on her mind but that conversation for the last month. It gave her hope that maybe, just maybe not everything was lost as she was so lost without him. The last six months she had been chastising herself. She had been walking a path of self destruction, drinking and partying and just recently someone pointed out to her that it was all a cry for his attention.

"Was it true?" she asked.

"Why would I lie?"

Leave it to Phil to answer a question with another one, some things never change.

"What about now?" she decided to act and moved forward to touch her lips to his. His lips were warm and welcoming against hers, just like she remembered.

Pulling away she looked into his eyes, they were unreadable. She decided to push it a little bit farther, so leaning into him once more she kissed him again.

She felt his tongue lightly caress her bottom lip, it was her cue. She deepened the kiss, her hand went up to tangle in his jet black hair while their tongues danced in a forgotten melody. It felt good and she drowned in the sensations of him. He circled her waist with his arm, bringing her closer to him. She felt home in his arms.

Her free hand went underneath his shirt, running freely over to his chest, his stomach, his sides, she wanted to touch him all over, to re-discover him. He felt so different, yet the same.

He pulled away breathless "You've been drinking" it was more a statement than a question.

"Just a little bit" she mumbled and started kissing and nipping at his neck. She knew how much he liked that.

"Stop that" His voice was raspy, barely a whisper. She ignored him, she was just getting started.

"Maria... I'm serious" he took her by the arms and pushed her away.

She stumbled backwards, stunned. To say he looked mad was an understatement, he looked beyond pissed.

"Why are you mad?"

Phil snorted "You come drunk into my room playing your little games and expect me to be happy about it? You are clueless..." he snorted again walking away from her "I think you better leave"

"I'm not drunk and I'm not playing any games with you Phil..." she walked up to him. His back was to her and she hesitated before touching his arm "I just... I thought..." he turned around to face her.

"No Maria, you didn't think about anything, you never do. You can't come in here and pretend everything could get fixed by wiggling that dress in front of me" It would have at least been bearable if he had been yelling at her, but his tone was even, so calm and devoid of emotion.

This was not going the direction she wanted. She felt so stupid standing there on the verge of tears. She wanted to flee, but her feet remained glued to the floor.

"I love you" she wanted to come clean with him.

"Don't say that" his eyes seemed so haunted, it was all her fault.

"I never wanted you to hate me, but I made you..." It came out as a sob.

He walked up to her, taking her face into his hands "I could never hate you" his eyes were locked with hers as he wiped with his thumb a single tear that had escaped her. He traced a line down to her lips, caressing softly her flesh.

She closed her eyes, feeling his breath against her face. His forehead was resting against hers, while his hand curled around the back of her neck "But you've become a stranger to me. I don't like this new Maria you've turned into"

"It's still me" she opened her eyes to look deep into his own and rested her hands against his chest.

He smiled sadly. They were so close, yet she felt him far away. She wanted to reach for him, cling to him so he wouldn't go away. He shut his eyes, and stood there in silence.

Burying her face into the side of his neck she breathed in his unique scent, it was intoxicating. she had missed him, more than he could understand. His stubble was prickling her, but she didn't minded, it was a welcome sensation.

He pulled her face up to kiss her. It was a light kiss that ended too soon. "I really think you should go" He pulled away from her and took a step back, his eyes burning a hole into her.

She swallowed hard, she was not going to cry in front of him, again. She nodded and turned around.

She came here to tell him that she loved him, and she did. There was nothing more that she could do. She had ruined everything between them and it was too late to repair the damage.

She looked back at him, one last time before leaving for good.

The End