

By: Midnight Lost

Disclaimer: In writing this fic, I do not claim any ownership over Bleach, its characters or its story. These belong to its creator Tite Kubo; and published by Shonen Jump.

Authors Notes: To clear things up right from the start, this fic does not follow the original story line Tite Kubo had written. This is an alternate universe exploring the relationship between Aizen and Orihime, though I will try to keep certain elements the same as the series. So please enjoy ^_^

She gazed at her image in the large oval mirror as she put on the black Shimigami robe over the cloths she was already wearing. Her heart was racing as she began to feel anxious. Within the hour the war between Aizen and the Soul Society would start; and there would be only one victor. This all weighed on her thoughts, as she was the one who would tip the balance of power in favor of the man she had grown to love. He was there for her when no one else was. In her darkest hour, he became her guiding light. Now it was her turn to be there for him. Closing her eyes, she began to mentally prepare herself. Calming her heart rate down. As she did this she played with the engagement ring that wrapped around her left ring finger. Opening her eyes she smiled as she looked at it. It was elegant but simple, a silver band with a single diamond. A small giggle escaped her lips as she remembered when the others discovered she was engaged. Ishida had fallen out of his chair in surprise, sprawled on his back. Both Rukia and Ichigo expressed their surprise in unison. Chad only stood there, typical of him she thought. She also found it amusing that none of them suspected exactly who she was engaged to, only naming off various boys from her class. Her eyes then fell onto Gladiaria, her Zanpaktu that leaned against the wall beside the large mirror. It was a beautiful sword, she had to admit. It deeply resembled Rukias blade with the all white scabbard, the pommel and guard. The one exception was a crystal trim that wrapped around the handle to its guard. The blade itself was truly unique as it looked to be crystal, though clearly more durable as it could withstand heavy combat and training as she had found out. She remembered when Aizen presented it to her, insisting that she would need to learn to use it and open herself to it. The idea at first scared her, she wasn't used to using a sword. However Ulquiorra had helped greatly in her training. It wasn't long before she learned her swords name, Gladiaria Alata; the Winged-Swordsmen. The names meaning struck her as odd due to the fact that her swords form was clearly that of a woman, and a rather beautiful one at that. She was shocked the first time she had seen her in her mindscape.

"You seem to be deep in thought young one." a female voice came from behind her. Giving Orihime a slight start, though she never showed it. Looking back into the mirror she saw Alata standing behind her.

"I am merely preparing myself mentally for what I must do when the time comes." she replied. Thankfully this conversation took place in her own mind, for if she would display this on the outside it may seem odd if anyone were to walk in on her.

"I see." A smile curled on Alatas red lips. Wrapping her arms around Orihime. Unlike the other Zanpaktus; Alata was more physical with her owner. "So you intend to go through with this?"

"Of course I do." Orihime spat. "They will pay for what they did to me." Anger and hatred flared in her eyes as she glared at Alata.

"Then so be it." she smiled. "I will continue to assist you, even if your fairies do not." As she spoke she playfully flicked one of Orhimes hair pins. "You are the first person I have seen worthy enough to wield me, do not disappoint me."

There was a sudden knock at the door, snapping Orihime out of her mindscape. Of course her sudden visitor didn't wait for a reply as the orange haired boy opened the door. "Are you ready Orihime?"

"One more minute" she replied from her spot at the mirror, turning to adjust the black robe so that it fully covered her Arrcanar robe beneath it.

' Are you ready Ichigo?" she thought with a smile as she grabbed her Zanpaktu and departed with him to join the others…

Additional Notes: Sorry this one was short, but then again this is just the prologue to give you a peek of what's to come. I am sure many of you can guess that this is going to have a slightly darker tone to it. I hope everyone will enjoy this series as I continue to update it.