Damn Guys! And I thought we were going awesome!

I have to say. I am a little disappointed in the reviews I got. I got a total of 12 or something.

Come on! From like 23 to 12!

Anyway I can't really complain I've been a terrible updater... and again I apologise.

I had withdrawal symptoms

So here's the next chapter... this story is coming to a close :(

I've actually rewritten the entire ending... freaky. I never thought I'd do that.

"You are not welcome here"

"Sharpay, I just wanna talk"

Emily's POV

"I wanna talk to you infact" I hoped Sharpay would listen

"Yeah right you wanna talk!" Sharpay screeched, causing people to look around at her and me.

"You've caused enough trouble!"

"Sharpay please" I sighed, I could feel tears brimming in my eyes.

"I swear I just want to talk"

"Well I don't wanna listen!" Sharpay screamed.

"I'm Sorry!!" I yelled as loud as I could. Causing confused looks on practically everyone's faces.

"I'm sorry I threatened you, I'm sorry I hurt your brother" I cried. Sharpay looked completely stunned.

"What?" she asked, shaking her head.

"I said I'm sorry" I sighed

"Your sorry?" she asked, I nodded in return. I could feel a couple of tears rolling down my cheeks now.

"Well sadly Emily, sorrys just really not gonna cut it" she shook her head again. I had to be prepared for that, as much as it hurt.

"I understand" I mumbled.

"I just, I want you all to know how sorry I am" They all looked around at each other. The same stunned expression on each of their faces. As if daring each other to speak.

"Troy, I'm sorry I cheated on you. I really do love you. I just... I get that you've moved on" I say looking at the floor. Glancing up to see a weak smile on his face.

"And Gabriella, I'm the most sorry. Everything I put you through, everything I said, everything I've done. I just wish I could take it all back. I wish I had treated you, like family should." Everyone gave me weird looks.

"Family?" Chad chuckled, breaking the silence.

"Emily, being a loners made you loopy" Gee thanks Chad.

I looked back at the ground.

"We are family" I heard Gabriella's small voice say.

"Wait what?" I heard a few gasps from people. Troy and Gabriella on the other hand, looked worried.

Gabriella looked down at the ground. She wasn't sure whether she could trust Emily or not. After everything Emily had put her through, not to mention a fake apology, but what Gabriella did know is that she owed an explanation to her friends.

"Emily's my sister" Gabriella blurted out

"But.. wait... Gabi you said-" Sharpay started, only to be interrupted by Gabriella

"I know what i said" Gabriella sighed

"The truth is, My name is Gabriella Montez and i'm from here in Albuquerque. When i was little my father locked me in a room and abused me" Gabriella tried not to show emotion but the memories were getting to her, tears sliding delicately down her face. Troy could see she was having a tough time and stepped forward, placing his arm around her and pulling her close.

"After Emily and Troy broke up, Troy found out about me and well, he saved me" she smiled weakly up at him. "I've been living with him the whole time while my fathers trying to get me back, thats why Troy and i were in the hospital that day. Troy was trying to protect me while i had a panic attack" she muttered.

"I really am sorry Gabi" Emily whispered, looking towards the ground.

"How do i know your not lying again?" Gabriella asked

"I-I don't know how i can prove it to you..." Emily shook her head. "I'm just asking for another chance, I swear to you i will never hurt you again"

Gabriella stood in the same spot for a moment, she could feel everyones eyes on her. Like some corny TV show they were waiting to see what she'd decided to do. Gabriella wasnt so sure, She wasnt sure whether she could trust Emily or not. Although she would admit that this time her apology seemed more sincere. It seemed like she'd actually meant it, for once in her life... Emily appeared to have a heart.

"Look, what you did to me was horrible." Gabriella started. "You didnt stop him, not once did you stand up for me. Not once did you ever take into consideration, my feelings." she shook her head as Emily's gaze returned to the floor "I really shouldnt ever want to be around you again, you were a horrible person, But you know... I'm a better person" Gabriella nodded "and i'm gonna be the bigger person and give you another chance..."

"Really! Thankyou!!" Emily smiled broadly.

"...But, that doesnt excuse what you did to me. It's going to take time... to ever earn my trust again. But i'm willing to try" Gabriella smiled weakly

"Oh my god! Thanks so much!" Emily darted over to Gabriella, pulling her into a hug

"Squashing... Me" Gabriella managed to choke out as the others watched on in shock.

"Oh! Sorry..." Emily blushed a little as she pulled away, taking in the expressions of the people around her. It was clear a lot of them were indecisive, Not sure whether Gabriella had done the right thing. Silence enveloped them as each and every person tried to figure out what to say next.

"What made you do those horrible things, Emily?" Troy spoke up, curiosity had clearly gotten the better of him.

"Honestly..." She started "I was stupid, i just went along with my dads behaviour. Thinking it was the right thing... and getting more involved, i just..." She trailed off shaking her head "I don't know Troy.." She sighed

"You know Emily, you were horrible to me too" Troy nodded "You were schemeing, manipulative and just a plain bitch" he shrugged "All the while i believed i was in love with you..." he shook his head "Now, that just seems plain stupid... But if your willing to admit that you were wrong and apologise then i cant deny a fresh start.." he shrugged

"Really Troy?" Emily asked hopefully

"Everyong deserves a second chance, no matter how horrible they acted... This is your second chance" He said sticking out his hand, not ready to be so close with his ex-girlfriend, as Emily took his hand, shaking it lightly Troy looked at her directly in the eyes "Dont blow it" he warned

"Wow..." Sharpay finally blurted out "This is way too OC, way too intense"

"Too much information for one day" Taylor shook her head

"You know, while we're on the whole confessions topic..." Chad smiled "Tay, i know i've kind of been a jerk lately..." He sighed as he grasped her hand

"Understatement.." Taylor giggled Chad just shook his head

"I just want you to know that i am in love with you, head over heels, totally and completely... whatever you chicks call it" He laughed "I dont want you to doubt that... ever" he shook his head

"Naawwww, Chad your so sweet!" Taylor smiled and snaked her arms around Chads neck before reaching up on her tip toes to kiss him

"Awwww" Sharpay cooed as she watched the couple "Why couldnt you say something like that to me?" Sharpay slapped Zekes leg lightly while Gabriella laughed.

"Confession!" Troy sighed sticking up his hand nervously, Gabriella looked over at him a little worried. She knew what was coming. Everyone stopped in shock. Troy Bolton hiding a secret from them? They all looked over at him. Waiting patiently.

"Remeber that night my dad and i had a fight?" He sighed "I Honestly, i'm stupid not to tell you guys this... i was just ashamed" he sighed "And i thought it was my fault but.."

"Dude spit it out already, your scaring me" Chad interupted

"On the way back from the game, a drunk driver ran a red light... he was killed instantly" Troy looked down feeling his eyes well with tears "I guess i just wasnt ready to deal with it..."

Chad stood, shock evident across his face. He headed over to Troy before pulling him into a brotherly hug. The boys pulled apart after a little while, exchanging glances before Chad spoke.

"Hoops, you know you dont have to hide something like that... You can talk to me, as corny as that sounds" Chad laughed

"Thanks man" Troy smiled greatfully "Brothers?" he asked

"Brothers" Chad agreed, patting him on the back

The rest of the afternoon was spent bonding. Rebuilding the relationships that had been damaged or broken and in the case of Kelsi and Jason? Starting a relationship. The two had clicked instantly and looked smitten already. Zeke had given Sharpay what she wanted, a corny 'i love you' speech and Chad and Taylor were more loved up than ever. As for Troy and Gabriella? Although feelings had never been admitted, they were there and they were obvious to the rest of the group. Everyone could tell they were in love, so why hadnt they gotten it together yet?

"Just ask her man!" Zeke nudged Troy

"Yeah! Jason had the guts to ask Kelsi out and look at them... already" Chad chuckled, gesturing over to Jason and Kelsi who were locked in a heated make out session already.

"Yeah but what if..." Troy started only to be intrupted

"Don't even start with the whole.. 'What if she rejects me' thing" Chad shook his head "Its not gonna happen"

"Its a possiblitly Chad..." Troy muttered

"Dude no.." Zeke shook his head

"You've already made out, she has to like you to make out with you" Chad laughed

"And you love her.." Zeke agreed

"And-" Chad started

"Okay okay!" Troy interupted "I'll do it" he smiled and nodded

"Go get her!" Chad laughed as Troy headed off and over to the girls

Gabriella, Sharpay, Emily and Taylor were sitting together, talking about Gabriella and Troy. Much to the embarassment of Gabriella.

"If you dont think he's gonna ask you... then ask him" Sharpay shrugged

"But I've never done that before!" Gabriella protested

"She's right..." Emily nodded "Plus he'll probably ask her anyway"

"Do you want him to?" Taylor asked

"Tay!" Sharpay shrieked, making the others jump "Where you completely absent during the conversation she said she loved him?" She giggled

"You love him?" Emily asked, whipping her head around to face Gabriella. This made Gabriella jump a little, She couldnt help but worry that Emily would change at the click of her fingers to her old ways.

"Well... yeah" Gabriella blushed looking down

"Awww thats so cute" Emily giggled

"Hey, speaking of Troy.." Taylor smiled over at Gabriella "He's on his way over here" Taylor grinned as Sharpay squealed slightly.

"Good luck girl!" She got out..

"Hey Gabi?" Troy asked fidgeting a little, Taylor and Sharpay exchanged looks. "Can i talk to you for a minute?" he asked, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly

"Sure Troy" Gabriella smiled before standing and looking over at the girls, Troy took Gabriella's hand, leading her away from the rest of the group.

"I've gotta ask you something" he nodded, turning to face her. He sounded serious and this left Gabriella to wonder if he was going to ask her out after all.

"Go ahead" Gabriella smiled

"But i don't know how you'll react" Troy said as Gabriella giggled

"Spit it out already Bolton, i dont have all day" She hit his arm playfully.

"Ooh, maybe i won't ask you after all" Troy laughed, poking her nose.

"Teaser!" Gabriella stuck her tongue out

"Fine" Troy chuckled and rolled his eyes sarcastically. "Look, over the time that we've know each other, i've always felt drawn to you. Your smile, your eyes, your laughter... It all makes me so happy" He smiled "Everytime i see you i swear, everything feels normal. Like none of that bad stuff ever happened" he nodded "I've always felt like myself around you, like i dont have to be anyone else or like i dont have to act a certain way to get your attention" Troy took a deep breath "You are important to me, important to my life and the truth is i've completely fallen for you. Harder and faster than i've ever fallen before... so i guess what i want to ask is... Will you be my girlfriend?" he asked, biting his lip nervously. Gabriella felt shocked, the things he'd said. it made her want to laugh and cry at the same time. She wasnt even sure if she could speak.

"Urmm.. Gabriella?" Troy asked nervously.

"Oh my god Troy!" She smiled making him jump a little "Yes yes! And a million times yes!" she pulled him into a hug. Troy chuckled hugging her back.

"Well then do me a favour..." he smiled and pulled away a little, removing his platinum ring from his right ring finger "Wear this" he grinned placing it in her hand.

"Of course.." She smiled widely, placing the ring on her own finger before kissing him. He was shocked at first but kissed back.. pulling her close.


The rest of the group watched on in amazement. Seeing the two so close. It was clear they were in love. Clear they were meant to be.

"They really like each other.." Emily smiled

"Ya think?" Taylor laughed

"Theyre so cute!" Emily laughed

"They'll be together forever" Taylor nodded

"Nothing... Will tear them apart" Sharpay agreed

Okay so i hope you liked this chapter!

Troy is soo cute lol... i love him..

So favourite part?

How do you think it will end?

Who's your favourite charecter?

Do you think they shouldve forgiven Emily?

And what about Jim?